@NotNull public Change[] getSelectedChanges() { Set<Change> changes = new LinkedHashSet<Change>(); final TreePath[] paths = getSelectionPaths(); if (paths == null) { return new Change[0]; } for (TreePath path : paths) { ChangesBrowserNode<?> node = (ChangesBrowserNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); changes.addAll(node.getAllChangesUnder()); } if (changes.isEmpty()) { final List<VirtualFile> selectedModifiedWithoutEditing = getSelectedModifiedWithoutEditing(); if (selectedModifiedWithoutEditing != null && !selectedModifiedWithoutEditing.isEmpty()) { for (VirtualFile file : selectedModifiedWithoutEditing) { AbstractVcs vcs = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject).getVcsFor(file); if (vcs == null) continue; final VcsCurrentRevisionProxy before = VcsCurrentRevisionProxy.create(file, myProject, vcs.getKeyInstanceMethod()); if (before != null) { ContentRevision afterRevision = new CurrentContentRevision(new FilePathImpl(file)); changes.add(new Change(before, afterRevision, FileStatus.HIJACKED)); } } } } return changes.toArray(new Change[changes.size()]); }
private Change[] getLeadSelection() { final Set<Change> changes = new LinkedHashSet<Change>(); final TreePath[] paths = getSelectionPaths(); if (paths == null) return new Change[0]; for (TreePath path : paths) { ChangesBrowserNode node = (ChangesBrowserNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); if (node instanceof ChangesBrowserChangeNode) { changes.add(((ChangesBrowserChangeNode) node).getUserObject()); } } return changes.toArray(new Change[changes.size()]); }
public Collection<AbstractVcs> getAffectedVcses() { final ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject); final Set<AbstractVcs> vcses = new HashSet<AbstractVcs>(Arrays.asList(vcsManager.getAllActiveVcss())); final Set<AbstractVcs> result = new HashSet<AbstractVcs>(); for (Change change : myBrowser.myAllChanges) { if (vcses.isEmpty()) break; final AbstractVcs vcs = ChangesUtil.getVcsForChange(change, myBrowser.myProject); if (vcs != null) { result.add(vcs); vcses.remove(vcs); } } return result; }
@NotNull private ChangeList[] getSelectedChangeLists() { Set<ChangeList> lists = new HashSet<ChangeList>(); final TreePath[] paths = getSelectionPaths(); if (paths == null) return new ChangeList[0]; for (TreePath path : paths) { ChangesBrowserNode node = (ChangesBrowserNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); final Object userObject = node.getUserObject(); if (userObject instanceof ChangeList) { lists.add((ChangeList) userObject); } } return lists.toArray(new ChangeList[lists.size()]); }
@Nullable private List<Task> getIssuesFromRepositories( @Nullable String request, int max, long since, boolean forceRequest, @NotNull final ProgressIndicator cancelled) { List<Task> issues = null; for (final TaskRepository repository : getAllRepositories()) { if (!repository.isConfigured() || (!forceRequest && myBadRepositories.contains(repository))) { continue; } try { Task[] tasks = repository.getIssues(request, max, since, cancelled); myBadRepositories.remove(repository); if (issues == null) issues = new ArrayList<Task>(tasks.length); if (!repository.isSupported(TaskRepository.NATIVE_SEARCH) && request != null) { List<Task> filteredTasks = TaskSearchSupport.filterTasks(request, ContainerUtil.list(tasks)); ContainerUtil.addAll(issues, filteredTasks); } else { ContainerUtil.addAll(issues, tasks); } } catch (ProcessCanceledException ignored) { // OK } catch (Exception e) { String reason = ""; // Fix to IDEA-111810 if (e.getClass() == Exception.class) { // probably contains some message meaningful to end-user reason = e.getMessage(); } //noinspection InstanceofCatchParameter if (e instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { LOG.warn("Socket timeout from " + repository); } else { LOG.warn("Cannot connect to " + repository, e); } myBadRepositories.add(repository); if (forceRequest) { notifyAboutConnectionFailure(repository, reason); } } } return issues; }
