public void saveOrUpdate(Document widgetDoc) { logger.debug("--> to be save widget -->"); String tableName = "Widget"; MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(widgetDoc.getString("appId")); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(tableName); if (!widgetDoc.containsKey("_id")) { ObjectId objId = new ObjectId(); widgetDoc.put("_id", objId); logger.debug("--> to insert " + tableName + " with " + widgetDoc.toJson()); collection.insertOne(widgetDoc); // 没有数据就执行添加操作 return; } String objectId = widgetDoc.get("_id").toString(); Document matchFields = new Document(); matchFields.put("_id", new ObjectId(objectId)); if (collection.find(matchFields).iterator().hasNext()) { // 有数据就执行更新操作 logger.debug("--> to update " + tableName + " with " + widgetDoc.toJson()); collection.updateOne(matchFields, new Document("$set", widgetDoc)); } else { logger.debug("--> to save " + tableName + " with " + widgetDoc.toJson()); collection.insertOne(widgetDoc); // 没有数据就执行添加操作 } }
public void tweet(String body) { final ObjectId tweet_id = new ObjectId(); final Date time = new Date(); MongoCollection<Document> tweets = db.getCollection("tweets"); MongoCollection<Document> userline = db.getCollection("userline"); MongoCollection<Document> timeline = db.getCollection("timeline"); MongoCollection<Document> followers = db.getCollection("followers"); Document tweetDoc = new Document("tweet_id", tweet_id).append("username", nick).append("body", body); Document userDoc = new Document("username", nick).append("time", time).append("tweet_id", tweet_id); List<Document> timelineList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Document> followerList = followers.find(eq("username", nick)).into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (Document doc : followerList) { String follower = (String) doc.get("follower"); Document timeDoc = new Document("username", follower).append("time", time).append("tweet_id", tweet_id); timelineList.add(timeDoc); } tweets.insertOne(tweetDoc); userline.insertOne(userDoc); timeline.insertMany(timelineList); System.out.println("* You tweeted \"" + body + "\" at " + time); }
public void follow(String followed) { if (followed.equals(nick)) { System.out.println("* Follow failed : You cannot follow yourself"); } else { MongoCollection<Document> users = db.getCollection("users"); Document oldDoc = users.find(eq("username", followed)).first(); if (oldDoc == null) { System.out.println("* Follow failed : Username does not exist"); } else { MongoCollection<Document> friends = db.getCollection("friends"); Document frDoc = friends.find(and(eq("username", nick), eq("friend", followed))).first(); if (frDoc != null) { System.out.println("* Follow failed : You already followed @" + followed); } else { MongoCollection<Document> followers = db.getCollection("followers"); Date ts = new Date(); Document friendDoc = new Document("username", nick).append("friend", followed).append("since", ts); Document followerDoc = new Document("username", followed).append("follower", nick).append("since", ts); friends.insertOne(friendDoc); followers.insertOne(followerDoc); System.out.println("* You successfully followed " + followed); } } } }
private static void doSomething(MongoClient mongo) { MongoDatabase db = mongo.getDatabase("testdb"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("users"); Document user = new Document("username", "johnd"); user.append("_id", 1); user.append("firstName", "John"); user.append("name", "Doe"); user.append("enabled", Boolean.FALSE); user.append("noOfLogins", 0); user.append("lastLogin", new Date()); user.append("groups", Arrays.asList("admin", "user")); System.out.println(user); collection.insertOne(user); user = new Document("username", "francol"); user.append("firstName", "Franco"); user.append("name", "Lawrence"); user.append("enabled", Boolean.TRUE); user.append("noOfLogins", 0); user.append("lastLogin", new Date()); user.append("groups", Arrays.asList("user")); collection.insertOne(user); }
// validates that username is unique and insert into db public boolean addUser(String username, String password, String email) { String passwordHash = makePasswordHash(password, Integer.toString(random.nextInt())); // XXX WORK HERE // create an object suitable for insertion into the user collection // be sure to add username and hashed password to the document. problem instructions // will tell you the schema that the documents must follow. password = makePasswordHash(password, "asd"); Document user = new Document("_id", username).append("password", password); if (email != null && !email.equals("")) { // XXX WORK HERE // if there is an email address specified, add it to the document too. user.append("email", email); } try { // XXX WORK HERE // insert the document into the user collection here usersCollection.insertOne(user); return true; } catch (MongoWriteException e) { if (e.getError().getCategory().equals(ErrorCategory.DUPLICATE_KEY)) { System.out.println("Username already in use: " + username); return false; } throw e; } }
