public DVector parseLootPolicyFor(MOB mob) { if (mob == null) return new DVector(3); Vector lootPolicy = (!mob.isMonster()) ? new Vector() : CMParms.parseCommas(CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_ITEMLOOTPOLICY), true); DVector policies = new DVector(3); for (int p = 0; p < lootPolicy.size(); p++) { String s = ((String) lootPolicy.elementAt(p)).toUpperCase().trim(); if (s.length() == 0) continue; Vector compiledMask = null; int maskDex = s.indexOf("MASK="); if (maskDex >= 0) { s = s.substring(0, maskDex).trim(); compiledMask = CMLib.masking() .maskCompile(((String) lootPolicy.elementAt(p)).substring(maskDex + 5).trim()); } else compiledMask = new Vector(); Vector parsed = CMParms.parse(s); int pct = 100; for (int x = 0; x < parsed.size(); x++) if (CMath.isInteger((String) parsed.elementAt(x))) pct = CMath.s_int((String) parsed.elementAt(x)); else if (CMath.isPct((String) parsed.elementAt(x))) pct = (int) Math.round(CMath.s_pct((String) parsed.elementAt(x)) * 100.0); int flags = 0; if (parsed.contains("RUIN")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_RUIN; else if (parsed.contains("LOSS")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_LOSS; if (flags == 0) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_LOSS; if (parsed.contains("WORN")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_WORN; else if (parsed.contains("UNWORN")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_UNWORN; policies.addElement(Integer.valueOf(pct), Integer.valueOf(flags), compiledMask); } return policies; }
public Set<MOB> getDeadMOBsFrom(Environmental whoE) { if (whoE instanceof MOB) { final MOB mob = (MOB) whoE; final Room room = mob.location(); if (room != null) return getEveryoneHere(mob, room); } else if (whoE instanceof Item) { final Item item = (Item) whoE; final Environmental E = item.owner(); if (E != null) { final Room room = getTickersRoom(whoE); if (room != null) { if ((E instanceof MOB) && ((mask == null) || (CMLib.masking().maskCheck(mask, E, false)))) return new XHashSet<MOB>((MOB) E); else if (E instanceof Room) return getEveryoneHere(null, (Room) E); room.recoverRoomStats(); } } } else if (whoE instanceof Room) return getEveryoneHere(null, (Room) whoE); else if (whoE instanceof Area) { final Set<MOB> allMobs = new HashSet<MOB>(); for (final Enumeration r = ((Area) whoE).getMetroMap(); r.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Room R = (Room) r.nextElement(); allMobs.addAll(getEveryoneHere(null, R)); } } return new HashSet<MOB>(); }
@Override public void setMiscText(String newMiscText) { super.setMiscText(newMiscText); final String maskStr = CMParms.getParmStr(newMiscText, "mask", ""); mask = null; if ((maskStr != null) && (maskStr.trim().length() > 0)) mask = CMLib.masking().getPreCompiledMask(maskStr); }
@Override public boolean execute(MOB mob, List<String> commands, int metaFlags) throws { final StringBuffer head = new StringBuffer(""); final boolean isArchonLooker = CMSecurity.isASysOp(mob); head.append("^x["); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Class"), 16) + " "); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Race"), 8) + " "); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Lvl"), 4) + " "); if (isArchonLooker) head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Last"), 18) + " "); head.append("] Character Name^.^?\n\r"); mob.tell( "^x[" + CMStrings.centerPreserve( L("The Administrators of @x1", CMProps.getVar(CMProps.Str.MUDNAME)), head.length() - 10) + "]^.^?"); final java.util.List<PlayerLibrary.ThinPlayer> allUsers = CMLib.database().getExtendedUserList(); String mask = CMProps.getVar(CMProps.Str.WIZLISTMASK); if (mask.length() == 0) mask = "-ANYCLASS +Archon"; final MaskingLibrary.CompiledZMask compiledMask = CMLib.masking().maskCompile(mask); for (final PlayerLibrary.ThinPlayer U : allUsers) { CharClass C; final MOB player = CMLib.players().getPlayer(; if (player != null) C = player.charStats().getCurrentClass(); else C = CMClass.getCharClass(U.charClass()); if (C == null) C = CMClass.findCharClass(U.charClass()); if (((player != null) && (CMLib.masking().maskCheck(compiledMask, player, true))) || (CMLib.masking().maskCheck(compiledMask, U))) { head.append("["); if (C != null) head.append(CMStrings.padRight(, 16) + " "); else head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Unknown"), 16) + " "); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(U.race(), 8) + " "); if ((C == null) || (!C.leveless())) head.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + U.level(), 4) + " "); else head.append(CMStrings.padRight(" ", 4) + " "); if (isArchonLooker) head.append(CMStrings.padRight(CMLib.time().date2String(U.last()), 18) + " "); head.append("] " +; head.append("\n\r"); } } mob.tell(head.toString()); return false; }
public Set<MOB> getEveryoneHere(MOB spareMe, Room R) { final Set<MOB> V = new HashSet<MOB>(); if (R == null) return V; for (int i = 0; i < R.numInhabitants(); i++) { final MOB M = R.fetchInhabitant(i); if ((spareMe != null) && (spareMe == M)) continue; if ((M != null) && (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(M, R, CMSecurity.SecFlag.IMMORT)) && ((mask == null) || (CMLib.masking().maskCheck(mask, M, false)))) V.add(M); } return V; // CMLib.combat().postDeath(null,M,null); }
public Item isRuinedLoot(DVector policies, Item I) { if (I == null) return null; if ((CMath.bset(I.envStats().disposition(), EnvStats.IS_UNSAVABLE)) || (CMath.bset(I.envStats().sensesMask(), EnvStats.SENSE_ITEMNORUIN)) || (I instanceof Coins)) return I; if ("ruined ") >= 0) return I; for (int d = 0; d < policies.size(); d++) { if ((((Vector) policies.elementAt(d, 3)).size() > 0) && (!CMLib.masking().maskCheck((Vector) policies.elementAt(d, 3), I, true))) continue; if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() > ((Integer) policies.elementAt(d, 1)).intValue()) continue; int flags = ((Integer) policies.elementAt(d, 2)).intValue(); if (CMath.bset(flags, CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_WORN) && I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY)) continue; else if (CMath.bset(flags, CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_UNWORN) && (!I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) continue; if (CMath.bset(flags, CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_LOSS)) return null; Item I2 = CMClass.getItem("GenItem"); I2.baseEnvStats().setWeight(I.baseEnvStats().weight()); I2.setName(I.Name()); I2.setDisplayText(I.displayText()); I2.setDescription(I2.description()); I2.recoverEnvStats(); I2.setMaterial(I.material()); String ruinDescAdder = null; switch (I2.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) { case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_CLOTH: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_VEGETATION: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_FLESH: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_PAPER: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is torn and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MITHRIL: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_WOODEN: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is battered and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_GLASS: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is shattered and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_ROCK: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_PRECIOUS: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_PLASTIC: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is cracked and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_UNKNOWN: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_ENERGY: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LIQUID: default: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is ruined beyond repair."; break; } I2.setDescription(CMStrings.endWithAPeriod(I2.description()) + " " + ruinDescAdder); String oldName = I2.Name(); I2.setName(CMLib.english().insertUnColoredAdjective(I2.Name(), "ruined")); int x = I2.displayText().toUpperCase().indexOf(oldName.toUpperCase()); I2.setBaseValue(0); if (x >= 0) I2.setDisplayText( I2.displayText().substring(0, x) + I2.Name() + I2.displayText().substring(x + oldName.length())); return I2; } return I; }