@Override public void init() { leftMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_drive"); rightMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_drive"); navx_device = AHRS.getInstance( hardwareMap.deviceInterfaceModule.get("dim"), NAVX_DIM_I2C_PORT, AHRS.DeviceDataType.kProcessedData, NAVX_DEVICE_UPDATE_RATE_HZ); rightMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); /* If possible, use encoders when driving, as it results in more */ /* predictable drive system response. */ leftMotor.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); rightMotor.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); /* Create a PID Controller which uses the Yaw Angle as input. */ yawPIDController = new navXPIDController(navx_device, navXPIDController.navXTimestampedDataSource.YAW); /* Configure the PID controller */ yawPIDController.setSetpoint(TARGET_ANGLE_DEGREES); yawPIDController.setContinuous(true); yawPIDController.setOutputRange(MIN_MOTOR_OUTPUT_VALUE, MAX_MOTOR_OUTPUT_VALUE); yawPIDController.setTolerance(navXPIDController.ToleranceType.ABSOLUTE, TOLERANCE_DEGREES); yawPIDController.setPID(YAW_PID_P, YAW_PID_I, YAW_PID_D); yawPIDController.enable(true); first_iteration = true; }
@Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { // use the Hardware4962 stuff that decribes the robot. robot.init(hardwareMap); // hardware and initialize the sensors // odsSensor = hardwareMap.opticalDistanceSensor.get("ods"); colorC = hardwareMap.i2cDevice.get("color sensor"); colorCreader = new I2cDeviceSynchImpl(colorC, new I2cAddr(0x1e), false); colorCreader.engage(); // navX setup navx_device = AHRS.getInstance( hardwareMap.deviceInterfaceModule.get("dim"), NAVX_DIM_I2C_PORT, AHRS.DeviceDataType.kProcessedData, NAVX_DEVICE_UPDATE_RATE_HZ); /* Create a PID Controller which uses the Yaw Angle as input. */ yawPIDController = new navXPIDController(navx_device, navXPIDController.navXTimestampedDataSource.YAW); /* Configure the PID controller */ yawPIDController.setSetpoint(TARGET_ANGLE_DEGREES); yawPIDController.setContinuous(true); yawPIDController.setOutputRange(MIN_MOTOR_OUTPUT_VALUE, MAX_MOTOR_OUTPUT_VALUE); yawPIDController.setTolerance(navXPIDController.ToleranceType.ABSOLUTE, TOLERANCE_DEGREES); yawPIDController.setPID(YAW_PID_P, YAW_PID_I, YAW_PID_D); yawPIDController.enable(true); // color sensor initilization colorCreader.write8(3, 1); // Set the mode of the color sensor to passive (0=active) // passive = turn off the LED // intake not running. double intakePower = 0.0; // wait for the start button to be pressed. waitForStart(); // Make sure the navX is ready to be used. while (!calibration_complete) { /* navX-Micro Calibration completes automatically ~15 seconds after it is powered on, as long as the device is still. To handle the case where the navX-Micro has not been able to calibrate successfully, hold off using the navX-Micro Yaw value until calibration is complete. */ calibration_complete = !navx_device.isCalibrating(); if (!calibration_complete) { telemetry.addData("navX-Micro", "Startup Calibration in Progress"); telemetry.update(); } } // start at a heading of zero. navx_device.zeroYaw(); int DEVICE_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; navXPIDController.PIDResult yawPIDResult = new navXPIDController.PIDResult(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); /** ********************************************************************************** */ /** ********************************************************************************** */ /* /* start of code that does stuff */ // DriveOnHeadingReverse(yawPIDResult,0,36); // robot.StopDriving(); // sleep(10000); // Drive parallel to the ramp and then turn parallel to the wall at the first beacon. DriveOnHeading(yawPIDResult, 0, 65); robot.StopDriving(); }
