protected void init() { if (myWrapper != null) return; myProcessor = createProcessor(); String dialogGroupKey = myProcessor.getContextUserData(DiffUserDataKeys.DIALOG_GROUP_KEY); if (dialogGroupKey == null) dialogGroupKey = "DiffContextDialog"; myWrapper = new WindowWrapperBuilder( DiffUtil.getWindowMode(myHints), new MyPanel(myProcessor.getComponent())) .setProject(myProject) .setParent(myHints.getParent()) .setDimensionServiceKey(dialogGroupKey) .setOnShowCallback( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myProcessor.updateRequest(); myProcessor .requestFocus(); // TODO: not needed for modal dialogs. Make a flag in // WindowWrapperBuilder ? } }) .build(); myWrapper.setImage(ImageLoader.loadFromResource("/diff/Diff.png")); Disposer.register(myWrapper, myProcessor); new DumbAwareAction() { public void actionPerformed(final AnActionEvent e) { myWrapper.close(); } }.registerCustomShortcutSet(CommonShortcuts.getCloseActiveWindow(), myProcessor.getComponent()); }
@Override public Icon scale(float scaleFactor) { if (scaleFactor == 1f) { return this; } if (scaledIcons == null) { scaledIcons = new HashMap<Float, Icon>(1); } Icon result = scaledIcons.get(scaleFactor); if (result != null) { return result; } final Image image = ImageLoader.loadFromUrl(myUrl, UIUtil.isUnderDarcula(), scaleFactor >= 1.5f, filter); if (image != null) { int width = (int) (getIconWidth() * scaleFactor); int height = (int) (getIconHeight() * scaleFactor); final BufferedImage resizedImage = Scalr.resize( ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(image), Scalr.Method.ULTRA_QUALITY, width, height); result = getIcon(resizedImage); scaledIcons.put(scaleFactor, result); return result; } return this; }
public static void initDiffFrame( Project project, FrameWrapper frameWrapper, final DiffViewer diffPanel, final JComponent mainComponent) { frameWrapper.setComponent(mainComponent); frameWrapper.setProject(project); frameWrapper.setImage(ImageLoader.loadFromResource("/diff/Diff.png")); frameWrapper.setPreferredFocusedComponent(diffPanel.getPreferredFocusedComponent()); frameWrapper.closeOnEsc(); }
protected boolean doSetIcon( DefaultMutableTreeNode node, @Nullable String path, Component component) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path) && !new File(path).isFile()) { Messages.showErrorDialog( component, IdeBundle.message("error.file.not.found.message", path), IdeBundle.message("title.choose.action.icon")); return false; } String actionId = getActionId(node); if (actionId == null) return false; final AnAction action = ActionManager.getInstance().getAction(actionId); if (action != null && action.getTemplatePresentation() != null) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) { Image image = null; try { image = ImageLoader.loadFromStream( VfsUtil.convertToURL(VfsUtil.pathToUrl(path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'))) .openStream()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug(e); } Icon icon = new File(path).exists() ? IconLoader.getIcon(image) : null; if (icon != null) { if (icon.getIconWidth() > EmptyIcon.ICON_18.getIconWidth() || icon.getIconHeight() > EmptyIcon.ICON_18.getIconHeight()) { Messages.showErrorDialog( component, IdeBundle.message("custom.icon.validation.message"), IdeBundle.message("title.choose.action.icon")); return false; } node.setUserObject(Pair.create(actionId, icon)); mySelectedSchema.addIconCustomization(actionId, path); } } else { node.setUserObject(Pair.create(actionId, null)); mySelectedSchema.removeIconCustomization(actionId); final DefaultMutableTreeNode nodeOnToolbar = findNodeOnToolbar(actionId); if (nodeOnToolbar != null) { editToolbarIcon(actionId, nodeOnToolbar); node.setUserObject(nodeOnToolbar.getUserObject()); } } return true; } return false; }
@Nullable public Icon getProgressTailIcon() { if (myProgressTailIcon == null && myProgressTailIconName != null) { try { final URL url = getClass().getResource(myProgressTailIconName); @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"}) final Image image = com.intellij.util.ImageLoader.loadFromUrl(url, false); if (image != null) { myProgressTailIcon = new ImageIcon(image); } } catch (Exception ignore) { } } return myProgressTailIcon; }
@NotNull private synchronized Icon getRealIcon() { if (isLoaderDisabled() && (myRealIcon == null || dark != USE_DARK_ICONS || scale != SCALE || filter != IMAGE_FILTER)) return EMPTY_ICON; if (dark != USE_DARK_ICONS || scale != SCALE || filter != IMAGE_FILTER) { myRealIcon = null; dark = USE_DARK_ICONS; scale = SCALE; filter = IMAGE_FILTER; } Object realIcon = myRealIcon; if (realIcon instanceof Icon) return (Icon) realIcon; Icon icon; if (realIcon instanceof Reference) { icon = ((Reference<Icon>) realIcon).get(); if (icon != null) return icon; } Image image = ImageLoader.loadFromUrl(myUrl, true, filter); icon = checkIcon(image, myUrl); if (icon != null) { if (icon.getIconWidth() < 50 && icon.getIconHeight() < 50) { realIcon = icon; } else { realIcon = new SoftReference<Icon>(icon); } myRealIcon = realIcon; } return icon == null ? EMPTY_ICON : icon; }
