public static ElementInMove_c[] getManyGD_EIMsOnR25( GraphicalElement_c[] targets, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { if (targets == null || targets.length == 0 || targets[0] == null) return new ElementInMove_c[0]; ModelRoot modelRoot = targets[0].getModelRoot(); InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(ElementInMove_c.class); Vector matches = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { synchronized (targets[i].backPointer_IsMovingInElementInMoveIsMovingIn_R25) { for (int j = 0; j < targets[i].backPointer_IsMovingInElementInMoveIsMovingIn_R25.size(); ++j) { ElementInMove_c source = (ElementInMove_c) targets[i].backPointer_IsMovingInElementInMoveIsMovingIn_R25.get(j); if (source != null && (test == null || test.evaluate(source))) { matches.add(source); } } } } if (matches.size() > 0) { ElementInMove_c[] ret_set = new ElementInMove_c[matches.size()]; matches.copyInto(ret_set); return ret_set; } else { return new ElementInMove_c[0]; } }
public void batchRelate( ModelRoot modelRoot, boolean relateProxies, boolean notifyChanges, boolean searchAllRoots) { InstanceList instances = null; ModelRoot baseRoot = modelRoot; // R301 Graphelement_c relInst21771 = (Graphelement_c) baseRoot.getInstanceList(Graphelement_c.class).get(new Object[] {m_elementid}); // if there was no local element, check for any global elements // failing that proceed to check other model roots if (relInst21771 == null) { relInst21771 = (Graphelement_c) Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance() .getInstanceList(Graphelement_c.class) .get(new Object[] {m_elementid}); } // synchronized if (relInst21771 != null) { if (relateProxies || !isProxy() || (inSameComponent(this, relInst21771) && !isProxy())) { relInst21771.relateAcrossR301To(this, notifyChanges); } } }
public static ElementInMove_c resolveInstance( ModelRoot modelRoot, java.util.UUID p_m_elementid, java.util.UUID p_m_diagramid, float p_m_startingx, float p_m_startingy) { InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(ElementInMove_c.class); ElementInMove_c source = null; synchronized (instances) { Object[] key = {p_m_elementid, p_m_diagramid}; source = (ElementInMove_c) instances.get(key); if (source != null && !modelRoot.isCompareRoot()) { source.convertFromProxy(); source.batchUnrelate(); // pre-process the uuid so that we re-use null uuid instance rather then creating a new one. source.m_elementid = IdAssigner.preprocessUUID(p_m_elementid); // pre-process the uuid so that we re-use null uuid instance rather then creating a new one. source.m_diagramid = IdAssigner.preprocessUUID(p_m_diagramid); source.m_startingx = p_m_startingx; source.m_startingy = p_m_startingy; return source; } } // there is no instance matching the id ElementInMove_c new_inst = new ElementInMove_c(modelRoot, p_m_elementid, p_m_diagramid, p_m_startingx, p_m_startingy); return new_inst; }
public static void clearInstances(ModelRoot modelRoot) { InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(Graphnode_c.class); synchronized (instances) { for (int i = instances.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ((NonRootModelElement) instances.get(i)).delete_unchecked(); } } }
public static void batchRelateAll( ModelRoot modelRoot, boolean notifyChanges, boolean searchAllRoots, boolean relateProxies) { InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(Graphnode_c.class); synchronized (instances) { Iterator<NonRootModelElement> cursor = instances.iterator(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { final Graphnode_c inst = (Graphnode_c); inst.batchRelate(modelRoot, relateProxies, notifyChanges, searchAllRoots); } } }
private static Graphnode_c findGraphnodeInstance( ModelRoot modelRoot, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(Graphnode_c.class); synchronized (instances) { for (int i = 0; i < instances.size(); ++i) { Graphnode_c x = (Graphnode_c) instances.get(i); if (test == null || test.evaluate(x)) { return x; } } } return null; }
