예제 #1
  boolean closeAndRemoveResourcesInSet(Set s, Method closeMethod) {
    boolean okay = true;

    Set temp;
    synchronized (s) {
      temp = new HashSet(s);

    for (Iterator ii = temp.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) {
      Object rsrc = ii.next();
      try {
        closeMethod.invoke(rsrc, CLOSE_ARGS);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Throwable t = e;
        if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException)
          t = ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException();
        logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, "An exception occurred while cleaning up a resource.", t);
        // t.printStackTrace();
        okay = false;
      } finally {

    // We had to abandon the idea of simply iterating over s directly, because
    // our resource close methods sometimes try to remove the resource from
    // its parent Set. This is important (when the user closes the resources
    // directly), but leads to ConcurrenModificationExceptions while we are
    // iterating over the Set to close. So, now we iterate over a copy, but remove
    // from the original Set. Since removal is idempotent, it don't matter if
    // the close method already provoked a remove. Sucks that we have to copy
    // the set though.
    // Original (direct iteration) version:
    //  	synchronized (s)
    //  	    {
    //  		for (Iterator ii = s.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
    //  		    {
    //  			Object rsrc = ii.next();
    //  			try
    //  			    { closeMethod.invoke(rsrc, CLOSE_ARGS); }
    //  			catch (Exception e)
    //  			    {
    //  				Throwable t = e;
    //  				if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException)
    //  				    t = ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException();
    //  				t.printStackTrace();
    //  				okay = false;
    //  			    }
    //  			finally
    //  			    { ii.remove(); }
    //  		    }
    //  	    }

    return okay;
예제 #2
      public Object doRawStatementOperation(Method m, Object target, Object[] args)
          throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SQLException {
        if (target == C3P0ProxyStatement.RAW_STATEMENT) target = nakedInner;
        for (int i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i)
          if (args[i] == C3P0ProxyStatement.RAW_STATEMENT) args[i] = nakedInner;

        Object out = m.invoke(target, args);

        if (out instanceof ResultSet) out = wrap((ResultSet) out);

        return out;
예제 #3
    private Object doRawConnectionOperation(Method m, Object target, Object[] args)
        throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SQLException, Exception {
      if (activeConnection == null)
        throw new SQLException(
            "Connection previously closed. You cannot operate on a closed Connection.");

      if (target == C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION) target = activeConnection;
      for (int i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i)
        if (args[i] == C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION) args[i] = activeConnection;

      Object out = m.invoke(target, args);

      // we never cache Statements generated by an operation on the raw Connection
      if (out instanceof Statement) out = createProxyStatement(false, (Statement) out);
      else if (out instanceof ResultSet) {
        if (doRawResultSets == null) doRawResultSets = new HashSet();
        out = new NullStatementSetManagedResultSet((ResultSet) out, doRawResultSets);
      return out;
예제 #4
    public synchronized Object invoke(Object proxy, Method m, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
      if (OBJECT_METHODS.contains(m)) return m.invoke(this, args);

      try {
        String mname = m.getName();
        if (activeConnection != null) {
          if (mname.equals("rawConnectionOperation")) {
            txn_known_resolved = false;

            return doRawConnectionOperation((Method) args[0], args[1], (Object[]) args[2]);
          } else if (mname.equals("setTransactionIsolation")) {

            // don't modify txn_known_resolved

            m.invoke(activeConnection, args);

            int lvl = ((Integer) args[0]).intValue();
            isolation_lvl_nondefault = (lvl != dflt_txn_isolation);

            // System.err.println("updated txn isolation to " + lvl + ", nondefault level? " +
            // isolation_lvl_nondefault);

            return null;
          } else if (mname.equals("setCatalog")) {

            // don't modify txn_known_resolved

            m.invoke(activeConnection, args);

            String catalog = (String) args[0];
            catalog_nondefault = ObjectUtils.eqOrBothNull(catalog, dflt_catalog);

            return null;
          } else if (mname.equals("setHoldability")) {

            // don't modify txn_known_resolved

                args); // will throw an exception if setHoldability() not supported...

            int holdability = ((Integer) args[0]).intValue();
            holdability_nondefault = (holdability != dflt_holdability);

            return null;
          } else if (mname.equals("createStatement")) {
            txn_known_resolved = false;

            Object stmt = m.invoke(activeConnection, args);
            return createProxyStatement((Statement) stmt);
          } else if (mname.equals("prepareStatement")) {
            txn_known_resolved = false;

            Object pstmt;
            if (scache == null) {
              pstmt = m.invoke(activeConnection, args);
              return createProxyStatement((Statement) pstmt);
            } else {
              pstmt = scache.checkoutStatement(physicalConnection, m, args);
              return createProxyStatement(true, (Statement) pstmt);
          } else if (mname.equals("prepareCall")) {
            txn_known_resolved = false;

            Object cstmt;
            if (scache == null) {
              cstmt = m.invoke(activeConnection, args);
              return createProxyStatement((Statement) cstmt);
            } else {
              cstmt = scache.checkoutStatement(physicalConnection, m, args);
              return createProxyStatement(true, (Statement) cstmt);
          } else if (mname.equals("getMetaData")) {
            txn_known_resolved = false; // views of tables etc. might be txn dependent

            DatabaseMetaData innerMd = activeConnection.getMetaData();
            if (metaData == null) {
              // exposedProxy is protected by C3P0PooledConnection.this' lock
              synchronized (C3P0PooledConnection.this) {
                metaData =
                    new SetManagedDatabaseMetaData(innerMd, activeMetaDataResultSets, exposedProxy);
            return metaData;
          } else if (mname.equals("silentClose")) {
            // the PooledConnection doesn't have to be okay

            doSilentClose(proxy, ((Boolean) args[0]).booleanValue(), this.txn_known_resolved);
            return null;
          } else if (mname.equals("close")) {
            // the PooledConnection doesn't have to be okay

            Exception e = doSilentClose(proxy, false, this.txn_known_resolved);
            if (!connection_error_signaled) ces.fireConnectionClosed();
            // System.err.println("close() called on a ProxyConnection.");
            if (e != null) {
              // 					    System.err.print("user close exception -- ");
              // 					    e.printStackTrace();
              throw e;
            } else return null;
          // 			    else if ( mname.equals("finalize") ) //REMOVE THIS CASE -- TMP DEBUG
          // 				{
          // 				    System.err.println("Connection apparently finalized!");
          // 				    return m.invoke( activeConnection, args );
          // 				}
          else {

            // we've disabled setting txn_known_resolved to true, ever, because
            // we failed to deal with the case that clients would work with previously
            // acquired Statements and ResultSets after a commit(), rollback(), or setAutoCommit().
            // the new non-reflective proxies have been modified to deal with this case.
            // here, with soon-to-be-deprecated in "traditional reflective proxies mode"
            // we are reverting to the conservative, always-presume-you-have-to-rollback
            // policy.

            // txn_known_resolved = ( mname.equals("commit") || mname.equals( "rollback" ) ||
            // mname.equals( "setAutoCommit" ) );
            txn_known_resolved = false;

            return m.invoke(activeConnection, args);
        } else {
          if (mname.equals("close") || mname.equals("silentClose")) return null;
          else if (mname.equals("isClosed")) return Boolean.TRUE;
          else {
            throw new SQLException("You can't operate on " + "a closed connection!!!");
      } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        Throwable convertMe = e.getTargetException();
        SQLException sqle = handleMaybeFatalToPooledConnection(convertMe, proxy, false);
        throw sqle;