public void renameFile(long fileId, String oldFileName, String newFileName) throws IOException { synchronized (syncObject) { if (!files.containsKey(fileId)) return; final OFileClassic file = files.get(fileId); final String osFileName = file.getName(); if (osFileName.startsWith(oldFileName)) { final File newFile = new File( storageLocal.getStoragePath() + File.separator + newFileName + osFileName.substring( osFileName.lastIndexOf(oldFileName) + oldFileName.length())); boolean renamed = file.renameTo(newFile); while (!renamed) { OMemoryWatchDog.freeMemoryForResourceCleanup(100); renamed = file.renameTo(newFile); } } writeNameIdEntry(new NameFileIdEntry(oldFileName, -1), false); writeNameIdEntry(new NameFileIdEntry(newFileName, fileId), true); nameIdMap.remove(oldFileName); nameIdMap.put(newFileName, fileId); } }
public void close() throws IOException { flush(); if (!commitExecutor.isShutdown()) { commitExecutor.shutdown(); try { if (!commitExecutor.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) throw new OException("Background data flush task can not be stopped."); } catch (InterruptedException e) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Data flush thread was interrupted"); Thread.interrupted(); throw new OException("Data flush thread was interrupted", e); } } synchronized (syncObject) { for (OFileClassic fileClassic : files.values()) { if (fileClassic.isOpen()) fileClassic.close(); } if (nameIdMapHolder != null) { nameIdMapHolder.setLength(0); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : nameIdMap.entrySet()) { writeNameIdEntry(new NameFileIdEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()), false); } nameIdMapHolder.getFD().sync(); nameIdMapHolder.close(); } } }
public boolean wasSoftlyClosed(long fileId) throws IOException { synchronized (syncObject) { OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId); if (fileClassic == null) return false; return fileClassic.wasSoftlyClosed(); } }
public boolean isOpen(long fileId) { synchronized (syncObject) { OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId); if (fileClassic != null) return fileClassic.isOpen(); return false; } }
private OFileClassic createFile(String fileName) { OFileClassic fileClassic = new OFileClassic(); String path = storageLocal .getVariableParser() .resolveVariables(storageLocal.getStoragePath() + File.separator + fileName); fileClassic.init(path, storageLocal.getMode()); return fileClassic; }
public long isOpen(String fileName) throws IOException { synchronized (syncObject) { initNameIdMapping(); final Long fileId = nameIdMap.get(fileName); if (fileId == null) return -1; final OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId); if (fileClassic == null || !fileClassic.isOpen()) return -1; return fileId; } }
private String doDeleteFile(long fileId) throws IOException { if (isOpen(fileId)) truncateFile(fileId); final OFileClassic fileClassic = files.remove(fileId); String name = null; if (fileClassic != null) { name = fileClassic.getName(); if (fileClassic.exists()) fileClassic.delete(); } return name; }
private void flushPage(long fileId, long pageIndex, ODirectMemoryPointer dataPointer) throws IOException { if (writeAheadLog != null) { OLogSequenceNumber lsn = ODurablePage.getLogSequenceNumberFromPage(dataPointer); OLogSequenceNumber flushedLSN = writeAheadLog.getFlushedLSN(); if (flushedLSN == null || flushedLSN.compareTo(lsn) < 0) writeAheadLog.flush(); } final byte[] content = dataPointer.get(0, pageSize); OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(MAGIC_NUMBER, content, 0); final int crc32 = calculatePageCrc(content); OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(crc32, content, OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE); final OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId); fileClassic.write(pageIndex * pageSize, content); if (syncOnPageFlush) fileClassic.synch(); }
private void validateFileContent(byte version, int k) throws IOException { String path = storageLocal.getConfiguration().getDirectory() + "/readWriteCacheTest" + k + ".tst"; OFileClassic fileClassic = new OFileClassic(); fileClassic.init(path, "r");; for (int i = 0; i < PAGE_COUNT; i++) { byte[] content = new byte[8]; * (8 + systemOffset) + systemOffset, content, 8); Assert.assertEquals( content, new byte[] {version, 2, 3, seed, 5, 6, (byte) k, (byte) (i & 0xFF)}, " i = " + i); } fileClassic.close(); }
