private ASTNode notBoundInExistingAst( PsiFileImpl file, FileElement treeElement, StubTree stubTree) { @NonNls String message = "this=" + this.getClass() + "; file.isPhysical=" + file.isPhysical() + "; node=" + myNode + "; file=" + file + "; tree=" + treeElement + "; stubTree=" + stubTree; PsiElement each = this; while (each != null) { message += "\n each of class " + each.getClass(); if (each instanceof StubBasedPsiElementBase) { message += "; node=" + ((StubBasedPsiElementBase) each).myNode + "; stub=" + ((StubBasedPsiElementBase) each).myStub; each = ((StubBasedPsiElementBase) each).getParentByStub(); } else { break; } } throw new AssertionError(message); }
public void processInjectableElements( Collection<PsiElement> in, Processor<PsiElement> processor) { ClassMapCachingNulls<MultiHostInjector> map = getInjectorMap(); for (PsiElement element : in) { if (map.get(element.getClass()) != null) processor.process(element); } }
private static void convertToUsageTarget( @NotNull List<PsiElement2UsageTargetAdapter> targets, @NotNull PsiElement elementToSearch) { if (elementToSearch instanceof NavigationItem) { targets.add(new PsiElement2UsageTargetAdapter(elementToSearch)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Wrong usage target:" + elementToSearch + "; " + elementToSearch.getClass()); } }
public static SQLRefReference getAnnoRefIdFromMethodCallExpressionElement(PsiElement psiElement) { if (psiElement instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { final PsiReferenceExpression methodExpression = ((PsiMethodCallExpression) psiElement).getMethodExpression(); if (methodExpression != null && methodExpression.getQualifierExpression() != null && methodExpression.getQualifierExpression().getType() != null) { final PsiType type = methodExpression.getQualifierExpression().getType(); final PsiClassReferenceType classReferenceType = (PsiClassReferenceType) type; if (type instanceof PsiClassReferenceType && classReferenceType.getReference() != null) { final Project project = psiElement.getProject(); if (AnnoRefConfigSettings.getInstance(project) .getAnnoRefState() .ANNOREF_UTIL_CLASS_FQN .equals(classReferenceType.getReference().getQualifiedName())) { if (((PsiCall) psiElement).getArgumentList().getExpressions().length == 1) { final PsiExpression psiExpression = ((PsiCall) psiElement).getArgumentList().getExpressions()[0]; final String refId = String.valueOf(((PsiLiteral) psiExpression).getValue()); final SQLRefReference refReference = ServiceManager.getService(project, SQLRefRepository.class) .getSQLRefReferenceForID(refId); return refReference; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Argument %s for parameter of %s.%s must not be null", new Object[] { "0", classReferenceType.getReference().getQualifiedName(), methodExpression.getQualifiedName() })); } } else { log.warn( "getAnnoRefIdFromMethodCallExpressionElement(): PsiElement ClassReferenceType FQA=" + classReferenceType.getReference().getQualifiedName() + " different" + " from ANNOREF_UTIL_CLASS_FQN=" + AnnoRefConfigSettings.getInstance(project) .getAnnoRefState() .ANNOREF_UTIL_CLASS_FQN); } } else { log.warn( "getAnnoRefIdFromMethodCallExpressionElement(): PsiElement ReferenceType=" + classReferenceType); } } else { log.warn( "getAnnoRefIdFromMethodCallExpressionElement(): PsiElement is of type=" + psiElement.getClass()); } } return null; }
AnchorElementInfo(@NotNull PsiElement anchor, @NotNull PsiFile containingFile) { super( containingFile.getProject(), ProperTextRange.create(anchor.getTextRange()), anchor.getClass(), containingFile, LanguageUtil.getRootLanguage(anchor)); assert !(anchor instanceof PsiFile) : "FileElementInfo must be used for file: " + anchor; myStubElementTypeAndId = pack(-1, null); }
// Delete given element and all the elements separating it from the neighboring elements of the // same class public static void deleteElementWithDelimiters(@NotNull PsiElement element) { PsiElement paramBefore = PsiTreeUtil.getPrevSiblingOfType(element, element.getClass()); PsiElement from; PsiElement to; if (paramBefore != null) { from = paramBefore.getNextSibling(); to = element; } else { PsiElement paramAfter = PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(element, element.getClass()); from = element; to = paramAfter != null ? paramAfter.getPrevSibling() : element; } PsiElement parent = element.getParent(); parent.deleteChildRange(from, to); }
