@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String[] args) { final Location ploc = plr.getLocation(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(ploc.getWorld())) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_IN_PLOT_WORLD); return false; } PlotId id = PlotId.fromString(args[0]); if (id == null) { if (StringMan.isEqualIgnoreCaseToAny(args[0], "near", "nearest")) { Plot closest = null; int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (final Plot plot : PS.get().getPlotsInWorld(ploc.getWorld())) { final double current = plot.getBottomAbs().getEuclideanDistanceSquared(ploc); if (current < distance) { distance = (int) current; closest = plot; } } id = closest.getId(); } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); return false; } } final Location loc = MainUtil.getPlotHome(ploc.getWorld(), id); plr.setCompassTarget(loc); MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.COMPASS_TARGET); return true; }
public static boolean addFlag(final AbstractFlag af, final boolean reserved) { PS.debug(C.PREFIX + "&8 - Adding flag: &7" + af); PS.get() .foreachPlotArea( new RunnableVal<PlotArea>() { @Override public void run(PlotArea value) { final Flag flag = value.DEFAULT_FLAGS.get(af.getKey()); if (flag != null) { flag.setKey(af); } } }); PS.get() .foreachPlotRaw( new RunnableVal<Plot>() { @Override public void run(Plot value) { final Flag flag = value.getFlags().get(af.getKey()); if (flag != null) { flag.setKey(af); } } }); if (flags.remove(af)) { PS.debug("(Replaced existing flag)"); } flags.add(af); if (reserved) { reserveFlag(af.getKey()); } return false; }
@Override public boolean onCommand(PlotPlayer plr, String[] args) { URL url; if (args.length == 0) { url = PS.get().update; } else if (args.length == 1) { try { url = new URL(args[0]); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { MainUtil.sendConsoleMessage("&cInvalid url: " + args[0]); MainUtil.sendConsoleMessage(C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot update [url]"); return false; } } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, getUsage().replaceAll("\\{label\\}", "plot")); return false; } if (url == null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, "&cNo update found!"); MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, "&cTo manually specify an update URL: /plot update <url>"); return false; } if (PS.get().update(null, url) && url == PS.get().update) { PS.get().update = null; } return true; }
/** * Get the plot from a string. * * @param player Provides a context for what world to search in. Prefixing the term with * 'world_name;' will override this context. * @param arg The search term * @param message If a message should be sent to the player if a plot cannot be found * @return The plot if only 1 result is found, or null */ public static Plot getPlotFromString(PlotPlayer player, String arg, boolean message) { if (arg == null) { if (player == null) { if (message) { PS.log(C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD); } return null; } return player.getCurrentPlot(); } PlotArea area; if (player != null) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(arg); if (area == null) { area = player.getApplicablePlotArea(); } } else { area = ConsolePlayer.getConsole().getApplicablePlotArea(); } String[] split = arg.split(";|,"); PlotId id; if (split.length == 4) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(split[0] + ';' + split[1]); id = PlotId.fromString(split[2] + ';' + split[3]); } else if (split.length == 3) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(split[0]); id = PlotId.fromString(split[1] + ';' + split[2]); } else if (split.length == 2) { id = PlotId.fromString(arg); } else { Collection<Plot> plots = area == null ? PS.get().getPlots() : area.getPlots(); for (Plot p : plots) { String name = p.getAlias(); if (!name.isEmpty() && StringMan.isEqualIgnoreCase(name, arg)) { return p; } } if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); } return null; } if (id == null) { if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); } return null; } if (area == null) { if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD); } return null; } return area.getPlotAbs(id); }
