/** * Adds type and description representation from function docstring * * @param parameter parameter of a function * @return true if type from docstring was added */ private boolean addTypeAndDescriptionFromDocstring(@NotNull final PyNamedParameter parameter) { final PyFunction function = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(parameter, PyFunction.class); if (function != null) { final String docString = PyPsiUtils.strValue(function.getDocStringExpression()); final Pair<String, String> typeAndDescr = getTypeAndDescription(docString, parameter); final String type = typeAndDescr.first; final String description = typeAndDescr.second; if (type != null) { final PyType pyType = PyTypeParser.getTypeByName(parameter, type); if (pyType instanceof PyClassType) { myBody .addItem(": ") .addWith( new LinkWrapper(PythonDocumentationProvider.LINK_TYPE_PARAM), $(pyType.getName())); } else { myBody.addItem(": ").addItem(type); } } if (description != null) { myEpilog.addItem(BR).addItem(description); } return type != null; } return false; }
public PyFunctionStub createStub(@NotNull final PyFunction psi, final StubElement parentStub) { PyFunctionImpl function = (PyFunctionImpl) psi; String message = function.extractDeprecationMessage(); final PyStringLiteralExpression docStringExpression = function.getDocStringExpression(); return new PyFunctionStubImpl( psi.getName(), PyPsiUtils.strValue(docStringExpression), message == null ? null : StringRef.fromString(message), parentStub, getStubElementType()); }
@NotNull public static List<RatedResolveResult> multiResolveImportElement( PyImportElement importElement, @NotNull final QualifiedName qName) { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { PyPsiUtils.assertValid(importElement); } final PyStatement importStatement = importElement.getContainingImportStatement(); if (importStatement instanceof PyFromImportStatement) { return resolveNameInFromImport((PyFromImportStatement) importStatement, qName); } else { return resolveNameInImportStatement(importElement, qName); } }
/** @param anchor should never be null or null will be returned */ @NotNull public static ParseResult parse(@Nullable final PsiElement anchor, @NotNull String type) { PyPsiUtils.assertValid(anchor); if (anchor == null) { return EMPTY_RESULT; } final ForwardDeclaration<ParseResult, PyElementType> typeExpr = ForwardDeclaration.create(); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> classType = token(IDENTIFIER) .then(many(op(".").skipThen(token(IDENTIFIER)))) .map(new MakeSimpleType(anchor)) .cached() .named("class-type"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> tupleType = op("(") .skipThen(typeExpr) .then(many(op(",").skipThen(typeExpr))) .thenSkip(op(")")) .map( value -> { ParseResult result = value.getFirst(); final List<ParseResult> rest = value.getSecond(); if (rest.isEmpty()) { return result; } final List<PyType> types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(result.getType()); for (ParseResult r : rest) { result = result.merge(r); types.add(r.getType()); } return result.withType(PyTupleType.create(anchor, types)); }) .named("tuple-type"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> typeParameter = token(PARAMETER) .then(maybe(op("<=").skipThen(typeExpr))) .map( value -> { final Token<PyElementType> token = value.getFirst(); final String name = token.getText().toString(); final TextRange range = token.getRange(); final ParseResult boundResult = value.getSecond(); if (boundResult != null) { final PyGenericType type1 = new PyGenericType(name, boundResult.getType()); final ParseResult result = new ParseResult(null, type1, range); return result.merge(boundResult).withType(type1); } return new ParseResult(null, new PyGenericType(name, null), range); }) .named("type-parameter"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> simpleExpr = classType.or(tupleType).or(typeParameter).named("simple-expr"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> paramExpr = classType .thenSkip(op("[")) .then(typeExpr) .then(many(op(",").skipThen(typeExpr))) .thenSkip(op("]")) .map( value -> { final Pair<ParseResult, ParseResult> firstPair = value.getFirst(); final ParseResult