public Vector3f calculateForce( Vector3f location, Vector3f velocity, float collisionRadius, float speed, float turnSpeed, float tpf, List<Obstacle> obstacles) { float cautionRange = speed * 1.5f / turnSpeed; Line line = new Line(location, velocity.normalize()); Plane plane = new Plane(velocity, 1); Vector3f closest = Vector3f.ZERO; float shortestDistance = -1; for (Obstacle obs : obstacles) { Vector3f target = obs.getLocation(); Vector3f loc = target.subtract(location); // If the obstacle isn't ahead of him, just ignore it if (plane.whichSide(loc) != Side.Positive) { continue; } // Check if the target is inside the check range if (location.distance(target) <= collisionRadius + cautionRange + obs.getRadius()) { // Check if the target will collide with the source if (obs.distance(line) < collisionRadius) { float newDistance = obs.distance(location); // Store the closest target if (shortestDistance == -1 || newDistance < shortestDistance) shortestDistance = newDistance; closest = target; } } } // If any target was found if (shortestDistance != -1) { // Find in wich side the target is // To do that, we do a signed distance by // subtracing the location from the target // and the dot product between the line's normal float dot = closest.subtract(location).dot(line.getDirection().cross(Vector3f.UNIT_Y)); if (dot <= 0) return velocity.cross(Vector3f.UNIT_Y); else return velocity.cross(Vector3f.UNIT_Y).negate(); } // No target found, just return a zero value return Vector3f.ZERO; }
public static TriangleData processTriangle(int[] index, Vector3f[] v, Vector2f[] t) { Vector3f edge1 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f edge2 = new Vector3f(); Vector2f edge1uv = new Vector2f(); Vector2f edge2uv = new Vector2f(); Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f(); Vector3f binormal = new Vector3f(); Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(); t[1].subtract(t[0], edge1uv); t[2].subtract(t[0], edge2uv); float det = edge1uv.x * edge2uv.y - edge1uv.y * edge2uv.x; boolean normalize = false; if (Math.abs(det) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) { // log.log(Level.WARNING, "Colinear uv coordinates for triangle " + "[{0}, {1}, {2}]; tex0 = // [{3}, {4}], " + "tex1 = [{5}, {6}], tex2 = [{7}, {8}]", // new Object[] { index[0], index[1], index[2], t[0].x, t[0].y, t[1].x, t[1].y, t[2].x, // t[2].y }); det = 1; normalize = true; } v[1].subtract(v[0], edge1); v[2].subtract(v[0], edge2); tangent.set(edge1); tangent.normalizeLocal(); binormal.set(edge2); binormal.normalizeLocal(); if (Math.abs(Math.abs( - 1) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) { // log.log(Level.WARNING, "Vertices are on the same line " + "for triangle [{0}, {1}, // {2}].", new Object[] { index[0], index[1], index[2] }); } float factor = 1 / det; tangent.x = (edge2uv.y * edge1.x - edge1uv.y * edge2.x) * factor; tangent.y = (edge2uv.y * edge1.y - edge1uv.y * edge2.y) * factor; tangent.z = (edge2uv.y * edge1.z - edge1uv.y * edge2.z) * factor; if (normalize) { tangent.normalizeLocal(); } binormal.x = (edge1uv.x * edge2.x - edge2uv.x * edge1.x) * factor; binormal.y = (edge1uv.x * edge2.y - edge2uv.x * edge1.y) * factor; binormal.z = (edge1uv.x * edge2.z - edge2uv.x * edge1.z) * factor; if (normalize) { binormal.normalizeLocal(); } tangent.cross(binormal, normal); normal.normalizeLocal(); return new TriangleData(tangent, binormal, normal); }