@Subscribe public void onChat(PlayerChatEvent event) { final Player player = event.getEntity(); final String world = player.getWorld().getName(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(world)) { return; } final PlotWorld plotworld = PS.get().getPlotWorld(world); final PlotPlayer plr = SpongeUtil.getPlayer(player); if (!plotworld.PLOT_CHAT && (plr.getMeta("chat") == null || !(Boolean) plr.getMeta("chat"))) { return; } final Location loc = SpongeUtil.getLocation(player); final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot == null) { return; } Text message = event.getUnformattedMessage(); // TODO use display name rather than username // - Getting displayname currently causes NPE, so wait until sponge fixes that String sender = player.getName(); PlotId id = plot.id; String newMessage = StringMan.replaceAll( C.PLOT_CHAT_FORMAT.s(), "%plot_id%", id.x + ";" + id.y, "%sender%", sender); Text forcedMessage = event.getMessage(); // String forcedMessage = StringMan.replaceAll(C.PLOT_CHAT_FORCED.s(), "%plot_id%", id.x // + ";" + id.y, "%sender%", sender); for (PlotPlayer user : UUIDHandler.getPlayers().values()) { String toSend; if (plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(user.getLocation()))) { toSend = newMessage; } else if (Permissions.hasPermission(user, C.PERMISSION_COMMANDS_CHAT)) { ((SpongePlayer) user).player.sendMessage(forcedMessage); continue; } else { continue; } String[] split = (toSend + " ").split("%msg%"); List<Text> components = new ArrayList<>(); Text prefix = null; for (String part : split) { if (prefix != null) { components.add(prefix); } else { prefix = message; } components.add(Texts.of(part)); } ((SpongePlayer) user).player.sendMessage(Texts.join(components)); } event.setNewMessage(Texts.of()); event.setCancelled(true); }
/** * Returns the plot a player is currently in. * * @param player * @return boolean */ public static Plot getCurrentPlot(final Player player) { if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(player.getWorld().getName())) { return null; } final PlotId id = MainUtil.getPlotId(BukkitUtil.getLocation(player)); final String world = player.getWorld().getName(); if (id == null) { return null; } if (PS.get().getPlots(world).containsKey(id)) { return PS.get().getPlots(world).get(id); } return new Plot(id, null, new ArrayList<UUID>(), new ArrayList<UUID>(), world); }
public void init() { if (engine != null) { return; } engine = (new ScriptEngineManager(null)).getEngineByName("nashorn"); if (engine == null) { engine = (new ScriptEngineManager(null)).getEngineByName("JavaScript"); } final ScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext(); scope = context.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); // stuff scope.put("MainUtil", new MainUtil()); scope.put("Settings", new Settings()); scope.put("StringMan", new StringMan()); scope.put("MathMan", new MathMan()); scope.put("FlagManager", new FlagManager()); // Classes scope.put("Location", Location.class); scope.put("PlotBlock", PlotBlock.class); scope.put("Plot", Plot.class); scope.put("PlotId", PlotId.class); scope.put("Runnable", Runnable.class); scope.put("RunnableVal", RunnableVal.class); // Instances scope.put("PS", PS.get()); scope.put("TaskManager", PS.get().TASK); scope.put("TitleManager", AbstractTitle.TITLE_CLASS); scope.put("ConsolePlayer", ConsolePlayer.getConsole()); scope.put("SchematicHandler", SchematicHandler.manager); scope.put("ChunkManager", ChunkManager.manager); scope.put("BlockManager", BlockManager.manager); scope.put("SetupUtils", SetupUtils.manager); scope.put("EventUtil", EventUtil.manager); scope.put("EconHandler", EconHandler.manager); scope.put("UUIDHandler", UUIDHandler.implementation); scope.put("DBFunc", DBFunc.dbManager); scope.put("HybridUtils", HybridUtils.manager); scope.put("IMP", PS.get().IMP); scope.put("MainCommand", MainCommand.getInstance()); // enums for (final Enum<?> value : C.values()) { scope.put("C_" + value.name(), value); } }
public void displaySaves(final PlotPlayer player, final int page) { final List<String> schematics = (List<String>) player.getMeta("plot_schematics"); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(schematics.size(), 32); i++) { try { final String schem = schematics.get(i); final String[] split = schem.split("_"); if (split.length != 6) { continue; } final String time = secToTime((System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) - (Long.parseLong(split[0]))); final String world = split[1]; final PlotId id = PlotId.fromString(split[2] + ";" + split[3]); final String size = split[4]; final String server = split[5].replaceAll(".schematic", ""); String color; if (PS.get().IMP.getServerName().replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "").equals(server)) { color = "$4"; } else { color = "$1"; } MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$3[$2" + (i + 1) + "$3] " + color + time + "$3 | " + color + world + ";" + id + "$3 | " + color + size + "x" + size); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.LOAD_LIST); }
