protected void buildColumnAndSectionData() { int hw = 45; int pw = 180; int vw = 50; int pnw = 45; int sw = 55; rowHeaderColumnData = new ColumnData("", hw, JLabel.LEFT, 0, Object.class); columnData = new ColumnData[4]; sectionData = new SectionData[2]; columnData[0] = new ColumnData("Preset", pw, JLabel.LEFT, 0, ReadablePreset.class, null, mmptce); columnData[1] = new ColumnData("Volume", vw, JLabel.LEFT, 1, ReadableParameterModel.class, null, pmtce); columnData[2] = new ColumnData("Pan", pnw, JLabel.LEFT, 1, ReadableParameterModel.class, null, pmtce); columnData[3] = new ColumnData("Submix", sw, JLabel.LEFT, 1, ReadableParameterModel.class, null, pmtce); // replace "" below with " " to make the section headers visible String sStr = ""; // if (totalChnls > 16) // sStr = " "; sectionData[0] = new SectionData( UIColors.getTableFirstSectionBG(), UIColors.getTableFirstSectionFG(), pw, sStr); sectionData[1] = new SectionData( UIColors.getTableSecondSectionBG(), UIColors.getTableSecondSectionFG(), vw + pnw + sw, sStr); }
public FilterPanel init( final ReadablePreset.ReadableVoice voice, TableExclusiveSelectionContext tsc) throws ParameterException, DeviceException { this.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); final List filterIds = voice .getPreset() .getDeviceParameterContext() .getVoiceContext() .getIdsForCategory(ParameterCategories.VOICE_FILTER); filterModels = new ReadableParameterModel[filterIds.size()]; try { for (int i = 0, j = filterIds.size(); i < j; i++) filterModels[i] = voice.getParameterModel((Integer) filterIds.get(i)); } catch (IllegalParameterIdException e) { ZUtilities.zDisposeCollection(Arrays.asList(filterModels)); throw e; } Action ra = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { voice .getPreset() .refreshVoiceParameters( voice.getVoiceNumber(), (Integer[]) filterIds.toArray(new Integer[filterIds.size()])); } catch (PresetException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }; ra.putValue("tip", "Refresh Filter"); FilterParameterTableModel model = new FilterParameterTableModel(filterModels); RowHeaderedAndSectionedTablePanel ampPanel; VoiceParameterTable vpt = new VoiceParameterTable(voice, ParameterCategories.VOICE_FILTER, model, "Filter"); tsc.addTableToContext(vpt); ampPanel = new RowHeaderedAndSectionedTablePanel() .init(vpt, "Show Filter", UIColors.getTableBorder(), ra); this.add(ampPanel); return this; }
public void paintIcon(Component component, Graphics graphics, int x, int y) { Graphics2D g2d = ((Graphics2D) graphics); RenderingHints hints = g2d.getRenderingHints(); g2d.setRenderingHints(UIColors.iconRH); Shape c; if (pi != null) { pi.paintIcon(component, graphics, x, y); } else { c = new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, w, h); GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint(x, y, c1, x + w, y + h, c2, false); g2d.setPaint(gp); g2d.fill(c); } // c = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(x + Math.round(w / 3.0), y, Math.round(w / 3.0), h, 2, 2); g2d.setColor(UIColors.applyAlpha(c1, 175)); Ellipse2D.Double e = new Ellipse2D.Double(); e.setFrame(x + w / 2.0, y + h / 2.0, w / 2.0, h / 2.0); g2d.fill(e); e.setFrame(x, y, w / 2.0, h / 2.0); g2d.fill(e); g2d.setRenderingHints(hints); }
public VoiceEditingIcon(int w, int h, Color c1, Color c2) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.c1 = UIColors.applyAlpha(c1, UIColors.iconAlpha); this.c2 = UIColors.applyAlpha(c2, UIColors.iconAlpha); }
public Color getBackground() { return UIColors.getDefaultBG(); }