public class AbstractPopup implements JBPopup { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.ui.popup.AbstractPopup"); private static final Image ourMacCorner = ImageLoader.loadFromResource("/general/macCorner.png"); private static final Object SUPPRESS_MAC_CORNER = new Object(); private PopupComponent myPopup; private MyContentPanel myContent; private JComponent myPreferredFocusedComponent; private boolean myRequestFocus; private boolean myFocusable; private boolean myForcedHeavyweight; private boolean myLocateWithinScreen; private boolean myResizable = false; private JPanel myHeaderPanel; private CaptionPanel myCaption = null; private JComponent myComponent; private String myDimensionServiceKey = null; private Computable<Boolean> myCallBack = null; private Project myProject; private boolean myCancelOnClickOutside; private Set<JBPopupListener> myListeners; private boolean myUseDimServiceForXYLocation; private MouseChecker myCancelOnMouseOutCallback; private Canceller myMouseOutCanceller; private boolean myCancelOnWindow; private Dimension myForcedSize; private Point myForcedLocation; private ChildFocusWatcher myFocusWatcher; private boolean myCancelKeyEnabled; private boolean myLocateByContent; protected FocusTrackback myFocusTrackback; private Dimension myMinSize; private ArrayList<Object> myUserData; private boolean myShadowed; private boolean myPaintShadow; private float myAlpha = 0; private float myLastAlpha = 0; private MaskProvider myMaskProvider; private Window myWindow; private boolean myInStack; private MyWindowListener myWindowListener; private boolean myModalContext; private Component[] myFocusOwners; private PopupBorder myPopupBorder; private Dimension myRestoreWindowSize; protected Component myOwner; protected Component myRequestorComponent; private boolean myHeaderAlwaysFocusable; private boolean myMovable; private JComponent myHeaderComponent; protected InputEvent myDisposeEvent; private Runnable myFinalRunnable; protected boolean myOk; protected final SpeedSearch mySpeedSearch = new SpeedSearch() { boolean searchFieldShown = false; protected void update() { mySpeedSearchPatternField.setBackground(new JTextField().getBackground()); onSpeedSearchPatternChanged(); mySpeedSearchPatternField.setText(getFilter()); if (isHoldingFilter() && !searchFieldShown) { setHeaderComponent(mySpeedSearchPatternField); searchFieldShown = true; } else if (!isHoldingFilter() && searchFieldShown) { setHeaderComponent(null); searchFieldShown = false; } } @Override public void noHits() { mySpeedSearchPatternField.setBackground(LightColors.RED); } }; private JTextField mySpeedSearchPatternField; private boolean myNativePopup; private boolean myMayBeParent; private AbstractPopup.SpeedSearchKeyListener mySearchKeyListener; private JLabel myAdComponent; private boolean myDisposed; private UiActivity myActivityKey; AbstractPopup() {} AbstractPopup init( final Project project, @NotNull final JComponent component, @Nullable final JComponent preferredFocusedComponent, final boolean requestFocus, final boolean focusable, final boolean forceHeavyweight, final boolean movable, final String dimensionServiceKey, final boolean resizable, @Nullable final String caption, @Nullable final Computable<Boolean> callback, final boolean cancelOnClickOutside, @Nullable final Set<JBPopupListener> listeners, final boolean useDimServiceForXYLocation, InplaceButton commandButton, @Nullable final IconButton cancelButton, @Nullable final MouseChecker cancelOnMouseOutCallback, final boolean cancelOnWindow, @Nullable final ActiveIcon titleIcon, final boolean cancelKeyEnabled, final boolean locateBycontent, final boolean placeWithinScreenBounds, @Nullable final Dimension minSize, float alpha, @Nullable MaskProvider maskProvider, boolean inStack, boolean modalContext, @Nullable Component[] focusOwners, @Nullable String adText, int adTextAlignment, final boolean headerAlwaysFocusable, @NotNull List<Pair<ActionListener, KeyStroke>> keyboardActions, Component settingsButtons, @Nullable final Processor<JBPopup> pinCallback, boolean mayBeParent, boolean showShadow) { if (requestFocus && !focusable) { assert false : "Incorrect argument combination: requestFocus=" + requestFocus + " focusable=" + focusable; } myActivityKey = new UiActivity.Focus("Popup:" + this); myProject = project; myComponent = component; myPopupBorder = PopupBorder.Factory.create(true, showShadow); myShadowed = showShadow; myPaintShadow = showShadow && !SystemInfo.isMac && !movable && !resizable &&"ide.popup.dropShadow"); myContent = createContentPanel(resizable, myPopupBorder, isToDrawMacCorner() && resizable); myMayBeParent = mayBeParent; myContent.add(component, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (adText != null) { setAdText(adText, adTextAlignment); } myCancelKeyEnabled = cancelKeyEnabled; myLocateByContent = locateBycontent; myLocateWithinScreen = placeWithinScreenBounds; myAlpha = alpha; myMaskProvider = maskProvider; myInStack = inStack; myModalContext = modalContext; myFocusOwners = focusOwners; myHeaderAlwaysFocusable = headerAlwaysFocusable; myMovable = movable; ActiveIcon actualIcon = titleIcon == null ? new ActiveIcon(EmptyIcon.ICON_0) : titleIcon; myHeaderPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (caption != null) { if (caption.length() > 0) { myCaption = new TitlePanel(actualIcon.getRegular(), actualIcon.getInactive()); ((TitlePanel) myCaption).setText(caption); } else { myCaption = new CaptionPanel(); } if (pinCallback != null) { myCaption.setButtonComponent( new InplaceButton( new IconButton( "Pin", IconLoader.getIcon("/general/autohideOff.png"), IconLoader.getIcon("/general/autohideOff.png"), IconLoader.getIcon("/general/autohideOffInactive.png")), new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { pinCallback.process(AbstractPopup.this); } })); } else if (cancelButton != null) { myCaption.setButtonComponent( new InplaceButton( cancelButton, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { cancel(); } })); } else if (commandButton != null) { myCaption.setButtonComponent(commandButton); } } else { myCaption = new CaptionPanel(); myCaption.setBorder(null); myCaption.