/** @see com.ixora.rms.ui.artefacts.ArtefactSelectorPanel#handleRemoveArtefact() */ protected void handleRemoveArtefact() { try { JTable table = getJTableArtefacts(); int[] sel = table.getSelectedRows(); if (Utils.isEmptyArray(sel)) { return; } for (int idx : sel) { DashboardInfo gi = (DashboardInfo) table.getModel().getValueAt(idx, 1); DashboardMap map = fDashboardRepository.getDashboardMap(fContext); if (map == null) { logger.error("Couldn't find query gruop map for context: " + this.fContext); return; } // ask for confitmation if (!UIUtils.getBooleanOkCancelInput( this.fViewContainer.getAppFrame(), MessageRepository.get(Msg.TITLE_CONFIRM_REMOVE_DASHBOARD), MessageRepository.get( Msg.TEXT_CONFIRM_REMOVE_DASHBOARD, new String[] {gi.getTranslatedName()}))) { return; } // remove the dashboard only for the current fSUOVersion map.remove(gi.getDashboard().getName(), fSUOVersion); fDashboardRepository.setDashboardMap(fContext, map); fDashboardRepository.save(); // update model fSessionData.getDashboardHelper().removeDashboard(fContext, gi.getDashboard().getName()); // refresh table model refreshTableModel(); } } catch (Exception ex) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(ex); } }
/** @see com.ixora.common.ui.filter.FilterEditorDialog#handleCancel() */ protected void handleCancel() { try { fFilter = null; dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } }
/** @see com.ixora.rms.ui.artefacts.ArtefactSelectorPanel#handleApplyChanges() */ protected void handleApplyChanges() { try { applyChangesLocally(); } catch (Exception e) { handleCancel(); UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } }
private void handleSelectTimeIntervalOne() { try { if (fLogOne != null) { scanLogForTimestamps(fLogOne); } } catch (Exception e) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } }
/** Cancels changes. */ protected void handleCancel() { try { fSessionData.getDashboardHelper().rollbackDashboards(this.fContext); getDashboardTableModel().fireTableDataChanged(); this.fActionApply.setEnabled(false); this.fActionCancel.setEnabled(false); } catch (Exception e) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } }
/** @see com.ixora.rms.ui.artefacts.ArtefactSelectorPanel#handleAddArtefact() */ protected void handleAddArtefact() { try { DashboardEditorDialog editor = new DashboardEditorDialog( fViewContainer, fTreeExplorer, fDashboardRepository, fEventHandlef); editor.setModal(true); editor.edit(fSessionData, fContext, fAllSUOVersions, null); UIUtils.centerDialogAndShow(fViewContainer.getAppFrame(), editor); } catch (Exception ex) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(ex); } }
/** @see com.ixora.rms.ui.artefacts.ArtefactSelectorPanel#handlePlotArtefact() */ protected void handlePlotArtefact() { try { final JTable table = getJTableArtefacts(); final int[] sel = table.getSelectedRows(); if (Utils.isEmptyArray(sel)) { return; } this.fViewContainer .getAppWorker() .runJobSynch( new UIWorkerJobDefault( fViewContainer.getAppFrame(), Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR, MessageRepository.get(Msg.TEXT_PLOTTING_DASHBOARD)) { public void work() throws Exception { for (int idx : sel) { DashboardInfo di = (DashboardInfo) table.getModel().getValueAt(idx, 1); Dashboard dtls = di.getDashboard(); if (dtls == null) { logger.error("No dashboard"); return; } DataViewId[] members = dtls.getViews(); ResourceId[] counters = dtls.getCounters(); if (Utils.isEmptyArray(members) && Utils.isEmptyArray(counters)) { // TODO localize throw new RMSException( "Dashboard " + di.getTranslatedName() + " has no data views."); } if (!di.getFlag(DataViewInfo.ENABLED) && di.isCommitted()) { // enable it first ((DashboardTableModel) fTableModelArtefacts).enableDashboard(idx); applyChangesLocally(); } callback.plot(new DashboardId(fContext, dtls.getName())); } } public void finished(Throwable ex) { ; // nothing, synched job } }); } catch (Exception ex) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(ex); } }
/** @param e */ private void handleNoAggCheckBoxEvent(ItemEvent e) { try { if (fCheckBoxNoAgg.isSelected()) { fTextFieldAggStep.setEnabled(false); fTextFieldAggStep.setText("0"); } else { fTextFieldAggStep.setEnabled(true); fTextFieldAggStep.setText( String.valueOf( ConfigurationMgr.getInt( LogComponent.NAME, LogConfigurationConstants.LOG_AGGREGATION_PERIOD))); } } catch (Exception ex) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(ex); } }
/** @see com.ixora.rms.ui.artefacts.ArtefactSelectorPanel#handleEditArtefact() */ protected void handleEditArtefact() { try { JTable table = getJTableArtefacts(); int sel = table.getSelectedRow(); if (sel < 0) { return; } DashboardInfo cd = (DashboardInfo) table.getModel().getValueAt(sel, 1); DashboardEditorDialog editor = new DashboardEditorDialog( fViewContainer, fTreeExplorer, fDashboardRepository, fEventHandlef); editor.setModal(true); editor.edit(fSessionData, fContext, fAllSUOVersions, cd.getDashboard()); UIUtils.centerDialogAndShow(fViewContainer.getAppFrame(), editor); } catch (Exception ex) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(ex); } }
private void handleOk() { try { String aggStepString = fTextFieldAggStep.getText().trim(); int aggStep = 0; try { aggStep = Integer.parseInt(aggStepString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new RMSException("The aggregation step must be an integer"); } if (fCheckBoxNoAgg.isSelected()) { aggStep = 0; } fActionOk.setEnabled(false); final int faggStep = aggStep; if (fTimeIntervalOne == null) { runScanJob( fLogOne, new ScanEndCallback() { public void finishedScanning(Throwable err) { try { if (err == null) { fResult = new DataLogCompareAndReplayConfiguration( new DataLogCompareAndReplayConfiguration.LogRepositoryReplayConfig( new LogRepositoryInfo(fRepositoryType, fLogOne), fTimeIntervalOne), faggStep); dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } } }); } } catch (Exception e) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } }
/** @see com.ixora.common.ui.filter.FilterEditorDialog#handleOk() */ protected void handleOk() { try { boolean regex = fCheckIsRegex.isSelected(); String filterText = fTextFieldFilter.getText(); if (filterText == null || filterText.trim().length() == 0) { UIUtils.showError( this, // TODO localize "Invalid Filter", "Filter will not be set."); return; } if (regex) { fFilter = createRegexFilter(filterText.trim(), fCheckIsNegative.isSelected()); } else { fFilter = createStringFilter(filterText.trim(), fCheckIsNegative.isSelected()); } dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } }
/** @see javax.swing.table.TableModel#setValueAt(java.lang.Object, int, int) */ public void setValueAt(final Object aValue, final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) { try { if (columnIndex != 0) { return; } this.fViewContainer .getAppWorker() .runJobSynch( new UIWorkerJobDefault(fViewContainer.getAppFrame(), Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR, "") { public void work() throws Exception { setArtefactEnabled(rowIndex, ((Boolean) aValue).booleanValue()); // this will trigger a refresh on the entire row fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex); } public void finished(Throwable ex) {} }); } catch (Exception e) { // this will trigger a refresh on the entire row // before the exception is displayed fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex); UIExceptionMgr.userException(e); } }