private void executeService(Context ctx, SERVICE service) { String ns = service.getNs(); NSHandler handler = registry.lookup(ns); if (handler == null) { LOGGER.error("NS[" + ns + "] not found."); return; } handler.service(ctx, service); }
public synchronized void startup() { if (hydra != null) { return; } if (registry.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error("Not found NS handler was be registered"); return; } HydraBuilder builder = new HydraBuilder(); builder.bind(host).port(port).messageReceivedListener(this).threads(option.getThreads()); hydra =; hydra.startup(); }
/** Created by dempe on 14-6-12. */ public class BrowsingPagedetail extends BaseAction { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DailyReport.class); @Override public byte[] execute(ActionContext context, byte[] message, Map<String, List<String>> params) { String appkey = getParameter(params, "appkey"); System.out.println("appkey:" + appkey); return sumDailyReport(appkey, params).toBytes(); } /** * sum_daily report. * * <p><br> * url : * report?report_name=sum_daily&appkey=b5558eab134cf306fdcdc3a6746afa25&startDate=20140528&endDate=20140531 * * @param _appkey * @return */ private JSONArray sumDailyReport(String _appkey, Map<String, List<String>> params) { String _startDate = getParameter(params, "startDate"); String _endDate = getParameter(params, "endDate"); int _istartDate = Integer.parseInt(_startDate); int _iendDate = Integer.parseInt(_endDate); String _create_date = DateUtils.getDateRegx(_startDate, _endDate); String key = _appkey + Constants.SPLIT + _create_date; System.out.println(key); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = RedisUtil.getJedis(); Set<String> hkeys = jedis.keys(key); Iterator<String> it = hkeys.iterator(); Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); while (it.hasNext()) { JSON map = new JSON(); String hkey =; String[] cols = hkey.split(Constants.SPLIT); int createDate = Integer.parseInt(cols[1]); if (!(createDate >= _istartDate && createDate <= _iendDate)) { continue; } map.put("appkey", cols[0]); map.put("create_date", cols[1]); Response<List<String>> fieldValueResponse = pipeline.hmget(hkey, "run_num"); pipeline.sync(); List<String> fieldValues = fieldValueResponse.get(); String run_num = fieldValues.get(0); map.put("run_num", run_num); jsonArray.add(map); } } finally { if (jedis != null) { RedisUtil.returnJedis(jedis); } } return jsonArray; } }
public class Paladin implements MessageReceivedListener { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Paladin.class); private final NSRegistry registry = new NSRegistry(); private final PaladinOption option = new PaladinOption(); private final String host; private final int port; private Hydra hydra; public Paladin(String host, int port) { = host; this.port = port; } public void setThreads(int threads) { option.setThreads(threads); } public void setPaladingSerializer(PaladinSerializer serializer) { this.option.setPaladinSerializer(serializer); } public void mappingNS(String packageName) throws Exception { option.setMappingNSPackage(packageName); registry.mappingPackage(packageName); } public synchronized void startup() { if (hydra != null) { return; } if (registry.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error("Not found NS handler was be registered"); return; } HydraBuilder builder = new HydraBuilder(); builder.bind(host).port(port).messageReceivedListener(this).threads(option.getThreads()); hydra =; hydra.startup(); } public synchronized void shutdown() { if (hydra == null) { return; } hydra.shutdown(); hydra = null; } private void executeService(Context ctx, SERVICE service) { String ns = service.getNs(); NSHandler handler = registry.lookup(ns); if (handler == null) { LOGGER.error("NS[" + ns + "] not found."); return; } handler.service(ctx, service); } @Override public void onMessageReceived(Session session, Message message) { byte[] bytes = message.content(); SERVICE service = this.option.getPaladinSerializer().decode(bytes); if (service == null) { return; } Context ctx = new Context(session, message, option.getPaladinSerializer()); executeService(ctx, service); } }