public static boolean getBoolean(String field, Map data, boolean required) throws GeneralException { Object o = null; if (required) { o = TypeEncoder.checkTypeAndNotNull(field, data, Boolean.class); } else { o = data.get(field); if (o == null) { return false; } if (!Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) { throw new GeneralException( "Expected type for: " + field + " to be: " + Number.class.getName() + ", is: " + o.getClass().getName()); } } return (Boolean) o; }
public static Date getDate(String field, Map data, boolean required) throws GeneralException { Object o = null; if (required) { o = TypeEncoder.checkTypeAndNotNull(field, data, Number.class); } else { o = data.get(field); if (o == null) { return null; } if (!Number.class.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) { throw new GeneralException( "Expected type for: " + field + " to be: " + Number.class.getName() + ", is: " + o.getClass().getName()); } } return new Date(((Number) o).longValue()); }
public static Chapter decodeToChapter(Map m) throws GeneralException { String cid = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.chapterid, m); String cname = TypeEncoder.getString(, m); String ctext = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.text, m, false); String cver = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.version, m); String cm = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.markup, m, false); Chapter c = new Chapter(); c.setId(cid); c.setName(cname); c.setText(ctext); c.setMarkup(cm); c.setVersion(cver); return c; }
public static Note decodeToNote(Map m) throws GeneralException { String chid = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.chapterid, m); String chver = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.chapterversion, m); String cname = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.chaptername, m, false); // Create a fake chapter to hold the id/version. Chapter c = new Chapter(); c.setId(chid); c.setVersion(chver); c.setName(cname); String cid = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.commentid, m); String text = TypeEncoder.getString(MessageFieldNames.text, m); Note n = new Note(); n.setChapter(c); n.setDescription(text); // Need to also setup the summary. n.setSummaryFromDescription(); n.setId(cid); n.setDealtWith(TypeEncoder.getDate(, m, false)); n.setPosition(TypeEncoder.getInt(MessageFieldNames.start, m)); int end = TypeEncoder.getInt(MessageFieldNames.end, m, false); if (end > -1) { n.setEndPosition(end); } return n; }
public static boolean getBoolean(String field, Map data) throws GeneralException { return TypeEncoder.getBoolean(field, data, true); }
public static Date getDate(String field, Map data) throws GeneralException { return TypeEncoder.getDate(field, data, true); }
public static int getInt(String field, Map data) throws GeneralException { return TypeEncoder.getInt(field, data, true); }