public Change getChange(Project project) { // todo unify with if (myChange == null) { File baseDir = new File(project.getBaseDir().getPath()); File file = getAbsolutePath(baseDir, myBeforePath); FilePath beforePath = VcsUtil.getFilePath(file, false); beforePath.refresh(); ContentRevision beforeRevision = null; if (myFileStatus != FileStatus.ADDED) { beforeRevision = new CurrentContentRevision(beforePath) { @Override @NotNull public VcsRevisionNumber getRevisionNumber() { return new TextRevisionNumber(VcsBundle.message("local.version.title")); } }; } ContentRevision afterRevision = null; if (myFileStatus != FileStatus.DELETED) { FilePath afterPath = VcsUtil.getFilePath(getAbsolutePath(baseDir, myAfterPath), false); afterRevision = new PatchedContentRevision(project, beforePath, afterPath); } myChange = new Change(beforeRevision, afterRevision, myFileStatus); } return myChange; }
@NotNull private static FilePath rebasePath( @NotNull FilePath oldBase, @NotNull FilePath newBase, @NotNull FilePath path) { String relativePath = ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(FileUtil.getRelativePath(oldBase.getPath(), path.getPath(), '/')); return VcsUtil.getFilePath(newBase.getPath() + "/" + relativePath, path.isDirectory()); }
public MyDiffRequestProducer( @NotNull VirtualFilePointer filePointer, @NotNull FileStatus fileStatus) { myFilePointer = filePointer; myFileStatus = fileStatus; myFilePath = VcsUtil.getFilePath(myFilePointer.getPresentableUrl(), false); }
public ThreeState haveChangesUnder(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile) { FilePath dir = VcsUtil.getFilePath(virtualFile); FilePath changeCandidate = myIdx.getAffectedPaths().ceiling(dir); if (changeCandidate == null) { return ThreeState.NO; } return FileUtil.isAncestorThreeState(dir.getPath(), changeCandidate.getPath(), false); }
@NotNull private static Pair<FilePath, VirtualFile> getPathAndParentFile(@NotNull VcsContext context) { if (context.getSelectedFilesStream().findAny().isPresent()) { VirtualFile file = getIfSingle(context.getSelectedFilesStream()); return file != null ? Pair.create(VcsUtil.getFilePath(file), file) : Pair.empty(); } File[] ioFiles = context.getSelectedIOFiles(); if (ioFiles != null && ioFiles.length > 0) { for (File ioFile : ioFiles) { VirtualFile parent = getParentVirtualFile(ioFile); if (parent != null) return Pair.create(VcsUtil.getFilePath(parent, ioFile.getName()), parent); } } return Pair.empty(); }
public static HgFile getOriginalHgFile(Project project, VirtualFile root) { HgFile hgFile = new HgFile(root, VcsUtil.getFilePath(root.getPath())); if (project.isDisposed()) { return hgFile; } FilePath originalFileName = HgUtil.getOriginalFileName(hgFile.toFilePath(), ChangeListManager.getInstance(project)); return new HgFile(hgFile.getRepo(), originalFileName); }
/** * Revert files from the list * * @param project the project * @param root the vcs root * @param files the files to revert */ private static void revertFiles(Project project, VirtualFile root, ArrayList<String> files) throws VcsException { // TODO consider deleted files GitRollbackEnvironment rollback = GitRollbackEnvironment.getInstance(project); ArrayList<FilePath> list = new ArrayList<FilePath>(files.size()); for (String p : files) { list.add(VcsUtil.getFilePath(p)); } rollback.revert(root, list); }
/** * Return a git root for the file (the parent directory with ".git" subdirectory) * * @param file the file to check * @return git root for the file or null if the file is not not under Git * @deprecated because uses the * @use GitRepositoryManager#getRepositoryForFile(). */ @Nullable public static VirtualFile gitRootOrNull(final VirtualFile file) { if (file instanceof AbstractVcsVirtualFile) { return getGitRootOrNull(VcsUtil.getFilePath(file.getPath())); } VirtualFile root = file; while (root != null) { if (root.findFileByRelativePath(DOT_GIT) != null) { return root; } root = root.getParent(); } return root; }
