/** * Testcase from Stefan. * * <p>- Is form a nature paper and a holo and apo form of a protein... - Testcase for an alignment * - AND - testcase if all aminos and hetagtoms get indexed... */ public void testAllAgainstAll() { int ngramSize = 17; String pathToTargetDirOrFile = "src/test/resources/nature_paper_apo_holo/"; String pathToQueryDirOrFile = pathToTargetDirOrFile; String outputFilePath = tempDir + File.separator + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "/"; boolean dealOnlyWithFirstModel = true; IFileToStringTranslator iFileToStringTranslator = new PDBProteinTranslator( iResidueToStringTransformer, dealOnlyWithFirstModel, scoringFunction, ngramTo3DTranslator); double thresholdOfRefinementScoreUnderWichResultIsOmitted = 0.3; // set up and clean: DeleteDirRecursively.deleteDir(new File(tempDir)); ProteinMatchRunner.executeSearch( ngramSize, iFileToStringTranslator, iResidueToStringTransformer, pathToTargetDirOrFile, pathToQueryDirOrFile, outputFilePath, dealOnlyWithFirstModel, thresholdOfRefinementScoreUnderWichResultIsOmitted, 1); // check if there are two result dirs with 2 perfect matches each... // check if there are two result dirs with 2 perfect matches each... String[] dirNames = new File(outputFilePath).list(); // 0. check if there are 8 result dirs in general: if (dirNames.length != 2) { fail(); } // 1. for each resultdir check if there are enough result files: for (String dirName : dirNames) { String resultDirFileName = outputFilePath + File.separator + dirName; // System.out.println(resultDirFileName + " " + new File(resultDirFileName).list().length); if (new File(resultDirFileName).list().length != 3) { fail(); } } // tear down and clean: // DeleteDirRecursively.deleteDir(new File(tempDir)); }
public void testLength10() { String tempDir = "src/test/tmp"; int ngramSize = 10; // apoform String pathToTargetDirOrFile = "src/test/resources/bindingsitedetection/dominic_testfall/proteine/1ABB_C.ent"; // binding site of holo String pathToQueryDirOrFile = "src/test/resources/bindingsitedetection/dominic_testfall/binding_sites/1H5U_A_999.ent"; String outputFilePath = "src/test/tmp/" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "/"; boolean dealOnlyWithFirstModel = true; IFileToStringTranslator iFileToStringTranslator = new PDBProteinTranslator( iResidueToStringTransformer, dealOnlyWithFirstModel, scoringFunction, ngramTo3DTranslator); double thresholdOfRefinementScoreUnderWichResultIsOmitted = 0.6; // set up and clean: DeleteDirRecursively.deleteDir(new File(tempDir)); ProteinMatchRunner.executeSearch( ngramSize, iFileToStringTranslator, iResidueToStringTransformer, pathToTargetDirOrFile, pathToQueryDirOrFile, outputFilePath, dealOnlyWithFirstModel, thresholdOfRefinementScoreUnderWichResultIsOmitted, 1); // check if there are two result dirs with 2 perfect matches each... File chainADir = new File(outputFilePath + File.separator + "1H5U_A_999.ent-model-0-chain-A"); String[] allFiles = chainADir.list(); if (allFiles.length != 2) { fail(); } // tear down and clean: // DeleteDirRecursively.deleteDir(new File(tempDir)); }