private void verify(Expectation expected) throws AssertionFailedError { user = api.getUserWS(user.getUserId()); order = api.getOrder(order.getId());"user: {}", userDetailsAsString(user)));"order: {}", orderDetailsAsString(order))); boolean isOk; isOk = assertEqualsBilling( S("userId: {}.", user.getId()), expected.nextInvoiceDate, user.getNextInvoiceDate()); if (!isOk) { failed = true; return; } isOk = assertEqualsBilling( S("orderId: {}.", order.getId()), expected.nextBillableDay, order.getNextBillableDay()); if (!isOk) { failed = true; return; } if (null != expected.invoiceTotal) { verifyInvoice(expected); } }
/** * To add a line to an order * * @param order * @param lineQty * @param lineTypeId * @param lineItemId * @param linePrice * @param description * @return */ public static OrderWS addLine( OrderWS order, Integer lineQty, Integer lineTypeId, Integer lineItemId, BigDecimal linePrice, String description) { // store the existing lines OrderLineWS[] existingLines = order.getOrderLines(); List<OrderLineWS> finalLines = new ArrayList<OrderLineWS>(); // iterate over the array and add to the ArrayList if (null != existingLines) { for (OrderLineWS oneItem : existingLines) { finalLines.add(oneItem); } } // Now add some 1 line OrderLineWS line; line = new OrderLineWS(); line.setTypeId(lineTypeId); line.setItemId(lineItemId); if (null != linePrice) { line.setPrice(linePrice); } line.setAmount(linePrice); line.setQuantity(lineQty); line.setDescription(description); finalLines.add(line); OrderLineWS[] simpleArray = new OrderLineWS[finalLines.size()]; finalLines.toArray(simpleArray); order.setOrderLines(simpleArray); return order; }
public void verify(Date date) throws AssertionFailedError { if (failed) { logger.debug( S("userId: {}, orderId: {}. skip failed scenario", user.getId(), order.getId())); return; } if (expectations.containsKey(date)) { verify(expectations.get(date)); } else { logger.debug( S( "userId: {}, orderId: {}. no expectation for billing at {}", user.getId(), order.getId(), date)); } }
public static OrderWS createOrderObject( Integer userId, Integer currencyId, Integer billingType, Integer orderPeriod, Date activeSince) { /* * Create */ OrderWS newOrder = new OrderWS(); newOrder.setUserId(userId); newOrder.setCurrencyId(currencyId); newOrder.setBillingTypeId(billingType); newOrder.setPeriod(orderPeriod); // Defaults newOrder.setNotes("Domain:"); newOrder.setActiveSince(activeSince); // On some branches this field is present, please uncomment if required // newOrder.setCycleStarts(cal.getTime()); return newOrder; }
public void testCreateInvoiceFromOrder() throws Exception { JbillingAPI api = JbillingAPIFactory.getAPI(); final Integer USER_ID = 10730; // user has no orders // setup orders OrderWS order = new OrderWS(); order.setUserId(USER_ID); order.setBillingTypeId(Constants.ORDER_BILLING_PRE_PAID); order.setPeriod(1); // once order.setCurrencyId(1); order.setActiveSince(new Date()); OrderLineWS line = new OrderLineWS(); line.setTypeId(Constants.ORDER_LINE_TYPE_ITEM); line.setDescription("Order line"); line.setItemId(1); line.setQuantity(1); line.setPrice(new BigDecimal("10.00")); line.setAmount(new BigDecimal("10.00")); order.setOrderLines(new OrderLineWS[] {line}); // create orders Integer orderId1 = api.createOrder(order); Integer orderId2 = api.createOrder(order); // generate invoice using first order Integer invoiceId = api.createInvoiceFromOrder(orderId1, null); assertNotNull("Order 1 created", orderId1); assertNotNull("Order 2 created", orderId2); assertNotNull("Invoice created", invoiceId); Integer[] invoiceIds = api.getLastInvoices(USER_ID, 2); assertEquals("Only 1 invoice was generated", 1, invoiceIds.length); InvoiceWS invoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoiceId); assertEquals("Invoice total is $10.00", new BigDecimal("10.00"), invoice.getTotalAsDecimal()); assertEquals("Only 1 order invoiced", 1, invoice.getOrders().length); assertEquals("Invoice generated from 1st order", orderId1, invoice.getOrders()[0]); // add second order to invoice Integer invoiceId2 = api.createInvoiceFromOrder(orderId2, invoiceId); assertEquals("Order added to the same invoice", invoiceId, invoiceId2); invoiceIds = api.getLastInvoices(USER_ID, 2); assertEquals("Still only 1 invoice generated", 1, invoiceIds.length); invoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoiceId); assertEquals("Invoice total is $20.00", new BigDecimal("20.00"), invoice.getTotalAsDecimal()); assertEquals("2 orders invoiced", 2, invoice.getOrders().length); // cleanup api.deleteInvoice(invoiceId); api.deleteOrder(orderId1); api.deleteOrder(orderId2); }