public void updateDeviceLog(String productId, String[] vids, Modal model) { MongoCollection<Document> deviceLog = getDeviceLog(); Document filter = new Document("product-id", productId); Document doc = getDeviceLog().find(filter).first(); if (doc != null && model != null) { List<Document> models = doc.get("models", List.class); Document m = convertModel(vids, model); if (models != null) { models.add(m); } else { models = new ArrayList<>(); models.add(m); } doc.append("models", models); deviceLog.replaceOne(filter, doc); } else { Device device = new Device(); device.setProductId(productId); doc = toDocument(device); List<Document> models = new ArrayList<>(); models.add(convertModel(vids, model)); doc.append("models", models); deviceLog.insertOne(doc); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("course"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("deleteTest"); collection.drop(); for (int idx = 1; idx <= 8; idx++) { collection.insertOne(new Document("_id", idx)); } System.out.println("Before any deletes"); List<Document> docs = collection.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (Document doc : docs) { Helper.prettyPrintJSON(doc); } // delete 2,3,4 collection.deleteMany(and(gte("_id", 2), lt("_id", 5))); System.out.println("removed gte2 lt5"); docs = collection.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (Document doc : docs) { Helper.prettyPrintJSON(doc); } collection.deleteOne(eq("_id", 8)); System.out.println("Removed id 8"); docs = collection.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (Document doc : docs) { Helper.prettyPrintJSON(doc); } }
@Test public void main() { DBConnection.getInstance().getConnection(); MongoCollection<UserDAO> mongoCollection = DBConnection.getInstance().getConnection().getCollection("users", UserDAO.class); UserDAO userInfo = new UserDAOBuilder() .setFirstName("Nazmul") .setLastName("Hasan") .setFatherName("myfather") .setMotherName("mymother") .setPhoto("1.jpg") .setPhone("myphoone") .setEmail("*****@*****.**") .setBloodGroup("myblood") .setCurrentAddress("mycurrentaddress") .setPermanentAddress("mypermanentaddress") .build(); mongoCollection.insertOne(userInfo); MongoCursor userProfiles = mongoCollection.find().iterator(); while (userProfiles.hasNext()) { UserDAO dbUserInfo = (UserDAO); System.out.println(dbUserInfo); } }
private static void insertTest1(Document obj) { MongoClient client = new MongoClient("", 27017); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("Test_table1"); collection.insertOne(obj); client.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { System.out.println("coucou"); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.ENGLISH); MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase("testboss"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("restaurants"); String restaurantId = "41704620"; MongoCursor<Document> cursor = collection .find(eq("restaurant_id", restaurantId)) .projection(fields(include("restaurant_id"), excludeId())) .iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } System.out.println("fin"); collection.insertOne( new Document( "address", new Document() .append("street", "2 Avenue") .append("zipcode", "10075") .append("building", "1480") .append("coord", asList(-73.9557413, 40.7720266))) .append("borough", "Manhattan") .append("cuisine", "Italian") .append( "grades", asList( new Document() .append("date", format.parse("2014-10-01T00:00:00Z")) .append("grade", "A") .append("score", 11), new Document() .append("date", format.parse("2014-01-16T00:00:00Z")) .append("grade", "B") .append("score", 17))) .append("name", "Vella") .append("restaurant_id", restaurantId)); cursor = collection.find().iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } }
/** * Stores a scheduled calendar in the database. * * @param id ID of the user (unique to the user). * @param calendarName Name of the calendar to be stored (unique to calendars owned by the user). * @param cal List DutyBlocks comprising the calendar to be stored. */ public void storeScheduledCalendar(String id, String calendarName, ArrayList<DutyBlock> cal) { // Access collection of scheduled calendars. MongoCollection<ScheduledDuty> collection = db.getCollection("ScheduledCalendars", ScheduledDuty.class); // Query parameter is uuid + calendarName. ScheduledDuty toInsert = new ScheduledDuty(id + calendarName, cal); // Insert doc to collection. collection.insertOne(toInsert); }