/** * Rebuilds the cylinder based on a new set of parameters. * * @param axisSamples the number of samples along the axis. * @param radialSamples the number of samples around the radial. * @param radius the radius of the bottom of the cylinder. * @param radius2 the radius of the top of the cylinder. * @param height the cylinder's height. * @param closed should the cylinder have top and bottom surfaces. * @param inverted is the cylinder is meant to be viewed from the inside. */ public void updateGeometry( int axisSamples, int radialSamples, float radius, float radius2, float height, boolean closed, boolean inverted) { this.axisSamples = axisSamples + (closed ? 2 : 0); this.radialSamples = radialSamples; this.radius = radius; this.radius2 = radius2; this.height = height; this.closed = closed; this.inverted = inverted; // VertexBuffer pvb = getBuffer(Type.Position); // VertexBuffer nvb = getBuffer(Type.Normal); // VertexBuffer tvb = getBuffer(Type.TexCoord); // Vertices int vertCount = axisSamples * (radialSamples + 1) + (closed ? 2 : 0); setBuffer(Type.Position, 3, createVector3Buffer(getFloatBuffer(Type.Position), vertCount)); // Normals setBuffer(Type.Normal, 3, createVector3Buffer(getFloatBuffer(Type.Normal), vertCount)); // Texture co-ordinates setBuffer(Type.TexCoord, 2, createVector2Buffer(vertCount)); int triCount = ((closed ? 2 : 0) + 2 * (axisSamples - 1)) * radialSamples; setBuffer(Type.Index, 3, createShortBuffer(getShortBuffer(Type.Index), 3 * triCount)); // generate geometry float inverseRadial = 1.0f / radialSamples; float inverseAxisLess = 1.0f / (closed ? axisSamples - 3 : axisSamples - 1); float inverseAxisLessTexture = 1.0f / (axisSamples - 1); float halfHeight = 0.5f * height; // Generate points on the unit circle to be used in computing the mesh // points on a cylinder slice. float[] sin = new float[radialSamples + 1]; float[] cos = new float[radialSamples + 1]; for (int radialCount = 0; radialCount < radialSamples; radialCount++) { float angle = FastMath.TWO_PI * inverseRadial * radialCount; cos[radialCount] = FastMath.cos(angle); sin[radialCount] = FastMath.sin(angle); } sin[radialSamples] = sin[0]; cos[radialSamples] = cos[0]; // calculate normals Vector3f[] vNormals = null; Vector3f vNormal = Vector3f.UNIT_Z; if ((height != 0.0f) && (radius != radius2)) { vNormals = new Vector3f[radialSamples]; Vector3f vHeight = Vector3f.UNIT_Z.mult(height); Vector3f vRadial = new Vector3f(); for (int radialCount = 0; radialCount < radialSamples; radialCount++) { vRadial.set(cos[radialCount], sin[radialCount], 0.0f); Vector3f vRadius = vRadial.mult(radius); Vector3f vRadius2 = vRadial.mult(radius2); Vector3f vMantle = vHeight.subtract(vRadius2.subtract(vRadius)); Vector3f vTangent = vRadial.cross(Vector3f.UNIT_Z); vNormals[radialCount] = vMantle.cross(vTangent).normalize(); } } FloatBuffer nb = getFloatBuffer(Type.Normal); FloatBuffer pb = getFloatBuffer(Type.Position); FloatBuffer tb = getFloatBuffer(Type.TexCoord); // generate the cylinder itself Vector3f tempNormal = new Vector3f(); for (int axisCount = 0, i = 0; axisCount < axisSamples; axisCount++, i++) { float axisFraction; float axisFractionTexture; int topBottom = 0; if (!closed) { axisFraction = axisCount * inverseAxisLess; // in [0,1] axisFractionTexture = axisFraction; } else { if (axisCount == 0) { topBottom = -1; // bottom axisFraction = 0; axisFractionTexture = inverseAxisLessTexture; } else if (axisCount == axisSamples - 1) { topBottom = 1; // top axisFraction = 1; axisFractionTexture = 1 - inverseAxisLessTexture; } else { axisFraction = (axisCount - 1) * inverseAxisLess; axisFractionTexture = axisCount * inverseAxisLessTexture; } } // compute center of slice float z = -halfHeight + height * axisFraction; Vector3f sliceCenter = new Vector3f(0, 0, z); // compute slice vertices with duplication at end point int save = i; for (int radialCount = 0; radialCount < radialSamples; radialCount++, i++) { float radialFraction = radialCount * inverseRadial; // in [0,1) tempNormal.set(cos[radialCount], sin[radialCount], 0.0f); if (vNormals != null) { vNormal = vNormals[radialCount]; } else if (radius == radius2) { vNormal = tempNormal; } if (topBottom == 0) { if (!inverted) nb.put(vNormal.x).put(vNormal.y).put(vNormal.z); else nb.put(-vNormal.x).put(-vNormal.y).put(-vNormal.z); } else { nb.put(0).put(0).put(topBottom * (inverted ? -1 : 1)); } tempNormal.multLocal((radius - radius2) * axisFraction + radius2).addLocal(sliceCenter); pb.put(tempNormal.x).put(tempNormal.y).put(tempNormal.z); tb.put((inverted ? 