@Subscribe public void onRedstoneEvent(BlockRedstoneUpdateEvent event) { org.spongepowered.api.world.Location block = event.getLocation(); Location loc = SpongeUtil.getLocation(block); if (loc == null || !PS.get().isPlotWorld(loc.getWorld())) { return; } Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot == null || !plot.hasOwner()) { return; } if (event.getOldSignalStrength() > event.getNewSignalStrength()) { return; } if (Settings.REDSTONE_DISABLER) { if (UUIDHandler.getPlayer(plot.owner) == null) { boolean disable = true; for (UUID trusted : plot.getTrusted()) { if (UUIDHandler.getPlayer(trusted) != null) { disable = false; break; } } if (disable) { event.setNewSignalStrength(0); return; } } } Flag redstone = FlagManager.getPlotFlag(plot, "redstone"); if (FlagManager.isPlotFlagFalse(plot, "redstone")) { event.setNewSignalStrength(0); // TODO only disable clocks } }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onBigBoom(final BlockExplodeEvent event) { final Block block = event.getBlock(); final Location loc = BukkitUtil.getLocation(block.getLocation()); final String world = loc.getWorld(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(world)) { return; } final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlotAbs(loc); if ((plot != null) && plot.hasOwner()) { if (FlagManager.isPlotFlagTrue(plot, "explosion")) { final Iterator<Block> iter = event.blockList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Block b = iter.next(); if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlotAbs(BukkitUtil.getLocation(b.getLocation())))) { iter.remove(); } } return; } } if (MainUtil.isPlotArea(loc)) { event.setCancelled(true); } else { final Iterator<Block> iter = event.blockList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); if (MainUtil.isPlotArea(loc)) { iter.remove(); } } } }
public static List<Plot> getOldPlots(final String world) { final ArrayList<Plot> plots = new ArrayList<>(PS.get().getPlots(world).values()); final List<Plot> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Plot> iter = plots.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Plot plot = iter.next(); final Flag keepFlag = FlagManager.getPlotFlag(plot, "keep"); if (keepFlag != null && (Boolean) keepFlag.getValue()) { continue; } final UUID uuid = plot.owner; if (uuid == null) { toRemove.add(plot); continue; } final PlotPlayer player = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(uuid); if (player != null) { continue; } if (isExpired(plot)) { toRemove.add(plot); } } return toRemove; }
/** * Get the plots for a player * * @param plr * @return boolean */ public static Set<Plot> getPlayerPlots(final String world, final Player plr) { final Set<Plot> p = PS.get().getPlots(world, plr.getName()); if (p == null) { return new HashSet<>(); } return p; }
@Subscribe public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) { final Player player = event.getUser(); SpongeUtil.removePlayer(player.getName()); final PlotPlayer pp = SpongeUtil.getPlayer(player); final String username = pp.getName(); final StringWrapper name = new StringWrapper(username); final UUID uuid = pp.getUUID(); UUIDHandler.add(name, uuid); ExpireManager.dates.put(uuid, System.currentTimeMillis()); // TODO worldedit bypass if (PS.get().update != null && pp.hasPermission("plots.admin")) { TaskManager.runTaskLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, "&6An update for PlotSquared is available: &7/plot update"); } }, 20); } final Location loc = SpongeUtil.getLocation(player); final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot == null) { return; } if (Settings.TELEPORT_ON_LOGIN) { MainUtil.teleportPlayer(pp, pp.getLocation(), plot); MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.TELEPORTED_TO_ROAD); } PlotListener.plotEntry(pp, plot); }
@Override public EconHandler getEconomyHandler() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Nothing like Vault exists yet PS.log("getEconomyHandler NOT IMPLEMENTED YET"); return null; }
