@NotNull static SearchScope getScopeFromModel(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull FindModel findModel) { SearchScope customScope = findModel.getCustomScope(); VirtualFile directory = getDirectory(findModel); Module module = findModel.getModuleName() == null ? null : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).findModuleByName(findModel.getModuleName()); return findModel.isCustomScope() && customScope != null ? customScope.intersectWith(GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project)) : // we don't have to check for myProjectFileIndex.isExcluded(file) here like // FindInProjectTask.collectFilesInScope() does // because all found usages are guaranteed to be not in excluded dir directory != null ? forDirectory(project, findModel.isWithSubdirectories(), directory) : module != null ? module.getModuleContentScope() : findModel.isProjectScope() ? ProjectScope.getContentScope(project) : GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project); }
@NotNull private Set<PsiFile> getFilesForFastWordSearch() { String stringToFind = myFindModel.getStringToFind(); if (stringToFind.isEmpty() || DumbService.getInstance(myProject).isDumb()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } SearchScope customScope = myFindModel.getCustomScope(); GlobalSearchScope scope = myPsiDirectory != null ? GlobalSearchScopesCore.directoryScope(myPsiDirectory, true) : myModule != null ? myModule.getModuleContentScope() : customScope instanceof GlobalSearchScope ? (GlobalSearchScope) customScope : toGlobal(customScope); if (scope == null) { scope = ProjectScope.getContentScope(myProject); } final Set<PsiFile> resultFiles = new LinkedHashSet<PsiFile>(); if (TrigramIndex.ENABLED) { final Set<Integer> keys = ContainerUtil.newTroveSet(); TrigramBuilder.processTrigrams( stringToFind, new TrigramBuilder.TrigramProcessor() { @Override public boolean execute(int value) { keys.add(value); return true; } }); if (!keys.isEmpty()) { final List<VirtualFile> hits = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(); final GlobalSearchScope finalScope = scope; ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FileBasedIndex.getInstance() .getFilesWithKey( TrigramIndex.INDEX_ID, keys, new CommonProcessors.CollectProcessor<VirtualFile>(hits), finalScope); } }); for (VirtualFile hit : hits) { if (myFileMask.value(hit)) { PsiFile file = findFile(hit); if (file != null) { resultFiles.add(file); } } } return resultFiles; } } PsiSearchHelperImpl helper = (PsiSearchHelperImpl) PsiSearchHelper.SERVICE.getInstance(myProject); helper.processFilesWithText( scope, UsageSearchContext.ANY, myFindModel.isCaseSensitive(), stringToFind, new Processor<VirtualFile>() { @Override public boolean process(VirtualFile file) { if (myFileMask.value(file)) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(resultFiles, findFile(file)); } return true; } }); // in case our word splitting is incorrect CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManager.SERVICE.getInstance(myProject); PsiFile[] filesWithWord = cacheManager.getFilesWithWord( stringToFind, UsageSearchContext.ANY, scope, myFindModel.isCaseSensitive()); for (PsiFile file : filesWithWord) { if (myFileMask.value(file.getVirtualFile())) { resultFiles.add(file); } } return resultFiles; }