public void applyChanges(Date date) { if (failed) { logger.debug( S("userId: {}, orderId: {}. skip failed scenario", user.getId(), order.getId())); return; } if (changes.containsKey(date)) { for (TestOrderChangeBuilder change : changes.get(date)) { change.buildNewAndApply(); } } else { logger.debug( S( "userId: {}, orderId: {}. no changes before billing at {}", user.getId(), order.getId(), date)); } }
public void testWrongPluginParameters() throws JbillingAPIException, IOException { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); UserWS user = SureTaxCompositionTaskTest.createUser(currentTimeMillis, ""); // Create an item with wrong Transaction Type code Integer itemId1 = CreateObjectUtil.createItem( "Long Distance Call intra-state", "1.5", currentTimeMillis + "", "2201", api); ItemDTOEx item1 = api.getItem(itemId1, null, null); MetaFieldValueWS[] metaFields = new MetaFieldValueWS[1]; MetaFieldValueWS transTypeMetaField = new MetaFieldValueWS(); transTypeMetaField.setStringValue("010101"); transTypeMetaField.setFieldName("Transaction Type Code"); metaFields[0] = transTypeMetaField; item1.setMetaFields(metaFields); api.updateItem(item1); // purchase order with taxable items Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // I want to set the active since to 07 June 2012 , so the billing // process sees it and invoices it // set the calendar to 06/07 cal.set(2010, 5, 7); OrderWS order = CreateObjectUtil.createOrderObject( user.getUserId(), 1, ServerConstants.ORDER_BILLING_POST_PAID, 1, cal.getTime()); CreateObjectUtil.addLine( order, 10, ServerConstants.ORDER_LINE_TYPE_ITEM, itemId1, new BigDecimal(1.5), "Long Distance Call-intra state"); order.setDueDateUnitId(PeriodUnitDTO.DAY); order.setDueDateValue(0); // order due order.setId(api.createOrder(order)); // create order order = api.getOrder(order.getId()); assertNotNull("order created", order.getId()); Integer[] invoiceIds = null; try { invoiceIds = api.createInvoiceWithDate( user.getUserId(), new Date(), PeriodUnitDTO.DAY, 45, false); // getAllInvoicesForUser(user.getUserId()); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SessionInternalError && e.getMessage().contains("Invalid Validation Key")) { // do nothing } else { assertTrue("Wrong exception raised", false); } } assertNull("No invoices must be generated", invoiceIds); }
private String orderDetailsAsString(OrderWS order) { order = api.getOrder(order.getId()); return S( "order[{}]:type: {}, period: {}, activeSince: {}, nextBillableDay: {}", order.getId(), order.getBillingTypeStr(), order.getPeriodStr(), order.getActiveSince(), order.getNextBillableDay()); }
private void verifyInvoice(Expectation expected) throws AssertionFailedError { if (failed) { return; } Integer[] invoiceIds = api.getLastInvoices(order.getUserId(), 1); InvoiceWS invoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoiceIds[0]); boolean isOk; isOk = assertEqualsBilling( S("invoiceId: {}.", invoice.getId()), expected.invoiceTotal, invoice.getBalanceAsDecimal().setScale(2)); if (!isOk) { failed = true; return; } InvoiceLineDTO[] lines = invoice.getInvoiceLines(); // TODO verify invoice line content }
public OrderWS buildOrder(int userId, List<Integer> itemIds, BigDecimal linePrice) { OrderWS order = new OrderWS(); order.setUserId(userId); order.setBillingTypeId(Constants.ORDER_BILLING_POST_PAID); order.setPeriod(ORDER_PERIOD_ONCE); // once order.setCurrencyId(CURRENCY_USD); order.setActiveSince(new Date()); order.setProrateFlag(Boolean.FALSE); ArrayList<OrderLineWS> lines = new ArrayList<OrderLineWS>(itemIds.size()); for (int i = 0; i < itemIds.size(); i++) { OrderLineWS nextLine = new OrderLineWS(); nextLine.setTypeId(Constants.ORDER_LINE_TYPE_ITEM); nextLine.setDescription("Order line: " + i); nextLine.setItemId(itemIds.get(i)); nextLine.setQuantity(1); nextLine.setPrice(linePrice); nextLine.setAmount(nextLine.getQuantityAsDecimal().multiply(linePrice)); lines.add(nextLine); } order.setOrderLines(lines.toArray(new OrderLineWS[lines.size()])); return order; }