private OCachePointer cacheFileContent(long fileId, long pageIndex) throws IOException { final long startPosition = pageIndex * pageSize; final long endPosition = startPosition + pageSize; byte[] content = new byte[pageSize]; OCachePointer dataPointer; final OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId); if (fileClassic.getFilledUpTo() >= endPosition) {, content, content.length); final ODirectMemoryPointer pointer = new ODirectMemoryPointer(content); final OLogSequenceNumber storedLSN = ODurablePage.getLogSequenceNumberFromPage(pointer); dataPointer = new OCachePointer(pointer, storedLSN); } else { fileClassic.allocateSpace((int) (endPosition - fileClassic.getFilledUpTo())); final ODirectMemoryPointer pointer = new ODirectMemoryPointer(content); dataPointer = new OCachePointer(pointer, new OLogSequenceNumber(0, -1)); } return dataPointer; }
public OPageDataVerificationError[] checkStoredPages( OCommandOutputListener commandOutputListener) { final int notificationTimeOut = 5000; final List<OPageDataVerificationError> errors = new ArrayList<OPageDataVerificationError>(); synchronized (syncObject) { for (long fileId : files.keySet()) { OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId); boolean fileIsCorrect; try { if (commandOutputListener != null) commandOutputListener.onMessage("Flashing file " + fileClassic.getName() + "... "); flush(fileId); if (commandOutputListener != null) commandOutputListener.onMessage( "Start verification of content of " + fileClassic.getName() + "file ..."); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); long filledUpTo = fileClassic.getFilledUpTo(); fileIsCorrect = true; for (long pos = 0; pos < filledUpTo; pos += pageSize) { boolean checkSumIncorrect = false; boolean magicNumberIncorrect = false; byte[] data = new byte[pageSize];, data, data.length); long magicNumber = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(data, 0); if (magicNumber != MAGIC_NUMBER) { magicNumberIncorrect = true; if (commandOutputListener != null) commandOutputListener.onMessage( "Error: Magic number for page " + (pos / pageSize) + " in file " + fileClassic.getName() + " does not much !!!"); fileIsCorrect = false; } final int storedCRC32 = OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(data, OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE); final int calculatedCRC32 = calculatePageCrc(data); if (storedCRC32 != calculatedCRC32) { checkSumIncorrect = true; if (commandOutputListener != null) commandOutputListener.onMessage( "Error: Checksum for page " + (pos / pageSize) + " in file " + fileClassic.getName() + " is incorrect !!!"); fileIsCorrect = false; } if (magicNumberIncorrect || checkSumIncorrect) errors.add( new OPageDataVerificationError( magicNumberIncorrect, checkSumIncorrect, pos / pageSize, fileClassic.getName())); if (commandOutputListener != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - time > notificationTimeOut) { time = notificationTimeOut; commandOutputListener.onMessage((pos / pageSize) + " pages were processed ..."); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (commandOutputListener != null) commandOutputListener.onMessage( "Error: Error during processing of file " + fileClassic.getName() + ". " + ioe.getMessage()); fileIsCorrect = false; } if (!fileIsCorrect) { if (commandOutputListener != null) commandOutputListener.onMessage( "Verification of file " + fileClassic.getName() + " is finished with errors."); } else { if (commandOutputListener != null) commandOutputListener.onMessage( "Verification of file " + fileClassic.getName() + " is successfully finished."); } } return errors.toArray(new OPageDataVerificationError[errors.size()]); } }
public void setSoftlyClosed(long fileId, boolean softlyClosed) throws IOException { synchronized (syncObject) { OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId); if (fileClassic != null && fileClassic.isOpen()) fileClassic.setSoftlyClosed(softlyClosed); } }
public void forceSyncStoredChanges() throws IOException { synchronized (syncObject) { for (OFileClassic fileClassic : files.values()) fileClassic.synch(); } }
private void openFile(OFileClassic fileClassic) throws IOException { if (fileClassic.exists()) { if (!fileClassic.isOpen()); } else fileClassic.create(-1); }