1 - radialFraction : radialFraction)).put(axisFractionTexture); } BufferUtils.copyInternalVector3(pb, save, i); BufferUtils.copyInternalVector3(nb, save, i); tb.put((inverted ? 0.0f : 1.0f)).put(axisFractionTexture); } if (closed) { pb.put(0).put(0).put(-halfHeight); // bottom center nb.put(0).put(0).put(-1 * (inverted ? -1 : 1)); tb.put(0.5f).put(0); pb.put(0).put(0).put(halfHeight); // top center nb.put(0).put(0).put(1 * (inverted ? -1 : 1)); tb.put(0.5f).put(1); } IndexBuffer ib = getIndexBuffer(); int index = 0; // Connectivity for (int axisCount = 0, axisStart = 0; axisCount < axisSamples - 1; axisCount++) { int i0 = axisStart; int i1 = i0 + 1; axisStart += radialSamples + 1; int i2 = axisStart; int i3 = i2 + 1; for (int i = 0; i < radialSamples; i++) { if (closed && axisCount == 0) { if (!inverted) { ib.put(index++, i0++); ib.put(index++, vertCount - 2); ib.put(index++, i1++); } else { ib.put(index++, i0++); ib.put(index++, i1++); ib.put(index++, vertCount - 2); } } else if (closed && axisCount == axisSamples - 2) { ib.put(index++, i2++); ib.put(index++, inverted ? vertCount - 1 : i3++); ib.put(index++, inverted ? i3++ : vertCount - 1); } else { ib.put(index++, i0++); ib.put(index++, inverted ? i2 : i1); ib.put(index++, inverted ? i1 : i2); ib.put(index++, i1++); ib.put(index++, inverted ? i2++ : i3++); ib.put(index++, inverted ? i3++ : i2++); } } } updateBound(); }
/** * Updates the points array to contain the frustum corners of the given camera. The nearOverride * and farOverride variables can be used to override the camera's near/far values with own values. * * <p>TODO: Reduce creation of new vectors * * @param viewCam * @param nearOverride * @param farOverride */ public static void updateFrustumPoints( Camera viewCam, float nearOverride, float farOverride, float scale, Vector3f[] points) { Vector3f pos = viewCam.getLocation(); Vector3f dir = viewCam.getDirection(); Vector3f up = viewCam.getUp(); float depthHeightRatio = viewCam.getFrustumTop() / viewCam.getFrustumNear(); float near = nearOverride; float far = farOverride; float ftop = viewCam.getFrustumTop(); float fright = viewCam.getFrustumRight(); float ratio = fright / ftop; float near_height; float near_width; float far_height; float far_width; if (viewCam.isParallelProjection()) { near_height = ftop; near_width = near_height * ratio; far_height = ftop; far_width = far_height * ratio; } else { near_height = depthHeightRatio * near; near_width = near_height * ratio; far_height = depthHeightRatio * far; far_width = far_height * ratio; } Vector3f right = dir.cross(up).normalizeLocal(); Vector3f temp = new Vector3f(); temp.set(dir).multLocal(far).addLocal(pos); Vector3f farCenter = temp.clone(); temp.set(dir).multLocal(near).addLocal(pos); Vector3f nearCenter = temp.clone(); Vector3f nearUp = temp.set(up).multLocal(near_height).clone(); Vector3f farUp = temp.set(up).multLocal(far_height).clone(); Vector3f nearRight = temp.set(right).multLocal(near_width).clone(); Vector3f farRight = temp.set(right).multLocal(far_width).clone(); points[0].set(nearCenter).subtractLocal(nearUp).subtractLocal(nearRight); points[1].set(nearCenter).addLocal(nearUp).subtractLocal(nearRight); points[2].set(nearCenter).addLocal(nearUp).addLocal(nearRight); points[3].set(nearCenter).subtractLocal(nearUp).addLocal(nearRight); points[4].set(farCenter).subtractLocal(farUp).subtractLocal(farRight); points[5].set(farCenter).addLocal(farUp).subtractLocal(farRight); points[6].set(farCenter).addLocal(farUp).addLocal(farRight); points[7].set(farCenter).subtractLocal(farUp).addLocal(farRight); if (scale != 1.0f) { // find center of frustum Vector3f center = new Vector3f(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { center.addLocal(points[i]); } center.divideLocal(8f); Vector3f cDir = new Vector3f(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { cDir.set(points[i]).subtractLocal(center); cDir.multLocal(scale - 1.0f); points[i].addLocal(cDir); } } }