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0)); } setWindowActive(myHeaderAlwaysFocusable); myHeaderPanel.add(myCaption, BorderLayout.NORTH); myContent.add(myHeaderPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); myForcedHeavyweight = true; myResizable = resizable; myPreferredFocusedComponent = preferredFocusedComponent; myRequestFocus = requestFocus; myFocusable = focusable; myDimensionServiceKey = dimensionServiceKey; myCallBack = callback; myCancelOnClickOutside = cancelOnClickOutside; myCancelOnMouseOutCallback = cancelOnMouseOutCallback; myListeners = listeners == null ? new HashSet<JBPopupListener>() : listeners; myUseDimServiceForXYLocation = useDimServiceForXYLocation; myCancelOnWindow = cancelOnWindow; myMinSize = minSize; for (Pair<ActionListener, KeyStroke> pair : keyboardActions) { myContent.registerKeyboardAction( pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond(), JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); } if (settingsButtons != null) { myCaption.addSettingsComponent(settingsButtons); } return this; } private void setWindowActive(boolean active) { boolean value = myHeaderAlwaysFocusable || active; if (myCaption != null) { myCaption.setActive(value); } myPopupBorder.setActive(value); myContent.repaint(); } @NotNull protected MyContentPanel createContentPanel( final boolean resizable, PopupBorder border, boolean isToDrawMacCorner) { return new MyContentPanel(resizable, border, isToDrawMacCorner); } public boolean isToDrawMacCorner() { if (!SystemInfo.isMac || myComponent.getComponentCount() <= 0) { return false; } if (myComponent.getComponentCount() > 0) { Component component = myComponent.getComponent(0); if (component instanceof JComponent && Boolean.TRUE.equals(((JComponent) component).getClientProperty(SUPPRESS_MAC_CORNER))) { return false; } } return true; } public static void suppressMacCornerFor(JComponent popupComponent) { popupComponent.putClientProperty(SUPPRESS_MAC_CORNER, Boolean.TRUE); } public String getDimensionServiceKey() { return myDimensionServiceKey; } public void setDimensionServiceKey(final String dimensionServiceKey) { myDimensionServiceKey = dimensionServiceKey; } public void showInCenterOf(@NotNull Component aContainer) { final Point popupPoint = getCenterOf(aContainer, myContent); show(aContainer, popupPoint.x, popupPoint.y, false); } public void setAdText(@NotNull final String s) { setAdText(s, SwingUtilities.LEFT); } public void setAdText(@NotNull final String s, int alignment) { if (myAdComponent == null) { myAdComponent = HintUtil.createAdComponent(s, BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 5, 1, 5), alignment); JPanel wrapper = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()) { @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Gray._135); g.drawLine(0, 0, getWidth(), 0); super.paintComponent(g); } }; wrapper.setOpaque(false); wrapper.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(1, 0, 0, 0)); wrapper.add(myAdComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER); myContent.add(wrapper, BorderLayout.SOUTH); pack(false, true); } else { myAdComponent.setText(s); myAdComponent.setHorizontalAlignment(alignment); } } public static Point getCenterOf(final Component aContainer, final JComponent content) { final JComponent component = getTargetComponent(aContainer); Point containerScreenPoint = component.getVisibleRect().getLocation(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(containerScreenPoint, aContainer); return UIUtil.getCenterPoint( new Rectangle(containerScreenPoint, component.getVisibleRect().getSize()), content.getPreferredSize()); } public void showCenteredInCurrentWindow(@NotNull Project project) { Window window = null; Component focusedComponent = getWndManager().getFocusedComponent(project); if (focusedComponent != null) { Component parent = UIUtil.findUltimateParent(focusedComponent); if (parent instanceof Window) { window = (Window) parent; } } if (window == null) { window = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusedWindow(); } if (window != null) { showInCenterOf(window); } } public void showUnderneathOf(@NotNull Component aComponent) { show(new RelativePoint(aComponent, new Point(0, aComponent.getHeight()))); } public void show(@NotNull RelativePoint aPoint) { final Point screenPoint = aPoint.getScreenPoint(); show(aPoint.getComponent(), screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, false); } public void showInScreenCoordinates(@NotNull Component owner, @NotNull Point point) { show(owner, point.x, point.y, false); } public void showInBestPositionFor(@NotNull DataContext dataContext) { final Editor editor = PlatformDataKeys.EDITOR.getData(dataContext); if (editor != null) { showInBestPositionFor(editor); } else { show(relativePointByQuickSearch(dataContext)); } } public void showInFocusCenter() { final Component focused = getWndManager().getFocusedComponent(myProject); if (focused != null) { showInCenterOf(focused); } else { final JFrame frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getFrame(myProject); showInCenterOf(frame.getRootPane()); } } private