  * Sets the set of security object identifiers, null to not limit by security object identifiers.
  * Note that an empty set will return no securities.
  * @param securityIds the new security identifiers, null clears the security id search
 public void setObjectIds(Iterable<? extends ObjectIdentifiable> securityIds) {
   if (securityIds == null) {
     _objectIds = null;
   } else {
     _objectIds = new ArrayList<ObjectId>();
     for (ObjectIdentifiable securityId : securityIds) {
 public void remove(ObjectIdentifiable objectIdentifiable) {
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(objectIdentifiable, "objectIdentifiable");
   PortfolioDocument storedDocument = _store.remove(objectIdentifiable.getObjectId());
   if (storedDocument == null) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException("Portfolio not found " + objectIdentifiable);
       ChangeType.REMOVED, objectIdentifiable.getObjectId(), null, null, Instant.now());
   updateCaches(storedDocument, null);
 public synchronized YieldCurveDefinitionDocument get(
     ObjectIdentifiable objectIdable, VersionCorrection versionCorrection) {
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(objectIdable, "objectIdable");
   ObjectId objectId = objectIdable.getObjectId();
   if (!getUniqueIdScheme().equals(objectId.getScheme())) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException(
         "Scheme '" + objectId.getScheme() + "' not valid for '" + getUniqueIdScheme() + "'");
   final int i = objectId.getValue().indexOf('_');
   if (i <= 0) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException(
         "Identifier '" + objectId.getValue() + "' not valid for '" + getUniqueIdScheme() + "'");
   final String name = objectId.getValue().substring(0, i);
   final String iso = objectId.getValue().substring(i + 1);
   final Currency currency;
   try {
     currency = Currency.of(iso);
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException(
         "Identifier '" + objectId.getValue() + "' not valid for '" + getUniqueIdScheme() + "'",
   final TreeMap<Instant, YieldCurveDefinition> definitions =
       _definitions.get(Pair.of(currency, name));
   if (definitions == null) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException("Curve definition not found");
   final YieldCurveDefinition definition = definitions.lastEntry().getValue();
   if (definition == null) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException("Curve definition not found");
   return new YieldCurveDefinitionDocument(objectId.atLatestVersion(), definition);
  * Adds a single security object identifier to the set.
  * @param securityId the security object identifier to add, not null
 public void addObjectId(ObjectIdentifiable securityId) {
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(securityId, "securityId");
   if (_objectIds == null) {
     _objectIds = new ArrayList<ObjectId>();
 public synchronized void remove(ObjectIdentifiable objectIdentifiable) {
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(objectIdentifiable, "objectIdentifiable");
   if (!getUniqueIdScheme().equals(objectIdentifiable.getObjectId().getScheme())) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException(
         "Scheme '"
             + objectIdentifiable.getObjectId().getScheme()
             + "' not valid for '"
             + getUniqueIdScheme()
             + "'");
   final int i = objectIdentifiable.getObjectId().getValue().indexOf('_');
   if (i <= 0) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException(
         "Identifier '"
             + objectIdentifiable.getObjectId().getValue()
             + "' not valid for '"
             + getUniqueIdScheme()
             + "'");
   final String name = objectIdentifiable.getObjectId().getValue().substring(0, i);
   final String iso = objectIdentifiable.getObjectId().getValue().substring(i + 1);
   final Currency currency;
   try {
     currency = Currency.of(iso);
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException(
         "Identifier '"
             + objectIdentifiable.getObjectId().getValue()
             + "' not valid for '"
             + getUniqueIdScheme()
             + "'",
   final Pair<Currency, String> key = Pair.of(currency, name);
   if (_sourceVersionCorrection.getVersionAsOf() != null) {
     final TreeMap<Instant, YieldCurveDefinition> value = _definitions.get(key);
     if (value == null) {
       throw new DataNotFoundException("Curve definition not found");
     // Don't need to keep the old values before the one needed by "versionAsOfInstant"
     final Instant oldestNeeded = value.floorKey(_sourceVersionCorrection.getVersionAsOf());
     if (oldestNeeded != null) {
     // Store a null to indicate the delete
     value.put(Instant.now(), null);
   } else {
     if (_definitions.remove(key) == null) {
       throw new DataNotFoundException("Curve definition not found");
           ChangeType.REMOVED, objectIdentifiable.getObjectId(), null, null, Instant.now());
 public PortfolioDocument get(ObjectIdentifiable objectId, VersionCorrection versionCorrection) {
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(objectId, "objectId");
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(versionCorrection, "versionCorrection");
   final PortfolioDocument document = _store.get(objectId.getObjectId());
   if (document == null) {
     throw new DataNotFoundException("Portfolio not found: " + objectId);
   return clonePortfolioDocument(document);
예제 #7
 public SecurityDocument get(ObjectIdentifiable objectId, VersionCorrection versionCorrection) {
   final RestTarget target = _targetSecurity.resolve(objectId.getObjectId().toString());
   if (versionCorrection != null && versionCorrection.getVersionAsOf() != null) {
         "versionAsOf", Collections.singletonList(versionCorrection.getVersionAsOf().toString()));
   if (versionCorrection != null && versionCorrection.getCorrectedTo() != null) {
         "correctedTo", Collections.singletonList(versionCorrection.getCorrectedTo().toString()));
   s_logger.debug("get-get to {}", target);
   final FudgeMsg message = getRestClient().getMsg(target);
   if (message == null) {
     s_logger.debug("get-recv NULL");
     throw new DataNotFoundException("Security with identifier " + objectId);
   s_logger.debug("get-recv {}", message);
   return getFudgeDeserializer().fudgeMsgToObject(SecurityDocument.class, message);