@Override public void init() { // Treads. rightTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("rightTread"); leftTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("leftTread"); leftTread.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); rightTread.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); leftTread.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); // Servos. rightPusher = hardwareMap.servo.get("rightPusher"); leftPusher = hardwareMap.servo.get("leftPusher"); rightBumper = hardwareMap.servo.get("rightBumper"); leftBumper = hardwareMap.servo.get("leftBumper"); climber = hardwareMap.servo.get("climber"); rightPusher.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.RIGHT_PUSHER_STOWED); leftPusher.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.LEFT_PUSHER_STOWED); rightBumper.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.RIGHT_BUMPER_DOWN); leftBumper.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.LEFT_BUMPER_DOWN); climber.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.CLIMBER_STORE); // Beacon arms. BeaconArms beacon = new BeaconArms(rightPusher, leftPusher, true); }
@Override public void loop() { if (this.time < 6.5d) { goForward(-1.0); } else if (this.time < 8.0d) { turnRight(1.0); } else if (this.time < 11d) { goForward(-1.0); } else if (this.time < 14d) { turnRight(1.0); armUp = true; motorArm.setPower(0.5); if (this.time > 11.2d) { motorArm.setPower(0.1); } } else if (this.time < 16) { goForward(1.0); motorSlide.setPower(1.0); } else if (this.time < 18) { stopMotors(); motorSlide.setPower(0.0); forwardBack.setPosition(0.75); } else if (this.time < 22) { motorSlide.setPower(-1.0); forwardBack.setPosition(0.5); } telemetry.addData("Text", "*** Robot Data***"); telemetry.addData("..", "time: " + String.format("%.2f", this.time)); }
@Override public void init() { /* Assigns DcMotor objects to physical motors using Hardware Mapping */ lbMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("lbMotor"); lfMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("lfMotor"); rfMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("rfMotor"); rbMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("rbMotor"); hangRotateMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("hangRotateMotor"); hangSlideMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("hangSlideMotor"); armMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("armMotor"); /* Assigns Servo objects to physical servos using Hardware Mapping */ climber = hardwareMap.servo.get("climber"); rSwitch = hardwareMap.servo.get("rSwitch"); lSwitch = hardwareMap.servo.get("lSwitch"); /* resets Servo positions */ climber.setPosition(CLIMBER_DOWN_POSITION); rSwitch.setPosition(RSWITCH_CLOSED_POSITION); lSwitch.setPosition(LSWITCH_CLOSED_POSITION); /* runs backward motors in opposite direction */ lfMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); lbMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); telemetry.addData("init complete", ""); }
public void smoothDump(ElapsedTime timer) { moveStraight(8.5, false, .3); double pos = Keys.CLIMBER_INITIAL_STATE; // .85 to .31 so you want to decrement timer.reset(); telemetry.addData("place", "before while"); while (pos > Keys.CLIMBER_DUMP) { timer.reset(); while (timer.time() * 1000 < 200) { // do nothing try { sleep(2); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } telemetry.addData("waiting", timer.time() * 1000); } pos -= .05; climber.setPosition(pos); /*telemetry.addData("place","during while"); telemetry.addData("timer",timer.time()); telemetry.addData("timer math",((int)(timer.time()*1000))); telemetry.addData("timer math2",((int)(timer.time()*1000))%200); telemetry.addData("climber",climber.getPosition()); telemetry.addData("constant","INIT"+Keys.CLIMBER_INITIAL_STATE+" DUMP"+Keys.CLIMBER_DUMP);*/ } // once it is here, it finished dumping. // retract - the sudden should be ok cuz hopefully by that time it will have already dumped climber.setPosition(Keys.CLIMBER_INITIAL_STATE); moveStraight(8.5, true, .3); telemetry.addData("place", "after while"); }
