int getPreferredHeight() { int lineHeight = myView.getLineHeight(); if (myEditor.isOneLineMode()) return lineHeight; // Preferred height of less than a single line height doesn't make sense: // at least a single line with a blinking caret on it is to be displayed int size = Math.max(myEditor.getVisibleLineCount(), 1) * lineHeight; EditorSettings settings = myEditor.getSettings(); if (settings.isAdditionalPageAtBottom()) { int visibleAreaHeight = myEditor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea().height; // There is a possible case that user with 'show additional page at bottom' scrolls to that // virtual page; switched to another // editor (another tab); and then returns to the previously used editor (the one scrolled to // virtual page). We want to preserve // correct view size then because viewport position is set to the end of the original text // otherwise. if (visibleAreaHeight > 0 || myVirtualPageHeight <= 0) { myVirtualPageHeight = Math.max(visibleAreaHeight - 2 * lineHeight, lineHeight); } size += Math.max(myVirtualPageHeight, 0); } else { size += settings.getAdditionalLinesCount() * lineHeight; } Insets insets = myView.getInsets(); return size + + insets.bottom; }
private void paintCaret(Graphics2D g_) { EditorImpl.CaretRectangle[] locations = myEditor.getCaretLocations(true); if (locations == null) return; Graphics2D g = IdeBackgroundUtil.getOriginalGraphics(g_); int lineHeight = myView.getLineHeight(); EditorSettings settings = myEditor.getSettings(); Color caretColor = myEditor.getColorsScheme().getColor(EditorColors.CARET_COLOR); if (caretColor == null) caretColor = new JBColor(CARET_DARK, CARET_LIGHT); g.setColor(caretColor); for (EditorImpl.CaretRectangle location : locations) { int x = location.myPoint.x; int y = location.myPoint.y; Caret caret = location.myCaret; boolean isRtl = location.myIsRtl; if (myEditor.isInsertMode() != settings.isBlockCursor()) { int lineWidth = JBUI.scale(settings.getLineCursorWidth()); g.fillRect(x, y, lineWidth, lineHeight); if (myDocument.getTextLength() > 0 && caret != null && !myView.getLineLayout(caret.getLogicalPosition().line).isLtr()) { g.fillPolygon( new int[] { isRtl ? x + lineWidth : x, isRtl ? x + lineWidth - CARET_DIRECTION_MARK_SIZE : x + CARET_DIRECTION_MARK_SIZE, isRtl ? x + lineWidth : x }, new int[] {y, y, y + CARET_DIRECTION_MARK_SIZE}, 3); } } else { int width = location.myWidth; int startX = Math.max(0, isRtl ? x - width : x); g.fillRect(startX, y, width, lineHeight - 1); if (myDocument.getTextLength() > 0 && caret != null) { int targetVisualColumn = caret.getVisualPosition().column; for (VisualLineFragmentsIterator.Fragment fragment : VisualLineFragmentsIterator.create(myView, caret.getVisualLineStart(), false)) { int startVisualColumn = fragment.getStartVisualColumn(); int endVisualColumn = fragment.getEndVisualColumn(); if (startVisualColumn < targetVisualColumn && endVisualColumn > targetVisualColumn || startVisualColumn == targetVisualColumn && !isRtl || endVisualColumn == targetVisualColumn && isRtl) { g.setColor(ColorUtil.isDark(caretColor) ? CARET_LIGHT : CARET_DARK); fragment.draw( g, startX, y + myView.getAscent(), targetVisualColumn - startVisualColumn - (isRtl ? 1 : 0), targetVisualColumn - startVisualColumn + (isRtl ? 0 : 1)); break; } } } } } }
private void paintRightMargin(Graphics g, Rectangle clip) { EditorSettings settings = myEditor.getSettings(); Color rightMargin = myEditor.getColorsScheme().getColor(EditorColors.RIGHT_MARGIN_COLOR); if (!settings.isRightMarginShown() || rightMargin == null) return; int x = settings.getRightMargin(myEditor.getProject()) * myView.getPlainSpaceWidth(); g.setColor(rightMargin); UIUtil.drawLine(g, x, clip.y, x, clip.y + clip.height); }
Dimension getPreferredSize() { int width = getPreferredWidth(); if (!myDocument.isInBulkUpdate()) { for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { if (caret.isUpToDate()) { int caretX = myView.visualPositionToXY(caret.getVisualPosition()).x; width = Math.max(caretX, width); } } } width += myEditor.getSettings().getAdditionalColumnsCount() * myView.getPlainSpaceWidth(); return new Dimension(width, myEditor.getPreferredHeight()); }
Dimension getPreferredSize() { int widthWithoutCaret = getPreferredWidth(); int width = widthWithoutCaret; if (!myDocument.isInBulkUpdate()) { for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { if (caret.isUpToDate()) { int caretX = myView.visualPositionToXY(caret.getVisualPosition()).x; width = Math.max(caretX, width); } } } if (shouldRespectAdditionalColumns(widthWithoutCaret)) { width += myEditor.getSettings().getAdditionalColumnsCount() * myView.getPlainSpaceWidth(); } Insets insets = myView.getInsets(); return new Dimension(width + insets.left + insets.right, getPreferredHeight()); }
private void paintLineMarkerSeparator(RangeHighlighter marker, Rectangle clip, Graphics g) { Color separatorColor = marker.getLineSeparatorColor(); LineSeparatorRenderer lineSeparatorRenderer = marker.getLineSeparatorRenderer(); if (separatorColor == null && lineSeparatorRenderer == null) { return; } int line = myDocument.getLineNumber( marker.getLineSeparatorPlacement() == SeparatorPlacement.TOP ? marker.getStartOffset() : marker.getEndOffset()); int visualLine = myView.logicalToVisualPosition( new LogicalPosition( line + (marker.getLineSeparatorPlacement() == SeparatorPlacement.TOP ? 0 : 1), 0), false) .line; int y = myView.visualLineToY(visualLine) - 1; int endShift = clip.x + clip.width; EditorSettings settings = myEditor.getSettings(); if (settings.isRightMarginShown() && myEditor.getColorsScheme().getColor(EditorColors.RIGHT_MARGIN_COLOR) != null) { endShift = Math.min( endShift, settings.getRightMargin(myEditor.getProject()) * myView.getPlainSpaceWidth()); } g.setColor(separatorColor); if (lineSeparatorRenderer != null) { lineSeparatorRenderer.drawLine(g, 0, endShift, y); } else { UIUtil.drawLine(g, 0, y, endShift, y); } }
@Override @NotNull public EditorSettings getSettings() { return myDelegate.getSettings(); }