RelativePoint relativePointByQuickSearch(final DataContext dataContext) { Rectangle dominantArea = PlatformDataKeys.DOMINANT_HINT_AREA_RECTANGLE.getData(dataContext); if (dominantArea != null) { final Component focusedComponent = getWndManager().getFocusedComponent(myProject); Window window = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(focusedComponent); JLayeredPane layeredPane; if (window instanceof JFrame) { layeredPane = ((JFrame) window).getLayeredPane(); } else if (window instanceof JDialog) { layeredPane = ((JDialog) window).getLayeredPane(); } else if (window instanceof JWindow) { layeredPane = ((JWindow) window).getLayeredPane(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "cannot find parent window: project=" + myProject + "; window=" + window); } return relativePointWithDominantRectangle(layeredPane, dominantArea); } return JBPopupFactory.getInstance().guessBestPopupLocation(dataContext); } public void showInBestPositionFor(@NotNull Editor editor) { assert editor.getComponent().isShowing() : "Editor must be showing on the screen"; DataContext context = ((EditorEx) editor).getDataContext(); Rectangle dominantArea = PlatformDataKeys.DOMINANT_HINT_AREA_RECTANGLE.getData(context); if (dominantArea != null && !myRequestFocus) { final JLayeredPane layeredPane = editor.getContentComponent().getRootPane().getLayeredPane(); show(relativePointWithDominantRectangle(layeredPane, dominantArea)); } else { show(JBPopupFactory.getInstance().guessBestPopupLocation(editor)); } } public void addPopupListener(JBPopupListener listener) { myListeners.add(listener); } private RelativePoint relativePointWithDominantRectangle( final JLayeredPane layeredPane, final Rectangle bounds) { Dimension preferredSize = getComponent().getPreferredSize(); if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { final Dimension dimension = DimensionService.getInstance().getSize(myDimensionServiceKey, myProject); if (dimension != null) { preferredSize = dimension; } } final Point leftTopCorner = new Point(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y); final Point leftTopCornerScreen = (Point) leftTopCorner.clone(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(leftTopCornerScreen, layeredPane); final RelativePoint relativePoint; if (!ScreenUtil.isOutsideOnTheRightOFScreen( new Rectangle( leftTopCornerScreen.x, leftTopCornerScreen.y, preferredSize.width, preferredSize.height))) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, leftTopCorner); } else { if (bounds.x > preferredSize.width) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, new Point(bounds.x - preferredSize.width, bounds.y)); } else { setDimensionServiceKey(null); // going to cut width Rectangle screen = ScreenUtil.getScreenRectangle(leftTopCornerScreen.x, leftTopCornerScreen.y); final int spaceOnTheLeft = bounds.x; final int spaceOnTheRight = (screen.x + screen.width) - leftTopCornerScreen.x; if (spaceOnTheLeft > spaceOnTheRight) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, new Point(0, bounds.y)); myComponent.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(spaceOnTheLeft, Math.max(preferredSize.height, 200))); } else { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, leftTopCorner); myComponent.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(spaceOnTheRight, Math.max(preferredSize.height, 200))); } } } return relativePoint; } public final void closeOk(@Nullable InputEvent e) { setOk(true); cancel(e); } public final void cancel() { cancel(null); } public void setRequestFocus(boolean requestFocus) { myRequestFocus = requestFocus; } public void cancel(InputEvent e) { if (isDisposed()) return; if (myPopup != null) { if (!canClose()) { return; } storeDimensionSize(myContent.getSize()); if (myUseDimServiceForXYLocation) { final JRootPane root = myComponent.getRootPane(); if (root != null) { final Container popupWindow = root.getParent(); if (popupWindow != null && popupWindow.isShowing()) { storeLocation(popupWindow.getLocationOnScreen()); } } } if (e instanceof MouseEvent) { IdeEventQueue.getInstance().blockNextEvents(((MouseEvent) e)); } myPopup.hide(false); if (ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx() != null) { StackingPopupDispatcher.getInstance().onPopupHidden(this); } if (myInStack) { myFocusTrackback.setForcedRestore(!myOk && myFocusable); myFocusTrackback.restoreFocus(); } disposePopup(); if (myListeners != null) { for (JBPopupListener each : myListeners) { each.onClosed(new LightweightWindowEvent(this, myOk)); } } } Disposer.dispose(this, false); } public FocusTrackback getFocusTrackback() { return myFocusTrackback; } private void disposePopup() { if (myPopup != null) { myPopup.hide(true); } myPopup = null; } public boolean canClose() { return myCallBack == null || myCallBack.compute().booleanValue(); } public boolean isVisible() { return myPopup != null; } public void show(final Component owner) { show(owner, -1, -1, true); } public void show(Component owner, int aScreenX, int aScreenY, final boolean considerForcedXY) { if (ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx() != null && ApplicationManager.getApplication().isHeadlessEnvironment()) return; if (isDisposed()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Popup was already disposed. Recreate a new instance to show again"); } assert ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread(); addActivity(); final boolean shouldShow = beforeShow(); if (!shouldShow) { removeActivity(); return; } prepareToShow(); if (myInStack) { myFocusTrackback = new FocusTrackback(this, owner, true); myFocusTrackback.setMustBeShown(true); } Dimension sizeToSet = null; if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { sizeToSet = DimensionService.getInstance().getSize(myDimensionServiceKey, myProject); } if (myForcedSize != null) { sizeToSet = myForcedSize; } if (myMinSize == null) { myMinSize = myContent.getMinimumSize(); } if (sizeToSet == null) { sizeToSet = myContent.getPreferredSize(); } if (sizeToSet != null) { sizeToSet.width = Math.max(sizeToSet.width, myMinSize.width); sizeToSet.height = Math.max(sizeToSet.height, myMinSize.height); myContent.setSize(sizeToSet); myContent.setPreferredSize(sizeToSet); } Point xy = new Point(aScreenX, aScreenY); boolean adjustXY = true; if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { final Point storedLocation = DimensionService.getInstance().getLocation(myDimensionServiceKey, myProject); if (storedLocation != null) { xy = storedLocation; adjustXY = false; } } if (adjustXY) { final Insets insets = myContent.getInsets(); if (insets != null) { xy.x -= insets.left; xy.y -=; } } if (considerForcedXY && myForcedLocation != null) { xy = myForcedLocation; } if (myLocateByContent) { final Dimension captionSize = myHeaderPanel.getPreferredSize(); xy.y -= captionSize.height; } Rectangle targetBounds = new Rectangle(xy, myContent.getPreferredSize()); Insets insets = myPopupBorder.getBorderInsets(myContent); if (insets != null) { targetBounds.x += insets.left; targetBounds.y +=; } Rectangle original = new Rectangle(targetBounds); if (myLocateWithinScreen) { ScreenUtil.moveRectangleToFitTheScreen(targetBounds); } if (myMouseOutCanceller != null) { myMouseOutCanceller.myEverEntered = targetBounds.equals(original); } myOwner = IdeFrameImpl.findNearestModalComponent(owner); if (myOwner == null) { myOwner = owner; } myRequestorComponent = owner; boolean forcedDialog = (SystemInfo.isMac && !(myOwner instanceof IdeFrame)) || myMayBeParent; PopupComponent.Factory factory = getFactory(myForcedHeavyweight || myResizable, forcedDialog); myNativePopup = factory.isNativePopup(); myPopup = factory.getPopup(myOwner, myContent, targetBounds.x, targetBounds.y); if (myResizable) { final JRootPane root = myContent.getRootPane(); final IdeGlassPaneImpl glass = new IdeGlassPaneImpl(root); root.setGlassPane(glass); final ResizeComponentListener resizeListener = new ResizeComponentListener(this, glass); glass.addMousePreprocessor(resizeListener, this); glass.addMouseMotionPreprocessor(resizeListener, this); } if (myCaption != null && myMovable) { final MoveComponentListener moveListener = new MoveComponentListener(myCaption) { public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { super.mousePressed(e); if (e.isConsumed()) return; if (UIUtil.isCloseClick(e)) { if (myCaption.isWithinPanel(e)) { cancel(); } } } }; ListenerUtil.addMouseListener(myCaption, moveListener); ListenerUtil.addMouseMotionListener(myCaption, moveListener); final MyContentPanel saved = myContent; Disposer.register( this, new Disposable() { public void dispose() { ListenerUtil.removeMouseListener(saved, moveListener); ListenerUtil.removeMouseMotionListener(saved, moveListener); } }); } for (JBPopupListener listener : myListeners) { listener.beforeShown(new LightweightWindowEvent(this)); } myPopup.setRequestFocus(myRequestFocus);; final Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(myContent); myWindowListener = new MyWindowListener(); window.addWindowListener(myWindowListener); if (myFocusable) { window.setFocusableWindowState(true); window.setFocusable(true); } myWindow = updateMaskAndAlpha(window); if (myWindow instanceof JWindow) { ((JWindow) myWindow).getRootPane().putClientProperty(KEY, this); } if (myWindow != null) { // dialogwrapper-based popups do this internally through peer, // for other popups like jdialog-based we should exclude them manually, but // we still have to be able to use IdeFrame as parent if (!myMayBeParent && !(myWindow instanceof Frame)) { WindowManager.getInstance().doNotSuggestAsParent(myWindow); } } final Runnable afterShow = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (myPreferredFocusedComponent != null && myInStack && myFocusable) { myFocusTrackback.registerFocusComponent(myPreferredFocusedComponent); } removeActivity(); afterShow(); } }; if (myRequestFocus) { getFocusManager() .requestFocus( new FocusCommand() { @Override public ActionCallback run() { if (isDisposed()) { removeActivity(); return new ActionCallback.Done(); } _requestFocus(); final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(); final Runnable afterShowRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; result.setDone(); } }; if (myNativePopup) { final FocusRequestor furtherRequestor = getFocusManager().getFurtherRequestor(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isDisposed()) { result.setRejected(); return; } furtherRequestor .requestFocus( new FocusCommand() { @Override public ActionCallback run() { if (isDisposed()) { return new ActionCallback.Rejected(); } _requestFocus();; return new ActionCallback.Done(); } }, true) .notify(result) .doWhenProcessed( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { removeActivity(); } }); } }); } else {; } return result; } }, true) .doWhenRejected( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isDisposed()) { removeActivity(); return; }; } }); } } private void