private static Mesh genTangentLines(Mesh mesh, float scale) { FloatBuffer vertexBuffer = (FloatBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.Position).getData(); FloatBuffer normalBuffer = (FloatBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.Normal).getData(); FloatBuffer tangentBuffer = (FloatBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.Tangent).getData(); FloatBuffer binormalBuffer = null; if (mesh.getBuffer(Type.Binormal) != null) { binormalBuffer = (FloatBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.Binormal).getData(); } ColorRGBA originColor = ColorRGBA.White; ColorRGBA tangentColor = ColorRGBA.Red; ColorRGBA binormalColor = ColorRGBA.Green; ColorRGBA normalColor = ColorRGBA.Blue; Mesh lineMesh = new Mesh(); lineMesh.setMode(Mesh.Mode.Lines); Vector3f origin = new Vector3f(); Vector3f point = new Vector3f(); Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f(); Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(); IntBuffer lineIndex = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(vertexBuffer.limit() / 3 * 6); FloatBuffer lineVertex = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertexBuffer.limit() * 4); FloatBuffer lineColor = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertexBuffer.limit() / 3 * 4 * 4); boolean hasParity = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Tangent).getNumComponents() == 4; float tangentW = 1; for (int i = 0; i < vertexBuffer.limit() / 3; i++) { populateFromBuffer(origin, vertexBuffer, i); populateFromBuffer(normal, normalBuffer, i); if (hasParity) { tangent.x = tangentBuffer.get(i * 4); tangent.y = tangentBuffer.get(i * 4 + 1); tangent.z = tangentBuffer.get(i * 4 + 2); tangentW = tangentBuffer.get(i * 4 + 3); } else { populateFromBuffer(tangent, tangentBuffer, i); } int index = i * 4; int id = i * 6; lineIndex.put(id, index); lineIndex.put(id + 1, index + 1); lineIndex.put(id + 2, index); lineIndex.put(id + 3, index + 2); lineIndex.put(id + 4, index); lineIndex.put(id + 5, index + 3); setInBuffer(origin, lineVertex, index); setInBuffer(originColor, lineColor, index); point.set(tangent); point.multLocal(scale); point.addLocal(origin); setInBuffer(point, lineVertex, index + 1); setInBuffer(tangentColor, lineColor, index + 1); // wvBinormal = cross(wvNormal, wvTangent) * -inTangent.w if (binormalBuffer == null) { normal.cross(tangent, point); point.multLocal(-tangentW); point.normalizeLocal(); } else { populateFromBuffer(point, binormalBuffer, i); } point.multLocal(scale); point.addLocal(origin); setInBuffer(point, lineVertex, index + 2); setInBuffer(binormalColor, lineColor, index + 2); point.set(normal); point.multLocal(scale); point.addLocal(origin); setInBuffer(point, lineVertex, index + 3); setInBuffer(normalColor, lineColor, index + 3); } lineMesh.setBuffer(Type.Index, 1, lineIndex); lineMesh.setBuffer(Type.Position, 3, lineVertex); lineMesh.setBuffer(Type.Color, 4, lineColor); lineMesh.setStatic(); // lineMesh.setInterleaved(); return lineMesh; }
private static void processTriangleData( Mesh mesh, List<VertexData> vertices, boolean approxTangent, boolean splitMirrored) { ArrayList<VertexInfo> vertexMap = linkVertices(mesh, splitMirrored); FloatBuffer tangents = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertices.size() * 4); ColorRGBA[] cols = null; if (debug) { cols = new ColorRGBA[vertices.size()]; } Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f(); Vector3f binormal = new Vector3f(); // Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(); Vector3f givenNormal = new Vector3f(); Vector3f tangentUnit = new Vector3f(); Vector3f binormalUnit = new Vector3f(); for (int k = 0; k < vertexMap.size(); k++) { float wCoord = -1; VertexInfo vertexInfo = vertexMap.get(k); givenNormal.set(vertexInfo.normal); givenNormal.normalizeLocal(); TriangleData firstTriangle = vertices.get(vertexInfo.indices.get(0)).triangles.get(0); // check