public WakeOnLan(JSAPResult cmdConfig) throws JSAPException, IOException { super(); if (!cmdConfig.success()) { printHelpAndExit(); } if (cmdConfig.getBoolean(CMD_HELP)) { printHelpAndExit(); } if (cmdConfig.getBoolean(CMD_VERSION)) { printVersionAndExit(); } String[] machines = cmdConfig.getStringArray(CMD_ADDRESSES); String configPath = cmdConfig.getString(CMD_CONFIG_FILE); Configuration config = new Configuration(configPath); if (null == machines || 0 == machines.length) { showGUI(config); } else { InetAddress host = cmdConfig.getInetAddress(CMD_INET_ADDRESS); int port = cmdConfig.getInt(CMD_PORT); wakeup(machines, config, host, port); } }
@Override public void interpretArguments( final JSAP jsap, final JSAPResult result, final DAVOptions options) { timeService = new TimeLoggingService("execute-splits"); timeService.start(); super.interpretArguments(jsap, result, options); optionalModelIds = parseOptionalModelIdProperties(configurationProperties); evaluateStatistics = result.getBoolean("evaluate-statistics"); if (!evaluateStatistics) { System.out.println( "Will not evaluate statistics as run proceed. Run restat on results directory to obtain statistics."); } else { System.out.println("Will evaluate statistics as run proceed."); } try { final String filename = result.getString("splits"); splitPlanFilename = filename; splitPlan.load(filename); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("An error occurred reading splits file. " + result.getString("splits"), e); } // collect keys for parameters that are not required (have default values) paramKeysNotRequired = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); if (!result.userSpecified("seed")) { paramKeysNotRequired.add("--seed"); paramKeysNotRequired.add(Integer.toString(options.randomSeed)); } modelId = ShortHash.shortHash(getOriginalArgs()); options.modelId = modelId; timeService.setModelId(options.modelId); final Map<String, String> additionalConditionsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); additionalConditionsMap.put("model-id", modelId); for (final OptionalModelId optionalModelId : optionalModelIds) { final String[] originalArgs1 = expandShortArgs(getOriginalArgs(), jsap); final String[] filteredArgs = filterArgs(originalArgs1, optionalModelId); final String optionalModelIdValue = ShortHash.shortHash(filteredArgs); additionalConditionsMap.put(optionalModelId.columnIdentifier, optionalModelIdValue); } final String modelConditionsFilename = "model-conditions.txt"; final Set<String> skipJsapConditions = new HashSet<String>(); skipJsapConditions.add("model-id"); skipJsapConditions.add("mode"); try { writeConditions( modelConditionsFilename, jsap, result, additionalConditionsMap, skipJsapConditions); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error writing " + modelConditionsFilename + " file", e); } }
@Override public JSAPResult parse(String[] args) { JSAPResult config; config = super.parse(args); try { /* parameter checking */ this.messagePrinted = super.messagePrinted(); boolean existsEnabledRatingAlgorithm = config.contains(OPTION_DYNAMIC_LINEAR_REGRESSION) || config.contains(OPTION_CONSTANT_LINEAR_REGRESSION) || config.getBoolean(OPTION_DIRECT_SCORES); /* ****************** ADD NEW RATING SYSTEMS HERE ****************** */ if (!existsEnabledRatingAlgorithm) { messagePrinted = true; if (!config.getBoolean(OPTION_HELP)) { System.err.println("Error: At least one rating algorithm must be enabled."); } } boolean existsEnabledOutputAlgorithm = config.getBoolean(OPTION_CSV_OUTPUT) || config.getBoolean(OPTION_GNUPLOT_OUTPUT) || config.getBoolean(OPTION_HTML_OUTPUT); /* ****************** ADD NEW OUTPUT METHODS HERE ****************** */ if (!existsEnabledOutputAlgorithm) { messagePrinted = true; if (!config.getBoolean(OPTION_HELP)) { System.err.println("Error: At least one output algorithm must be enabled."); } } if (messagePrinted) { // if user hasn't asked for help, "beat him with a clue stick", as the JSAP manual says if (!config.getBoolean(OPTION_HELP)) { System.err.println(); System.err.println("Type " + APPLICATION_CALL + " --" + OPTION_HELP + " for help."); } config.addException(null, new JSAPException("Help message printed.")); } } catch (UnspecifiedParameterException e) { if (!config.getBoolean(OPTION_HELP)) { System.err.println(); System.err.println("Type " + APPLICATION_CALL + " --" + OPTION_HELP + " for help."); } throw e; } return config; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int port = 8077; boolean useSsl = false; boolean requirePeerAuthentication = false; // TODO: add more options for SSL to configure CRT etc. SimpleJSAP commandLineOptions = new SimpleJSAP( "NettyServer", "Runs a simple SSL or non-SSL netty server", new Parameter[] { new FlaggedOption( "port", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, "8077", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'p', "port", "listener port"), new