addActivity() { UiActivityMonitor.getInstance().addActivity(myActivityKey); } private void removeActivity() { UiActivityMonitor.getInstance().removeActivity(myActivityKey); } private void prepareToShow() { final MouseAdapter mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { Point point = (Point) e.getPoint().clone(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(point, e.getComponent()); final Dimension dimension = myContent.getSize(); dimension.height += myResizable && isToDrawMacCorner() ? ourMacCorner.getHeight(myContent) : 4; dimension.width += 4; Point locationOnScreen = myContent.getLocationOnScreen(); final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(locationOnScreen.x - 2, locationOnScreen.y - 2), dimension); if (!bounds.contains(point)) { cancel(); } } }; myContent.addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); Disposer.register( this, new Disposable() { public void dispose() { myContent.removeMouseListener(mouseAdapter); } }); myContent.registerKeyboardAction( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (myCancelKeyEnabled) { cancel(); } } }, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0), JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); mySearchKeyListener = new SpeedSearchKeyListener(); myContent.addKeyListener(mySearchKeyListener); if (myCancelOnMouseOutCallback != null || myCancelOnWindow) { myMouseOutCanceller = new Canceller(); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .addAWTEventListener( myMouseOutCanceller, AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED | AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK); } myFocusWatcher = new ChildFocusWatcher(myContent) { protected void onFocusGained(final FocusEvent event) { setWindowActive(true); } protected void onFocusLost(final FocusEvent event) { setWindowActive(false); } }; mySpeedSearchPatternField = new JTextField(); if (SystemInfo.isMac) { Font f = mySpeedSearchPatternField.getFont(); mySpeedSearchPatternField.setFont(f.deriveFont(f.getStyle(), f.getSize() - 2)); } } private Window updateMaskAndAlpha(Window window) { if (window == null) return window; final WindowManagerEx wndManager = getWndManager(); if (wndManager == null) return window; if (!wndManager.isAlphaModeEnabled(window)) return window; if (myAlpha != myLastAlpha) { wndManager.setAlphaModeRatio(window, myAlpha); myLastAlpha = myAlpha; } if (myMaskProvider != null) { final Dimension size = window.getSize(); Shape mask = myMaskProvider.getMask(size); wndManager.setWindowMask(window, mask); } WindowManagerEx.WindowShadowMode mode = myShadowed ? WindowManagerEx.WindowShadowMode.NORMAL : WindowManagerEx.WindowShadowMode.DISABLED; WindowManagerEx.getInstanceEx().setWindowShadow(window, mode); return window; } private static WindowManagerEx getWndManager() { return ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx() != null ? WindowManagerEx.getInstanceEx() : null; } public boolean isDisposed() { return myContent == null; } protected boolean beforeShow() { if (ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx() == null) return true; StackingPopupDispatcher.getInstance().onPopupShown(this, myInStack); return true; } protected void afterShow() {} protected final boolean requestFocus() { if (!myFocusable) return false; getFocusManager() .requestFocus( new FocusCommand() { @Override public ActionCallback run() { _requestFocus(); return new ActionCallback.Done(); } }, true); return true; } private void _requestFocus() { if (!myFocusable) return; if (myPreferredFocusedComponent != null) { myPreferredFocusedComponent.requestFocus(); } } private IdeFocusManager getFocusManager() { if (myProject != null) { return IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myProject); } else if (myOwner != null) { return IdeFocusManager.findInstanceByComponent(myOwner); } else { return IdeFocusManager.findInstance(); } } private static JComponent getTargetComponent(Component aComponent) { if (aComponent instanceof JComponent) { return (JComponent) aComponent; } else if (aComponent instanceof RootPaneContainer) { return ((RootPaneContainer) aComponent).getRootPane(); } LOG.error("Cannot find target for:" + aComponent); return null; } private PopupComponent.Factory getFactory(boolean forceHeavyweight, boolean forceDialog) { boolean noFocus = !myFocusable || !myRequestFocus; boolean cannotBeDialog = noFocus && SystemInfo.isLinux; if (!cannotBeDialog && (isPersistent() || forceDialog)) { return new PopupComponent.Factory.Dialog(); } else if (forceHeavyweight) { return new PopupComponent.Factory.AwtHeavyweight(); } else { return new PopupComponent.Factory.AwtDefault(); } } public JComponent getContent() { return myContent; } public void setLocation(RelativePoint p) { setLocation(p, myPopup, myContent); } private static void setLocation( final RelativePoint p, final PopupComponent popup, Component content) { if (popup == null) return; final Window wnd = popup.getWindow(); assert wnd != null; wnd.setLocation(p.getScreenPoint()); } @Override public void pack(boolean width, boolean height) { if (!isVisible() || (!width && !height)) return; Dimension size = getSize(); Dimension prefSize = myContent.computePreferredSize(); if (width) { size.width = prefSize.width; } if (height) { size.height = prefSize.height; } size = computeWindowSize(size); final Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(myContent); window.setSize(size); } public void