/** * Stores the score of a prefix in the mongo database. * * @param prefix the prefix to store * @param wordLength the length of the whole word * @param score the score of the prefix */ public static void storePrefix(final String prefix, final int wordLength, final double score) { MongoDatabase lettersdb = mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName); String prefixCollectionName = createPrefixCollectionName(prefix, wordLength); MongoCollection<Document> collection = lettersdb.getCollection(prefixCollectionName); Document document = new Document(); document.put(scoreAttribute, score); document.put(prefixAttribute, prefix); collection.insertOne(document); }
public void init(MongoCollection<Document> meepCol) { BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(10000); StatusesSampleEndpoint endpoint = new StatusesSampleEndpoint(); endpoint.stallWarnings(false); Authentication auth = new OAuth1( "FKzFwHjE3o1wb2pFqH0mr6cRJ", "xJ1TsuXwcNmoy8badgqx56DrLFeozx5vwjvQ3kBPtP006cEJtU", "3792449836-BYKKiZTnemmCFtvZoo5kwOCrhbB5bKRLIEDtQYs", "m4eE9BUvxprUnc7NmfgdxdaYVExha0NmwzW4vGoy7REiM"); StatusesFilterEndpoint endpoint3 = new StatusesFilterEndpoint(); endpoint3.locations( Lists.newArrayList( new Location( new Location.Coordinate(-122.356798, 37.213402), new Location.Coordinate(-121.9, 38.139441)))); BasicClient client = new ClientBuilder() .name("sampleExampleClient") .hosts(Constants.STREAM_HOST) .endpoint(endpoint3) .authentication(auth) .processor(new StringDelimitedProcessor(queue)) .build(); client.connect(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); int validParsedMeeps; for (validParsedMeeps = 0; validParsedMeeps < 100; ) { if (client.isDone()) { System.out.println( "Client connection closed unexpectedly: " + client.getExitEvent().getMessage()); break; } String msg = null; try { msg = queue.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (msg == null) { System.out.println("Did not receive a message in 10 seconds"); } else { JsonObject aux = parser.parse(msg).getAsJsonObject(); Document meep = meepDocumentBuilder(aux, meepCol); if (meep != null) { validParsedMeeps++; meepCol.insertOne(meep); } } } client.stop(); System.out.printf("The client read %d messages!\n", client.getStatsTracker().getNumMessages()); }
@Override public void insertOne(Document arg0) { if (tx.started()) { tx.beforeInsertOne(coll, arg0); tx.getTxCollection().insertOne(arg0); } else { coll.insertOne(arg0); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void create(Feature fp) { if (fp == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Feature cannot be null nor empty"); } if (exist(fp.getUid())) { throw new FeatureAlreadyExistException(fp.getUid()); } collection.insertOne(MAPPER.toDocument(fp)); }
public String create() { MongoCollection<Document> commentCollection = mongoDatabase.getCollection("posts"); Document document = new Document(); document.put("comments", new ArrayList<Document>()); commentCollection.insertOne(document); String generatedId = document.getObjectId("_id").toHexString(); return generatedId; }
public boolean signup(String username, String password) { MongoCollection<Document> users = db.getCollection("users"); Document oldDoc = users.find(eq("username", username)).first(); if (oldDoc != null) { System.out.println("* Signup failed : Username already exists"); return false; } else { Document doc = new Document("username", username).append("password", password); users.insertOne(doc); System.out.println("* User @" + username + " is succesfully signed up"); // autologin nick = username; System.out.println("* Welcome to MongoTwitter, @" + username + "!"); return true; } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException { MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = client.getDatabase("course"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoDatabase.getCollection("findTest"); collection.drop(); // insert 10 documents with a random integer as the value of field "x" for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { collection.insertOne(new Document("x", new Random().nextInt(100))); } System.out.println("Find one:"); Document one = collection.find().first(); System.out.println(one); System.out.println("\nFind all: "); List<Document> all = collection.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>()); System.out.println(all); System.out.println("\nFind all cursor: "); MongoCursor<Document> cursor = collection.find().iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } // System.out.println("\nFind all: "); // DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); // try { // while (cursor.hasNext()) { // DBObject cur =; // System.out.println(cur); // } // } finally { // cursor.close(); // } // System.out.println("\nCount:"); long count = collection.count(); System.out.println(count); }
