private void handleBirthDateChange() { String bdateStr = view.bDateFld.getText(); if (bdateStr == null || bdateStr.trim().equals("")) { model.setBirthDate(null); view.syncBirthDate(); } else { try { DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(view.dateFormat); LocalDate bdate = LocalDate.parse(bdateStr, formatter); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<>(); if (model.isValidBirthDate(bdate, errorList)) { model.setBirthDate(bdate); view.syncAgeCategory(); } else { this.showError(errorList); view.syncBirthDate(); } } catch (DateTimeParseException e) { // Birth date is not in the specified date format List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<>(); errorList.add("Birth date must be in the " + view.dateFormat.toLowerCase() + " format."); this.showError(errorList); // Refresh the view view.syncBirthDate(); } } }
private void saveData() { List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isSaved =; if (!isSaved) { this.showError(errorList); } }