public static ElementInMove_c createProxy( ModelRoot modelRoot, java.util.UUID p_m_elementid, java.util.UUID p_m_diagramid, float p_m_startingx, float p_m_startingy, String p_contentPath, IPath p_localPath) { ModelRoot resolvedModelRoot = ModelRoot.findModelRoot(modelRoot, p_contentPath, p_localPath); // if a model root was not resolved it is most likely // due to a missing file of the proxy, defualt back to // the original model root if (resolvedModelRoot != null) modelRoot = resolvedModelRoot; InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(ElementInMove_c.class); ElementInMove_c new_inst = null; synchronized (instances) { Object[] key = {p_m_elementid, p_m_diagramid}; new_inst = (ElementInMove_c) instances.get(key); } String contentPath = PersistenceUtil.resolveRelativePath(p_localPath, new Path(p_contentPath)); if (modelRoot.isNewCompareRoot()) { // for comparisons we do not want to change // the content path contentPath = p_contentPath; } if (new_inst != null && !modelRoot.isCompareRoot()) { PersistableModelComponent pmc = new_inst.getPersistableComponent(); if (pmc == null) { // dangling reference, redo this instance new_inst.batchUnrelate(); // pre-process the uuid so that we re-use null uuid instance rather then creating a new one. new_inst.m_elementid = IdAssigner.preprocessUUID(p_m_elementid); // pre-process the uuid so that we re-use null uuid instance rather then creating a new one. new_inst.m_diagramid = IdAssigner.preprocessUUID(p_m_diagramid); new_inst.m_startingx = p_m_startingx; new_inst.m_startingy = p_m_startingy; } } if (new_inst == null) { // there is no instance matching the id, create a proxy // if the resource doesn't exist then this will be a dangling reference new_inst = new ElementInMove_c( modelRoot, p_m_elementid, p_m_diagramid, p_m_startingx, p_m_startingy); new_inst.m_contentPath = contentPath; } return new_inst; }
public static Graphnode_c[] GraphnodeInstances( ModelRoot modelRoot, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(Graphnode_c.class); Vector matches = new Vector(); synchronized (instances) { for (int i = 0; i < instances.size(); ++i) { Graphnode_c x = (Graphnode_c) instances.get(i); if (test == null || test.evaluate(x)) { matches.add(x); } } if (matches.size() > 0) { Graphnode_c[] ret_set = new Graphnode_c[matches.size()]; matches.copyInto(ret_set); return ret_set; } else { return new Graphnode_c[0]; } } }
public static Graphnode_c resolveInstance( ModelRoot modelRoot, float p_m_width, float p_m_height, java.util.UUID p_m_elementid) { InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(Graphnode_c.class); Graphnode_c source = null; synchronized (instances) { Object[] key = {p_m_elementid}; source = (Graphnode_c) instances.get(key); if (source != null && !modelRoot.isCompareRoot()) { source.convertFromProxy(); source.batchUnrelate(); source.m_width = p_m_width; source.m_height = p_m_height; // pre-process the uuid so that we re-use null uuid instance rather then creating a new one. source.m_elementid = IdAssigner.preprocessUUID(p_m_elementid); return source; } } // there is no instance matching the id Graphnode_c new_inst = new Graphnode_c(modelRoot, p_m_width, p_m_height, p_m_elementid); return new_inst; }
public static Graphnode_c[] getManyDIM_NDsOnR301( Graphelement_c[] targets, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { if (targets == null || targets.length == 0 || targets[0] == null) return new Graphnode_c[0]; ModelRoot modelRoot = targets[0].getModelRoot(); InstanceList instances = modelRoot.getInstanceList(Graphnode_c.class); Vector matches = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { Graphnode_c source = (Graphnode_c) targets[i].backPointer_IsSubtypeGraphnodeIsSubtype_R301; if (source != null && (test == null || test.evaluate(source))) { matches.add(source); } } if (matches.size() > 0) { Graphnode_c[] ret_set = new Graphnode_c[matches.size()]; matches.copyInto(ret_set); return ret_set; } else { return new Graphnode_c[0]; } }