@Override public void loop() { // Gamepad 1 - Drive Controller float rightDriveMotorSpeed = -gamepad1.right_stick_y; float leftDriveMotorSpeed = -gamepad1.left_stick_y; rightDriveMotorSpeed = Range.clip(rightDriveMotorSpeed, -1, 1); leftDriveMotorSpeed = Range.clip(leftDriveMotorSpeed, -1, 1); rightDriveMotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(rightDriveMotorSpeed); leftDriveMotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(leftDriveMotorSpeed); System.out.println(rightDriveMotorSpeed); driveRight.setPower(rightDriveMotorSpeed); driveLeft.setPower(leftDriveMotorSpeed); if (gamepad1.a & hookServoClick == 0) { hookServoPosition -= hookServoDelta; System.out.println(hookServoPosition); hookServoClick = 1; hookServo.setPosition(hookServoPosition); } if (gamepad1.a & hookServoClick == 1) { hookServoPosition += hookServoDelta; System.out.println(hookServoPosition); hookServoClick = 0; hookServo.setPosition(hookServoPosition); } if (gamepad1.x & triggerServoClick == 0) { triggerServoPosition -= triggerServoDelta; System.out.println(triggerServoPosition); triggerServoClick = 1; triggerServo.setPosition(triggerServoPosition); } if (gamepad1.x & triggerServoClick == 1) { triggerServoPosition += triggerServoDelta; System.out.println(triggerServoPosition); triggerServoClick = 0; triggerServo.setPosition(triggerServoPosition); } // Gamepad 2 float armStage1MotorSpeed = -gamepad2.right_stick_y; float armStage2MotorSpeed = -gamepad2.left_stick_y; armStage1MotorSpeed = Range.clip(armStage1MotorSpeed, -1, 1); armStage2MotorSpeed = Range.clip(armStage2MotorSpeed, -1, 1); armStage1MotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(armStage1MotorSpeed); armStage2MotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(armStage2MotorSpeed); armStage1.setPower(armStage1MotorSpeed); armStage2.setPower(armStage2MotorSpeed); }
public void init(HardwareMap hardwareMap) { leftClimberServo = hardwareMap.servo.get("leftClimberServo"); leftClimberServo.setPosition(leftInitialPosition); rightClimberServo = hardwareMap.servo.get("rightClimberServo"); rightClimberServo.setPosition(rightInitialPosition); }
@Override public void init() { // Drive Motors driveRight = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("driveRight"); driveLeft = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("driveLeft"); // Arm Motors armStage1 = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("armStage1"); armStage2 = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("armStage2"); // Servos hookServo = hardwareMap.servo.get("hookServo"); triggerServo = hardwareMap.servo.get("triggerServo"); // Controllers driveController = hardwareMap.dcMotorController.get("driveController"); armController = hardwareMap.dcMotorController.get("armController"); servoController = hardwareMap.servoController.get("servoController"); // sets servo Pos hookServoPosition = 0.2; triggerServoPosition = 0.2; hookServo.setPosition(hookServoPosition); triggerServo.setPosition(triggerServoPosition); }
private void armDrive(double armPosition, long sleepAmount) throws InterruptedException { climbers.setPosition(armPosition); // set the arm power according to the double armPower sleep(sleepAmount); // sleep for a certain amount of milliseconds climbers.setPosition(1.0); // stop the motors }
@Override public void loop() { double rightDrive; double leftDrive; rightDrive = -gamepad1.right_stick_y; leftDrive = -gamepad1.left_stick_y; if (gamepad1.dpad_up) { rightDrive = 0.3; leftDrive = 0.3; } else if (gamepad1.dpad_down) { rightDrive = -0.3; leftDrive = -0.3; } else if (gamepad1.dpad_right) { rightDrive = -0.3; leftDrive = 0.3; } else if (gamepad1.dpad_left) { rightDrive = 0.3; leftDrive = -0.3; } motorRight.setPower(rightDrive); motorLeft.setPower(leftDrive); if (gamepad1.a) { servoClimberDumper.setPosition(1.0); } else { servoClimberDumper.setPosition(0.0); } telemetry.addData("trackLifter", Integer.toString(trackLifter.getCurrentPosition())); telemetry.addData("liftCheck", liftCheck.isPressed()); telemetry.addData("ENCLeft", Integer.toString(motorLeft.getCurrentPosition())); telemetry.addData("ENCRight", Integer.toString(motorRight.getCurrentPosition())); telemetry.addData("trigger", gamepad1.right_trigger); }