Switch("ssl", 's', "ssl", "enforces SSL connection"), new Switch( "peer", 'p', "peer", "enforces peer certification authentication (in SSL mode)") }); JSAPResult cmd = commandLineOptions.parse(args); if (commandLineOptions.messagePrinted()) { System.err.println("(use option --help for usage)"); System.exit(1); } port = cmd.getInt("port"); useSsl = cmd.getBoolean("ssl"); requirePeerAuthentication = cmd.getBoolean("peer"); if (args.length > 0) { port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } System.out.println("Starting an SSL test server on port " + port); new SslServer(port, useSsl, requirePeerAuthentication).run(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // register and parse all options JSAPResult config = OptionFactory.parseResults(args, OPTIONS); String inputFileName = AbstractOptionFactory.getFilePath(config, "input"); String mappingFile = AbstractOptionFactory.getFilePath(config, "nameMappingFile"); String outputFileName = AbstractOptionFactory.getFilePath(config, "output"); String stripFromLabel = config.getString("stripFromString"); boolean onlyLastPathSegment = config.getBoolean("onlyLastPathSegment"); boolean gzip = config.getBoolean("gzip"); MatchMode matchMode = MatchMode.valueOf(config.getString("matchMode")); Hashtable<String, String> mapping = readMappingFile(mappingFile); String[] keys = null; if (matchMode == MatchMode.endsWith) { // defining the keys ones as String[] is still slow, but faster than using Hashmap#keySet() // often keys = mapping.keySet().toArray(new String[mapping.size()]); } OutputStream out = gzip ? new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName)) : new FileOutputStream(outputFileName); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); HashMap<String, String> headers = FileUtils.readSOMLibFileHeaders( FileUtils.openFile("Input vector", inputFileName), "input vector"); int totalVectorCount = Integer.parseInt(headers.get("$XDIM")); BufferedReader br = FileUtils.openFile("Input vector", inputFileName); String line = null; StdErrProgressWriter progress = new StdErrProgressWriter(totalVectorCount, "rewriting vector ", 100); int written = 0; int skipped = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("$")) { bw.write(line); bw.newLine(); } else { int lastPos = line.lastIndexOf(" "); String label = line.substring(lastPos + 1); // System.out.println(stripFromLabel); // System.out.print(label); label = label.replaceAll(stripFromLabel, ""); if (onlyLastPathSegment && label.contains("/")) { label = label.substring(label.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } // System.out.println("=>" + label); String target = getReplacement(mapping, keys, label, matchMode); if (target != null) { bw.write(line.substring(0, lastPos)); bw.write(" " + target); bw.newLine(); written++; } else { // System.out.println("No label found for " + label); skipped++; } progress.progress(); } } br.close(); bw.close(); System.out.println( "Wrote " + written + " vectors, skipped " + skipped + " because no label found in matching file"); }
public Object execute(List<String> argList) throws TclShellException { JSAPResult argv = parse(argList); if (argv == null) { return false; } if (argv.getBoolean(SmOptionPM.LIST_ATTR_OPTION)) { for (PWR_SRC_ATTR e : PWR_SRC_ATTR.values()) System.out.println( " => " + e.arg + " :\n " + + (e.allowed == null ? "" : " = " + StringUtilities.join(", ", e.allowed) + ")")); return true; } String modelID = argv.getString(SmOption.MODEL_OPTION); ModelDB model = (modelID != null) ? ToolsDesign.getModel(modelID) : UnwCore.getDBProject().model(); if (model == null) { Logger.error(ErrorList.DB3.errorName(), ErrorList.DB3.getMessage(modelID)); throw new TclShellException(""); } PMConfig cfg = PMResourceManager.instance.getPmconfig(model, null); String pwrsrcName = argv.getString(SmOptionPM.PWRSRC_OPTION); PowerSourceInstance powerSource = PMFindVDomainTools.findPowerSource(cfg, pwrsrcName); if (powerSource == null) { Logger.error( ErrorListPM.PM22.errorName(), ErrorListPM.PM22.getMessage(pwrsrcName + "in model " + model.getModelName())); throw new TclShellException(""); } if (!argv.contains(SmOption.NAME_VALUE_OPTION)) { Logger.error("TCL", "no attribute specified"); throw new TclShellException(""); } String[] tokens = argv.getStringArray(SmOption.NAME_VALUE_OPTION); if (tokens.length % 2 != 0) { Logger.error(ErrorListPM.PM_TCL1.errorName(), ErrorListPM.PM_TCL1.getMessage()); throw new TclShellException(""); } String attrName; String attrValue; boolean error = false; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 2) { attrName = tokens[i]; attrValue = tokens[i + 1]; PWR_SRC_ATTR id = PWR_SRC_ATTR.findAttr(attrName); if (id == null) { Logger.error(ErrorListPM.PM_TCL3.errorName(), ErrorListPM.PM_TCL3.getMessage(attrName)); throw new TclShellException(""); } else { CONNECT_DIRECTIVE direct = null; switch (id) { case CONNECT_IVOLT: try { direct = CONNECT_DIRECTIVE.valueOf(attrValue); powerSource.setConnectInputVoltage(direct); } catch (Exception e) { error = true; } break; case CONNECT_CTRL: try { direct = CONNECT_DIRECTIVE.valueOf(attrValue); powerSource.setConnectControl(direct); } catch (Exception e) { error = true; } break; case NAME: if (FormatValidation.isAlphaNumeric(attrValue, false)) { powerSource.setName(attrValue); } else error = true; default: break; } if (error) { Logger.error( ErrorListPM.PM_TCL2.errorName(), ErrorListPM.PM_TCL2.getMessage(attrValue + " for attribute " + attrName)); throw new TclShellException(""); } } } return true; }