private Change getChange(GitVirtualFile file) { if (file == null) return null; ContentRevision beforeRev = new GitContentRevision( file, new GitRevisionNumber(GitRevisionNumber.TIP, new Date(file.getModificationStamp())), project); ContentRevision afterRev = CurrentContentRevision.create(VcsUtil.getFilePath(file.getPath())); Change c = null; switch (file.getStatus()) { case UNMERGED: { c = new Change(beforeRev, afterRev, FileStatus.MERGED_WITH_CONFLICTS); break; } case ADDED: { c = new Change(null, afterRev, FileStatus.ADDED); break; } case DELETED: { c = new Change(beforeRev, null, FileStatus.DELETED); break; } case COPY: case RENAME: case MODIFIED: { c = new Change(beforeRev, afterRev, FileStatus.MODIFIED); break; } case UNMODIFIED: { break; } case IGNORED: { c = new Change(null, afterRev, FileStatus.IGNORED); break; } case UNVERSIONED: default: { c = new Change(null, afterRev, FileStatus.UNKNOWN); } } return c; }
private void processRecursively(final VirtualFile vFile, final SVNDepth prevDepth) { if (SVNDepth.EMPTY.equals(prevDepth)) return; if (myPartner.isIgnoredIdeaLevel(vFile)) { myReceiver.processIgnored(vFile); return; } final SVNDepth newDepth = SVNDepth.INFINITY.equals(prevDepth) ? SVNDepth.INFINITY : SVNDepth.EMPTY; final SVNStatusClient childClient = myPartner.createStatusClient(); final VirtualFile[] children = vFile.getChildren(); for (VirtualFile child : children) { final FilePath filePath = VcsUtil.getFilePath(child.getPath(), child.isDirectory()); // recursiveness is used ONLY for search of working copies that have unversioned files above final MyItem childItem = new MyItem(myProject, filePath, newDepth, childClient, true); myQueue.add(childItem); } }
public Map<VirtualFile, RepositoryLocation> getRoots() { myContentRoots = myPlManager.getRootsUnderVcs(myVcs); List<VirtualFile> roots = new ArrayList<>(); final List<VcsDirectoryMapping> mappings = myPlManager.getDirectoryMappings(myVcs); for (VcsDirectoryMapping mapping : mappings) { if (mapping.isDefaultMapping()) { if (myVcs.equals(myPlManager.getVcsFor(myProject.getBaseDir()))) { roots.add(myProject.getBaseDir()); } } else { VirtualFile newFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(mapping.getDirectory()); if (newFile == null) { newFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(mapping.getDirectory()); } if (newFile != null) { roots.add(newFile); } else {"Can not file virtual file for root: " + mapping.getDirectory()); } } } ContainerUtil.addAll(roots, myContentRoots); final Map<VirtualFile, RepositoryLocation> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Iterator<VirtualFile> iterator = roots.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { final VirtualFile vf =; final RepositoryLocation location = myLocationCache.getLocation(myVcs, VcsUtil.getFilePath(vf), false); if (location != null) { result.put(vf, location); } else { iterator.remove(); } } roots = myVcs.filterUniqueRoots(roots, IntoSelfVirtualFileConvertor.getInstance()); result.keySet().retainAll(roots); logRoots(roots); return result; }
public void handleStatus(final SVNStatus status) throws SVNException { myPartner.checkCanceled(); final File ioFile = status.getFile(); checkIfCopyRootWasReported(); final LocalFileSystem lfs = LocalFileSystem.getInstance(); VirtualFile vFile = lfs.findFileByIoFile(ioFile); if (vFile == null) { vFile = lfs.refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(ioFile); } if ((vFile != null) && myPartner.isExcluded(vFile)) return; if ((vFile != null) && (SvnVcs.svnStatusIsUnversioned(status))) { myReceiver.processUnversioned(vFile); if (vFile.isDirectory()) { processRecursively(vFile, myCurrentItem.getDepth()); } } else { final FilePath path = VcsUtil.getFilePath(ioFile, status.getKind().equals(SVNNodeKind.DIR)); myReceiver.process(path, status); } }