/* Initialize standard Hardware interfaces */ public void init(HardwareMap ahwMap) { // Save reference to Hardware map hwMap = ahwMap; // Define and Initialize Motors leftMotor = hwMap.dcMotor.get("left_drive"); rightMotor = hwMap.dcMotor.get("right_drive"); armMotor = hwMap.dcMotor.get("left_arm"); leftMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.FORWARD); // Set to REVERSE if using AndyMark motors rightMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); // Set to FORWARD if using AndyMark motors // Set all motors to zero power leftMotor.setPower(0); rightMotor.setPower(0); armMotor.setPower(0); // Set all motors to run without encoders. // May want to use RUN_USING_ENCODERS if encoders are installed. leftMotor.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); rightMotor.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); armMotor.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); // Define and initialize ALL installed servos. leftClaw = hwMap.servo.get("left_hand"); rightClaw = hwMap.servo.get("right_hand"); leftClaw.setPosition(MID_SERVO); rightClaw.setPosition(MID_SERVO); }
/* * This method will be called repeatedly in a loop * * @see com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode#run() */ @Override public void loop() { double reflection = 0.0; double left, right = 0.0; // keep manipulator out of the way. arm.setPosition(armPosition); claw.setPosition(clawPosition); /* * Use the 'time' variable of this op mode to determine * how to adjust the motor power. */ if (this.time <= 1) { // from 0 to 1 seconds, run the motors for five seconds. left = 0.15; right = 0.15; } else if (this.time > 5 && this.time <= 8.5) { // between 5 and 8.5 seconds, point turn right. left = 0.15; right = -0.15; } else if (this.time > 8.5 && this.time <= 15) { // between 8 and 15 seconds, idle. left = 0.0; right = 0.0; } else if (this.time > 15d && this.time <= 20.75d) { // between 15 and 20.75 seconds, point turn left. left = -0.15; right = 0.15; } else { // after 20.75 seconds, stop. left = 0.0; right = 0.0; } /* * set the motor power */ motorRight.setPower(left); motorLeft.setPower(right); /* * read the light sensor. */ // reflection = reflectedLight.getLightLevel(); /* * Send telemetry data back to driver station. Note that if we are using * a legacy NXT-compatible motor controller, then the getPower() method * will return a null value. The legacy NXT-compatible motor controllers * are currently write only. */ telemetry.addData("Text", "*** Robot Data***"); telemetry.addData("time", "elapsed time: " + Double.toString(this.time)); telemetry.addData("reflection", "reflection: " + Double.toString(reflection)); telemetry.addData("left tgt pwr", "left pwr: " + Double.toString(left)); telemetry.addData("right tgt pwr", "right pwr: " + Double.toString(right)); }
public void operate(Servo ser, double position, long wait) { ser.setPosition(position); try { Thread.sleep(wait); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); System.exit(1); } ser.setPosition(0); }
// initialize servos public void init_servos() { // redNoodleServo = hardwareMap.servo.get("redNoodle"); blueNoodleServo = hardwareMap.servo.get("blueNoodle"); shoulderRatchet = hardwareMap.servo.get("shoulderRatchet"); tapeRatchet = hardwareMap.servo.get("tapeRatchet"); redNoodleServo.setPosition(redNoodleDown); blueNoodleServo.setPosition(blueNoodleDown); tapeRatchet.setPosition(tapeRatchetOpen); shoulderRatchet.setPosition(shoulderRatchetOpen); }
public void loop() { resetServos(); moveSwiv(); swivLeft.setPosition(leftSwivPos); swivRight.setPosition((rightSwivPos)); updateGamepadTelemetry(); float direction = gamepad1.right_stick_y; direction = Range.clip(direction, -1, 1); arm.setPosition(scaleContinuous(-gamepad1.right_stick_y)); }
/* * Function to automatically move the hanging arm. * Should be called in a loop. * @return returns true when the arm is in the process of moving. */ public boolean hangingAutomation() { double hang1Position = Math.max(srvoHang_1.getPosition() - HangServoDelta, HANG1_MIN_RANGE); srvoHang_1.setPosition(hang1Position); // when big servo is midway through it's travel from min to max... if (srvoHang_1.getPosition() < (HANG1_MAX_RANGE + HANG1_MIN_RANGE) / 2) { // tell the big servo to go to it's max range (as fast as possible) srvoHang_1.setPosition(HANG1_MAX_RANGE); // start the small servo to create a lunging effect srvoHang_2.setPosition(HANG2_MAX_RANGE); return false; } return true; }