public static ArrayList<PlotId> getMaxPlotSelectionIds( final String world, PlotId pos1, PlotId pos2) { final Plot plot1 = PS.get().getPlots(world).get(pos1); final Plot plot2 = PS.get().getPlots(world).get(pos2); if (plot1 != null) { pos1 = MainUtil.getBottomPlot(plot1).id; } if (plot2 != null) { pos2 = MainUtil.getTopPlot(plot2).id; } final ArrayList<PlotId> myplots = new ArrayList<>(); for (int x = pos1.x; x <= pos2.x; x++) { for (int y = pos1.y; y <= pos2.y; y++) { myplots.add(new PlotId(x, y)); } } return myplots; }
@Override public UUIDHandlerImplementation initUUIDHandler() { UUIDWrapper wrapper; if (Settings.OFFLINE_MODE || !PS.get().checkVersion(this.getServerVersion(), 1, 7, 6)) { wrapper = new SpongeLowerOfflineUUIDWrapper(); } else { wrapper = new SpongeOnlineUUIDWrapper(); } return new SpongeUUIDHandler(wrapper); }
@Subscribe public void onBlockChange(EntityChangeBlockEvent event) { Entity entity = event.getEntity(); if (entity.getType() == EntityTypes.PLAYER) { return; } if (PS.get().isPlotWorld(entity.getWorld().getName())) { event.setCancelled(true); } }
/** * Send a message to a player. * * @param player Can be null to represent console, or use ConsolePlayer.getConsole() * @param msg * @param prefix If the message should be prefixed with the configured prefix * @return */ public static boolean sendMessage(PlotPlayer player, String msg, boolean prefix) { if (!msg.isEmpty()) { if (player == null) { String message = (prefix ? C.PREFIX.s() : "") + msg; PS.log(message); } else { player.sendMessage((prefix ? C.PREFIX.s() : "") + C.color(msg)); } } return true; }
@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String[] args) { if (args.length == 1) { final String arg = args[0].toLowerCase(); final PlotId id = getId(arg); if (id != null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, "/plot trim x;z &l<world>"); return false; } if (arg.equals("all")) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, "/plot trim all &l<world>"); return false; } MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.TRIM_SYNTAX); return false; } if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.TRIM_SYNTAX); return false; } final String arg = args[0].toLowerCase(); if (!arg.equals("all")) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.TRIM_SYNTAX); return false; } final String world = args[1]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world) || (PS.get().getPlotWorld(world) == null)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_VALID_WORLD); return false; } if (Trim.TASK) { sendMessage(C.TRIM_IN_PROGRESS.s()); return false; } sendMessage(C.TRIM_START.s()); final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> empty = new ArrayList<>(); getTrimRegions( empty, world, new Runnable() { public void run() { deleteChunks( world, empty, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PS.log("$1Trim task complete!"); } }); } }); return true; }
@Override public String getVersion() { int[] version = PS.get().getVersion(); String result = ""; String prefix = ""; for (int i : version) { result += prefix + i; prefix = "."; } return result; }
public DebugExec() { try { final File file = new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory(), "scripts" + File.separator + "start.js"); if (file.exists()) { init(); final String script = StringMan.join( Files.readLines( new File( new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "scripts"), "start.js"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), System.getProperty("line.separator")); scope.put("THIS", this); scope.put("PlotPlayer", ConsolePlayer.getConsole()); engine.eval(script, scope); } } catch (final Exception e) { } }
public World createWorldFromConfig(String world) { SpongeBasicGen generator = new SpongeBasicGen(world); PlotWorld plotworld = generator.getNewPlotWorld(world); SpongeGeneratorWrapper wrapper; if (plotworld.TYPE == 0) { wrapper = new SpongeGeneratorWrapper(world, generator); } else { wrapper = new SpongeGeneratorWrapper(world, null); } PS.get().loadWorld(world, wrapper); switch (plotworld.TYPE) { // Normal case 0: { this.modify = new WorldModify(generator, false); game.getRegistry().registerWorldGeneratorModifier(modify); Optional<World> builder = game.getRegistry() .createWorldBuilder() .name(world) .enabled(true) .loadsOnStartup(true) .keepsSpawnLoaded(true) .dimensionType(DimensionTypes.OVERWORLD) .generator(GeneratorTypes.FLAT) .usesMapFeatures(false) .generatorModifiers(modify) .build(); return builder.get(); } // Augmented default: { this.modify = new WorldModify(generator, true); game.getRegistry().registerWorldGeneratorModifier(modify); Optional<World> builder = game.getRegistry() .createWorldBuilder() .name(world) .enabled(true) .loadsOnStartup(true) .keepsSpawnLoaded(true) .dimensionType(DimensionTypes.OVERWORLD) .generator(GeneratorTypes.OVERWORLD) .usesMapFeatures(false) .generatorModifiers(modify) .build(); return builder.get(); } } }
