예제 #1
  protected <T> T networkAdminOperation(
      final OStorageRemoteOperation<T> operation, final String errorMessage) {

    OChannelBinaryAsynchClient network = null;
    try {
      // TODO:replace this api with one that get connection for only the specified url.
      String serverUrl = storage.getNextAvailableServerURL(false, session);
      do {
        try {
          network = storage.getNetwork(serverUrl);
        } catch (OException e) {
          serverUrl = storage.useNewServerURL(serverUrl);
          if (serverUrl == null) throw e;
      } while (network == null);

      T res = operation.execute(network, storage.getCurrentSession());
      return res;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (network != null) storage.connectionManager.release(network);
      storage.close(true, false);
      throw OException.wrapException(new OStorageException(errorMessage), e);