public void setPosition(Direction direction) { if (verticalPostiiton == Direction.MID) { switch (direction) { case UP: servoLeft.setPosition(leftUP); servoRight.setPosition(rightUP); break; case MID: servoLeft.setPosition(leftMID); servoRight.setPosition(rightMID); break; case DOWN: servoLeft.setPosition(leftDOWN); servoRight.setPosition(rightDOWN); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must be UP, DOWN, MID!"); } horizontalPosition = direction; } else { servoLeft.setPosition(leftMID); servoRight.setPosition(rightMID); horizontalPosition = Direction.MID; } }
/** * Moves right climber servo based on {@code enum rightClimberDirection} value set in {@link * DriverStation#getNextClimberCmd()} * * @param drvrcmd {@link DriverCommand} object with values. */ public void applyDSCmd(DriverCommand drvrcmd) { switch (drvrcmd.rightClimberCmd.rightClimberDirection) { case DOWN: rightClimber.setPosition(0.5); break; case UP: rightClimber.setPosition(0); break; case NONE: break; default: break; } }
/* * handleServos * * Oscillate the servos. */ protected void handleServos() { if ((firstServos) || (servoOscTimer.time() > SERVO_OSC_FREQ)) { if (servoPosition == 0.0) { servoPosition = 1.0; } else { servoPosition = 0.0; } servo1.setPosition(servoPosition); servo2.setPosition(servoPosition); servo3.setPosition(servoPosition); servo4.setPosition(servoPosition); servoOscTimer.reset(); firstServos = false; } }
@Override public void init() { motorHangL = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motorHangL"); motorHangR = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motorHangR"); motorSpinner = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("manipulator"); ramp = hardwareMap.servo.get("ramp"); drop = hardwareMap.servo.get("drop"); claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("claw"); motorHangL.setPower(0); motorHangR.setPower(0); motorSpinner.setPower(0); boxBelt.setPosition(.5); ramp.setPosition(0); drop.setPosition(0); }
public Climber_Savers(LinearOpMode opMode) throws InterruptedException { this.opMode = opMode; opMode.telemetry.addData("ClimberSavers", "constructor"); // get hardware mappings climberSaverServo = opMode.hardwareMap.servo.get("ClimberSaverServo"); climberSaverServo.setPosition(STARTPOSITION); }
/* * This method will be called repeatedly in a loop * * @see com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode#run() */ @Override public void loop() { /* * Gamepad 1 * * Gamepad 1 controls the motors via the left stick, and it controls the * wrist/claw via the a,b, x, y buttons */ // throttle: left_stick_y ranges from -1 to 1, where -1 is full up, and // 1 is full down // direction: left_stick_x ranges from -1 to 1, where -1 is full left // and 1 is full right float left_throttle = -gamepad1.left_stick_y; float right_throttle = -gamepad1.right_stick_y; // scale the joystick value to make it easier to control // the robot more precisely at slower speeds. left_throttle = (float) scaleInput(left_throttle); right_throttle = (float) scaleInput(right_throttle); // write the values to the motors front_right.setPower(right_throttle); back_right.setPower(right_throttle); front_left.setPower(left_throttle); back_left.setPower(left_throttle); // update the position of the arm. if (gamepad1.y) { // if the A button is pushed on gamepad1, increment the position of // the arm servo. spinnerPosition += spinnerDelta; } if (gamepad1.a) { // if the Y button is pushed on gamepad1, decrease the position of // the arm servo. spinnerPosition -= spinnerDelta; } // clip the position values so that they never exceed their allowed range. spinnerPosition = Range.clip(spinnerPosition, 0.0, 1.0); // write position values to the wrist and claw servo spinner.setPosition(spinnerPosition); /* * Send telemetry data back to driver station. Note that if we are using * a legacy NXT-compatible motor controller, then the getPower() method * will return a null value. The legacy NXT-compatible motor controllers * are currently write only. */ telemetry.addData("Text", "*** Robot Data***"); telemetry.addData("arm", "arm: " + String.format("%.2f", armPosition)); telemetry.addData("claw", "claw: " + String.format("%.2f", clawPosition)); telemetry.addData("left tgt pwr", "left pwr: " + String.format("%.2f", left)); telemetry.addData("right tgt pwr", "right pwr: " + String.format("%.2f", right)); }