tangent and binormal consistency tangent.set(firstTriangle.tangent); tangent.normalizeLocal(); binormal.set(firstTriangle.binormal); binormal.normalizeLocal(); for (int i : vertexInfo.indices) { ArrayList<TriangleData> triangles = vertices.get(i).triangles; for (int j = 0; j < triangles.size(); j++) { TriangleData triangleData = triangles.get(j); tangentUnit.set(triangleData.tangent); tangentUnit.normalizeLocal(); if ( < toleranceDot) { // log.log(Level.WARNING, // "Angle between tangents exceeds tolerance " // + "for vertex {0}.", i); break; } if (!approxTangent) { binormalUnit.set(triangleData.binormal); binormalUnit.normalizeLocal(); if ( < toleranceDot) { // log.log(Level.WARNING, // "Angle between binormals exceeds tolerance " // + "for vertex {0}.", i); break; } } } } // find average tangent tangent.set(0, 0, 0); binormal.set(0, 0, 0); int triangleCount = 0; for (int i : vertexInfo.indices) { ArrayList<TriangleData> triangles = vertices.get(i).triangles; triangleCount += triangles.size(); if (debug) { cols[i] = ColorRGBA.White; } for (int j = 0; j < triangles.size(); j++) { TriangleData triangleData = triangles.get(j); tangent.addLocal(triangleData.tangent); binormal.addLocal(triangleData.binormal); } } int blameVertex = vertexInfo.indices.get(0); if (tangent.length() < ZERO_TOLERANCE) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Shared tangent is zero for vertex {0}.", blameVertex); // attempt to fix from binormal if (binormal.length() >= ZERO_TOLERANCE) { binormal.cross(givenNormal, tangent); tangent.normalizeLocal(); } // if all fails use the tangent from the first triangle else { tangent.set(firstTriangle.tangent); } } else { tangent.divideLocal(triangleCount); } tangentUnit.set(tangent); tangentUnit.normalizeLocal(); if (Math.abs(Math.abs( - 1) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Normal and tangent are parallel for vertex {0}.", blameVertex); } if (!approxTangent) { if (binormal.length() < ZERO_TOLERANCE) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Shared binormal is zero for vertex {0}.", blameVertex); // attempt to fix from tangent if (tangent.length() >= ZERO_TOLERANCE) { givenNormal.cross(tangent, binormal); binormal.normalizeLocal(); } // if all fails use the binormal from the first triangle else { binormal.set(firstTriangle.binormal); } } else { binormal.divideLocal(triangleCount); } binormalUnit.set(binormal); binormalUnit.normalizeLocal(); if (Math.abs(Math.abs( - 1) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Normal and binormal are parallel for vertex {0}.", blameVertex); } if (Math.abs(Math.abs( - 1) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Tangent and binormal are parallel for vertex {0}.", blameVertex); } } Vector3f finalTangent = new Vector3f(); Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f(); for (int i : vertexInfo.indices) { if (approxTangent) { // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize finalTangent .set(tangent) .subtractLocal(tmp.set(givenNormal).multLocal(; finalTangent.normalizeLocal(); wCoord = tmp.set(givenNormal).crossLocal(tangent).dot(binormal) < 0f ? -1f : 1f; tangents.put((i * 4), finalTangent.x); tangents.put((i * 4) + 1, finalTangent.y); tangents.put((i * 4) + 2, finalTangent.z); tangents.put((i * 4) + 3, wCoord); } else { tangents.put((i * 4), tangent.x); tangents.put((i * 4) + 1, tangent.y); tangents.put((i * 4) + 2, tangent.z); tangents.put((i * 4) + 3, wCoord); // setInBuffer(binormal, binormals, i); } } } tangents.limit(tangents.capacity()); // If the model already had a tangent buffer, replace it with the regenerated one mesh.clearBuffer(Type.Tangent); mesh.setBuffer(Type.Tangent, 4, tangents); if (mesh.isAnimated()) { mesh.clearBuffer(Type.BindPoseNormal); mesh.clearBuffer(Type.BindPosePosition); mesh.clearBuffer(Type.BindPoseTangent); mesh.generateBindPose(true); } if (debug) { writeColorBuffer(vertices, cols, mesh); } mesh.updateBound(); mesh.updateCounts(); }