static <T extends PsiElement> T getPsi(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, PsiElement element, Logger log) { log.assertTrue( clazz.isInstance(element), "unexpected psi class. expected: " + clazz + " got: " + (element == null ? null : element.getClass())); //noinspection unchecked return (T) element; }
@NotNull private static Couple<Collection<TextRange>> getUsages( @NotNull PsiElement target, PsiElement psiElement, boolean withDeclarations, boolean detectAccess) { List<TextRange> readRanges = new ArrayList<TextRange>(); List<TextRange> writeRanges = new ArrayList<TextRange>(); final ReadWriteAccessDetector detector = detectAccess ? ReadWriteAccessDetector.findDetector(target) : null; final FindUsagesManager findUsagesManager = ((FindManagerImpl) FindManager.getInstance(target.getProject())).getFindUsagesManager(); final FindUsagesHandler findUsagesHandler = findUsagesManager.getFindUsagesHandler(target, true); final LocalSearchScope scope = new LocalSearchScope(psiElement); Collection<PsiReference> refs = findUsagesHandler != null ? findUsagesHandler.findReferencesToHighlight(target, scope) :, scope).findAll(); for (PsiReference psiReference : refs) { if (psiReference == null) { LOG.error( "Null reference returned, findUsagesHandler=" + findUsagesHandler + "; target=" + target + " of " + target.getClass()); continue; } List<TextRange> destination; if (detector == null || detector.getReferenceAccess(target, psiReference) == ReadWriteAccessDetector.Access.Read) { destination = readRanges; } else { destination = writeRanges; } HighlightUsagesHandler.collectRangesToHighlight(psiReference, destination); } if (withDeclarations) { final TextRange declRange = HighlightUsagesHandler.getNameIdentifierRange(psiElement.getContainingFile(), target); if (declRange != null) { if (detector != null && detector.isDeclarationWriteAccess(target)) { writeRanges.add(declRange); } else { readRanges.add(declRange); } } } return Couple.<Collection<TextRange>>of(readRanges, writeRanges); }
public boolean satisfies(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull ResolveState state) { final String name = PsiUtilCore.getName(element); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(name) && (myMatcher == null || myMatcher.value(name))) { if (myFilter.isClassAcceptable(element.getClass()) && myFilter.isAcceptable( new CandidateInfo(element, state.get(PsiSubstitutor.KEY)), myElement)) { return true; } } return false; }
@Override public void visitCaseLabel(GrCaseLabel caseLabel) { final PsiElement parent = caseLabel.getParent().getParent(); assert parent instanceof GrSwitchStatement : parent + " of class " + parent.getClass(); final GrExpression condition = ((GrSwitchStatement) parent).getCondition(); if (condition == null) return; final PsiType type = condition.getType(); if (type == null) return; myResult = new TypeConstraint[] {SubtypeConstraint.create(type)}; }
void processInPlaceInjectorsFor(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull InjProcessor processor) { MultiHostInjector[] infos = getInjectorMap().get(element.getClass()); if (infos != null) { final boolean dumb = myDumbService.isDumb(); for (MultiHostInjector injector : infos) { if (dumb && !DumbService.isDumbAware(injector)) { continue; } if (!processor.process(element, injector)) return; } } }
// will restore by stub index until file tree get loaded AnchorElementInfo( @NotNull PsiElement anchor, @NotNull PsiFileWithStubSupport containingFile, int stubId, @NotNull IStubElementType stubElementType) { super( containingFile.getProject(), new ProperTextRange(0, 0), anchor.getClass(), containingFile, containingFile.getLanguage()); myStubElementTypeAndId = pack(stubId, stubElementType); assert !(anchor instanceof PsiFile) : "FileElementInfo must be used for file: " + anchor; }