public Object execute(List<String> argList) throws TclShellException { JSAPResult argv = parse(argList); if (argv == null) { return false; } InstanceDB inst; boolean hasError = false; String modelID = argv.getString(SmOption.MODEL_OPTION); ModelDB model = SmOption.getModel(modelID); if (model == null) throw new TclShellException(""); boolean createPort = argv.getBoolean(SmOption.CREATE_PORT_OPTION); /* * Set Parameters */ String[] instances = argv.getStringArray(SmOption.INSTANCE_OPTION); Collection<InstanceDB> instToConnect = new ArrayList<InstanceDB>(); if (instances == null || instances.length == 0) instToConnect = model.instances(); for (String instName : instances) { inst = model.instance(instName); if (inst == null) { Logger.error( ErrorList.DB15.errorName(), ErrorList.DB15.getMessage(instName + " in model " + model.getModelName())); hasError = true; continue; } instToConnect.add(inst); } DBJobParam param = new DBJobParam(); param.setSrcData( ConnectByNameDBJob.CONNECT_INSTANCES, instToConnect.toArray(new InstanceDB[instToConnect.size()])); param.setSrcData(ConnectByNameDBJob.CREATE_PORT, createPort); param.setSrcData(ConnectByNameDBJob.LEAKAGE_PORT, argv.getBoolean(SmOption.LEAKAGE_OPTION)); param.setSrcData( ConnectByNameDBJob.PROPAGATE_UP, SmOption.UP_OPTION.equals(argv.getString(SmOption.PROPAGATE_OPTION))); if (argv.contains(SmOption.DIRECTION_OPTION)) { String dir = argv.getString(SmOption.DIRECTION_OPTION); if ("in".equals(dir)) param.setSrcData(ConnectByNameDBJob.DIRECTION, PortInDB.class); else if ("out".equals(dir)) param.setSrcData(ConnectByNameDBJob.DIRECTION, PortOutDB.class); } if (argv.getBoolean(SmOption.HIER_OPTION)) param.setSrcData(ConnectByNameDBJob.HIER_OPTION, true); param.setSrcData(ConnectByNameDBJob.KEEPCONNECTION, !argv.getBoolean(SmOption.FORCE_OPTION)); DBJob job = new ConnectByNameDBJob(param); job.launch(); if (hasError || !job.isSuccessful()) throw new TclShellException("error with " + getCommandText()); return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void writeConditions( final String conditionsFilename, final JSAP jsap, final JSAPResult jsapResult, final Map<String, String> additionalConditionsMap, final Set<String> skipJsapConditions) throws IOException { PrintWriter modelConditionsWriter = null; try { modelConditionsWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(conditionsFilename, true)); boolean firstItem = true; // Write the additional conditions for (final String conditionKey : additionalConditionsMap.keySet()) { final String value = additionalConditionsMap.get(conditionKey); if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { modelConditionsWriter.print("\t"); } modelConditionsWriter.printf("%s=%s", conditionKey, value); } // Write the JSAP configuration, as configured for ExecuteSplitsMode for (final String id : new IteratorIterable<String>(jsap.getIDMap().idIterator())) { if (skipJsapConditions.contains(id)) { // Skip some of the conditions continue; } final Parameter paramObj = jsap.getByID(id); if (paramObj instanceof Switch) { if (jsapResult.getBoolean(id)) { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { modelConditionsWriter.print("\t"); } modelConditionsWriter.printf("%s=enabled", id); } } else if (paramObj instanceof FlaggedOption) { // A flag switch exists. Pass it along. final FlaggedOption flagOpt = (FlaggedOption) paramObj; if (jsapResult.contains(id)) { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { modelConditionsWriter.print("\t"); } final String stringVal = SequenceMode.jsapOptionToConcatenatedString(jsapResult, flagOpt, ','); modelConditionsWriter.printf("%s=%s", id, stringVal); } } } modelConditionsWriter.println(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(modelConditionsWriter); modelConditionsWriter = null; } }