/** * Create a directory * * @param u The owner * @param path The path * @param name The name * @return The newly created directory */ public static Directory createDirectory(User u, Directory parent, String name) { MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories"); Document newDir = new Document(); Date now = new Date(); newDir.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID)); newDir.put("name", name); newDir.put("path", != null ? parent.path + + "/" : "/"); newDir.put("creation", now); newDir.put("edit", now); newDir.put("parent", parent.UID != null ? new ObjectId(parent.UID) : null); collection.insertOne(newDir); updateDirectoryDate(u, parent); return new Directory(newDir); }
public void whatsNewsIsRead(String hostname) { try { final MongoDatabase mdb = MongoDBConnManager.getInstance().getConnection(); final MongoCollection<Document> coll = mdb.getCollection(DBConstants.COLL_WHATSNEW); final Document document = new Document(); document.put(DBConstants.HOST_NAME, hostname); document.put(DBConstants.READ, "Y"); coll.insertOne(document); } catch (MongoWriteException e) { if (e.getCode() == 11000) { throw new ApplicationException(e); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException) { throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.MONGODB_IS_DOWN.getMessage(), e); } throw new ApplicationException(e); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase("course"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("deleteTest"); collection.drop(); // insert 8 documents, with _id set to the value of the loop variable for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { collection.insertOne(new Document().append("_id", i)); } // collection.deleteMany(gt("_id", 4)); collection.deleteOne(eq("_id", 4)); for (Document cur : collection.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>())) { Helpers.printJson(cur); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("course"); MongoCollection<Document> coll = db.getCollection("findWithSortTest"); coll.drop(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { coll.insertOne(new Document().append("_id", i)); } // coll.deleteMany("_id", 4)); coll.deleteOne(Filters.eq("_id", 4)); for (Document cur : coll.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>())) { System.out.println(cur); } }
public boolean addUser(final Map<String, String> userInfo) { try { final MongoDatabase mdb = MongoDBConnManager.getInstance().getConnection(); final MongoCollection<Document> coll = mdb.getCollection(DBConstants.COLL_USERS); final Document user = new Document(); user.putAll(userInfo); coll.insertOne(user); } catch (MongoWriteException e) { if (e.getCode() == 11000) { throw new ApplicationException( MessagesEnum.DUPLICATE_USER.getMessage(userInfo.get(DBConstants.EMAIL)), e); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException) { throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.MONGODB_IS_DOWN.getMessage(), e); } throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.ADD_USER_FAILED.getMessage(), e); } return true; }
@Override public int create(SensorTypeInfo sensor) { MongoCollection<Document> collection = CloudMongoDB.getInstance().getCollection("Drivers"); List<Document> values = new LinkedList<>(); for (MeasureValue sen : sensor.getValues()) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("name", sen.getName()); map.put("unit", sen.getUnit()); Document document = new Document(map); values.add(document); } Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("type", sensor.getType()); map.put("type_name", sensor.getTypeName()); map.put("driver_name", sensor.getDriverName()); map.put("values", values); Document doc = new Document(map); collection.insertOne(doc); return 0; }
public static void main(String[] args) { MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("course"); MongoCollection<Document> coll = db.getCollection("findWithFilterTest"); coll.drop(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { coll.insertOne(new Document().append("_id", i).append("x", i)); } // coll.replaceOne(eq("x", 5), new Document("_id", 5).append("x", 20).append("update", true)); // coll.updateOne(eq("_id", 9), new Document("$set", new Document("x", 20))); // coll.updateOne(eq("_id", 9), new Document("$set", new Document("x", 20)), new // UpdateOptions().upsert(false)); coll.updateMany(gte("_id", 5), new Document("$inc", new Document("x", 1))); List<Document> all = coll.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (Document cur : all) { printJson(cur); } }
