public void run() { try { Object obj = new AuthorizationCredentials(mUser.netflixId, mUser.secureNetflixId); Object obj1 = getCommonRequestParameters(mContext); obj1 = getEvents( mUser.esn, ((CommonRequestParameters) (obj1)), ((AuthorizationCredentials) (obj)), mDepplinkParams); obj = new CustomerEventCommand( mUser.esn, ((AuthorizationCredentials) (obj)), ((JSONArray) (obj1)).toString()); Log.d("nf_rest", "Executing MdpFromDeepLink WebAPI call start"); obj = ((CustomerEventCommand) (obj)).execute(); Log.d("nf_rest", "Executing MdpFromDeepLink WebAPI call done"); if (Log.isLoggable("nf_rest", 3)) { Log.d( "nf_rest", (new StringBuilder()) .append("MdpFromDeepLink response: ") .append(((String) (obj))) .toString()); } return; } catch (Throwable throwable) { Log.e("nf_rest", "Failed to execute MdpFromDeepLink call!", throwable); } }
public void setPreferredLanguages(String s) { String s1; label0: { if (s != null) { s1 = s; if (!"".equals(s.trim())) { break label0; } } Log.e("nf_loc", "Empty list of preferred languages, set to default"); s1 = ""; } preferredLanguages = s1; UserLocale userlocale = findBestMatch(s1); s = userlocale; if (userlocale == null) { Log.w("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Match is not found under application supported languages for prefered languages: ").append(s1).append(". Default to ").append(defaultAppLocale).toString()); s = defaultAppLocale; } setApplicationLanguage(s); }
public CreateAccountCompleteCommand(JSONObject jsonobject) throws JSONException { super("createdAccount", jsonobject); created = false; key = -1; Log.d("nf_reg", "CreateAccountCompleteCommand constructor"); localPopulate(jsonobject); }
public void setApplicationLanguage(UserLocale userlocale) { if (currentAppLocale != null && currentAppLocale.equals(userlocale)) { if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Keeping same application locale ").append(currentAppLocale.getRaw()).toString()); } return; } if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Change locale from ").append(currentAppLocale).append(" to ").append(userlocale).toString()); } currentAppLocale = userlocale; }
private void initSupportedLocales() { supportedLocales = new UserLocale[12]; defaultAppLocale = new UserLocale(Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage(), null, "English"); supportedLocales[0] = defaultAppLocale; supportedLocales[1] = new UserLocale(Locale.FRENCH.getLanguage(), null, "Fran\347ais"); supportedLocales[2] = new UserLocale("es", null, "Espa\361ol"); supportedLocales[3] = new UserLocale("pt", null, "Portugu\352s"); supportedLocales[4] = new UserLocale(Locale.UK.getLanguage(), Locale.UK.getCountry(), "English-GB"); supportedLocales[5] = new UserLocale("sv", null, "Svenskt"); supportedLocales[6] = new UserLocale("nb", null, "Norske"); supportedLocales[7] = new UserLocale("da", null, "Dansk"); supportedLocales[8] = new UserLocale("fi", null, "Suomi"); supportedLocales[9] = new UserLocale("nl", null, "Nederlands"); supportedLocales[10] = new UserLocale(Locale.FRENCH.getLanguage(), Locale.CANADA.getCountry(), "Fran\347ais-CA"); supportedLocales[11] = new UserLocale(Locale.GERMAN.getLanguage(), null, "Deutsch"); UserLocale auserlocale[] = supportedLocales; int j = auserlocale.length; for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { UserLocale userlocale = auserlocale[i]; Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("").append(userlocale).toString()); } }
public void setSelection(int i) { Log.v( "SeasonsSpinner", (new StringBuilder()).append("Setting selection to position: ").append(i).toString()); super.setSelection(i); if (itemSelectedListener != null) { itemSelectedListener.onItemSelected(this, this, i, getSelectedItemId()); } }
public void setSelectionWithoutCallback(int i) { Log.v( "SeasonsSpinner", (new StringBuilder()) .append("Setting selection (no callback) to position: ") .append(i) .toString()); super.setSelection(i); }
public FetchConnectWithFacebookRequest( Context context, configurationagentinterface, String s, UserAgentWebCallback useragentwebcallback) { super(context, configurationagentinterface); mAccessToken = s; responseCallback = useragentwebcallback; pqlQuery = (new StringBuilder("['connectWithFacebook', '")) .append(mAccessToken) .append("']") .toString(); if (Log.isLoggable("nf_service_user_fetchwebuserrequest", 2)) { Log.v( "nf_service_user_fetchwebuserrequest", (new StringBuilder()).append("PQL = ").append(pqlQuery).toString()); } }
public boolean isCreatedSuccess() { Log.d( "nf_reg", (new StringBuilder()) .append("populated: ") .append(result) .append(" created:") .append(created) .append(" key") .append(key) .toString()); return created; }
protected String parseFalcorResponse(String s) throws FalcorParseException, FalcorServerException { if (Log.isLoggable("nf_service_user_fetchwebuserrequest", 2)) { Log.v( "nf_service_user_fetchwebuserrequest", (new StringBuilder()).append("String response to parse = ").append(s).toString()); } JsonObject jsonobject = FalcorParseUtils.getDataObj("nf_service_user_fetchwebuserrequest", s); if (FalcorParseUtils.isEmpty(jsonobject)) { throw new FalcorParseException("UserConnectWith empty!!!"); } try { jsonobject = jsonobject.getAsJsonObject("user"); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.v( "nf_service_user_fetchwebuserrequest", (new StringBuilder()).append("String response to parse = ").append(s).toString()); throw new FalcorParseException("response missing user json objects", exception); } s = ( FalcorParseUtils.getPropertyObject( jsonobject, "operation", com / netflix / mediaclient / service / webclient / model / leafs / UserProfile$Operation); if (s != null) { return (( (s)) .status; } else { return new String("400"); } }
public void onVideoRatingSet(int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onVideoRatingSet"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onVideoRatingSet(requestId, i); return; } }
