public static ArrayList<String> getExtendedTypeClasses(Project project, String... formTypeNames) { List<String> formTypeNamesList = Arrays.asList(formTypeNames); ArrayList<String> extendedTypeClasses = new ArrayList<String>(); FormExtensionServiceParser formExtensionServiceParser = ServiceXmlParserFactory.getInstance(project, FormExtensionServiceParser.class); for (String formClass : formExtensionServiceParser.getFormExtensions().keySet()) { PsiElement psiElements[] = PhpElementsUtil.getPsiElementsBySignature( project, "#M#C\\" + formClass + ".getExtendedType"); for (PsiElement psiElement : psiElements) { PhpReturn phpReturn = PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(psiElement, PhpReturn.class); if (phpReturn != null) { PhpPsiElement returnValue = phpReturn.getFirstPsiChild(); if (returnValue instanceof StringLiteralExpression && formTypeNamesList.contains( ((StringLiteralExpression) returnValue).getContents())) { extendedTypeClasses.add(formClass); } } } } return extendedTypeClasses; }
/** * Gets parameter which are non optional and at the end of a function signature * * <p>foo($container, $bar = null, $foo = null); */ @NotNull public static Parameter[] getFunctionRequiredParameter(@NotNull Function function) { // nothing we need to do Parameter[] parameters = function.getParameters(); if (parameters.length == 0) { return new Parameter[0]; } // find last optional parameter int last = -1; for (int i = parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!parameters[i].isOptional()) { last = i; break; } } // no required argument found if (last == -1) { return new Parameter[0]; } return Arrays.copyOfRange(parameters, 0, last + 1); }
private void collectSelects( QueryBuilderScopeContext qb, MethodReference methodReference, String name) { if (!Arrays.asList("select", "addSelect").contains(name)) { return; } // $qb->select('foo') PsiElement psiElement = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterPsiElementAt(methodReference, 0); String literalValue = PhpElementsUtil.getStringValue(psiElement); if (literalValue != null) { qb.addSelect(literalValue); return; } // $qb->select(array('foo', 'bar', 'accessoryDetail')) if (psiElement instanceof ArrayCreationExpression) { for (PsiElement arrayValue : PsiElementUtils.getChildrenOfTypeAsList( psiElement, PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.ARRAY_VALUE))) { if (arrayValue.getChildren().length == 1) { String arrayValueString = PhpElementsUtil.getStringValue(arrayValue.getChildren()[0]); if (arrayValueString != null) { qb.addSelect(arrayValueString); } } } } }
public static boolean isFunctionReference( PsiElement psiElement, int wantIndex, String... funcName) { PsiElement variableContext = psiElement.getContext(); if (!(variableContext instanceof ParameterList)) { return false; } ParameterList parameterList = (ParameterList) variableContext; PsiElement context = parameterList.getContext(); if (!(context instanceof FunctionReference)) { return false; } FunctionReference methodReference = (FunctionReference) context; String name = methodReference.getName(); if (name == null || !Arrays.asList(funcName).contains(name)) { return false; } ParameterBag currentIndex = getCurrentParameterIndex(psiElement); if (currentIndex == null) { return false; } return !(wantIndex >= 0 && currentIndex.getIndex() != wantIndex); }
private void collectJoins( QueryBuilderScopeContext qb, MethodReference methodReference, String name) { if (!collectJoins || !Arrays.asList("join", "leftJoin", "rightJoin", "innerJoin").contains(name)) { return; } String join = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterAt(methodReference, 0); String alias = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterAt(methodReference, 1); if (join != null && alias != null) { qb.addJoin(alias, new QueryBuilderJoin(join, alias)); } }
private void collectParameter( QueryBuilderScopeContext qb, MethodReference methodReference, String name) { if (!collectParameter || !Arrays.asList("where", "andWhere").contains(name)) { return; } String value = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterAt(methodReference, 0); if (value != null) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(":(\\w+)", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(value); while (matcher.find()) { qb.addParameter(; } } }
public static boolean isMethodWithFirstString(PsiElement psiElement, String... methodName) { // filter out method calls without parameter // $this->methodName('service_name') // withName is not working, so simulate it in a hack if (!PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.METHOD_REFERENCE) .withChild( PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST) .withFirstChild(PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.STRING))) .accepts(psiElement)) { return false; } // cant we move it up to PlatformPatterns? withName condition dont looks working String methodRefName = ((MethodReference) psiElement).getName(); return null != methodRefName && Arrays.asList(methodName).contains(methodRefName); }
/** * $this->methodName('service_name') $this->methodName(SERVICE::NAME) * $this->methodName($this->name) */ public static boolean isMethodWithFirstStringOrFieldReference( PsiElement psiElement, String... methodName) { if (!PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.METHOD_REFERENCE) .withChild( PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST) .withFirstChild( PlatformPatterns.or( PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.STRING), PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.FIELD_REFERENCE), PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.CLASS_CONSTANT_REFERENCE)))) .accepts(psiElement)) { return false; } // cant we move it up to PlatformPatterns? withName condition dont looks working String methodRefName = ((MethodReference) psiElement).getName(); return null != methodRefName && Arrays.asList(methodName).contains(methodRefName); }