/** * Visit each scene graph element ordered by BFS * * @param visitor */ public void breadthFirstTraversal(SceneGraphVisitor visitor) { Queue<Spatial> queue = new LinkedList<Spatial>(); queue.add(this); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Spatial s = queue.poll(); visitor.visit(s); s.breadthFirstTraversal(visitor, queue); } }
/** Indicate that the bounding of this spatial has changed and that a refresh is required. */ protected void setBoundRefresh() { refreshFlags |= RF_BOUND; Spatial p = parent; while (p != null) { if ((p.refreshFlags & RF_BOUND) != 0) { return; } p.refreshFlags |= RF_BOUND; p = p.parent; } }
/** Computes the world transform of this Spatial in the most efficient manner possible. */ void checkDoTransformUpdate() { if ((refreshFlags & RF_TRANSFORM) == 0) { return; } if (parent == null) { worldTransform.set(localTransform); refreshFlags &= ~RF_TRANSFORM; } else { TempVars vars = TempVars.get(); Spatial[] stack = vars.spatialStack; Spatial rootNode = this; int i = 0; while (true) { Spatial hisParent = rootNode.parent; if (hisParent == null) { rootNode.worldTransform.set(rootNode.localTransform); rootNode.refreshFlags &= ~RF_TRANSFORM; i--; break; } stack[i] = rootNode; if ((hisParent.refreshFlags & RF_TRANSFORM) == 0) { break; } rootNode = hisParent; i++; } vars.release(); for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) { rootNode = stack[j]; // rootNode.worldTransform.set(rootNode.localTransform); // rootNode.worldTransform.combineWithParent(rootNode.parent.worldTransform); // rootNode.refreshFlags &= ~RF_TRANSFORM; rootNode.updateWorldTransforms(); } } }
/** Computes this Spatial's world bounding volume in the most efficient manner possible. */ void checkDoBoundUpdate() { if ((refreshFlags & RF_BOUND) == 0) { return; } checkDoTransformUpdate(); // Go to children recursively and update their bound if (this instanceof Node) { Node node = (Node) this; int len = node.getQuantity(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Spatial child = node.getChild(i); child.checkDoBoundUpdate(); } } // All children's bounds have been updated. Update my own now. updateWorldBound(); }
/** * @return A clone of this Spatial, the scene graph in its entirety is cloned and can be altered * independently of the original scene graph. * <p>Note that meshes of geometries are not cloned explicitly, they are shared if static, or * specially cloned if animated. * <p>All controls will be cloned using the Control.cloneForSpatial method on the clone. * @see Mesh#cloneForAnim() */ public Spatial clone(boolean cloneMaterial) { try { Spatial clone = (Spatial) super.clone(); if (worldBound != null) { clone.worldBound = worldBound.clone(); } clone.worldLights = worldLights.clone(); clone.localLights = localLights.clone(); // Set the new owner of the light lists clone.localLights.setOwner(clone); clone.worldLights.setOwner(clone); // No need to force cloned to update. // This node already has the refresh flags // set below so it will have to update anyway. clone.worldTransform = worldTransform.clone(); clone.localTransform = localTransform.clone(); if (clone instanceof Node) { Node node = (Node) this; Node nodeClone = (Node) clone; nodeClone.children = new SafeArrayList<Spatial>(Spatial.class); for (Spatial child : node.children) { Spatial childClone = child.clone(cloneMaterial); childClone.parent = nodeClone; nodeClone.children.add(childClone); } } clone.parent = null; clone.setBoundRefresh(); clone.setTransformRefresh(); clone.setLightListRefresh(); clone.controls = new SafeArrayList<Control>(Control.class); for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++) { Control newControl = controls.get(i).cloneForSpatial(clone); newControl.setSpatial(clone); clone.controls.add(newControl); } if (userData != null) { clone.userData = (HashMap<String, Savable>) userData.clone(); } return clone; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new AssertionError(); } }