예제 #1
파일: ReadArray.java 프로젝트: nunb/fastr
    public Object execute(Frame frame) {

      RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
      RAny rowVal = (RAny) rowExpr.execute(frame);
      boolean dropVal =
              != RLogical.FALSE; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
      int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);

      if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) {
        throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf());
      RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
      int[] dim = array.dimensions();
      if (dim == null || dim.length != 2) {
        throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST());
      int m = dim[0];
      int n = dim[1];

      try {
        int row;
        if (rowVal instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
          row = ((ScalarIntImpl) rowVal).getInt();
        } else if (rowVal instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
          row = Convert.double2int(((ScalarDoubleImpl) rowVal).getDouble());
        } else {
          throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);
        if (row > n || row <= 0) {
          throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);

        int[] ndim;
        if (dropVal) {
          ndim = null;
        } else {
          ndim = new int[] {1, n};

        // note: also could be lazy here
        RArray res = Utils.createArray(array, n, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes
        int offset = row - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          res.set(i, array.getRef(offset));
          offset += m;
        return res;
      } catch (UnexpectedResultException e) {
        SelectorNode selIExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, rowExpr);
        SelectorNode selJExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, null);
        MatrixRead nn = new MatrixRead(ast, true, lhs, selIExpr, selJExpr, dropExpr, exactExpr);
        replace(nn, "install MatrixRead from MatrixRowSubset");
        Selector selI = selIExpr.executeSelector(rowVal);
        Selector selJ = selJExpr.executeSelector(frame);
        return nn.executeLoop(array, selI, selJ, dropVal, exactVal);
예제 #2
파일: ReadArray.java 프로젝트: nunb/fastr
    public Object execute(Frame frame) {
      RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
      Selector selectorI = selectorIExpr.executeSelector(frame);
      Selector selectorJ = selectorJExpr.executeSelector(frame);
      boolean dropVal =
              != 0; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
      int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);

      if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) {
        throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf());
      RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
      int[] dim = array.dimensions();
      if (dim == null || dim.length != 2) {
        throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST());
      return executeLoop(array, selectorI, selectorJ, dropVal, exactVal);
예제 #3
 public void execute(VirtualFrame frame, Object value, MaterializedFrame enclosingFrame) {
   if (getName().isEmpty()) {
     throw RError.error(this, RError.Message.ZERO_LENGTH_VARIABLE);
   final WriteSuperFrameVariableNodeHelper writeNode;
   if (REnvironment.isGlobalEnvFrame(enclosingFrame)) {
      * we've reached the global scope, do unconditional write. if this is the first node
      * in the chain, needs the rhs and enclosingFrame nodes
     AccessEnclosingFrameNode enclosingFrameNode =
         RArguments.getEnclosingFrame(frame) == enclosingFrame
             ? new AccessEnclosingFrameNode()
             : null;
     writeNode =
                     enclosingFrame.getFrameDescriptor(), symbol, FrameSlotKind.Illegal)),
   } else {
     WriteSuperFrameVariableNode actualWriteNode =
             null, null, FrameSlotNode.create(symbol), this.getName(), mode);
     writeNode =
         new WriteSuperFrameVariableConditionalNode(
             new UnresolvedWriteSuperFrameVariableNode(symbol, null, mode),
   replace(writeNode).execute(frame, value, enclosingFrame);
예제 #4
파일: ReadArray.java 프로젝트: nunb/fastr
    public Object execute(Frame frame) {

      RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
      Object rowFromVal = rowFromExpr.execute(frame);
      Object rowToVal = rowToExpr.execute(frame);
      Object colFromVal = colFromExpr.execute(frame);
      Object colToVal = colToExpr.execute(frame);
      boolean dropVal =
              != RLogical.FALSE; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
      int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);
      if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) {
        throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf());
      RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;

      try {

        int rowFrom = extractLimit(rowFromVal); // zero-based
        int rowTo = extractLimit(rowToVal);
        int colFrom = extractLimit(colFromVal);
        int colTo = extractLimit(colToVal);

        int[] dim = array.dimensions();
        if (dim == null || dim.length != 2) {
          throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST());
        int m = dim[0];
        int n = dim[1];

        int rowStep;
        int rowSize;
        if (rowFrom <= rowTo) {
          rowStep = 1;
          if (rowTo > m) {
            throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);
          rowSize = rowTo - rowFrom + 1;
        } else {
          rowStep = -1;
          if (rowFrom > m) {
            throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);
          rowSize = rowFrom - rowTo + 1;

        int colStep;
        int colSize;
        if (colFrom <= colTo) {
          colStep = 1;
          if (colTo > n) {
            throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);
          colSize = colTo - colFrom + 1;
        } else {
          colStep = -1;
          if (colFrom > n) {
            throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);
          colSize = colFrom - colTo + 1;

