public void testBadArgs() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory dir = new TestDirectory("sdf2fasta")) { final ArrayList<InputStream> al = new ArrayList<>(); final FastaSequenceDataSource ds = new FastaSequenceDataSource(al, new DNAFastaSymbolTable()); final SequencesWriter sw = new SequencesWriter(ds, dir, 300000, PrereadType.UNKNOWN, false); sw.processSequences(); checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", dir.toString(), "-o", "junithi", "-l", "-1"); } }
public void testValidUse2() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory dir = new TestDirectory("sdf2fasta")) { createPreread(">x" + StringUtils.LS + "actgn" + StringUtils.LS, new File(dir, "left")); createPreread(">x" + StringUtils.LS + "actgn" + StringUtils.LS, new File(dir, "right")); final String pathpr = dir.getPath(); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT, pathpr, "ACTGN", "ACTGN"); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT + ".FA", pathpr, "ACTGN", "ACTGN"); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT + ".fasta", pathpr, "ACTGN", "ACTGN"); } }
public void testValidUse() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory dir = new TestDirectory("sdf2fasta")) { createPreread(">x" + StringUtils.LS + "actgn" + StringUtils.LS, dir); final String pathpr = dir.getPath(); try { runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT, pathpr, "ACTGN"); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT + ".FA", pathpr, "ACTGN"); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT + ".fasta", pathpr, "ACTGN"); runCommandLineLength2(pathpr); } finally { FileHelper.deleteAll(dir); } createPrereadProtein(dir); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT, pathpr, "X*ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV"); } }
public void testValidation() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory main = new TestDirectory()) { final File in = FileHelper.resourceToGzFile( "com/rtg/vcf/resources/vcfsubset.vcf", new File(main, "vcf.vcf.gz")); final File foo = new File(main, "foo"); final File out = new File(main, "out.vcf.gz"); final File out2 = new File(main, "out.vcf"); String err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", foo.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath()); TestUtils.containsAll(TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Given file ", " does not exist."); err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", main.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath()); TestUtils.containsAll(TestUtils.unwrap(err), main.getPath() + "\" is a directory"); assertTrue(out.createNewFile()); err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "out.vcf").getPath()); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "The file \"" + out.getPath() + "\" already exists"); assertTrue(out2.createNewFile()); err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", in.getPath(), "-o", out2.getPath(), "--no-gzip"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "The file \"" + out2.getPath() + "\" already exists"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-infos", "--remove-info", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-infos, --remove-info, or --keep-info can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-infos", "--keep-info", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-infos, --remove-info, or --keep-info can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-info", "feh", "--keep-info", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-infos, --remove-info, or --keep-info can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-filters", "--remove-filter", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-filters, --remove-filter, or --keep-filter can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-filters", "--keep-filter", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-filters, --remove-filter, or --keep-filter can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-filter", "feh", "--keep-filter", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-filters, --remove-filter, or --keep-filter can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-samples", "--remove-sample", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-samples, --remove-sample, or --keep-sample can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-samples", "--keep-sample", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-samples, --remove-sample, or --keep-sample can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-sample", "feh", "--keep-sample", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-samples, --remove-sample, or --keep-sample can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-format", "feh", "--keep-format", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-format or --keep-format can be set"); } }