protected void completeReference( final PsiReference reference, final PsiElement position, final Set<LookupElement> set, final TailType tailType, final PsiFile file, final ElementFilter filter, final CompletionVariant variant) { if (reference instanceof PsiMultiReference) { for (PsiReference ref : getReferences((PsiMultiReference) reference)) { completeReference(ref, position, set, tailType, file, filter, variant); } } else if (reference instanceof PsiDynaReference) { for (PsiReference ref : ((PsiDynaReference<?>) reference).getReferences()) { completeReference(ref, position, set, tailType, file, filter, variant); } } else { final Object[] completions = reference.getVariants(); if (completions == null) return; for (Object completion : completions) { if (completion == null) { LOG.assertTrue( false, "Position=" + position + "\n;Reference=" + reference + "\n;variants=" + Arrays.toString(completions)); } if (completion instanceof PsiElement) { final PsiElement psiElement = (PsiElement) completion; if (filter.isClassAcceptable(psiElement.getClass()) && filter.isAcceptable(psiElement, position)) { addLookupItem(set, tailType, completion, file, variant); } } else { if (completion instanceof LookupItem) { final Object o = ((LookupItem) completion).getObject(); if (o instanceof PsiElement) { if (!filter.isClassAcceptable(o.getClass()) || !filter.isAcceptable(o, position)) continue; } } addLookupItem(set, tailType, completion, file, variant); } } } }
@NotNull public static List<RatedResolveResult> resolveNameInFromImport( PyFromImportStatement importStatement, @NotNull QualifiedName qName) { PsiFile file = importStatement.getContainingFile().getOriginalFile(); String name = qName.getComponents().get(0); final List<PsiElement> candidates = importStatement.resolveImportSourceCandidates(); List<PsiElement> resultList = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(); for (PsiElement candidate : candidates) { if (!candidate.isValid()) { throw new PsiInvalidElementAccessException( candidate, "Got an invalid candidate from resolveImportSourceCandidates(): " + candidate.getClass()); } if (candidate instanceof PsiDirectory) { candidate = PyUtil.getPackageElement((PsiDirectory) candidate, importStatement); } List<RatedResolveResult> results = resolveChildren(candidate, name, file, false, true); if (!results.isEmpty()) { for (RatedResolveResult result : results) { final PsiElement element = result.getElement(); if (element != null) { if (!element.isValid()) { throw new PsiInvalidElementAccessException( element, "Got an invalid candidate from resolveChild(): " + element.getClass()); } resultList.add(element); } } } } if (!resultList.isEmpty()) { return rateResults(resultList); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
@Override public boolean isConfigurationFromContext( SubstepsRunConfiguration substepsRunConfiguration, ConfigurationContext configurationContext) { // return true, if this config was created from this context boolean rtn = false; log.debug("isConfigurationFromContext?"); SubstepsRunnerConfigurationModel model = substepsRunConfiguration.getModel(); String featureFilePath = configurationContext.getLocation().getVirtualFile().getPath(); if (model.getPathToFeature().equals(featureFilePath)) { // it might be the same... PsiElement psiElement = configurationContext.getLocation().getPsiElement(); if (psiElement instanceof ScenarioImpl) { ScenarioImpl scenarioImpl = (ScenarioImpl) psiElement; if (model.getScenarioName() != null && model.getScenarioName().equals(scenarioImpl.getScenarioName())) { rtn = true; } else { log.debug( "non matching scenario name model: " + model.getScenarioName() + " ctx: " + scenarioImpl.getScenarioName()); } } else { log.debug("not a scenario impl psi element: " + psiElement.getClass()); if (model.getScenarioName() == null) { rtn = true; } } } log.debug("isConfigurationFromContext? : " + rtn); return rtn; }
private void doEnter(PsiElement atCaret, Editor editor) throws IncorrectOperationException { final PsiFile psiFile = atCaret.getContainingFile(); final RangeMarker rangeMarker = createRangeMarker(atCaret); if (myFirstErrorOffset != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(myFirstErrorOffset); reformat(atCaret); return; } reformat(atCaret); commit(editor); atCaret = GroovyRefactoringUtil.findElementInRange( ((GroovyFileBase) psiFile), rangeMarker.getStartOffset(), rangeMarker.getEndOffset(), atCaret.getClass()); // atCaret = CodeInsightUtil.findElementInRange(psiFile, rangeMarker.getStartOffset(), // rangeMarker.getEndOffset(), atCaret.getClass()); for (EnterProcessor processor : ourEnterProcessors) { if (atCaret == null) { // Can't restore element at caret after enter processor execution! break; } if (processor.doEnter(editor, atCaret, isModified(editor))) return; } if (!isModified(editor)) { plainEnter(editor); } else { if (myFirstErrorOffset == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(rangeMarker.getEndOffset()); } else { editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(myFirstErrorOffset); } } }