protected static Options parseArguments(String[] args) throws JSAPException, IOException { JSAP jsap = new JSAP(); FlaggedOption rosNameSpace = new FlaggedOption("namespace") .setLongFlag("namespace") .setShortFlag(JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG) .setRequired(false) .setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER); rosNameSpace.setDefault(DEFAULT_PREFIX); FlaggedOption tfPrefix = new FlaggedOption("tfPrefix") .setLongFlag("tfPrefix") .setShortFlag(JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG) .setRequired(false) .setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER); tfPrefix.setDefault(DEFAULT_TF_PREFIX); FlaggedOption model = new FlaggedOption("robotModel") .setLongFlag("model") .setShortFlag('m') .setRequired(false) .setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER); model.setDefault(DEFAULT_STRING); FlaggedOption location = new FlaggedOption("startingLocation") .setLongFlag("location") .setShortFlag('s') .setRequired(false) .setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER); location.setDefault(DEFAULT_STRING); Switch visualizeSCSSwitch = new Switch("disable-visualize").setShortFlag('d').setLongFlag("disable-visualize"); visualizeSCSSwitch.setHelp("Disable rendering/visualization of Simulation Construction Set"); Switch requestAutomaticDiagnostic = new Switch("requestAutomaticDiagnostic") .setLongFlag("requestAutomaticDiagnostic") .setShortFlag(JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG); requestAutomaticDiagnostic.setHelp("enable automatic diagnostic routine"); jsap.registerParameter(model); jsap.registerParameter(location); jsap.registerParameter(rosNameSpace); jsap.registerParameter(tfPrefix); jsap.registerParameter(requestAutomaticDiagnostic); jsap.registerParameter(visualizeSCSSwitch); JSAPResult config = jsap.parse(args); Options options = new Options(); options.robotModel = config.getString(model.getID()); options.disableViz = config.getBoolean(visualizeSCSSwitch.getID()); options.startingLocation = config.getString(location.getID()); options.tfPrefix = config.getString(tfPrefix.getID()); options.nameSpace = config.getString(rosNameSpace.getID()); options.runAutomaticDiagnosticRoutine = config.getBoolean(requestAutomaticDiagnostic.getID()); return options; }
public static void execCommandArgs(String[] args) { JSAP jsap = new JSAP(); final String update = "up"; final String help = "help"; final String prozess = "tex"; final String outout = "out"; final String src = "src"; try { Switch swHelp = new Switch(help); swHelp.setShortFlag('h'); swHelp.setLongFlag("help"); swHelp.setHelp("Show this."); jsap.registerParameter(swHelp); Switch swUpdate = new Switch(update); swUpdate.setShortFlag('u'); swUpdate.setLongFlag("update"); swUpdate.setHelp("Updates from Remote"); jsap.registerParameter(swUpdate); Switch swTex = new Switch(prozess); swTex.setShortFlag('t'); swTex.setLongFlag("transform"); swTex.setHelp("starts transform to tex"); jsap.registerParameter(swTex); FlaggedOption optOut = new FlaggedOption(outout); optOut.setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER); optOut.setDefault(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/Songbook.tex"); optOut.setRequired(false); optOut.setShortFlag('o'); optOut.setLongFlag("output"); optOut.setHelp("Filename for output"); jsap.registerParameter(optOut); FlaggedOption optSrc = new FlaggedOption(src); optSrc.setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER); optSrc.setDefault(DEFAULT_DATA_FOLDER); optSrc.setRequired(false); optSrc.setShortFlag('s'); optSrc.setLongFlag("src"); optSrc.setHelp("input folder"); jsap.registerParameter(optSrc); if (false) { final String style = "style"; FlaggedOption optStyle = new FlaggedOption(style); optStyle.setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER); optStyle.setDefault(getDefault()); optStyle.setRequired(false); optStyle.setShortFlag('y'); optStyle.setLongFlag("style"); jsap.registerParameter(optStyle); } } catch (JSAPException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } JSAPResult config = jsap.parse(args); if (config.getBoolean("help") || !config.success() || !config.getBoolean(prozess)) { // TODO jar name/ package System.out.println("Usage: java -jar " + "??????.jar " + jsap.getUsage()); System.out.println(); System.out.println(jsap.getHelp()); System.out.println(); } if (config.getBoolean(update)) { updater.update(); } if (config.getBoolean(prozess)) { File sourceDir = new File(config.getString(src)); if (!sourceDir.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("No songs. Please update; " + sourceDir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { processSongs(config.getString(src), config.getString(outout)); } } }
