  public <T> ListenableFuture<T> execute(Request request, AsyncHandler<T> handler)
      throws IOException {
    final Expectation expectation = expectations.get(new URL(request.getUrl()));
    if (expectation == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unknown URL requested, failing test: " + request.getUrl());
    T t = null;
    try {
      final URI uri = expectation.getUrl().toURI();
          new HttpResponseStatus(uri, this) {
            public int getStatusCode() {
              return expectation.getStatusCode();

            public String getStatusText() {
              return ""; // TODO

            public String getProtocolName() {
              return expectation.getUrl().getProtocol();

            public int getProtocolMajorVersion() {
              return 1;

            public int getProtocolMinorVersion() {
              return 1;

            public String getProtocolText() {
              return ""; // TODO
          new HttpResponseHeaders(uri, this) {
            public FluentCaseInsensitiveStringsMap getHeaders() {
              return new FluentCaseInsensitiveStringsMap();
          new HttpResponseBodyPart(uri, this) {
            public byte[] getBodyPartBytes() {
              return expectation.getPayload().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

            public int writeTo(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
              final byte[] bodyPartBytes = getBodyPartBytes();
              return bodyPartBytes.length;

            public ByteBuffer getBodyByteBuffer() {
              return ByteBuffer.wrap(getBodyPartBytes());

            public boolean isLast() {
              return true;

            public void markUnderlyingConnectionAsClosed() {}

            public boolean closeUnderlyingConnection() {
              return true;
      t = handler.onCompleted();
    } catch (Exception e) {
          .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File
                              // Templates.
    final T finalT = t;
    final Future<T> futureT =
                new Callable<T>() {
                  public T call() throws Exception {
                    return finalT;
    return new ImmediateFuture<>(futureT);
예제 #2
  * Checks whether proxy should be used according to nonProxyHosts settings of it, or we want to go
  * directly to target host. If <code>null</code> proxy is passed in, this method returns true --
  * since there is NO proxy, we should avoid to use it. Simple hostname pattern matching using "*"
  * are supported, but only as prefixes. See
  * http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/guide/net/properties.html
  * @param proxyServer
  * @param request
  * @return true if we have to avoid proxy use (obeying non-proxy hosts settings), false otherwise.
 public static boolean avoidProxy(final ProxyServer proxyServer, final Request request) {
   return avoidProxy(proxyServer, AsyncHttpProviderUtils.getHost(URI.create(request.getUrl())));