@NotNull static PsiElement loadTree(@NotNull PsiElement host, @NotNull PsiFile containingFile) { if (containingFile instanceof DummyHolder) { PsiElement context = containingFile.getContext(); if (context != null) { PsiFile topFile = context.getContainingFile(); topFile.getNode(); // load tree TextRange textRange = host.getTextRange().shiftRight(context.getTextRange().getStartOffset()); PsiElement inLoadedTree = PsiTreeUtil.findElementOfClassAtRange( topFile, textRange.getStartOffset(), textRange.getEndOffset(), host.getClass()); if (inLoadedTree != null) { host = inLoadedTree; } } } return host; }
@NotNull @Override public String getDescriptiveName(@NotNull PsiElement element) { if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.AttributeDeclarationPsi) { return ((CeylonPsi.AttributeDeclarationPsi) element) .getCeylonNode() .getDeclarationModel() .getQualifiedNameString(); } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.ClassOrInterfacePsi) { Tree.Declaration ceylonNode = ((CeylonPsi.ClassOrInterfacePsi) element).getCeylonNode(); // if (ceylonNode == null) { // // perhaps a stub // return ((CeylonPsi.ClassOrInterfacePsi) element).getQualifiedName(); // } Declaration model = ceylonNode.getDeclarationModel(); return model == null ? ceylonNode.getIdentifier().getText() : model.getQualifiedNameString(); } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.AnyMethodPsi) { Function model = ((CeylonPsi.AnyMethodPsi) element).getCeylonNode().getDeclarationModel(); return model == null ? ((CeylonPsi.AnyMethodPsi) element).getCeylonNode().getIdentifier().getText() : model.getQualifiedNameString(); } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.ParameterDeclarationPsi) { return ((CeylonPsi.ParameterDeclarationPsi) element) .getCeylonNode() .getTypedDeclaration() .getIdentifier() .getText(); } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.TypeParameterDeclarationPsi) { return ((CeylonPsi.TypeParameterDeclarationPsi) element) .getCeylonNode() .getIdentifier() .getText(); } else if (element instanceof CeylonFile) { return ((CeylonFile) element).getName(); } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.ObjectDefinitionPsi) { return ((CeylonPsi.ObjectDefinitionPsi) element).getCeylonNode().getIdentifier().getText(); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Descriptive name not implemented for " + element.getClass()); }
protected static <T extends PsiNamedElement> int getChildIndex( T element, PsiElement parent, String name, Class<T> hisClass) { PsiElement[] children = parent.getChildren(); int index = 0; for (PsiElement child : children) { if (ReflectionCache.isAssignable(hisClass, child.getClass())) { T namedChild = (T) child; final String childName = namedChild.getName(); if (Comparing.equal(name, childName)) { if (namedChild.equals(element)) { return index; } index++; } } } return index; }
@Nullable protected static <T extends PsiNamedElement> T restoreElementInternal( @NotNull PsiElement parent, String name, int index, Class<T> hisClass) { PsiElement[] children = parent.getChildren(); for (PsiElement child : children) { if (ReflectionCache.isAssignable(hisClass, child.getClass())) { T namedChild = (T) child; final String childName = namedChild.getName(); if (Comparing.equal(name, childName)) { if (index == 0) { return namedChild; } index--; } } } return null; }
public LocalSearchScope( @NotNull PsiElement[] scope, @Nullable final String displayName, final boolean ignoreInjectedPsi) { myIgnoreInjectedPsi = ignoreInjectedPsi; myDisplayName = displayName; Set<PsiElement> localScope = new LinkedHashSet<PsiElement>(scope.length); for (final PsiElement element : scope) { LOG.assertTrue(element != null, "null element"); LOG.assertTrue(element.getContainingFile() != null, element.getClass().getName()); if (element instanceof PsiFile) { for (PsiFile file : ((PsiFile) element).getViewProvider().getAllFiles()) { if (file == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "file " + element + " returned null in its getAllFiles()"); localScope.add(file); } } else if (element instanceof StubBasedPsiElement || element.getTextRange() != null) { localScope.add(element); } } myScope = PsiUtilCore.toPsiElementArray(localScope); }