public static void main(final String[] arg) throws IOException, JSAPException, ConfigurationException, ClassNotFoundException { SimpleJSAP jsap = new SimpleJSAP( WeightedPageRankPowerMethod.class.getName(), "Computes PageRank of a graph with given graphBasename using the power method." + "The resulting doubles are stored in binary form in rankFile." + "\n[STOPPING CRITERION] The computation is stopped as soon as two successive iterates have" + "an L2-distance smaller than a given threshold (-t option); in any case no more than a fixed" + "number of iterations (-i option) is performed.", new Parameter[] { new FlaggedOption( "alpha", JSAP.DOUBLE_PARSER, Double.toString(WeightedPageRank.DEFAULT_ALPHA), JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'a', "alpha", "Damping factor."), new FlaggedOption( "maxIter", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, Integer.toString(WeightedPageRank.DEFAULT_MAX_ITER), JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'i', "max-iter", "Maximum number of iterations."), new FlaggedOption( "threshold", JSAP.DOUBLE_PARSER, Double.toString(WeightedPageRank.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD), JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 't', "threshold", "Threshold to determine whether to stop."), new FlaggedOption( "coeff", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'c', "coeff", "Save the k-th coefficient of the Taylor polynomial using this basename."), new FlaggedOption( "derivative", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'd', "derivative", "The order(s) of the the derivative(s) to be computed (>0).") .setAllowMultipleDeclarations(true), new FlaggedOption( "preferenceVector", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'p', "preference-vector", "A preference vector stored as a vector of binary doubles."), new FlaggedOption( "preferenceObject", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'P', "preference-object", "A preference vector stored as a serialised DoubleList."), new FlaggedOption( "startFilename", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, '1', "start", "Start vector filename."), new FlaggedOption( "buckets", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'b', "buckets", "The buckets of the graph; if supplied, buckets will be treated as dangling nodes."), new Switch("offline", 'o', "offline", "use loadOffline() to load the graph"), new Switch( "strongly", 'S', "strongly", "use the preference vector to redistribute the dangling rank."), new Switch( "sortedRank", 's', "sorted-ranks", "Store the ranks (from highest to lowest) into <rankBasename>-sorted.ranks."), new FlaggedOption( "norm", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, WeightedPageRank.Norm.INFTY.toString(), JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'n', "norm", "Norm type. Possible values: " + Arrays.toString(WeightedPageRank.Norm.values())), new UnflaggedOption( "graphBasename", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, JSAP.NOT_GREEDY, "The basename of the graph."), new UnflaggedOption( "rankBasename", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, JSAP.NOT_GREEDY, "The filename where the resulting rank (doubles in binary form) are stored.") }); JSAPResult jsapResult = jsap.parse(arg); if (jsap.messagePrinted()) return; final boolean offline = jsapResult.getBoolean("offline", false); final boolean strongly = jsapResult.getBoolean("strongly", false); final boolean sorted = jsapResult.getBoolean("sortedRank", false); final int[] order = jsapResult.getIntArray("derivative"); final String graphBasename = jsapResult.getString("graphBasename"); final String rankBasename = jsapResult.getString("rankBasename"); final String buckets = jsapResult.getString("buckets"); final String startFilename = jsapResult.getString("startFilename", null); final String coeffBasename = jsapResult.getString("coeff"); final String norm = jsapResult.getString("norm"); final ProgressLogger progressLogger = new ProgressLogger(LOGGER, "nodes"); ArcLabelledImmutableGraph graph = offline ? ArcLabelledImmutableGraph.loadOffline(graphBasename, progressLogger) : ArcLabelledImmutableGraph.loadSequential(graphBasename, progressLogger); DoubleList preference = null; String preferenceFilename = null; if (jsapResult.userSpecified("preferenceVector")) preference = DoubleArrayList.wrap( BinIO.loadDoubles(preferenceFilename = jsapResult.getString("preferenceVector"))); if (jsapResult.userSpecified("preferenceObject")) { if (jsapResult.userSpecified("preferenceVector")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot specify twice the preference vector"); preference = (DoubleList) BinIO.loadObject(preferenceFilename = jsapResult.getString("preferenceObject")); } if (strongly && preference == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The 'strongly' option requires a preference vector"); DoubleList start = null; if (startFilename != null) { LOGGER.debug("Loading start vector \"" + startFilename + "\"..."); start = DoubleArrayList.wrap(BinIO.loadDoubles(startFilename)); LOGGER.debug("done."); } WeightedPageRankPowerMethod pr = new WeightedPageRankPowerMethod(graph); pr.alpha = jsapResult.getDouble("alpha"); pr.preference = preference; pr.buckets = (BitSet) (buckets == null ? null : BinIO.loadObject(buckets)); pr.stronglyPreferential = strongly; pr.start = start; pr.norm = WeightedPageRank.Norm.valueOf(norm); pr.order = order != null ? order : null; pr.coeffBasename = coeffBasename; // cycle until we reach maxIter interations or the norm is less than the given threshold // (whichever