예제 #1
  private void optimizeBlock(AbstractBlock<?> block) {
    if (block.getPredecessorCount() == 1) {
      int nextBlock = allocator.getFirstLirInstructionId(block);
      try (Scope s1 = Debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) {
        Debug.log("next block: %s (%d)", block, nextBlock);
      try (Indent indent0 = Debug.indent()) {

        try (Scope s1 = Debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) {
          boolean changed = true;
          // we need to do this because the active lists might change
          while (changed) {
            changed = false;
            try (Indent indent1 =
                Debug.logAndIndent("Active intervals: (block %s [%d])", block, nextBlock)) {
              for (Interval active = activeLists.get(RegisterBinding.Any);
                  active != Interval.EndMarker;
                  active = active.next) {
                Debug.log("active   (any): %s", active);
                if (optimize(nextBlock, block, active, RegisterBinding.Any)) {
                  changed = true;
                  break loop;
              for (Interval active = activeLists.get(RegisterBinding.Stack);
                  active != Interval.EndMarker;
                  active = active.next) {
                Debug.log("active (stack): %s", active);
                if (optimize(nextBlock, block, active, RegisterBinding.Stack)) {
                  changed = true;
                  break loop;