@Nullable private Intersection checkIntersection( @Nullable final List<CommittedChangeList> lists, List<LocalChangeList> localChangeLists) { if (lists == null || lists.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Set<FilePath> mergePaths = new HashSet<FilePath>(); for (CommittedChangeList list : lists) { final SvnChangeList svnList = (SvnChangeList) list; final List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(svnList.getAddedPaths()); paths.addAll(svnList.getChangedPaths()); paths.addAll(svnList.getDeletedPaths()); for (String path : paths) { final File localPath = getLocalPath(path); if (localPath != null) { mergePaths.add(new FilePathImpl(localPath, false)); } } } final Intersection intersection = new Intersection(); for (LocalChangeList localChangeList : localChangeLists) { final Collection<Change> localChanges = localChangeList.getChanges(); for (Change localChange : localChanges) { final FilePath before = localChange.getBeforeRevision() == null ? null : localChange.getBeforeRevision().getFile(); final FilePath after = localChange.getAfterRevision() == null ? null : localChange.getAfterRevision().getFile(); if ((before != null && mergePaths.contains(before)) || (after != null && mergePaths.contains(after))) { intersection.add(localChangeList.getName(), localChangeList.getComment(), localChange); } } } return intersection; }
public List<VcsException> commit( @NotNull List<Change> changes, @NotNull String message, @NotNull NullableFunction<Object, Object> parametersHolder, Set<String> feedback) { List<VcsException> exceptions = new ArrayList<VcsException>(); Map<VirtualFile, Collection<Change>> sortedChanges = sortChangesByGitRoot(changes, exceptions); log.assertTrue( !sortedChanges.isEmpty(), "Trying to commit an empty list of changes: " + changes); for (Map.Entry<VirtualFile, Collection<Change>> entry : sortedChanges.entrySet()) { final VirtualFile root = entry.getKey(); try { File messageFile = createMessageFile(root, message); try { final Set<FilePath> added = new HashSet<FilePath>(); final Set<FilePath> removed = new HashSet<FilePath>(); for (Change change : entry.getValue()) { switch (change.getType()) { case NEW: case MODIFICATION: added.add(change.getAfterRevision().getFile()); break; case DELETED: removed.add(change.getBeforeRevision().getFile()); break; case MOVED: FilePath afterPath = change.getAfterRevision().getFile(); FilePath beforePath = change.getBeforeRevision().getFile(); added.add(afterPath); if (!GitFileUtils.shouldIgnoreCaseChange( afterPath.getPath(), beforePath.getPath())) { removed.add(beforePath); } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown change type: " + change.getType()); } } try { try { Set<FilePath> files = new HashSet<FilePath>(); files.addAll(added); files.addAll(removed); commit( myProject, root, files, messageFile, myNextCommitAuthor, myNextCommitAmend, myNextCommitAuthorDate); } catch (VcsException ex) { PartialOperation partialOperation = isMergeCommit(ex); if (partialOperation == PartialOperation.NONE) { throw ex; } if (!mergeCommit( myProject, root, added, removed, messageFile, myNextCommitAuthor, exceptions, partialOperation)) { throw ex; } } } finally { if (!messageFile.delete()) { log.warn("Failed to remove temporary file: " + messageFile); } } } catch (VcsException e) { exceptions.add(e); } } catch (IOException ex) { //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown exceptions.add(new VcsException("Creation of commit message file failed", ex)); } } if (myNextCommitIsPushed != null && myNextCommitIsPushed.booleanValue() && exceptions.isEmpty()) { // push UIUtil.invokeLaterIfNeeded( new Runnable() { public void run() { GitPusher.showPushDialogAndPerformPush( myProject, ServiceManager.getService(myProject, GitPlatformFacade.class)); } }); } return exceptions; }