private static boolean isLastOfItsKind(@NotNull PsiElement element, boolean down) { return getSiblingOfType(element, down, element.getClass()) == null; }
public ASTNode processRange(final ASTNode element, final int startOffset, final int endOffset) { final PsiElement psiElement = SourceTreeToPsiMap.treeElementToPsi(element); assert psiElement != null; final PsiFile file = psiElement.getContainingFile(); final Document document = file.getViewProvider().getDocument(); final RangeMarker rangeMarker = document != null && endOffset < document.getTextLength() ? document.createRangeMarker(startOffset, endOffset) : null; PsiElement elementToFormat = document instanceof DocumentWindow ? InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(file.getProject()).getTopLevelFile(file) : psiElement; final PsiFile fileToFormat = elementToFormat.getContainingFile(); final FormattingModelBuilder builder = LanguageFormatting.INSTANCE.forContext(fileToFormat); if (builder != null) { TextRange range = preprocess(element, TextRange.create(startOffset, endOffset)); if (document instanceof DocumentWindow) { DocumentWindow documentWindow = (DocumentWindow) document; range = documentWindow.injectedToHost(range); } // final SmartPsiElementPointer pointer = // SmartPointerManager.getInstance(psiElement.getProject()).createSmartPsiElementPointer(psiElement); final FormattingModel model = CoreFormatterUtil.buildModel( builder, elementToFormat, mySettings, FormattingMode.REFORMAT); if (file.getTextLength() > 0) { try { FormatterEx.getInstanceEx() .format( model, mySettings, mySettings.getIndentOptions(fileToFormat.getFileType()), new FormatTextRanges(range, true)); wrapLongLinesIfNecessary(file, document, startOffset, endOffset); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { LOG.error(e); } } if (!psiElement.isValid()) { if (rangeMarker != null) { final PsiElement at = file.findElementAt(rangeMarker.getStartOffset()); final PsiElement result = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(at, psiElement.getClass(), false); assert result != null; rangeMarker.dispose(); return result.getNode(); } else { assert false; } } // return SourceTreeToPsiMap.psiElementToTree(pointer.getElement()); } if (rangeMarker != null) { rangeMarker.dispose(); } return element; }
private static boolean typesEqual(final PsiElement newChild, final PsiElement oldChild) { return newChild != null && oldChild != null && newChild.getClass() == oldChild.getClass(); }
@Override @NotNull public String getType(@NotNull PsiElement element) { if (element instanceof PsiDirectory) { return LangBundle.message(""); } if (element instanceof PsiFile) { return LangBundle.message("terms.file"); } if (ThrowSearchUtil.isSearchable(element)) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.exception"); } if (element instanceof PsiPackage) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.package"); } if (element instanceof PsiLabeledStatement) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.label"); } if (element instanceof PsiClass) { if (((PsiClass) element).isAnnotationType()) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.annotation.interface"); } if (((PsiClass) element).isEnum()) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.enum"); } if (((PsiClass) element).isInterface()) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.interface"); } if (element instanceof PsiTypeParameter) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.type.parameter"); } return LangBundle.message("java.terms.class"); } if (element instanceof PsiField) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.field"); } if (element instanceof PsiParameter) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.parameter"); } if (element instanceof PsiLocalVariable) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.variable"); } if (element instanceof PsiMethod) { final PsiMethod psiMethod = (PsiMethod) element; final boolean isConstructor = psiMethod.isConstructor(); if (isConstructor) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.constructor"); } return LangBundle.message("java.terms.method"); } if (element instanceof PsiExpression) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.expression"); } if (element instanceof PsiJavaModule) { return LangBundle.message("java.terms.module"); } final String name = TypePresentationService.getService().getTypePresentableName(element.getClass()); if (name != null) { return name; } return ""; }