/** Tests the PaymentRouterCurrencyTask. */ @Test public void testPaymentRouterCurrencyTask() { // prepare UserWS userUSD = buildUser(PRANCING_PONY_ACCOUNT_TYPE); userUSD.setCurrencyId(CURRENCY_USD); userUSD.setId(api.createUser(userUSD)); UserWS userAUD = buildUser(PRANCING_PONY_ACCOUNT_TYPE); userAUD.setCurrencyId(CURRENCY_AUD); userAUD.setId(api.createUser(userAUD)); ItemTypeWS itemType = buildItemType(); itemType.setId(api.createItemCategory(itemType)); ItemDTOEx item = buildItem(itemType.getId(), api.getCallerCompanyId()); item.setId(api.createItem(item)); // testing OrderWS order = buildOrder(userUSD.getId(), Arrays.asList(item.getId()), new BigDecimal("10")); order.setCurrencyId(userUSD.getCurrencyId()); // create the order and invoice it System.out.println("Creating and invoicing order ..."); Integer invoiceIdUSD = api.createOrderAndInvoice( order, OrderChangeBL.buildFromOrder(order, ORDER_CHANGE_STATUS_APPLY)); Integer orderIdUSD = api.getLastOrders(userUSD.getId(), 1)[0]; // try paying the invoice in USD System.out.println("Making payment in USD..."); PaymentAuthorizationDTOEx authInfo = api.payInvoice(invoiceIdUSD); assertTrue("USD Payment should be successful", authInfo.getResult().booleanValue()); assertEquals( "Should be processed by 'first_fake_processor'", authInfo.getProcessor(), "first_fake_processor"); // create a new order in AUD and invoice it order.setUserId(userAUD.getId()); order.setCurrencyId(userAUD.getCurrencyId()); System.out.println("Creating and invoicing order ..."); Integer invoiceIdAUD = api.createOrderAndInvoice( order, OrderChangeBL.buildFromOrder(order, ORDER_CHANGE_STATUS_APPLY)); Integer orderIdAUD = api.getLastOrders(userAUD.getId(), 1)[0]; // try paying the invoice in AUD System.out.println("Making payment in AUD..."); authInfo = api.payInvoice(invoiceIdAUD); assertTrue("AUD Payment should be successful", authInfo.getResult().booleanValue()); assertEquals( "Should be processed by 'second_fake_processor'", authInfo.getProcessor(), "second_fake_processor"); // remove invoices and orders System.out.println("Deleting invoices and orders."); api.deleteInvoice(invoiceIdUSD); api.deleteInvoice(invoiceIdAUD); api.deleteOrder(orderIdUSD); api.deleteOrder(orderIdAUD); api.deleteUser(userUSD.getId()); api.deleteUser(userAUD.getId()); api.deleteItem(item.getId()); api.deleteItemCategory(itemType.getId()); }
/** * Tests that when a past due invoice is processed it will generate a new invoice for the current * period that contains all previously un-paid balances as the carried balance. * * <p>Invoices that have been carried still show the original balance for reporting/paper-trail * purposes, but will not be re-processed by the system as part of the normal billing process. * * @throws Exception */ public void testCreateWithCarryOver() throws Exception { final Integer USER_ID = 10743; // user has one past-due invoice to be carried forward final Integer OVERDUE_INVOICE_ID = 70; // holds a $20 balance JbillingAPI api = JbillingAPIFactory.getAPI(); // new order witha single line item OrderWS order = new OrderWS(); order.setUserId(USER_ID); order.setBillingTypeId(Constants.ORDER_BILLING_PRE_PAID); order.setPeriod(1); // once order.setCurrencyId(1); order.setActiveSince(new Date()); OrderLineWS line = new OrderLineWS(); line.setTypeId(Constants.ORDER_LINE_TYPE_ITEM); line.setDescription("Order line"); line.setItemId(1); line.setQuantity(1); line.setPrice(new BigDecimal("10.00")); line.setAmount(new BigDecimal("10.00")); order.setOrderLines(new OrderLineWS[] {line}); // create order Integer orderId = api.createOrder(order); // create invoice Integer invoiceId = api.createInvoice(USER_ID, false)[0]; // validate that the overdue invoice has been carried forward to the newly created invoice InvoiceWS