/** * Preform a merge commit * * @param project a project * @param root a vcs root * @param added added files * @param removed removed files * @param messageFile a message file for commit * @param author an author * @param exceptions the list of exceptions to report * @param partialOperation * @return true if merge commit was successful */ private static boolean mergeCommit( final Project project, final VirtualFile root, final Set<FilePath> added, final Set<FilePath> removed, final File messageFile, final String author, List<VcsException> exceptions, @NotNull final PartialOperation partialOperation) { HashSet<FilePath> realAdded = new HashSet<FilePath>(); HashSet<FilePath> realRemoved = new HashSet<FilePath>(); // perform diff GitSimpleHandler diff = new GitSimpleHandler(project, root, GitCommand.DIFF); diff.setSilent(true); diff.setStdoutSuppressed(true); diff.addParameters("--diff-filter=ADMRUX", "--name-status", "HEAD"); diff.endOptions(); String output; try { output =; } catch (VcsException ex) { exceptions.add(ex); return false; } String rootPath = root.getPath(); for (StringTokenizer lines = new StringTokenizer(output, "\n", false); lines.hasMoreTokens(); ) { String line = lines.nextToken().trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } String[] tk = line.split("\t"); switch (tk[0].charAt(0)) { case 'M': case 'A': realAdded.add(VcsUtil.getFilePath(rootPath + "/" + tk[1])); break; case 'D': realRemoved.add(VcsUtil.getFilePathForDeletedFile(rootPath + "/" + tk[1], false)); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected status: " + line); } } realAdded.removeAll(added); realRemoved.removeAll(removed); if (realAdded.size() != 0 || realRemoved.size() != 0) { final List<FilePath> files = new ArrayList<FilePath>(); files.addAll(realAdded); files.addAll(realRemoved); final Ref<Boolean> mergeAll = new Ref<Boolean>(); try { GuiUtils.runOrInvokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { String message = GitBundle.message("commit.partial.merge.message", partialOperation.getName()); SelectFilePathsDialog dialog = new SelectFilePathsDialog( project, files, message, null, "Commit All Files", CommonBundle.getCancelButtonText(), false); dialog.setTitle(GitBundle.getString("commit.partial.merge.title"));; mergeAll.set(dialog.isOK()); } }); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to invoke a message box on AWT thread", ex); } if (!mergeAll.get()) { return false; } // update non-indexed files if (!updateIndex(project, root, realAdded, realRemoved, exceptions)) { return false; } for (FilePath f : realAdded) { VcsDirtyScopeManager.getInstance(project).fileDirty(f); } for (FilePath f : realRemoved) { VcsDirtyScopeManager.getInstance(project).fileDirty(f); } } // perform merge commit try { GitSimpleHandler handler = new GitSimpleHandler(project, root, GitCommand.COMMIT); handler.setStdoutSuppressed(false); handler.addParameters("-F", messageFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (author != null) { handler.addParameters("--author=" + author); } handler.endOptions();; GitRepositoryManager manager = GitUtil.getRepositoryManager(project); manager.updateRepository(root); } catch (VcsException ex) { exceptions.add(ex); return false; } return true; }
@Deprecated @Override public FileStatus getStatus(File file) { return myWorker.getStatus(VcsUtil.getFilePath(file)); }
@Nullable private VirtualFile getRootForPath(final String s) { return myVcsManager.getVcsRootFor(VcsUtil.getFilePath(s, false)); }
private VcsHistorySession getHistorySession(String relativePath) throws VcsException { return HgVcs.getInstance(myProject) .getVcsHistoryProvider() .createSessionFor(VcsUtil.getFilePath(new File(myProjectDir, relativePath), false)); }
@Override protected boolean isFileDirty(final VcsDirtyScope scope, final VirtualFile file) { if (scope == null) return true; if (fileDropped(file)) return true; return scope.belongsTo(VcsUtil.getFilePath(file)); }