@Override public boolean isDelegate() { CSharpMethodDeclStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { return BitUtil.isSet(stub.getOtherModifierMask(), CSharpMethodDeclStub.DELEGATE_MASK); } return findChildByType(CSharpTokens.DELEGATE_KEYWORD) != null; }
@Nullable static HighlightInfo checkInitializerCompleteNormally(@NotNull PsiClassInitializer initializer) { final PsiCodeBlock body = initializer.getBody(); // unhandled exceptions already reported try { final ControlFlow controlFlow = getControlFlowNoConstantEvaluate(body); final int completionReasons = ControlFlowUtil.getCompletionReasons(controlFlow, 0, controlFlow.getSize()); if (!BitUtil.isSet(completionReasons, ControlFlowUtil.NORMAL_COMPLETION_REASON)) { String description = JavaErrorMessages.message("initializer.must.be.able.to.complete.normally"); return HighlightInfo.newHighlightInfo(HighlightInfoType.ERROR) .range(body) .descriptionAndTooltip(description) .create(); } } catch (AnalysisCanceledException e) { // incomplete code } return null; }
private int getMnemonicCharIndex(String text) { final int mnemonicIndex = myPresentation.getDisplayedMnemonicIndex(); if (mnemonicIndex != -1) { return mnemonicIndex; } final ShortcutSet shortcutSet = myAction.getShortcutSet(); final Shortcut[] shortcuts = shortcutSet.getShortcuts(); for (Shortcut shortcut : shortcuts) { if (!(shortcut instanceof KeyboardShortcut)) continue; KeyboardShortcut keyboardShortcut = (KeyboardShortcut) shortcut; if (keyboardShortcut.getSecondKeyStroke() == null) { // we are interested only in "mnemonic-like" shortcuts final KeyStroke keyStroke = keyboardShortcut.getFirstKeyStroke(); final int modifiers = keyStroke.getModifiers(); if (BitUtil.isSet(modifiers, InputEvent.ALT_MASK)) { return (keyStroke.getKeyChar() != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) ? text.indexOf(keyStroke.getKeyChar()) : text.indexOf(KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyStroke.getKeyCode())); } } } return -1; }
private boolean isFlagSet(@FlagConstant byte mask) { return BitUtil.isSet(myFlags, mask); }
final boolean isModified(int index) { checkLineIndex(index); return !isLastEmptyLine(index) && BitUtil.isSet(myFlags[index], MODIFIED_MASK); }
private void addTypesByVariable( HashSet<PsiType> typesSet, PsiVariable var, PsiFile scopeFile, HashSet<PsiVariable> checkedVariables, int flags, TextRange rangeToIgnore) { if (!checkedVariables.add(var)) return; // System.out.println("analyzing usages of " + var + " in file " + scopeFile); SearchScope searchScope = new LocalSearchScope(scopeFile); if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, CHECK_USAGE) || BitUtil.isSet(flags, CHECK_DOWN)) { for (PsiReference varRef : ReferencesSearch.search(var, searchScope, false)) { PsiElement ref = varRef.getElement(); if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, CHECK_USAGE)) { PsiType type = guessElementTypeFromReference(myMethodPatternMap, ref, rangeToIgnore); if (type != null && !(type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType)) { typesSet.add(type); } } if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, CHECK_DOWN)) { if (ref.getParent() instanceof PsiExpressionList && ref.getParent().getParent() instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { // TODO : new PsiExpressionList list = (PsiExpressionList) ref.getParent(); PsiExpression[] args = list.getExpressions(); int argIndex = -1; for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) { PsiExpression arg = args[j]; if (arg.equals(ref)) { argIndex = j; break; } } PsiMethodCallExpression methodCall = (PsiMethodCallExpression) list.getParent(); PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) methodCall.getMethodExpression().resolve(); if (method != null) { PsiParameter[] parameters = method.getParameterList().getParameters(); if (argIndex < parameters.length) { addTypesByVariable( typesSet, parameters[argIndex], method.getContainingFile(), checkedVariables, flags | CHECK_USAGE, rangeToIgnore); } } } } } } if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, CHECK_UP)) { if (var instanceof PsiParameter && var.getParent() instanceof PsiParameterList && var.getParent().getParent() instanceof PsiMethod) { PsiParameterList list = (PsiParameterList) var.getParent(); PsiParameter[] parameters = list.getParameters(); int argIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { PsiParameter parameter = parameters[i]; if (parameter.equals(var)) { argIndex = i; break; } } PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) var.getParent().getParent(); // System.out.println("analyzing usages of " + method + " in file " + scopeFile); for (PsiReference methodRef : ReferencesSearch.search(method, searchScope, false)) { PsiElement ref = methodRef.getElement(); if (ref.getParent() instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { PsiMethodCallExpression methodCall = (PsiMethodCallExpression) ref.getParent(); PsiExpression[] args = methodCall.getArgumentList().getExpressions(); if (args.length <= argIndex) continue; PsiExpression arg = args[argIndex]; if (arg instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) { PsiElement refElement = ((PsiReferenceExpression) arg).resolve(); if (refElement instanceof PsiVariable) { addTypesByVariable( typesSet, (PsiVariable) refElement, scopeFile, checkedVariables, flags | CHECK_USAGE, rangeToIgnore); } } // TODO : constructor } } } } }
public boolean isInLibrarySource() { return BitUtil.isSet(sourceRootTypeData, LIBRARY_SOURCE_FLAG); }
public boolean isInModuleSource() { return BitUtil.isSet(sourceRootTypeData, MODULE_SOURCE_FLAG); }