overdue = api.getInvoiceWS(OVERDUE_INVOICE_ID); assertEquals( "Status updated to 'unpaid and carried'", Constants.INVOICE_STATUS_UNPAID_AND_CARRIED, overdue.getStatusId()); assertEquals("Carried invoice will not be re-processed", 0, overdue.getToProcess().intValue()); assertEquals( "Overdue invoice holds original balance", new BigDecimal("20.00"), overdue.getBalanceAsDecimal()); assertEquals( "Overdue invoice delegated to the newly created invoice", invoiceId, overdue.getDelegatedInvoiceId()); // validate that the newly created invoice contains the carried balance InvoiceWS invoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoiceId); assertEquals( "New invoice balance is equal to the current period charges", new BigDecimal("10.00"), invoice.getBalanceAsDecimal()); assertEquals( "New invoice holds the carried balance equal to the old invoice balance", overdue.getBalanceAsDecimal(), invoice.getCarriedBalanceAsDecimal()); assertEquals( "New invoice total is equal to the current charges plus the carried total", new BigDecimal("30.00"), invoice.getTotalAsDecimal()); }
public void testCreateInvoice() { try { final Integer USER_ID = 10730; // user has no orders JbillingAPI api = JbillingAPIFactory.getAPI(); // setup order OrderWS order = new OrderWS(); order.setUserId(USER_ID); order.setBillingTypeId(Constants.ORDER_BILLING_PRE_PAID); order.setPeriod(1); // once order.setCurrencyId(1); order.setActiveSince(new Date()); OrderLineWS line = new OrderLineWS(); line.setTypeId(Constants.ORDER_LINE_TYPE_ITEM); line.setDescription("Order line"); line.setItemId(1); line.setQuantity(1); line.setPrice(new BigDecimal("10.00")); line.setAmount(new BigDecimal("10.00")); order.setOrderLines(new OrderLineWS[] {line}); /* * Test invoicing of one-time and recurring orders */ // create 1st order Integer orderId1 = api.createOrder(order); // create 2nd order line.setPrice(new BigDecimal("20.00")); line.setAmount(new BigDecimal("20.00")); Integer orderId2 = api.createOrder(order); // create invoice Integer[] invoices = api.createInvoice(USER_ID, false); assertEquals("Number of invoices returned", 1, invoices.length); InvoiceWS invoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoices[0]); assertNull("Invoice is not delegated.", invoice.getDelegatedInvoiceId()); assertEquals( "Invoice does not have a carried balance.", BigDecimal.ZERO, invoice.getCarriedBalanceAsDecimal()); Integer[] invoicedOrderIds = invoice.getOrders(); assertEquals("Number of orders invoiced", 2, invoicedOrderIds.length); Arrays.sort(invoicedOrderIds); assertEquals("Order 1 invoiced", orderId1, invoicedOrderIds[0]); assertEquals("Order 2 invoiced", orderId2, invoicedOrderIds[1]); assertEquals("Total is 30.0", new BigDecimal("30.00"), invoice.getTotalAsDecimal()); // clean up api.deleteInvoice(invoices[0]); api.deleteOrder(orderId1); api.deleteOrder(orderId2); /* * Test only recurring order can generate invoice. */ // one-time order line.setPrice(new BigDecimal("2.00")); line.setAmount(new BigDecimal("2.00")); orderId1 = api.createOrder(order); // try to create invoice, but none should be returned invoices = api.createInvoice(USER_ID, true); // Note: CXF returns null for empty array if (invoices != null) { assertEquals("Number of invoices returned", 0, invoices.length); } // recurring order order.setPeriod(2); // monthly line.setPrice(new BigDecimal("3.00")); line.setAmount(new BigDecimal("3.00")); orderId2 = api.createOrder(order); // create invoice invoices = api.createInvoice(USER_ID, true); assertEquals("Number of invoices returned", 1, invoices.length); invoice = api.getInvoiceWS(invoices[0]); invoicedOrderIds = invoice.getOrders(); assertEquals("Number of orders invoiced", 2, invoicedOrderIds.length); Arrays.sort(invoicedOrderIds); assertEquals("Order 1 invoiced", orderId1, invoicedOrderIds[0]); assertEquals("Order 2 invoiced", orderId2, invoicedOrderIds[1]); assertEquals("Total is 5.0", new BigDecimal("5.00"), invoice.getTotalAsDecimal()); // clean up api.deleteInvoice(invoices[0]); api.deleteOrder(orderId1); api.deleteOrder(orderId2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception caught:" + e); } }