@Nonnull public IMicroDocument getAsDocument() { final IMicroDocument aDocument = new MicroDocument(); final IMicroElement aElement = aDocument.appendElement(CFeed.XMLNS_ATOM, "feed"); super.fillElement(aElement); for (final IFeedElement aEntry : m_aEntries) aElement.appendChild(aEntry.getAsElement("entry")); return aDocument; }
public CSSFiles(@Nonnull final IReadableResource aFile) { final IMicroDocument aDoc = MicroReader.readMicroXML(aFile); if (aDoc != null) { final IMicroElement eRoot = aDoc.getDocumentElement(); if (eRoot.getTagName().equals("list")) { // Old style s_aLogger.warn("CSS file " + aFile.getPath() + " is in old syntax"); final List<String> aAllCSSFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); if (XMLListHandler.readList(eRoot, aAllCSSFiles).isFailure()) s_aLogger.error("Failed to read " + aFile.getPath()); for (final String sCSS : aAllCSSFiles) addGlobalItem(null, sCSS, null); } else { // New style for (final IMicroElement eChild : eRoot.getAllChildElements("css")) { final String sCondComment = eChild.getAttribute("condcomment"); final String sPath = eChild.getAttribute("path"); if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sPath)) { s_aLogger.error("Found CSS item without a path in " + aFile.getPath()); continue; } final String sMedia = eChild.getAttribute("media"); // ESCA-JAVA0261: final Set<ECSSMedium> aMediaList = new LinkedHashSet<ECSSMedium>(); if (sMedia != null) for (final String sMedium : RegExHelper.getSplitToArray(sMedia, ",\\s*")) { final ECSSMedium eMedium = ECSSMedium.getFromNameOrNull(sMedium); if (eMedium == null) { s_aLogger.warn( "CSS item '" + sPath + "' in " + aFile.getPath() + " has an invalid medium '" + sMedium + "' - ignoring"); continue; } aMediaList.add(eMedium); } addGlobalItem(sCondComment, sPath, aMediaList); } } } }
/** * Interpret the passed XHTML fragment as HTML and retrieve a result container with all body * elements. * * @param sXHTML The XHTML text fragment. This fragment is parsed as an HTML body and may * therefore not contain the <body> tag. * @return <code>null</code> if the passed text could not be interpreted as XHTML or if no body * element was found, an {@link IMicroContainer} with all body children otherwise. */ @Nullable public IMicroContainer unescapeXHTMLFragment(@Nullable final String sXHTML) { // Ensure that the content is surrounded by a single tag final IMicroDocument aDoc = parseXHTMLFragment(sXHTML); if (aDoc != null && aDoc.getDocumentElement() != null) { // Find "body" case insensitive final IMicroElement eBody = HCUtils.getFirstChildElement(aDoc.getDocumentElement(), EHTMLElement.BODY); if (eBody != null) { final IMicroContainer ret = new MicroContainer(); if (eBody.hasChildren()) { // Make a copy of the list, because it is modified in // detachFromParent! for (final IMicroNode aChildNode : ContainerHelper.newList(eBody.getChildren())) ret.appendChild(aChildNode.detachFromParent()); } return ret; } } return null; }