public void onGenreLoLoMoPrefetched(int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for client onGenreLoLoMoPrefetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onGenreLoLoMoPrefetched(requestId, i); return; } }
private UserLocale[] toUserLocales(String s) { s = new StringTokenizer(s, ","); if (s.countTokens() < 1) { return new UserLocale[0]; } UserLocale auserlocale[] = new UserLocale[s.countTokens()]; int j; for (int i = 0; s.hasMoreTokens(); i = j) { UserLocale userlocale = new UserLocale(s.nextToken()); j = i + 1; auserlocale[i] = userlocale; if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Preffered locale ").append(j).append(":").append(userlocale).toString()); } } return auserlocale; }
public void onEpisodesFetched(List list, int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onEpisodesFetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onEpisodesFetched(requestId, list, i); return; } }
public void onShowDetailsFetched(ShowDetails showdetails, int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onShowDetailsFetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onShowDetailsFetched(requestId, showdetails, i); return; } }
public void onKidsCharacterDetailsFetched(KidsCharacterDetails kidscharacterdetails, Boolean boolean1, int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onKidsCharacterDetailsFetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onKidsCharacterDetailsFetched(requestId, kidscharacterdetails, boolean1, i); return; } }
public void reset() { this; JVM INSTR monitorenter ; Log.d("nf_loc", "reset"); preferredLanguages = null; currentAppLocale = null; this; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return; Exception exception; exception; throw exception; }
private void setArguments(String s) { JSONObject jsonobject = new JSONObject(); try { jsonobject.put("uuid", s); arguments = jsonobject.toString(); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (String s) { } break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_26; s; Log.e("nf_invoke", "Failed to create JSON object", s); return; }
protected void localPopulate(JSONObject jsonobject) throws JSONException { String s = getString(jsonobject, "result", "ERROR"); created = s.equals("COMPLETE"); if (created) { key = getInt(jsonobject, "key", -1); } Log.d( "nf_reg", (new StringBuilder()) .append("populated: ") .append(s) .append(" created:") .append(created) .append(" key") .append(key) .toString()); }
public static String getStringPref(Context context, String s, String s1) { if (!validate(context, s)) { return s1; } try { context = context.getSharedPreferences("nfxpref", 0).getString(s, s1); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Context context) { Log.e("nfxpref", "Failed to get preferences!", context); return s1; } return context; }
public static boolean putBooleanPref(Context context, String s, boolean flag) { boolean flag1; flag1 = false; if (!validate(context, s)) { return false; } context = context.getSharedPreferences("nfxpref", 0).edit(); context.putBoolean(s, flag); context.commit(); flag = true; _L2: return flag; context; Log.e("nfxpref", "Failed to save to preferences!", context); flag = flag1; if (true) goto _L2; else goto _L1
public static boolean getBooleanPref(Context context, String s, boolean flag) { if (!validate(context, s)) { return flag; } boolean flag1; try { flag1 = context.getSharedPreferences("nfxpref", 0).getBoolean(s, flag); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Context context) { Log.e("nfxpref", "Failed to get preferences!", context); return flag; } return flag1; }
public static float getFloatPref(Context context, String s, float f) { if (!validate(context, s)) { return f; } float f1; try { f1 = context.getSharedPreferences("nfxpref", 0).getFloat(s, f); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Context context) { Log.e("nfxpref", "Failed to get preferences!", context); return f; } return f1; }
public static int getIntPref(Context context, String s, int i) { if (!validate(context, s)) { return i; } int j; try { j = context.getSharedPreferences("nfxpref", 0).getInt(s, i); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Context context) { Log.e("nfxpref", "Failed to get preferences!", context); return i; } return j; }
public static long getLongPref(Context context, String s, long l) { if (!validate(context, s)) { return l; } long l1; try { l1 = context.getSharedPreferences("nfxpref", 0).getLong(s, l); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Context context) { Log.e("nfxpref", "Failed to get preferences!", context); return l; } return l1; }
private UserLocale findBestMatch(String s) { Object obj = null; UserLocale auserlocale[] = toUserLocales(s); if (auserlocale.length < 1) { Log.w("nf_loc", "Empty list of preferred languages, set default"); return null; } int i = 0; s = obj; do { if (i >= auserlocale.length) { break; } if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Choice #").append(i).append(": ").append(auserlocale[i]).toString()); } for (int j = 0; j < supportedLocales.length;) { Object obj1; label0: { if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Try to match by locale with #").append(j).append(": ").append(supportedLocales[j]).toString()); } obj1 = s; if (auserlocale[i] == null) { break label0; } if (!auserlocale[i].equals(supportedLocales[j])) { obj1 = s; if (!auserlocale[i].equalsByLanguage(supportedLocales[j])) { break label0; } } if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Match by locale with #").append(j).append(": ").append(supportedLocales[j]).toString()); } if (auserlocale[i].equals(supportedLocales[j])) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Perfect Match by locale with #").append(j).append(": ").append(supportedLocales[j]).toString()); return supportedLocales[j]; } obj1 = s; if (s == null) { obj1 = supportedLocales[j]; } } j++; s = ((String) (obj1)); } i++; } while (true); Log.i("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("findBestMatch: ").append(s).toString()); return s; }