public boolean commitTransaction(final Document document) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); final DocumentChangeTransaction documentChangeTransaction = removeTransaction(document); if (documentChangeTransaction == null) return false; final PsiFile changeScope = documentChangeTransaction.myChangeScope; try { mySyncDocument = document; final PsiTreeChangeEventImpl fakeEvent = new PsiTreeChangeEventImpl(changeScope.getManager()); fakeEvent.setParent(changeScope); fakeEvent.setFile(changeScope); checkPsiModificationAllowed(fakeEvent); doSync( fakeEvent, true, new DocSyncAction() { @Override public void syncDocument( @NotNull Document document, @NotNull PsiTreeChangeEventImpl event) { doCommitTransaction(document, documentChangeTransaction); } }); myBus .syncPublisher(PsiDocumentTransactionListener.TOPIC) .transactionCompleted(document, changeScope); } catch (Throwable e) { myPsiDocumentManager.forceReload( changeScope.getViewProvider().getVirtualFile(), changeScope.getViewProvider()); ExceptionUtil.rethrowAllAsUnchecked(e); } finally { mySyncDocument = null; } return true; }
public final void showError(@NotNull String message, @NotNull Throwable e) { if (getProject().isDisposed()) { return; } while (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) { if (e.getCause() == null) { break; } e = e.getCause(); } ErrorInfo info = new ErrorInfo(); info.myMessage = info.myDisplayMessage = message; info.myThrowable = e; configureError(info); if (info.myShowMessage) { showErrorPage(info); } if (info.myShowLog) { LOG.error( LogMessageEx.createEvent( info.myDisplayMessage, info.myMessage + "\n" + ExceptionUtil.getThrowableText(info.myThrowable), new Attachment(myFile))); } else { + "\n" + info.myMessage, info.myThrowable); } }
// returns list of resolved files if updated successfully, or null if write action or dumb mode // started private int[] processFile( @NotNull final VirtualFile file, int fileId, @NotNull final ProgressIndicator indicator) { final TIntHashSet forward; try { forward = calcForwardRefs(file, indicator); } catch (IndexNotReadyException e) { return null; } catch (ApplicationUtil.CannotRunReadActionException e) { return null; } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log(ExceptionUtil.getThrowableText(e)); flushLog(); return null; } int[] forwardIds = forward.toArray(); fileIsResolved.set(fileId); logf( " ---- " + file.getPresentableUrl() + " processed. forwardIds: " + toVfString(forwardIds)); for (Listener listener : myListeners) { listener.fileResolved(file); } return forwardIds; }
private void startProcess(Target target, Parameters configuration, Pair<Target, Parameters> key) { ProgramRunner runner = new DefaultProgramRunner() { @NotNull public String getRunnerId() { return "MyRunner"; } public boolean canRun(@NotNull String executorId, @NotNull RunProfile profile) { return true; } }; Executor executor = DefaultRunExecutor.getRunExecutorInstance(); ProcessHandler processHandler = null; try { RunProfileState state = getRunProfileState(target, configuration, executor); ExecutionResult result = state.execute(executor, runner); //noinspection ConstantConditions processHandler = result.getProcessHandler(); } catch (Exception e) { dropProcessInfo(key, ExceptionUtil.getUserStackTrace(e, LOG), processHandler); return; } processHandler.addProcessListener(getProcessListener(key)); processHandler.startNotify(); }
private static int bind( int firstPort, int portsCount, boolean tryAnyPort, @NotNull ServerBootstrap bootstrap, @NotNull ChannelRegistrar channelRegistrar) throws Exception { InetAddress address = NetUtils.getLoopbackAddress(); for (int i = 0; i < portsCount; i++) { int port = firstPort + i; if (ArrayUtil.indexOf(FORBIDDEN_PORTS, i) >= 0) { continue; } ChannelFuture future = bootstrap.bind(address, port).awaitUninterruptibly(); if (future.isSuccess()) { channelRegistrar.add(; return port; } else if (!tryAnyPort && i == (portsCount - 1)) { ExceptionUtil.rethrowAll(future.cause()); } }"We cannot bind to our default range, so, try to bind to any free port"); ChannelFuture future = bootstrap.bind(address, 0).awaitUninterruptibly(); if (future.isSuccess()) { channelRegistrar.add(; return ((InetSocketAddress); } else { ExceptionUtil.rethrowAll(future.cause()); } return -1; // unreachable }
public static void error( @NotNull Logger logger, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Throwable cause, @NotNull String... attachmentText) { StringBuilder detailsBuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (String detail : attachmentText) { detailsBuffer.append(detail).append(","); } if (attachmentText.length > 0 && detailsBuffer.length() > 0) { detailsBuffer.setLength(detailsBuffer.length() - 1); } Attachment attachment = detailsBuffer.length() > 0 ? new Attachment("current-context.txt", detailsBuffer.toString()) : null; logger.error( createEvent(message, ExceptionUtil.getThrowableText(cause), null, null, attachment)); }
// TODO this is to be removed when tags will be supported by the GitRepositoryReader private Collection<? extends VcsRef> readTags(@NotNull VirtualFile root) throws VcsException { GitSimpleHandler tagHandler = new GitSimpleHandler(myProject, root, GitCommand.LOG); tagHandler.setSilent(true); tagHandler.addParameters( "--tags", "--no-walk", "--format=%H%d" + GitLogParser.RECORD_START_GIT, "--decorate=full"); String out =; Collection<VcsRef> refs = new ArrayList<VcsRef>(); try { for (String record : out.split(GitLogParser.RECORD_START)) { if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(record)) { refs.addAll(new RefParser(myVcsObjectsFactory).parseCommitRefs(record.trim(), root)); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "Error during tags parsing", new Attachment("stack_trace.txt", ExceptionUtil.getThrowableText(e)), new Attachment("git_output.txt", out)); } return refs; }
@NotNull public static CharSequence loadText(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { if (file instanceof LightVirtualFile) { return ((LightVirtualFile) file).getContent(); } if (file.isDirectory()) { throw new AssertionError("'" + file.getPresentableUrl() + "' is a directory"); } FileType fileType = file.getFileType(); if (fileType.isBinary()) { final BinaryFileDecompiler decompiler = BinaryFileTypeDecompilers.INSTANCE.forFileType(fileType); if (decompiler != null) { CharSequence text; Application app = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); if (app != null && app.isDispatchThread() && !app.isWriteAccessAllowed() && !ourDecompileProgressStarted) { final Ref<CharSequence> result = Ref.create(ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CHAR_SEQUENCE); final Ref<Throwable> error = Ref.create(); ourDecompileProgressStarted = true; try { ProgressManager.getInstance() .run( new Task.Modal(null, "Decompiling " + file.getName(), true) { @Override public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { indicator.setIndeterminate(true); try { result.set( ApplicationUtil.runWithCheckCanceled( new Callable<CharSequence>() { @Override public CharSequence call() { return decompiler.decompile(file); } }, indicator)); } catch (Throwable t) { error.set(t); } } }); } finally { ourDecompileProgressStarted = false; } ExceptionUtil.rethrowUnchecked(error.get()); text = result.get(); } else { text = decompiler.decompile(file); } StringUtil.assertValidSeparators(text); return text; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to load text for binary file which doesn't have a decompiler plugged in: " + file.getPresentableUrl() + ". File type: " + fileType.getName()); } try { byte[] bytes = file.contentsToByteArray(); return getTextByBinaryPresentation(bytes, file); } catch (IOException e) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CHAR_SEQUENCE; } }