public static boolean canBeMigrated(final PsiElement e) { if (e == null) { return false; } final PsiElement element = normalizeElement(e); if (!element.getManager().isInProject(element)) { return false; } final PsiType type = TypeMigrationLabeler.getElementType(element); if (type != null) { final PsiType elemenType = type instanceof PsiArrayType ? type.getDeepComponentType() : type; if (elemenType instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) { return !elemenType.equals(PsiType.VOID); } final PsiClass aClass = ((PsiClassType) elemenType).resolve(); return aClass != null /* && !aClass.hasTypeParameters()*/; } return false; }
@Override protected void previewRefactoring(@NotNull final UsageInfo[] usages) { MigrationPanel panel = new MigrationPanel(myRoot, myLabeler, myProject, isPreviewUsages()); String name; if (myRoot.length == 1) { String fromType = assertNotNull(TypeMigrationLabeler.getElementType(myRoot[0])).getPresentableText(); String toType =[0]).getPresentableText(); String text; text = getPresentation(myRoot[0]); name = "Migrate Type of " + text + " from \'" + fromType + "\' to \'" + toType + "\'"; } else { final int rootsInPresentationCount = myRoot.length > MAX_ROOT_IN_PREVIEW_PRESENTATION ? MAX_ROOT_IN_PREVIEW_PRESENTATION : myRoot.length; String[] rootsPresentation = new String[rootsInPresentationCount]; for (int i = 0; i < rootsInPresentationCount; i++) { final PsiElement root = myRoot[i]; rootsPresentation[i] = root instanceof PsiNamedElement ? ((PsiNamedElement) root).getName() : root.getText(); } rootsPresentation = StringUtil.surround(rootsPresentation, "\'", "\'"); name = "Migrate Type of " + StringUtil.join(rootsPresentation, ", "); if (myRoot.length > MAX_ROOT_IN_PREVIEW_PRESENTATION) { name += "..."; } } Content content = UsageViewManager.getInstance(myProject).addContent(name, false, panel, true, true); panel.setContent(content); ToolWindowManager.getInstance(myProject).getToolWindow(ToolWindowId.FIND).activate(null); }
@Override protected void previewRefactoring(final UsageInfo[] usages) { MigrationPanel panel = new MigrationPanel(myRoot[0], myLabeler, myProject, isPreviewUsages()); String text; if (myRoot[0] instanceof PsiField) { text = "field \'" + ((PsiField) myRoot[0]).getName() + "\'"; } else if (myRoot[0] instanceof PsiParameter) { text = "parameter \'" + ((PsiParameter) myRoot[0]).getName() + "\'"; } else if (myRoot[0] instanceof PsiLocalVariable) { text = "variable \'" + ((PsiLocalVariable) myRoot[0]).getName() + "\'"; } else if (myRoot[0] instanceof PsiMethod) { text = "method \'" + ((PsiMethod) myRoot[0]).getName() + "\' return"; } else { text = Arrays.toString(myRoot); } Content content = UsageViewManager.getInstance(myProject) .addContent( "Migrate Type of " + text + " from \'" + TypeMigrationLabeler.getElementType(myRoot[0]).getPresentableText() + "\' to \'" + myRules.getMigrationRootType().getPresentableText() + "\'", false, panel, true, true); panel.setContent(content); ToolWindowManager.getInstance(myProject).getToolWindow(ToolWindowId.FIND).activate(null); }
private void processMemberType( final PsiElement element, final TypeParameterSearcher parameterSearcher, final PsiClass psiClass, final PsiSubstitutor substitutor, final Map<PsiElement, Pair<PsiReference[], PsiType>> roots) { final PsiType elementType = TypeMigrationLabeler.getElementType(element); if (elementType != null && elementType.accept(parameterSearcher).booleanValue()) { final PsiType memberType = substitutor.substitute(elementType); prepareMethodsChangeSignature(psiClass, element, memberType); final List<PsiReference> refs = TypeMigrationLabeler.filterReferences( psiClass,, psiClass.getUseScope())); roots.put( element, Pair.create( myLabeler.markRootUsages( element, memberType, refs.toArray(new PsiReference[refs.size()])), memberType)); } }