// Tests_SRS_AMQPSIOTHUBCONNECTIONBASEHANDLER_14_037: [If the Connection and Session (Proton) are
  // not opened before a constant number of seconds, this handler will inform the
  // AmqpsIotHubConnection that the Connection was not opened in time.]
  @Test(expected = ExecutionException.class)
  public void onConnectionLocalOpenTimesOut() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    final String hostName = "test.host.name";
    final String deviceId = "test-deviceId";
    final String userName = "******";
    final String sasToken = "test-token";

    AmqpsIotHubConnectionBaseHandler handler =
        new AmqpsIotHubConnectionBaseHandler(
            hostName, userName, sasToken, deviceId, mockIotHubConnection);

        mockIotHubConnection, "reactorReady", new CompletableFuture<Boolean>());
    CompletableFuture<Boolean> future =
        Deencapsulation.getField(mockIotHubConnection, "reactorReady");
