@Override public void apply(Hero hero) { setKnown(); Buff.affect(hero, MindVision.class, MindVision.DURATION); Dungeon.observe(); if (Dungeon.level.mobs.size() > 0) { GLog.i("You can somehow feel the presence of other creatures' minds!"); } else { GLog.i("You can somehow tell that you are alone on this level at the moment."); } }
public static void teleportHero(Hero hero) { int count = 10; int pos; do { pos = Dungeon.level.randomRespawnCell(); if (count-- <= 0) { break; } } while (pos == -1); if (pos == -1) { GLog.w(TXT_NO_TELEPORT); } else { appear(hero, pos); Dungeon.level.press(pos, hero); Dungeon.observe(); GLog.i(TXT_TELEPORTED); } }