public void moveVertical(Direction direction) { switch (direction) { case UP: setPosition(Direction.MID); servoVertical.setPosition(verticalUP); break; case MID: servoVertical.setPosition(verticalMID); break; case DOWN: setPosition(Direction.MID); servoVertical.setPosition(verticalDOWN); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must be UP, DOWN, MID!"); } verticalPostiiton = direction; }
@Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { initMotors(); waitForStart(); // Autonomous starts here // Wait for motors to calibrate Thread.sleep(1000); // Drive to floorgoal, backwards MotorRunner.run( this, new DcMotor[] {motorLeft, motorRight}, -Power.FULL_SPEED, new TimeUnit(Values.DRIVE_FLOORGOAL)); // Turn to align with floor goal MotorRunner.run(this, motorRight, Power.FULL_SPEED, new TimeUnit(Values.TURN_FLUSH)); // Attempt to Deliver Climbers dump.setPosition(Values.DUMP_DOWN); Thread.sleep(1000); dump.setPosition(Values.DUMP_UP); // Turn to align with mountain motorLeft.setPower(-Power.FULL_SPEED); MotorRunner.run(this, motorRight, Power.FULL_SPEED, new TimeUnit(Values.TURN_MOUNTAIN)); motorRight.setPower(0); // Drive up mountain MotorRunner.run( this, new DcMotor[] {motorLeft, motorRight}, Power.FULL_SPEED, new TimeUnit(Values.DRIVE_MOUNTAIN)); // Try to grab a churro MotorRunner.run(this, tape1, Power.SLOW_SPEED, new TimeUnit(Values.SEND_TAPE)); motorLeft.setPower(Power.FULL_SPEED); motorRight.setPower(Power.FULL_SPEED); for (int i = 0; i < Values.TAPE_TIMES; i++) { MotorRunner.run(this, tape1, -Power.NORMAL_SPEED, new TimeUnit(Values.RETRACT_TAPE)); Thread.sleep(250); } stopMotors(); }
/** * Moves right climber servo based on {@code enum rightClimberDirection} value set in {@link * DriverStation#getNextClimberCmd()} * * @param drvrcmd {@link DriverCommand} object with values. */ public void applyDSCmd(DriverCommand drvrcmd) { if (!rightClimberAvailable) { return; } double rightClimberPosition = rightClimber.getPosition(); DbgLog.msg(String.format("RightClimber Position = %f", rightClimberPosition)); switch (drvrcmd.rightClimberCmd.rightClimberStatus) { case -1: rightClimber.setPosition(Range.clip(0, 0, 1)); break; case 1: rightClimber.setPosition(Range.clip(1, 0, 1)); break; case 0: break; default: break; } }
/* * Code to run when the op mode is first enabled goes here * * @see com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode#start() */ @Override public void init() { // Setup motor and reverse direction of left motor motorRight = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor_3"); motorLeft = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor_4"); motorLeft.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); motorArm = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor_1"); motorSlide = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor_2"); rightLeft = hardwareMap.servo.get("servo_3"); forwardBack = hardwareMap.servo.get("servo_4"); clawGrab = hardwareMap.servo.get("servo_5"); grabPos = clawGrab.getPosition(); while (grabPos < 0.9) { grabPos += 0.1; clawGrab.setPosition(grabPos); } rightLeft.setPosition(0.2); forwardBack.setPosition(0.20); new ArmStopper().start(); }
@Override public void loop() { telemetry.addData("!WARNING! ", "!DANGEROUS SERVO TESTING! - " + mode); changeMode(); theDumper.setPosition(Range.clip(lDrivePower, 0.0, 1.0)); if (!mode) { lDrivePower -= 0.01; } if (mode) { lDrivePower += 0.01; } }
@Override public void handle() { boolean lock = robot.gamepad1.right_bumper; if (lock) { lock(); } else { unlock(); } robot.telemetry.addData("Churro Snatcher Lock", lock); robot.telemetry.addData("Churro Snatcher Pos", churroSnatcher1.getPosition()); }