public void gyroTurn(double degrees, boolean buttFirst) { // degrees=degrees*-1; yawPIDController = new navXPIDController(navx_device, navXPIDController.navXTimestampedDataSource.YAW); yawPIDController.setSetpoint(degrees); yawPIDController.setContinuous(true); yawPIDController.setOutputRange(Keys.MAX_SPEED * -1, Keys.MAX_SPEED); yawPIDController.setTolerance(navXPIDController.ToleranceType.ABSOLUTE, Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_2); yawPIDController.enable(true); int DEVICE_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; navXPIDController.PIDResult yawPIDResult = new navXPIDController.PIDResult(); telemetry.addData("Yaw", navx_device.getYaw()); double degreesNow = navx_device.getYaw(); double degreesToGo = degreesNow + degrees; // telemetry.addData("if state",navx_device.getYaw()); // telemetry.addData("other if",degreesToGo); telemetry.addData("boolean", navx_device.getYaw() > degreesToGo); // telemetry.addData("boolean",navx_device.getYaw()<degreesToGo); if (navx_device.getYaw() > degreesToGo) { telemetry.addData("if", "getYaw>degrees"); telemetry.addData( "more boolean", !(degreesToGo - Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_1 < navx_device.getYaw() && navx_device.getYaw() < degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_1)); while (!(degreesToGo - Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_1 < navx_device.getYaw() && navx_device.getYaw() < degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_1)) { collector.setPower(Keys.COLLECTOR_POWER * -1); telemetry.addData("while", "turningLeft1"); double turnPower = .8; if (buttFirst) { turnPower = -.8; turnRight(turnPower); } else { turnLeft(turnPower); } telemetry.addData("if", ".yaw" + navx_device.getYaw() + "toGo" + degreesToGo); } telemetry.addData( "more boolean2", navx_device.getYaw() > degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_2); while (navx_device.getYaw() > degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_2) { collector.setPower(Keys.COLLECTOR_POWER * -1); telemetry.addData("while", "turningLeft2"); double turnPower = .75; if (buttFirst) { turnPower = -1 * turnPower; turnRight(turnPower); } else { turnLeft(turnPower); } telemetry.addData("if", ".yaw" + navx_device.getYaw() + "toGo" + degreesToGo); } while (!(degreesToGo - Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_3 < navx_device.getYaw() && navx_device.getYaw() < degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_3)) { collector.setPower(Keys.COLLECTOR_POWER * -1); telemetry.addData("while", "turningLeft3"); double turnPower = .7; if (buttFirst) { turnPower = -1 * turnPower; turnRight(turnPower); } else { turnLeft(turnPower); } telemetry.addData("if", ".yaw" + navx_device.getYaw() + "toGo" + degreesToGo); } telemetry.addData("while", "done"); } else if (navx_device.getYaw() < degreesToGo) { telemetry.addData("if", "getYaw<degrees"); while (!(degreesToGo - Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_1 < navx_device.getYaw() && navx_device.getYaw() < degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_1)) { collector.setPower(Keys.COLLECTOR_POWER * -1); double turnPower = .8; if (buttFirst) { turnPower = -1 * turnPower; turnLeft(turnPower); } else { turnRight(turnPower); } telemetry.addData("if", ".yaw" + navx_device.getYaw() + "toGo" + degreesToGo); telemetry.addData("while", "turningRight"); } while (!(degreesToGo - Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_2 < navx_device.getYaw() && navx_device.getYaw() < degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_2)) { collector.setPower(Keys.COLLECTOR_POWER * -1); double turnPower = .75; if (buttFirst) { turnPower = -1 * turnPower; turnLeft(turnPower); } else { turnRight(turnPower); } telemetry.addData("if", ".yaw" + navx_device.getYaw() + "toGo" + degreesToGo); telemetry.addData("while", "turningRight"); } while (!(degreesToGo - Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_3 < navx_device.getYaw() && navx_device.getYaw() < degreesToGo + Keys.TOLERANCE_LEVEL_3)) { collector.setPower(Keys.COLLECTOR_POWER * -1); double turnPower = .7; if (buttFirst) { turnPower = -1 * turnPower; turnLeft(turnPower); } else { turnRight(turnPower); } telemetry.addData("if", ".yaw" + navx_device.getYaw() + "toGo" + degreesToGo); telemetry.addData("while", "turningRight"); } telemetry.addData("whileD", "done"); } telemetry.addData("ifD", "done"); rest(); }