comes first) pr.stepUntil( or( new WeightedPageRank.NormDeltaStoppingCriterion(jsapResult.getDouble("threshold")), new WeightedPageRank.IterationNumberStoppingCriterion(jsapResult.getInt("maxIter")))); System.err.print("Saving ranks..."); BinIO.storeDoubles(pr.rank, rankBasename + ".ranks"); if (pr.numNodes < 100) { for (int i = 0; i < pr.rank.length; i++) { System.err.println("PageRank[" + i + "]=" + pr.rank[i]); } } Properties prop = pr.buildProperties(graphBasename, preferenceFilename, startFilename); + ".properties"); if (order != null) { System.err.print("Saving derivatives..."); for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++) BinIO.storeDoubles(pr.derivative[i], rankBasename + ".der-" + order[i]); } final double[] rank = pr.rank; pr = null; // Let us free some memory... graph = null; if (sorted) { System.err.print("Sorting ranks..."); Arrays.sort(rank); final int n = rank.length; int i = n / 2; double t; // Since we need the ranks from highest to lowest, we invert their order. while (i-- != 0) { t = rank[i]; rank[i] = rank[n - i - 1]; rank[n - i - 1] = t; } System.err.print(" saving sorted ranks..."); BinIO.storeDoubles(rank, rankBasename + "-sorted.ranks"); System.err.println(" done."); } }
/** @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception { if (args.length == 0) { startGui(); } else { JSAPResult config = parseArguments(args); if (config.getString("mode").length() == 0 && config.getBoolean("help")) { printHelp(); System.exit(0); } // which mode? Mode m = Mode.valueOf(config.getString("mode")); if (m == Mode.SequestDifference) { SequestDifference.main(args); return; } String peptideFilePath = config.getString("peptideFilePath"); String referenceFilePath = config.getString("referenceFilePath"); String codeFile = config.getString("codeFile"); String codeName = config.getString("codeName"); String outputFilename = config.getString("outputFilename"); String outputFastaFilename = config.getString("outputFastaFilename"); String outputGff3Filename = config.getString("outputGff3Filename"); String beginSpliceSitesPath = config.getString("beginSpliceSitesPath"); String endSpliceSitesPath = config.getString("endSpliceSitesPath"); boolean isEukaryote = config.getBoolean("isEukaryote"); int codons = config.getInt("codons"); String geneSplicerOutputPath = config.getString("geneSplicerOutputPath"); boolean tabbedFile = config.getBoolean("tabbedFile"); GeneSplicerParser geneSplicerParser = null; File f = new File(geneSplicerOutputPath); if (f.exists()) { geneSplicerParser = new GeneSplicerParser(geneSplicerOutputPath); } List<BioSequence> peptides; if (tabbedFile) { peptides = TabbedSequenceReader.readSequences(peptideFilePath); } else { peptides = FASTASequenceReader.readSequences(peptideFilePath); } MapperMode mode = Mapper.MapperMode.Prokaryote; if (isEukaryote) { mode = MapperMode.Eukaryote; } else if (codons > 0) { mode = MapperMode.Codon; } else if (geneSplicerParser != null) { mode = MapperMode.GeneSplicer; } StateMachine sm = new StateMachine(peptides); CodeTable table = CodeTable.getCodeTable(codeFile, codeName); Mapper mapper = new Mapper( peptides, sm, referenceFilePath, outputFilename, outputFastaFilename, outputGff3Filename, table, mode, beginSpliceSitesPath, endSpliceSitesPath, codons, geneSplicerParser); // perform the mapping; } }
/** * Sample program params for a class 52 with some specified modules Report3 -c:52 * -f:u:/formality/Greenfield2010/CyczReport3-GeoProbGraph.csv * -m:237,246,247,250,252,259,261,265,268 * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Report3 r = new Report3(); try { SimpleJSAP jsap = new SimpleJSAP( "Report3", "Report 3", new Parameter[] { new QualifiedSwitch( "beginUserId", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'b', "buid", "Takes a begin Id. Must be combined with -e --euid"), new QualifiedSwitch( "endUserId", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'e', "euid", "Takes a end Id (must be combined with -b --buid"), new QualifiedSwitch( "classId", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'c', "classId", "Takes the course id."), new QualifiedSwitch( "outfile", FileStringParser.getParser(), JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'f', "file", "The output file (full path) to a comma separated value file."), new QualifiedSwitch( "modules", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'm', "modules", "Module IDs to report on") .setList(true) .setListSeparator(',') }); JSAPResult config = jsap.parse(args); if (jsap.messagePrinted()) System.exit(1); File f = config.getFile("outfile"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f); Connection conn = null; conn = r.getConnection(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int beginId = 0, endId = 0, courseId; List<List<String>> rows = null; int[] modules = config.getIntArray("modules"); r.modIds = modules; if (config.getBoolean("beginUserId") && config.getBoolean("endUserId")) { beginId = config.getInt("beginUserId"); endId = config.getInt("endUserId"); rows = r.writeUsers(beginId, endId, conn); } else if (config.getBoolean("classId")) { courseId = config.getInt("classId"); r.courseName = r.getCourseName(conn, courseId); rows = r.writeCourse(courseId, conn); } r.toCSV(rows, sb); System.out.println(sb.toString()); fw.write(sb.toString()); fw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws JSAPException, IOException, RatingException { CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface = new CommandLineInterface(); JSAPResult jsap = commandLineInterface.parse(args); if (!jsap.success()) { throw new JSAPException("Command line parsing failed."); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // now configure everything // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); /* configure debug level */ String debugLevel = jsap.getString(OPTION_DEBUG_LEVEL).toUpperCase(); Level level = Level.parse(debugLevel); configuration.setDebugLevel(level); /* configure input dir */ MatchSetReader matchSetReader = new FileMatchSetReader(jsap.getFile(OPTION_INPUT_DIR), configuration); configuration.setMatchReader(matchSetReader); /* configure output dir */ Configuration.setOutputDir(jsap.getFile(OPTION_OUTPUT_DIR)); /* configure previous ratings file */ configuration.setPreviousRatings(jsap.getFile(OPTION_PREVIOUS_RATINGS)); /* configure rating algorithms */ if (jsap.contains(OPTION_DYNAMIC_LINEAR_REGRESSION)) { int maxMatchSets = jsap.getInt(OPTION_DYNAMIC_LINEAR_REGRESSION); configuration.addRatingSystem(new DynamicLinearRegressionStrategy(maxMatchSets)); } if (jsap.contains(OPTION_CONSTANT_LINEAR_REGRESSION)) { double learningRate = jsap.getDouble(OPTION_CONSTANT_LINEAR_REGRESSION); configuration.addRatingSystem(new ConstantLinearRegressionStrategy(learningRate)); } if (jsap.getBoolean(OPTION_DIRECT_SCORES)) { configuration.addRatingSystem(new DirectScoresStrategy()); } /* ****************** ADD NEW RATING SYSTEMS HERE ****************** */ /* make ignore list */ Set<Player> ignorePlayers = new IgnorePlayerSet(jsap.getFile(OPTION_INPUT_DIR), configuration.getPlayerSet()); /* configure output methods */ for (RatingSystemType type : configuration.getEnabledRatingSystems()) { if (jsap.getBoolean(OPTION_CSV_OUTPUT)) { configuration.addCSVOutputBuilder(type, ignorePlayers); } if (jsap.getBoolean(OPTION_GNUPLOT_OUTPUT)) { configuration.addGnuplotOutputBuilder(type, ignorePlayers); } if (jsap.getBoolean(OPTION_HTML_OUTPUT)) { configuration.addHtmlOutputBuilder(type, ignorePlayers); } /* ****************** ADD NEW OUTPUT METHODS HERE ****************** */ }; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final SimpleJSAP jsap = new SimpleJSAP( Sparsifier.class.getName(), "Estimates and sparsifies a propagation model from a set of observations.", new Parameter[] { new FlaggedOption( "social-network", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 's', "social-network", "The file containing the social network graph"), new FlaggedOption( "probabilities", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'p', "probabilities", "The file containing the propagation probabilities"), new FlaggedOption( "candidate-selection-policy", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, CandidateSelectionPolicy.DEFAULT_CANDIDATE_SELECTION_POLICY .getClass() .getSimpleName(), JSAP.REQUIRED, 'c', "candidate-selection-policy", "The name of the candidate selection policy"), new FlaggedOption( "auxiliary-basename", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG, "auxiliary-basename", "The base name for reading a pre-computed auxiliary structure"), new FlaggedOption( "input", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'i', "input", "The file containing the observations"), new FlaggedOption( "sparsifier", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, DEFAULT_SPARSIFIER.getSimpleName(), JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'f', "sparsifier", "The sparsifier to run, from this list: " + StringUtils.join(Reflection.subClasses(Sparsifier.class), ',')), new FlaggedOption( "sparse-model-size", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'k', "sparse-model-size", "The size of the sparse model"), new FlaggedOption( "number-of-chunks", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'r', "number-of-chunks", "The number of chunks to be sparsified in parralel"), new FlaggedOption( "output", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'o', "output", "File to dump sparsified model to"), new FlaggedOption( "measures-file", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'z', "measures-file", "Save measures of partial models to file"), new FlaggedOption( "debug-file", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'd', "debug-file", "Save debug information to file"), new Switch( "with-fraction", 'n', "with-fraction", "Disable