@Override public void init() { // currentState = 1; knockerRight = hardwareMap.servo.get("knockerRight"); // servo_3 knockerLeft = hardwareMap.servo.get("knockerLeft"); // servo_2 backClimber = hardwareMap.servo.get("backClimber"); // servo_4 // sweeper = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor_5"); hook = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("hookMotor"); // motor_3 winch = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("winchMotor"); // motor_4 motorLeft = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("leftMotor"); // motor_2 motorRight = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("rightMotor"); // motor_1 // physical motors are mounted 180 from each other to both face out to wheels. // So, to have robot go forward, one motor needs to be reversed. motorLeft.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); // 1/21/16 - adding (motor mode) Reset Encoders before start loop. motorRight.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RESET_ENCODERS); motorLeft.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RESET_ENCODERS); telemetry.addData("Text", "***RESETTING***"); // motorRight.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); // motorLeft.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); motorRight.setTargetPosition(0); motorRight.setPower(0.0); motorLeft.setTargetPosition(0); motorLeft.setPower(0.0); knockerLeft.setPosition(.52); knockerRight.setPosition(.52); backClimber.setPosition(.52); // REMEMBER: 0.0 to .5 is forward, while .5 to 1.0 is backwards. }
public void loop() { arm.setPower(1); arm.setTargetPosition(3500); if (getRuntime() > 5) { revMotor.setPower(0 - 1 * (1.3 / 3)); if (getRuntime() > 10) launcher.setPosition(0); } if (getRuntime() > 11) { launcher.setPosition(1); revMotor.setPower(0); } if ((getRuntime() > 12) && (getRuntime() < 14)) { arm.setTargetPosition(0); arm.setPower(-1); motorBackLeft.setPower(-1); motorFrontLeft.setPower(0.6); motorBackRight.setPower(1); motorBackRight.setPower(-0.6); telemetry.addData("I'm doing it", arm.isBusy()); } telemetry.addData("amIBusy()", arm.isBusy()); telemetry.update(); }
@Override public void init() { // Ints hardware motorRight = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motorR"); motorLeft = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motorL"); trackLifter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("trkLftr"); armExtend = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("armExtend"); // servos // servoBeaconPusher = hardwareMap.servo.get("beacon_pusher"); servoClimberDumper = hardwareMap.servo.get("climber_dumper"); // climberDoor = hardwareMap.servo.get("climberDoor"); servoDist = hardwareMap.servo.get("servoDist"); climberTriggerLeft = hardwareMap.servo.get("trigLeft"); climberTriggerRight = hardwareMap.servo.get("trigRight"); cowCatcher = hardwareMap.servo.get("cowCatcher"); armLock = hardwareMap.servo.get("armLock"); trackLock = hardwareMap.servo.get("trackLock"); // zipTieSweeper = hardwareMap.servo.get("zipTieSweeper"); ColorSense = hardwareMap.colorSensor.get("color"); nearMountainSwitch = hardwareMap.digitalChannel.get("nearMtnSw"); redBlueSwitch = hardwareMap.digitalChannel.get("rbSw"); ultraSense = hardwareMap.ultrasonicSensor.get("ultraSense"); gyroSense = hardwareMap.gyroSensor.get("gyro"); liftCheck = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("liftCheck"); servoClimberDumper.setPosition(0.0); // WHATEVER WE ARE GOING TO CALL THIS THING = // hardwareMap.opticalDistanceSensor.get("STUFFANDTHINGS"); nearMountainFlag = nearMountainSwitch.getState(); // set up motors motorLeft.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.FORWARD); motorRight.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); trackLifter.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); armExtend.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); motorRight.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODERS); motorLeft.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODERS); trackLifter.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); armExtend.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODERS); cowCatcher.setPosition(0.1); climberTriggerLeft.setPosition(0.8); climberTriggerRight.setPosition(0.0); armLock.setPosition(0.5); servoDist.setPosition(0.5); trackLock.setPosition(0.45); }