public String addPost(String title, String body, List tags, String username) { System.out.println("inserting blog entry " + title + " " + body); String permalink = title.replaceAll("\\s", "_"); // whitespace becomes _ permalink = permalink.replaceAll("\\W", ""); // get rid of non alphanumeric permalink = permalink.toLowerCase(); permalink = permalink + (new Date()).getTime(); Document post = new Document(); if (username != null && !username.equals("")) { post.append("author", username); } if (title != null && !title.equals("")) { post.append("title", title); } if (body != null && !body.equals("")) { post.append("body", body); } if (permalink != null && !permalink.equals("")) { post.append("permalink", permalink); } if (tags != null && !tags.equals("")) { post.append("tags", tags); } post.append("comments", new ArrayList<String>()); post.append("date", new Date()); try { postsCollection.insertOne(post); return permalink; } catch (MongoWriteException e) { if (e.getError().getCategory().equals(ErrorCategory.UNCATEGORIZED)) { System.out.println("Username already in use: " + username); return e.getMessage(); } throw e; } }
public boolean saveBooking(final Map<String, Object> bookingInfo) { try { final MongoDatabase mdb = MongoDBConnManager.getInstance().getConnection(); final MongoCollection<Document> coll = mdb.getCollection(DBConstants.COLL_BOOKING); final Document booking = new Document(); booking.putAll(bookingInfo); coll.insertOne(booking); } catch (MongoWriteException e) { if (e.getCode() == 11000) { throw new ApplicationException( MessagesEnum.BOOKINGS_ALREADY_EXISTS.getMessage( bookingInfo.get(DBConstants.BOX_NAME), bookingInfo.get(DBConstants.EMAIL)), e); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException) { throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.MONGODB_IS_DOWN.getMessage(), e); } throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.BOOKING_FAILED.getMessage(), e); } return true; }
// starts a new session in the sessions table public String startSession(String username) { // get 32 byte random number. that's a lot of bits. SecureRandom generator = new SecureRandom(); byte randomBytes[] = new byte[32]; generator.nextBytes(randomBytes); BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder(); String sessionID = encoder.encode(randomBytes); // build the BSON object Document session = new Document("username", username); session.append("_id", sessionID); sessionsCollection.deleteMany(new Document("username", username)); sessionsCollection.insertOne(session); return session.getString("_id"); }
public static void main(String[] args) { MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("course"); MongoCollection<Document> coll = db.getCollection("findTest"); coll.drop(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { coll.insertOne(new Document("x", i)); } System.out.println("Find one:"); Document first = coll.find().first(); printJson(first); System.out.println("Find all with into:"); List<Document> all = coll.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (Document cur : all) { printJson(cur); } System.out.println("Find all with iteration:"); MongoCursor<Document> cursor = coll.find().iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { Document cur =; printJson(cur); } } finally { // если выбросится исключение // так есть надежда, что поиск открытый на сервере закроется cursor.close(); } System.out.println("Count:"); long count = coll.count(); System.out.println(count); }
public static void main(String[] args) { final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setClassForTemplateLoading(HelloWorldMongodbSparkFreemarkerStyle.class, "/"); MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("course"); final MongoCollection<Document> coll = db.getCollection("hello"); coll.drop(); coll.insertOne(new Document("name", "Mongodb")); Spark.get( new Route("/") { @Override public Object handle(Request arg0, Response arg1) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { Template helloTemplate = configuration.getTemplate("hello.ftl"); Document document = coll.find().first(); helloTemplate.process(document, writer); // System.out.println(writer); } catch (Exception e) { halt(500); e.printStackTrace(); } return writer; } }); }