public boolean performFinish() { TransactionUtil.TransactionGroup transactionGroup = null; ModelRoot modelRoot = v_syncMessage.getModelRoot(); try { transactionGroup = TransactionUtil.startTransactionsOnSelectedModelRoots( "Interface Operation Formalize"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Message_c v_message = Message_c.getOneMSG_MOnR1018(v_syncMessage); InteractionParticipant_c v_participant = InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR1007(v_message); ComponentParticipant_c v_cop = ComponentParticipant_c.getOneSQ_COPOnR930(v_participant); if (((v_cop == null))) { v_cop = ComponentParticipant_c.getOneSQ_COPOnR930( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR940( Lifespan_c.getOneSQ_LSOnR930(v_participant))); } Component_c v_component = (Component_c) modelRoot.getInstanceList(Component_c.class).getGlobal(null, Gd_c.Null_unique_id()); if (((v_cop != null))) { v_component = Component_c.getOneC_COnR955(v_cop); } if (((v_component != null))) { if (((v_Operation != null))) { if (v_syncMessage != null) { v_syncMessage.Formalizewithinterfaceoperation(v_Operation.getId()); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } } // catch all exceptions and cancel the transaction } catch (Exception e) { if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup, e); CorePlugin.logError("Transaction: Interface Operation Formalize failed", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ // return true so that the wizard will // close return true; } if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.endTransactions(transactionGroup); if (m_viewer != null) { if (m_viewer instanceof StructuredViewer) { ((StructuredViewer) m_viewer).refresh(v_syncMessage); } else { m_viewer.refresh(); } } return true; }
public boolean performFinish() { TransactionUtil.TransactionGroup transactionGroup = null; ModelRoot modelRoot = v_asyncMessage.getModelRoot(); try { transactionGroup = TransactionUtil.startTransactionsOnSelectedModelRoots( "Instance Event Formalize"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Message_c v_message = Message_c.getOneMSG_MOnR1018(v_asyncMessage); InteractionParticipant_c v_participant = InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR1007(v_message); Lifespan_c v_ls = Lifespan_c.getOneSQ_LSOnR930(v_participant); ClassInstanceParticipant_c v_cip = ClassInstanceParticipant_c.getOneSQ_CIPOnR930( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR940(v_ls)); ModelClass_c v_cipclass = (ModelClass_c) modelRoot.getInstanceList(ModelClass_c.class).getGlobal(null, Gd_c.Null_unique_id()); if (((v_cip != null))) { v_cipclass = ModelClass_c.getOneO_OBJOnR934(v_cip); } else { v_cip = ClassInstanceParticipant_c.getOneSQ_CIPOnR930( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR1007(v_message)); if (((v_cip != null))) { Communication_c v_communication = Communication_c.getOneCOMM_COMMOnR1126( ParticipantInCommunication_c.getOneCOMM_PICOnR1126( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR930(v_cip))); if (((v_communication != null))) { v_cipclass = ModelClass_c.getOneO_OBJOnR934(v_cip); } } } if (((v_cipclass != null))) { StateMachineEvent_c v_evt = StateMachineEvent_c.getOneSM_EVTOnR1009( EventMessage_c.getOneMSG_EOnR1019(v_asyncMessage)); java.util.UUID v_existingId = Gd_c.Null_unique_id(); if (((v_evt != null))) { v_existingId = v_evt.getSmevt_id(); } StateMachine_c v_stateMachine = StateMachine_c.getOneSM_SMOnR517(InstanceStateMachine_c.getOneSM_ISMOnR518(v_cipclass)); StateMachine_c[] v_machines = StateMachine_c.getManySM_SMsOnR517( InstanceStateMachine_c.getManySM_ISMsOnR518( ModelClass_c.getManyO_OBJsOnR8001( PackageableElement_c.getManyPE_PEsOnR8000( Package_c.getManyEP_PKGsOnR1405( SystemModel_c.getManyS_SYSsOnR1405( Package_c.getManyEP_PKGsOnR8000( PackageableElement_c.getManyPE_PEsOnR8001( v_cipclass)))))))); if (((v_machines.length == 0))) { v_machines = StateMachine_c.getManySM_SMsOnR517( InstanceStateMachine_c.getManySM_ISMsOnR518( ModelClass_c.getManyO_OBJsOnR2( Subsystem_c.getManyS_SSsOnR1( Domain_c.getManyS_DOMsOnR1( Subsystem_c.getManyS_SSsOnR2(v_cipclass)))))); } if (((v_Message != null))) { if (v_asyncMessage != null) { v_asyncMessage.Formalizewithevent(v_Message.getSmevt_id()); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } } // catch all exceptions and cancel the transaction } catch (Exception e) { if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup, e); CorePlugin.logError("Transaction: Instance Event Formalize failed", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ // return true so that the wizard will // close return true; } if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.endTransactions(transactionGroup); if (m_viewer != null) { if (m_viewer instanceof StructuredViewer) { ((StructuredViewer) m_viewer).refresh(v_asyncMessage); } else { m_viewer.refresh(); } } return true; }