        int[] ndim;
        if (!dropVal || (rowSize > 1 && colSize > 1)) {
          ndim = new int[] {rowSize, colSize};
        } else {
          ndim = null;

        int size = rowSize * colSize;
        RArray res = Utils.createArray(array, size, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes

        if (colStep == 1 && rowStep == 1) {
          int j = colFrom * m + rowFrom; // j - index to source matrix
          int jmax = j + rowSize;
          int jadvance = m - rowSize;
          for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            res.set(i, array.getRef(j++)); // i - index to target matrix
            if (j == jmax) {
              j += jadvance;
              jmax += m;
        } else {
          int i = 0;
          // NOTE: here we know that colFrom != colTo and rowFrom != rowTo
          for (int col = colFrom; col != colTo + colStep; col += colStep) {
            for (int row = rowFrom; row != rowTo + rowStep; row += rowStep) {
              res.set(i++, array.getRef(col * m + row));
        return res;
      } catch (UnexpectedResultException e) {
        // FIXME: clean this up; does Colon need to be package-private?
        ASTNode rowAST = rowFromExpr.getAST().getParent();
        Builtin rowColon =
                Primitives.getCallFactory(RSymbol.getSymbol(":"), null)
                    .create(rowAST, rowFromExpr, rowToExpr);
        SelectorNode selIExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(rowAST, true, rowColon);
        ASTNode colAST = colFromExpr.getAST().getParent();
        Builtin colColon =
                Primitives.getCallFactory(RSymbol.getSymbol(":"), null)
                    .create(colAST, colFromExpr, colToExpr);
        SelectorNode selJExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, colColon);
        MatrixRead nn = new MatrixRead(ast, true, lhs, selIExpr, selJExpr, dropExpr, exactExpr);
        replace(nn, "install MatrixRead from MatrixSequenceSubset");
        Selector selI =
                rowColon.doBuiltIn(frame, new RAny[] {(RAny) rowFromVal, (RAny) rowToVal}));
        Selector selJ =
                colColon.doBuiltIn(frame, new RAny[] {(RAny) colFromVal, (RAny) colToVal}));
        return nn.executeLoop(array, selI, selJ, dropVal, exactVal);
예제 #5
파일: ReadArray.java 프로젝트: nunb/fastr
    public Object execute(Frame frame) {

      RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
      RAny colVal = (RAny) columnExpr.execute(frame);
      boolean dropVal =
              != RLogical.FALSE; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
      int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);

      // TODO: GNU-R has different behavior when selecting from arrays that have some dimension zero

      if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) {
        throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf());
      RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
      int[] dim = array.dimensions();
      if (dim == null || dim.length != nSelectors) {
        throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST());
      int n = dim[nSelectors - 1]; // limit for the column (last dimension)

      try {
        int col;
        if (colVal instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
          col = ((ScalarIntImpl) colVal).getInt();
        } else if (colVal instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
          col = Convert.double2int(((ScalarDoubleImpl) colVal).getDouble());
        } else {
          throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);
        if (col > n || col <= 0) {
          throw new UnexpectedResultException(null);

        int[] ndim;
        int m; // size of the result

        if (dropVal) {
          boolean hasNonTrivialDimension = false;
          boolean resultIsVector = true;
          m = 1;
          for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors - 1; i++) {
            int d = dim[i];
            if (d != 1) {
              if (hasNonTrivialDimension) {
                resultIsVector = false;
              } else {
                hasNonTrivialDimension = true;
            m *= d;
          if (resultIsVector) {
            ndim = null;
          } else {
            ndim = new int[nSelectors - 1];
            System.arraycopy(dim, 0, ndim, 0, ndim.length);
        } else {
          ndim = new int[nSelectors];
          ndim[nSelectors - 1] = 1;

          m = 1;
          for (int i = 0; i < ndim.length - 1; i++) {
            int d = dim[i];
            ndim[i] = d;
            m *= d;

        // note: also could be lazy here
        RArray res = Utils.createArray(array, m, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes
        int offset = (col - 1) * m; // note: col is 1-based
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
          res.set(i, array.getRef(offset + i));
        return res;
      } catch (UnexpectedResultException e) {
        SelectorNode[] selectorExprs = new SelectorNode[nSelectors];
        for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors - 1; i++) {
          selectorExprs[i] = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, null);
        selectorExprs[nSelectors - 1] = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, columnExpr);
        GenericRead gr = new GenericRead(ast, true, lhs, selectorExprs, dropExpr, exactExpr);
        replace(gr, "install GenericRead from ArrayColumnSubset");
        for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors - 1; i++) {
          gr.selectorVals[i] = selectorExprs[i].executeSelector(frame);
        gr.selectorVals[nSelectors - 1] = selectorExprs[nSelectors - 1].executeSelector(colVal);
        return gr.executeLoop(array, dropVal, exactVal);