pack() { final Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(myContent); window.pack(); } public JComponent getComponent() { return myComponent; } public void setProject(Project project) { myProject = project; } public void dispose() { if (myDisposed) { return; } myDisposed = true; Disposer.dispose(this, false); assert ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread(); if (myPopup != null) { cancel(myDisposeEvent); } if (myContent != null) { myContent.removeAll(); myContent.removeKeyListener(mySearchKeyListener); } myContent = null; myPreferredFocusedComponent = null; myComponent = null; myFocusTrackback = null; myCallBack = null; myListeners = null; if (myMouseOutCanceller != null) { final Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); // it may happen, but have no idea how // if (toolkit != null) { toolkit.removeAWTEventListener(myMouseOutCanceller); } } myMouseOutCanceller = null; if (myFocusWatcher != null) { myFocusWatcher.dispose(); myFocusWatcher = null; } resetWindow(); if (myFinalRunnable != null) { final ActionCallback typeaheadDone = new ActionCallback(); Runnable runFinal = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { typeaheadDone.setDone(); } });; myFinalRunnable = null; } }; IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myProject).typeAheadUntil(typeaheadDone); getFocusManager().doWhenFocusSettlesDown(runFinal); } } private void resetWindow() { if (myWindow != null && getWndManager() != null) { getWndManager().resetWindow(myWindow); if (myWindowListener != null) { myWindow.removeWindowListener(myWindowListener); } if (myWindow instanceof JWindow) { ((JWindow) myWindow).getRootPane().putClientProperty(KEY, null); } myWindow = null; myWindowListener = null; } } public void storeDimensionSize(final Dimension size) { if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { DimensionService.getInstance().setSize(myDimensionServiceKey, size, myProject); } } public void storeLocation(final Point xy) { if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { DimensionService.getInstance().setLocation(myDimensionServiceKey, xy, myProject); } } public static class MyContentPanel extends JPanel implements DataProvider { private final boolean myResizable; private final boolean myDrawMacCorner; @Nullable private DataProvider myDataProvider; public MyContentPanel( final boolean resizable, final PopupBorder border, boolean drawMacCorner) { super(new BorderLayout()); myResizable = resizable; myDrawMacCorner = drawMacCorner; setBorder(border); } public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); if (myResizable && myDrawMacCorner) { g.drawImage( ourMacCorner, getX() + getWidth() - ourMacCorner.getWidth(this), getY() + getHeight() - ourMacCorner.getHeight(this), this); } } public Dimension computePreferredSize() { if (isPreferredSizeSet()) { Dimension setSize; setSize = getPreferredSize(); setPreferredSize(null); Dimension result = getPreferredSize(); setPreferredSize(setSize); return result; } return getPreferredSize(); } @Nullable @Override public Object getData(@NonNls String dataId) { return myDataProvider != null ? myDataProvider.getData(dataId) : null; } public void setDataProvider(DataProvider dataProvider) { myDataProvider = dataProvider; } } public boolean isCancelOnClickOutside() { return myCancelOnClickOutside; } private class Canceller implements AWTEventListener { private boolean myEverEntered = false; public void eventDispatched(final AWTEvent event) { if (event.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED) { if (myCancelOnWindow && myPopup != null && !myPopup.isPopupWindow(((WindowEvent) event).getWindow())) { cancel(); } } else if (event.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED) { if (withinPopup(event)) { myEverEntered = true; } } else if (event.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED) { if (myCancelOnMouseOutCallback != null && myEverEntered && !withinPopup(event)) { if (myCancelOnMouseOutCallback.check((MouseEvent) event)) { cancel(); } } } } private boolean withinPopup(final AWTEvent event) { if (!myContent.isShowing()) return false; final MouseEvent mouse = (MouseEvent) event; final Point point = mouse.getPoint(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(point, mouse.getComponent()); return new Rectangle(myContent.getLocationOnScreen(), myContent.getSize()).contains(point); } } public void setLocation(@NotNull final Point screenPoint) { if (myPopup == null) { myForcedLocation = screenPoint; } else { moveTo(myContent, screenPoint, myLocateByContent ? myHeaderPanel.getPreferredSize() : null); } } public static Window moveTo( JComponent content, Point screenPoint, final Dimension headerCorrectionSize) { setDefaultCursor(content); final Window wnd = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(content); if (headerCorrectionSize != null) { screenPoint.y -= headerCorrectionSize.height; } wnd.setLocation(screenPoint); return wnd; } @Override public Point getLocationOnScreen() { Dimension headerCorrectionSize = myLocateByContent ? myHeaderPanel.getPreferredSize() : null; Point screenPoint = myContent.getLocationOnScreen(); if (headerCorrectionSize != null) { screenPoint.y -= headerCorrectionSize.height; } return screenPoint; } public void setSize(@NotNull final Dimension size) { setSize(size, true); } private void setSize(Dimension size, boolean adjustByContent) { Dimension toSet = size; if (myPopup == null) { myForcedSize = toSet; } else { if (adjustByContent) { toSet = computeWindowSize(toSet); } updateMaskAndAlpha(setSize(myContent, toSet)); } } private Dimension computeWindowSize(Dimension size) { if (myAdComponent != null && myAdComponent.isShowing()) { size.height += myAdComponent.getPreferredSize().height + 1; } return size; } @Override public Dimension getSize() { if (myPopup != null) { final Window popupWindow = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(myContent); return popupWindow.getSize(); } else { return myForcedSize; } } @Override public void moveToFitScreen() { if (myPopup == null) return; final Window popupWindow = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(myContent); Rectangle bounds = popupWindow.getBounds(); ScreenUtil.moveRectangleToFitTheScreen(bounds); setLocation(bounds.getLocation()); setSize(bounds.getSize(), false); } public static Window setSize(JComponent content, final Dimension size) { final Window popupWindow = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(content); final Point location = popupWindow.getLocation(); popupWindow.setLocation(location.x, location.y); Insets insets = content.getInsets(); if (insets != null) { size.width += insets.left + insets.right; size.height += + insets.bottom; } content.setPreferredSize(size); popupWindow.pack(); return popupWindow; } public static void setDefaultCursor(JComponent content) { final Window wnd = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(content); if (wnd != null) { wnd.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } } public void setCaption(String title) { if (myCaption instanceof TitlePanel) { ((TitlePanel) myCaption).setText(title); } } private class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter { public void windowClosed(final WindowEvent e) { resetWindow(); } } public boolean isPersistent() { return !myCancelOnClickOutside && !myCancelOnWindow; } public boolean isNativePopup() { return myNativePopup; } public void setUiVisible(final boolean visible) { if (myPopup != null) { if (visible) {; final Window window = getPopupWindow(); if (window != null && myRestoreWindowSize != null) { window.setSize(myRestoreWindowSize); myRestoreWindowSize = null; } } else { final Window window = getPopupWindow(); if (window != null) { myRestoreWindowSize = window.getSize(); window.setVisible(true); } } } } private Window getPopupWindow() { return myPopup.getWindow(); } public void setUserData(ArrayList<Object> userData) { myUserData = userData; } public <T> T getUserData(final Class<T> userDataClass) { if (myUserData != null) { for (Object o : myUserData) { if (userDataClass.isInstance(o)) { //noinspection unchecked return (T) o; } } } return null; } public boolean isModalContext() { return myModalContext; } public boolean isFocused() { if (myComponent != null && isFocused(new Component[] {SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(myComponent)})) { return true; } return isFocused(myFocusOwners); } public static boolean isFocused(@Nullable Component[] components) { if (components == null) return false; Component owner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); if (owner == null) return false; Window wnd; if (owner instanceof Window) { wnd = (Window) owner; } else { wnd = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(owner); } for (Component each : components) { if (each != null && SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(owner, each)) { Window eachWindow = each instanceof Window ? (Window) each : SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(each); if (eachWindow == wnd) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isCancelKeyEnabled() { return myCancelKeyEnabled; } @NotNull CaptionPanel getTitle() { return myCaption; } private void setHeaderComponent(JComponent c) { boolean doRevalidate = false; if (myHeaderComponent != null) { myHeaderPanel.remove(myHeaderComponent); myHeaderPanel.add(myCaption, BorderLayout.NORTH); myHeaderComponent = null; doRevalidate = true; } if (c != null) { myHeaderPanel.remove(myCaption); myHeaderPanel.add(c, BorderLayout.NORTH); myHeaderComponent = c; final Dimension size = myContent.getSize(); if (size.height < c.getPreferredSize().height * 2) { size.height += c.getPreferredSize().height; setSize(size); } doRevalidate = true; } if (doRevalidate) myContent.revalidate(); } public void addListener(final JBPopupListener listener) { myListeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(final JBPopupListener listener) { myListeners.remove(listener); } protected void onSpeedSearchPatternChanged() {} public Component getOwner() { return myRequestorComponent; } public void setMinimumSize(Dimension size) { myMinSize = size; } public Runnable getFinalRunnable() { return myFinalRunnable; } public void setFinalRunnable(Runnable finalRunnable) { myFinalRunnable = finalRunnable; } public void setOk(boolean ok) { myOk = ok; } @Override public void setDataProvider(@NotNull DataProvider dataProvider) { if (myContent != null) { myContent.setDataProvider(dataProvider); } } private class SpeedSearchKeyListener implements KeyListener { public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent e) { mySpeedSearch.process(e); } public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { mySpeedSearch.process(e); } public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e) { mySpeedSearch.process(e); } } }
public Image load(URL url, InputStream stream, float scale) throws IOException { return ImageLoader.load(stream, (int) scale); }