private void setHeaderComponent(JComponent c) { boolean doRevalidate = false; if (myHeaderComponent != null) { myHeaderPanel.remove(myHeaderComponent); myHeaderPanel.add(myCaption, BorderLayout.NORTH); myHeaderComponent = null; doRevalidate = true; } if (c != null) { myHeaderPanel.remove(myCaption); myHeaderPanel.add(c, BorderLayout.NORTH); myHeaderComponent = c; final Dimension size = myContent.getSize(); if (size.height < c.getPreferredSize().height * 2) { size.height += c.getPreferredSize().height; setSize(size); } doRevalidate = true; } if (doRevalidate) myContent.revalidate(); }
public static Point getCenterOf(final Component aContainer, final JComponent content) { final JComponent component = getTargetComponent(aContainer); Point containerScreenPoint = component.getVisibleRect().getLocation(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(containerScreenPoint, aContainer); return UIUtil.getCenterPoint( new Rectangle(containerScreenPoint, component.getVisibleRect().getSize()), content.getPreferredSize()); }
public static Window setSize(JComponent content, final Dimension size) { final Window popupWindow = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(content); final Point location = popupWindow.getLocation(); popupWindow.setLocation(location.x, location.y); Insets insets = content.getInsets(); if (insets != null) { size.width += insets.left + insets.right; size.height += + insets.bottom; } content.setPreferredSize(size); popupWindow.pack(); return popupWindow; }
public boolean isToDrawMacCorner() { if (!SystemInfo.isMac || myComponent.getComponentCount() <= 0) { return false; } if (myComponent.getComponentCount() > 0) { Component component = myComponent.getComponent(0); if (component instanceof JComponent && Boolean.TRUE.equals(((JComponent) component).getClientProperty(SUPPRESS_MAC_CORNER))) { return false; } } return true; }
private void _requestFocus() { if (!myFocusable) return; if (myPreferredFocusedComponent != null) { myPreferredFocusedComponent.requestFocus(); } }
private RelativePoint relativePointWithDominantRectangle( final JLayeredPane layeredPane, final Rectangle bounds) { Dimension preferredSize = getComponent().getPreferredSize(); if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { final Dimension dimension = DimensionService.getInstance().getSize(myDimensionServiceKey, myProject); if (dimension != null) { preferredSize = dimension; } } final Point leftTopCorner = new Point(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y); final Point leftTopCornerScreen = (Point) leftTopCorner.clone(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(leftTopCornerScreen, layeredPane); final RelativePoint relativePoint; if (!ScreenUtil.isOutsideOnTheRightOFScreen( new Rectangle( leftTopCornerScreen.x, leftTopCornerScreen.y, preferredSize.width, preferredSize.height))) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, leftTopCorner); } else { if (bounds.x > preferredSize.width) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, new Point(bounds.x - preferredSize.width, bounds.y)); } else { setDimensionServiceKey(null); // going to cut width Rectangle screen = ScreenUtil.getScreenRectangle(leftTopCornerScreen.x, leftTopCornerScreen.y); final int spaceOnTheLeft = bounds.x; final int spaceOnTheRight = (screen.x + screen.width) - leftTopCornerScreen.x; if (spaceOnTheLeft > spaceOnTheRight) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, new Point(0, bounds.y)); myComponent.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(spaceOnTheLeft, Math.max(preferredSize.height, 200))); } else { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, leftTopCorner); myComponent.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(spaceOnTheRight, Math.max(preferredSize.height, 200))); } } } return relativePoint; }
public void cancel(InputEvent e) { if (isDisposed()) return; if (myPopup != null) { if (!canClose()) { return; } storeDimensionSize(myContent.getSize()); if (myUseDimServiceForXYLocation) { final JRootPane root = myComponent.getRootPane(); if (root != null) { final Container popupWindow = root.getParent(); if (popupWindow != null && popupWindow.isShowing()) { storeLocation(popupWindow.getLocationOnScreen()); } } } if (e instanceof MouseEvent) { IdeEventQueue.getInstance().blockNextEvents(((MouseEvent) e)); } myPopup.hide(false); if (ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx() != null) { StackingPopupDispatcher.getInstance().onPopupHidden(this); } if (myInStack) { myFocusTrackback.setForcedRestore(!myOk && myFocusable); myFocusTrackback.restoreFocus(); } disposePopup(); if (myListeners != null) { for (JBPopupListener each : myListeners) { each.onClosed(new LightweightWindowEvent(this, myOk)); } } } Disposer.dispose(this, false); }
public static void suppressMacCornerFor(JComponent popupComponent) { popupComponent.putClientProperty(SUPPRESS_MAC_CORNER, Boolean.TRUE); }
private static Object getAction(final KeyEvent e, final JComponent comp) { final KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(e.getKeyCode(), e.getModifiers()); return comp.getInputMap().get(stroke); }
@NotNull @Override public RelativePoint guessBestPopupLocation(@NotNull final JComponent component) { Point popupMenuPoint = null; final Rectangle visibleRect = component.getVisibleRect(); if (component instanceof JList) { // JList JList list = (JList) component; int firstVisibleIndex = list.getFirstVisibleIndex(); int lastVisibleIndex = list.getLastVisibleIndex(); int[] selectedIndices = list.getSelectedIndices(); for (int index : selectedIndices) { if (firstVisibleIndex <= index && index <= lastVisibleIndex) { Rectangle cellBounds = list.getCellBounds(index, index); popupMenuPoint = new Point(visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width / 4, cellBounds.y + cellBounds.height); break; } } } else if (component instanceof JTree) { // JTree JTree tree = (JTree) component; int[] selectionRows = tree.getSelectionRows(); if (selectionRows != null) { Arrays.sort(selectionRows); for (int i = 0; i < selectionRows.length; i++) { int row = selectionRows[i]; Rectangle rowBounds = tree.getRowBounds(row); if (visibleRect.contains(rowBounds)) { popupMenuPoint = new Point(rowBounds.x + 2, rowBounds.y + rowBounds.height - 1); break; } } if (popupMenuPoint == null) { // All selected rows are out of visible rect Point visibleCenter = new Point( visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width / 2, visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height / 2); double minDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int bestRow = -1; Point rowCenter; double distance; for (int i = 0; i < selectionRows.length; i++) { int row = selectionRows[i]; Rectangle rowBounds = tree.getRowBounds(row); rowCenter = new Point(rowBounds.x + rowBounds.width / 2, rowBounds.y + rowBounds.height / 2); distance = visibleCenter.distance(rowCenter); if (minDistance > distance) { minDistance = distance; bestRow = row; } } if (bestRow != -1) { Rectangle rowBounds = tree.getRowBounds(bestRow); tree.scrollRectToVisible( new Rectangle( rowBounds.x, rowBounds.y, Math.min(visibleRect.width, rowBounds.width), rowBounds.height)); popupMenuPoint = new Point(rowBounds.x + 2, rowBounds.y + rowBounds.height - 1); } } } } else if (component instanceof JTable) { JTable table = (JTable) component; int column = table.getColumnModel().getSelectionModel().getLeadSelectionIndex(); int row = Math.max( table.getSelectionModel().getLeadSelectionIndex(), table.getSelectionModel().getAnchorSelectionIndex()); Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(row, column, false); if (!visibleRect.intersects(rect)) { table.scrollRectToVisible(rect); } popupMenuPoint = new Point(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height); } else if (component instanceof PopupOwner) { popupMenuPoint = ((PopupOwner) component).getBestPopupPosition(); } if (popupMenuPoint == null) { popupMenuPoint = new Point(visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width / 2, visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height / 2); } return new RelativePoint(component, popupMenuPoint); }