public boolean okMessage(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if (!super.okMessage(myHost, msg)) return false; if (msg.amITarget(this)) { MOB mob = msg.source(); switch (msg.targetMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_DRINK: if ((mob.isMine(this)) || (phyStats().weight() > 1000) || (!CMLib.flags().isGettable(this))) { if (!containsDrink()) { mob.tell(name() + " is empty."); return false; } if ((liquidType() == RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SALTWATER) || (liquidType() == RawMaterial.RESOURCE_LAMPOIL)) { mob.tell( "You don't want to be drinking " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(liquidType()).toLowerCase() + "."); return false; } return true; } mob.tell("You don't have that."); return false; case CMMsg.TYP_FILL: if ((liquidRemaining() >= amountOfLiquidHeld) && (liquidHeld() < 500000)) { mob.tell(name() + " is full."); return false; } if ((msg.tool() != null) && (msg.tool() != && (msg.tool() instanceof Drink)) { Drink thePuddle = (Drink) msg.tool(); if (!thePuddle.containsDrink()) { mob.tell( + " is empty."); return false; } if ((liquidRemaining() > 0) && (liquidType() != thePuddle.liquidType())) { mob.tell( "There is still some " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(liquidType()).toLowerCase() + " left in " + name() + ". You must empty it before you can fill it with " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(thePuddle.liquidType()).toLowerCase() + "."); return false; } return true; } mob.tell("You can't fill " + name() + " from that."); return false; default: break; } } return true; }
public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if ((msg.amITarget(littlePlants)) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_GET)) msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg( msg.source(), littlePlants, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.MSG_DEATH, CMMsg.NO_EFFECT, null)); }
public boolean okMessage(Environmental host, CMMsg msg) { if (!super.okMessage(host, msg)) return false; if (( == affected) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_ENTER) && (affected instanceof Room) && (isLaw(msg.source()))) { msg.source().tell("You don't think there's anything going on in there."); return false; } return true; }
public void executeMsg(Environmental host, CMMsg msg) { if ((affected instanceof Armor) && (msg.source() == ((Armor) affected).owner())) { if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_REMOVE) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WEAR) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WIELD) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_HOLD) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DROP)) checked = false; else { check(msg.source(), (Armor) affected); super.executeMsg(host, msg); } } else super.executeMsg(host, msg); }
public boolean okMessage(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if (!super.okMessage(myHost, msg)) return false; if ((affected == null) || (!(affected instanceof MOB))) return true; MOB mob = (MOB) affected; if (msg.amISource(mob) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DAMAGE) && (msg.tool() instanceof Weapon) && (msg.tool() == naturalWeapon)) msg.setValue(msg.value() + naturalWeapon.basePhyStats().damage() + super.getXLEVELLevel(mob)); return true; }
public void executeMsg(Environmental host, CMMsg msg) { if (affected instanceof MOB) { MOB mob = (MOB) affected; if ((msg.source() == mob) && ( == mob.location()) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_LEAVE)) { failed = true; unInvoke(); } else if ((CMLib.flags().isStanding(mob)) || (mob.location() != room)) { failed = true; unInvoke(); } } super.executeMsg(host, msg); }
public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if (msg.source().riding() == this) { CMLib.commands().handleHygenicMessage(msg, 0, PlayerStats.HYGIENE_WATERCLEAN); } if (msg.amITarget(this)) { MOB mob = msg.source(); switch (msg.targetMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_DRINK: amountOfLiquidRemaining -= amountOfThirstQuenched; boolean thirsty = mob.curState().getThirst() <= 0; boolean full = !mob.curState() .adjThirst(amountOfThirstQuenched, mob.maxState().maxThirst(mob.baseWeight())); if (thirsty) mob.tell("You are no longer thirsty."); else if (full) mob.tell("You have drunk all you can."); if (disappearsAfterDrinking) { destroy(); return; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_FILL: if ((msg.tool() != null) && (msg.tool() instanceof Drink)) { Drink thePuddle = (Drink) msg.tool(); int amountToTake = amountTakenToFillMe(thePuddle); thePuddle.setLiquidRemaining(thePuddle.liquidRemaining() - amountToTake); if (amountOfLiquidRemaining <= 0) setLiquidType(thePuddle.liquidType()); if (((long) amountOfLiquidRemaining + (long) amountToTake) <= (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) amountOfLiquidRemaining += amountToTake; if (amountOfLiquidRemaining > amountOfLiquidHeld) amountOfLiquidRemaining = amountOfLiquidHeld; if ((amountOfLiquidRemaining <= 0) && (disappearsAfterDrinking)) { destroy(); return; } } break; default: break; } } super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); }
public boolean okMessage(Environmental host, CMMsg msg) { if (!super.okMessage(host, msg)) return false; Room R = msg.source().location(); if ((host instanceof Area) && (R != null) && (R.getArea() != host)) return true; int weather = weather(host, R); // first handle the effect of storms on ranged // weapons if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) && (msg.source().rangeToTarget() != 0) && (msg.tool() instanceof Item) && (!(msg.tool() instanceof Electronics)) && ((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_THROW) || ((msg.tool() instanceof Weapon) && ((((Weapon) msg.tool()).weaponClassification() == Weapon.CLASS_RANGED) || (((Weapon) msg.tool()).weaponClassification() == Weapon.CLASS_THROWN))))) { switch (weather) { case Climate.WEATHER_WINDY: case Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM: case Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD: case Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM: { if ((CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < windsheer) && (R != null)) { msg.source(),, msg.tool(), CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^WThe strong wind blows <S-YOUPOSS> attack against <T-NAMESELF> with <O-NAME> off target.^?"); return false; } break; } } } // then try to handle slippage in wet weather if (((msg.sourceMajor(CMMsg.MASK_MOVE))) && (R != null)) { String what = null; switch (weather) { case Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD: case Climate.WEATHER_SNOW: if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < snowSlipChance) what = "cold wet"; break; case Climate.WEATHER_RAIN: case Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM: if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < rainSlipChance) what = "slippery wet"; break; case Climate.WEATHER_SLEET: if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < sleetSlipChance) what = "icy"; break; } if ((what != null) && (!CMLib.flags().isInFlight(msg.source())) && (R.domainType() != Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_AIR) && (R.domainType() != Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_WATERSURFACE) && (R.domainType() != Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_UNDERWATER) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() > ((msg.source().charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_DEXTERITY) * 3) + 25))) { int oldDisposition = msg.source().basePhyStats().disposition(); oldDisposition = oldDisposition & (~(PhyStats.IS_SLEEPING | PhyStats.IS_SNEAKING | PhyStats.IS_SITTING)); msg.source().basePhyStats().setDisposition(oldDisposition | PhyStats.IS_SITTING); msg.source().recoverPhyStats(); msg.source(), null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^W<S-NAME> slip(s) on the " + what + " ground.^?"); return false; } } if ((R != null) && (weather == Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD)) { Ability A = CMClass.getAbility("Spell_ObscureSelf"); if (A != null) { A.setAffectedOne(msg.source()); if (!A.okMessage(msg.source(), msg)) return false; } } return true; }