the computation of the 'fraction of covered propagations'."), new Switch( "incremental-likelihood", JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG, "incremental-likelihood", "Performs incremental computation of likelihood, for sparsifications methods that support this option (faster, experimental)."), }); final JSAPResult jsapResult = jsap.parse(args); if (jsap.messagePrinted()) { return; } // Load social network and input String snFilename = jsapResult.getString("social-network"); SocialNetwork socNet = new SocialNetwork(Utilities.getIterator(snFilename)); String obsFilename = jsapResult.getString("input"); ObservationsReader observations = new ObservationsReader(obsFilename); // Load original model ICModel originalModel = new ICModel(socNet, Utilities.getIterator(jsapResult.getString("probabilities"))); // Load candidate selection policy String selectionPolicyName = jsapResult.getString("candidate-selection-policy"); Class<?> selectionPolicyClass = Class.forName( CandidateSelectionPolicy.class.getPackage().getName() + "." + selectionPolicyName); CandidateSelectionPolicy candidateSelectionPolicy = (CandidateSelectionPolicy) selectionPolicyClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {}).newInstance(new Object[] {}); // Create sparsifier String sparsifierName = jsapResult.getString("sparsifier"); Class<?> sparsifierClass = Class.forName(Sparsifier.class.getPackage().getName() + "." + sparsifierName); Sparsifier sparsifier = (Sparsifier) sparsifierClass .getConstructor(new Class[] {originalModel.getClass()}) .newInstance(new Object[] {originalModel});"Created a " + sparsifier.getClass().getSimpleName()); // Set sparsifier options if (!jsapResult.getBoolean("with-fraction")) { sparsifier.disableComputationOfPartialFractionOfPropagations();"Disabled the computation of fraction of propagations"); } if (jsapResult.getBoolean("incremental-likelihood")) { if (sparsifier instanceof GreedySparsifier) { ((GreedySparsifier) sparsifier).setIncrementalLikelihoodComputation();"Enabled incremental computation of likelihood (faster, experimental)"); } else { LOGGER.warn( "This type of sparsifier does not accept the --incrementa-likelihood switch, ignoring"); } } if (jsapResult.userSpecified("auxiliary-basename")) { // Use existing auxiliary file String auxiliaryBasename = jsapResult.getString("auxiliary-basename"); ICEstimateAuxiliary auxiliary = new ICEstimateAuxiliary(socNet, observations, null);"Loading pre-computed auxiliary variables");; sparsifier.useAuxiliary(auxiliary); if (auxiliary .getCandidateSelectionPolicy() .toSpec() .equals(candidateSelectionPolicy.toSpec())) { "Candidate selection policy: " + auxiliary.getCandidateSelectionPolicy().toSpec()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The candidate selection policies do not match: auxiliary has '" + auxiliary.getCandidateSelectionPolicy().toSpec() + "', sparsifier has '" + candidateSelectionPolicy.toSpec() + "'"); } } else { // Compute auxiliary variables"Computing auxiliary variables"); sparsifier.computeAuxiliary(observations, candidateSelectionPolicy); } int maxSparseSize; if (jsapResult.userSpecified("sparse-model-size")) { maxSparseSize = jsapResult.getInt("sparse-model-size"); } else { maxSparseSize = originalModel.getProbs().cardinality(); "Setting target number of arcs to number of arcs with non-zero probability in the original model"); } // Open debug file if (jsapResult.userSpecified("debug-file")) { String debugFilename = jsapResult.getString("debug-file");"Will write debug output to " + debugFilename); sparsifier.openDebugFile(debugFilename); } int numOfChunks = 1; if (jsapResult.userSpecified("number-of-chunks")) { numOfChunks = jsapResult.getInt("number-of-chunks"); } ICModel sparseModel = runSparsifier( socNet, observations, originalModel, maxSparseSize, sparsifier, numOfChunks, true); // Write partial results to file if necessary if (jsapResult.userSpecified("measures-file")) { for (Measure m : sparsifier.partialResults.keySet()) { String logFilename = jsapResult.getString("measures-file"); switch (m) { case LOG_L: logFilename = logFilename + ".logL"; break; case FRACTION_OF_PROPAGATIONS: logFilename = logFilename + ".frac"; break; default: break; } PrintWriter report = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(logFilename))));"Writing partial " + m.toString() + " results to " + logFilename); report.println("#k\t" + m.toString()); int[] ks = sparsifier.partialResults.get(m).keySet().toArray(new int[] {}); Arrays.sort(ks); for (int k : ks) { report.println(k + "\t" + sparsifier.partialResults.get(m).get(k)); } report.close(); } } // Dump probabilities if (jsapResult.userSpecified("output")) { String probsFilename = jsapResult.getString("output"); PrintWriter pw = Utilities.getPW(probsFilename);"Dumping probabilities to " + probsFilename); sparseModel.dumpProbabilities(pw); pw.close(); } sparsifier.closeDebugFile(); }