public void processLogicalPage(final LogicalPageKey key, final LogicalPageBox logicalPage) throws DocumentException { final float width = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(logicalPage.getPageWidth()); final float height = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(logicalPage.getPageHeight()); final Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(width, height); final Document document = getDocument(); document.setPageSize(pageSize); document.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); if (awaitOpenDocument) {; awaitOpenDocument = false; } final Graphics2D graphics = new PdfGraphics2D(writer.getDirectContent(), width, height, metaData); // and now process the box .. final PdfLogicalPageDrawable logicalPageDrawable = new PdfLogicalPageDrawable( logicalPage, metaData, writer, null, resourceManager, imageCache, version); logicalPageDrawable.draw(graphics, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height)); graphics.dispose(); document.newPage(); }
public void processPhysicalPage( final PageGrid pageGrid, final LogicalPageBox logicalPage, final int row, final int col, final PhysicalPageKey pageKey) throws DocumentException { final PhysicalPageBox page = pageGrid.getPage(row, col); if (page == null) { return; } final float width = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getWidth()); final float height = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getHeight()); final Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(width, height); final float marginLeft = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getImageableX()); final float marginRight = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue( page.getWidth() - page.getImageableWidth() - page.getImageableX()); final float marginTop = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getImageableY()); final float marginBottom = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue( page.getHeight() - page.getImageableHeight() - page.getImageableY()); final Document document = getDocument(); document.setPageSize(pageSize); document.setMargins(marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom); if (awaitOpenDocument) {; awaitOpenDocument = false; } final PdfContentByte directContent = writer.getDirectContent(); final Graphics2D graphics = new PdfGraphics2D(directContent, width, height, metaData); final PdfLogicalPageDrawable logicalPageDrawable = new PdfLogicalPageDrawable( logicalPage, metaData, writer, page, resourceManager, imageCache, version); final PhysicalPageDrawable drawable = new PhysicalPageDrawable(logicalPageDrawable, page); drawable.draw(graphics, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height)); graphics.dispose(); document.newPage(); }
/** * PDF Creator * * @param target * @param semester */ @Override public void exportAnnouncementList(OutputStream target, String semester) { // TODO Methode ausfertigen try { Document pdfDocument = new Document(PageSize.A4); pdfDocument.setMargins(40, 40, 40, 40); PdfWriter.getInstance(pdfDocument, target);; String sql = "SELECT P.MKUERZEL, M.MODULNAME, P.SEMESTER, SR.SKUERZEL, S.MATRIKEL, S.VORNAME, S.NAME" + " FROM PRAKTIKUMSTEILNAHME P, STUDIENRICHTUNG SR, KATEGORIEUMFANG KU, STUDENT S, MODUL M" + " WHERE P.SEMESTER = '" + semester + "'" + " AND P.MKUERZEL = KU.MKUERZEL" + " AND KU.SKUERZEL = SR.SKUERZEL" + " AND P.MATRIKEL = S.MATRIKEL" + " AND S.SKUERZEL = SR.SKUERZEL" + " AND P.MKUERZEL = M.MKUERZEL" + " GROUP BY P.MKUERZEL, M.MODULNAME, P.SEMESTER, SR.SKUERZEL, S.MATRIKEL, S.VORNAME, S.NAME" + " ORDER BY MKUERZEL, S.NAME"; /* Modul: SKuerzel, List: */ HashMap<project.Modul, HashMap<String, Set>> modulTabelle = new HashMap<project.Modul, HashMap<String, Set>>(); ResultSet resultSet = executeQuery(sql); while ( { String mkuerzel = resultSet.getString("MKUERZEL"); String modulname = resultSet.getString("MODULNAME"); String skuerzel = resultSet.getString("SKUERZEL"); String matrikel = resultSet.getString("MATRIKEL"); String vorname = resultSet.getString("VORNAME"); String name = resultSet.getString("NAME"); project.Modul tmpModul = new project.Modul(); tmpModul.setKuerzel(mkuerzel); tmpModul.setName(modulname); if (modulTabelle.containsKey(tmpModul)) { HashMap<String, Set> inhalt = modulTabelle.get(tmpModul); inhalt.get("Studienrichtung").add(skuerzel); project.Student student = new project.Student(matrikel, name, vorname, null, null); inhalt.get("Student").add(student); } else { HashMap<String, Set> inhalt = new HashMap<String, Set>(); Set studienrichtungen = new HashSet(); studienrichtungen.add(skuerzel); project.Student student = new project.Student(matrikel, name, vorname, null, null); Set<project.Student> studenten = new HashSet<project.Student>(); studenten.add(student); inhalt.put("Studienrichtung", studienrichtungen); inhalt.put("Student", studenten); modulTabelle.put(tmpModul, inhalt); } } /* * Liste der Modultabllen ist erstellt. Jetzt muss das Dokument erstellt werden. */ Set<project.Modul> modulSet = modulTabelle.keySet(); ArrayList<project.Modul> modulListe = new ArrayList<project.Modul>(modulSet); Collections.sort(modulListe); Iterator<project.Modul> iterator = modulListe.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { project.Modul aktuellesModul =; Set<String> studienrichtungen = modulTabelle.get(aktuellesModul).get("Studienrichtung"); Set<Student> studenten = modulTabelle.get(aktuellesModul).get("Student"); pdfDocument.newPage(); PdfPTable tabelle = new PdfPTable(3); // Rectangle tablesize = PageSize.A4; // // tablesize.setBottom(tablesize.getBottom() - 40.0F); // tablesize.setTop(tablesize.getTop() + 40.0F); // tablesize.setLeft(tablesize.getLeft() + 40.0F); // tablesize.setRight(tablesize.getRight() - 40.0F); // float spaltenBreiten[] = {30.0F, 20.0F, 10.0F}; // tabelle.setWidthPercentage(spaltenBreiten, PageSize.A4); PdfPCell zelle = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(aktuellesModul.toString())); zelle.setColspan(2); tabelle.addCell(zelle); tabelle.addCell(semester); String studienrichtungenString = ""; for (String skuerzel : studienrichtungen) { studienrichtungenString += (skuerzel + "/"); } studienrichtungenString = studienrichtungenString.substring(0, studienrichtungenString.length() - 1); zelle = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(studienrichtungenString)); zelle.setColspan(3); tabelle.addCell(zelle); tabelle.addCell("Name, Vorname"); zelle = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Matrikelnumer")); zelle.setColspan(2); tabelle.addCell(zelle); for (Iterator<Student> it = studenten.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Student student =; tabelle.addCell(student.getName() + ", " + student.getVorname()); zelle = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(student.getMatrikel())); zelle.setColspan(2); tabelle.addCell(zelle); } pdfDocument.add(tabelle); } pdfDocument.close(); } catch (DocumentException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException sqlE) { System.out.println(sqlE.getMessage()); } }