first = firstPair.getFirst(); final ParseResult second = firstPair.getSecond(); final List<ParseResult> third = value.getSecond(); final PyType firstType = first.getType(); final List<PyType> typesInBrackets = new ArrayList<>(); typesInBrackets.add(second.getType()); ParseResult result = first; result = result.merge(second); for (ParseResult r : third) { typesInBrackets.add(r.getType()); result = result.merge(r); } final List<PyType> elementTypes = third.isEmpty() ? Collections.singletonList(second.getType()) : typesInBrackets; final PsiElement resolved = first.getElement(); if (resolved != null) { final PyType typingType = PyTypingTypeProvider.getType(resolved, elementTypes); if (typingType != null) { return result.withType(typingType); } } if (firstType instanceof PyClassType) { final PyType type1 = new PyCollectionTypeImpl( ((PyClassType) firstType).getPyClass(), false, elementTypes); return result.withType(type1); } return EMPTY_RESULT; }) .or( classType .thenSkip(op("of")) .then(simpleExpr) .map( value -> { final ParseResult firstResult = value.getFirst(); final ParseResult secondResult = value.getSecond(); final ParseResult result = firstResult.merge(secondResult); final PyType firstType = firstResult.getType(); final PyType secondType = secondResult.getType(); if (firstType != null) { if (firstType instanceof PyClassType && secondType != null) { return result.withType( new PyCollectionTypeImpl( ((PyClassType) firstType).getPyClass(), false, Collections.singletonList(secondType))); } return result.withType(firstType); } return EMPTY_RESULT; })) .or( classType .thenSkip(op("from")) .then(simpleExpr) .thenSkip(op("to")) .then(simpleExpr) .map( value -> { final Pair<ParseResult, ParseResult> firstPair = value.getFirst(); final ParseResult first = firstPair.getFirst(); final ParseResult second = firstPair.getSecond(); final ParseResult third = value.getSecond(); final PyType firstType = first.getType(); if (firstType instanceof PyClassType) { final List<PyType> elementTypes = Arrays.asList(second.getType(), third.getType()); final PyCollectionTypeImpl type1 = new PyCollectionTypeImpl( ((PyClassType) firstType).getPyClass(), false, elementTypes); return first.merge(second).merge(third).withType(type1); } return EMPTY_RESULT; })) .named("param-expr"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> callableExpr = op("(") .skipThen(maybe(typeExpr.then(many(op(",").skipThen(typeExpr))))) .thenSkip(op(")")) .thenSkip(op("->")) .then(typeExpr) .map( value -> { final List<PyCallableParameter> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); final ParseResult returnResult = value.getSecond(); ParseResult result; final Pair<ParseResult, List<ParseResult>> firstPair = value.getFirst(); if (firstPair != null) { final ParseResult first = firstPair.getFirst(); final List<ParseResult> second = firstPair.getSecond(); result = first; parameters.add(new PyCallableParameterImpl(null, first.getType())); for (ParseResult r : second) { result = result.merge(r); parameters.add(new PyCallableParameterImpl(null, r.getType())); } result = result.merge(returnResult); } else { result = returnResult; } return result.withType( new PyCallableTypeImpl(parameters, returnResult.getType())); }) .named("callable-expr"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> singleExpr = paramExpr.or(callableExpr).or(simpleExpr).named("single-expr"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> unionExpr = singleExpr .then(many(op("or").or(op("|")).skipThen(singleExpr))) .map( value -> { final ParseResult first = value.getFirst(); final List<ParseResult> rest = value.getSecond(); if (rest.isEmpty()) { return first; } final List<PyType> types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(first.getType()); ParseResult result = first; for (ParseResult r : rest) { types.add(r.getType()); result = result.merge(r); } return result.withType(PyUnionType.union(types)); }) .named("union-expr"); typeExpr.define(unionExpr).named("type-expr"); final FunctionalParser<ParseResult, PyElementType> typeFile = typeExpr.endOfInput().named("type-file"); try { return typeFile.parse(tokenize(type)); } catch (ParserException e) { return EMPTY_RESULT; } }