/** * Test for: CreditCardFilter.For now it uses a value already in DB for the blacklisted cc number. * In prepare-test db the cc number 5555555555554444 is blacklisted. */ @Test public void testBlacklistCreditCardFilter() { UserWS user = buildUser(PRANCING_PONY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, "5555555555554444"); user.setId(api.createUser(user)); ItemTypeWS itemType = buildItemType(); itemType.setId(api.createItemCategory(itemType)); ItemDTOEx item = buildItem(itemType.getId(), api.getCallerCompanyId()); item.setId(api.createItem(item)); InvoiceWS invoice = buildInvoice(user.getId(), item.getId()); invoice.setId(api.saveLegacyInvoice(invoice)); // get invoice id invoice = api.getLatestInvoice(user.getId()); assertNotNull("Couldn't get last invoice", invoice); Integer invoiceId = invoice.getId(); assertNotNull("Invoice id was null", invoiceId); // try paying the invoice System.out.println("Trying to pay invoice for blacklisted user ..."); PaymentAuthorizationDTOEx authInfo = api.payInvoice(invoiceId); assertNotNull("Payment result empty", authInfo); // check that it was failed by the test blacklist filter assertFalse( "Payment wasn't failed for user: "******"Processor response", "Credit card number is blacklisted.", authInfo.getResponseMessage()); // cleanup api.deleteInvoice(invoiceId); api.deleteItem(item.getId()); api.deleteItemCategory(itemType.getId()); api.deleteUser(user.getId()); }
public void testGet() { try { JbillingAPI api = JbillingAPIFactory.getAPI(); // get // try getting one that doesn't belong to us try { System.out.println("Getting invalid invoice"); api.getInvoiceWS(75); fail("Invoice 75 belongs to entity 2"); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println("Getting invoice"); InvoiceWS retInvoice = api.getInvoiceWS(15); assertNotNull("invoice not returned", retInvoice); assertEquals("invoice id", retInvoice.getId(), new Integer(15)); System.out.println("Got = " + retInvoice); // latest // first, from a guy that is not mine try { api.getLatestInvoice(13); fail("User 13 belongs to entity 2"); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println("Getting latest invoice"); retInvoice = api.getLatestInvoice(2); assertNotNull("invoice not returned", retInvoice); assertEquals("invoice's user id", retInvoice.getUserId(), new Integer(2)); System.out.println("Got = " + retInvoice); Integer lastInvoice = retInvoice.getId(); // List of last // first, from a guy that is not mine try { api.getLastInvoices(13, 5); fail("User 13 belongs to entity 2"); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println("Getting last 5 invoices"); Integer invoices[] = api.getLastInvoices(2, 5); assertNotNull("invoice not returned", invoices); retInvoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoices[0]); assertEquals("invoice's user id", new Integer(2), retInvoice.getUserId()); System.out.println("Got = " + invoices.length + " invoices"); for (int f = 0; f < invoices.length; f++) { System.out.println(" Invoice " + (f + 1) + invoices[f]); } // now I want just the two latest System.out.println("Getting last 2 invoices"); invoices = api.getLastInvoices(2, 2); assertNotNull("invoice not returned", invoices); retInvoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoices[0]); assertEquals("invoice's user id", new Integer(2), retInvoice.getUserId()); assertEquals("invoice's has to be latest", lastInvoice, retInvoice.getId()); assertEquals("there should be only 2", 2, invoices.length); // get some by date System.out.println("Getting by date (empty)"); Integer invoices2[] = api.getInvoicesByDate("2000-01-01", "2005-01-01"); // CXF returns null instead of empty arrays // assertNotNull("invoice not returned", invoices2); if (invoices2 != null) { assertTrue("array not empty", invoices2.length == 0); } System.out.println("Getting by date"); invoices2 = api.getInvoicesByDate("2006-01-01", "2007-01-01"); assertNotNull("invoice not returned", invoices2); assertFalse("array not empty", invoices2.length == 0); System.out.println("Got array " + invoices2.length + " getting " + invoices2[0]); retInvoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoices2[0]); assertNotNull("invoice not there", retInvoice); System.out.println("Got invoice " + retInvoice); System.out.println("Done!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception caught:" + e); } }