public static boolean getTrimRegions( final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> empty, final String world, final Runnable whenDone) { if (Trim.TASK) { return false; } System.currentTimeMillis(); sendMessage("Collecting region data..."); final ArrayList<Plot> plots = new ArrayList<>(); plots.addAll(PS.get().getPlotsInWorld(world)); final HashSet<ChunkLoc> chunks = new HashSet<>(ChunkManager.manager.getChunkChunks(world)); sendMessage(" - MCA #: " + chunks.size()); sendMessage(" - CHUNKS: " + (chunks.size() * 1024) + " (max)"); sendMessage(" - TIME ESTIMATE: " + (chunks.size() / 1200) + " minutes"); Trim.TASK_ID = TaskManager.runTaskRepeat( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < 50) { if (plots.size() == 0) { empty.addAll(chunks); Trim.TASK = false; TaskManager.runTaskAsync(whenDone); PS.get().TASK.cancelTask(Trim.TASK_ID); return; } final Plot plot = plots.remove(0); final Location pos1 = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(world, plot.id); final Location pos2 = MainUtil.getPlotTopLoc(world, plot.id); final int ccx1 = (pos1.getX() >> 9); final int ccz1 = (pos1.getZ() >> 9); final int ccx2 = (pos2.getX() >> 9); final int ccz2 = (pos2.getZ() >> 9); for (int x = ccx1; x <= ccx2; x++) { for (int z = ccz1; z <= ccz2; z++) { chunks.remove(new ChunkLoc(x, z)); } } } } }, 20); Trim.TASK = true; return true; }
@Subscribe public void onFloraGrow(FloraGrowEvent event) { org.spongepowered.api.world.Location block = event.getLocation(); Extent extent = block.getExtent(); if (extent instanceof World) { World world = (World) extent; final String worldname = world.getName(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(worldname)) { return; } if (MainUtil.isPlotRoad(SpongeUtil.getLocation(worldname, block))) { event.setCancelled(true); } } }
/** * Send a message to the player * * @param player the recipient of the message * @param caption the message to send * @return boolean success */ public static boolean sendMessage(PlotPlayer player, C caption, Object... args) { if (caption.s().isEmpty()) { return true; } TaskManager.runTaskAsync( () -> { String m = C.format(caption, args); if (player == null) { PS.log(m); } else { player.sendMessage(m); } }); return true; }
/** * This method is called when a world loads. Make sure you set all your constants here. You are * provided with the configuration section for that specific world. */ @Override public void loadConfiguration(final ConfigurationSection config) { super.loadConfiguration(config); if ((ROAD_WIDTH & 1) == 0) { PATH_WIDTH_LOWER = (short) (Math.floor(ROAD_WIDTH / 2) - 1); } else { PATH_WIDTH_LOWER = (short) (Math.floor(ROAD_WIDTH / 2)); } PATH_WIDTH_UPPER = (short) (PATH_WIDTH_LOWER + PLOT_WIDTH + 1); try { setupSchematics(); } catch (final Exception e) { PS.debug("&c - road schematics are disabled for this world."); } }
public Player[] getOnlinePlayers() { if (this.getOnline == null) { return Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().toArray(new Player[0]); } try { final Object players = this.getOnline.invoke(Bukkit.getServer(), this.arg); if (players instanceof Player[]) { return (Player[]) players; } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Collection<? extends Player> p = (Collection<? extends Player>) players; return p.toArray(new Player[0]); } } catch (final Exception e) { PS.log("Failed to resolve online players"); this.getOnline = null; return Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().toArray(new Player[0]); } }
@Override public Entity createEntity(Location location, BaseEntity entity) { if (this.Eblocked) { return null; } this.Ecount++; if (this.Ecount > Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR_MAX_ENTITIES) { this.Eblocked = true; PS.debug( "&cPlotSquared detected unsafe WorldEdit: " + location.getBlockX() + "," + location.getBlockZ()); } if (WEManager.maskContains( this.mask, location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ())) { return super.createEntity(location, entity); } return null; }
public void add(final BiMap<StringWrapper, UUID> toAdd) { if (uuidMap.size() == 0) { uuidMap = toAdd; } for (Map.Entry<StringWrapper, UUID> entry : toAdd.entrySet()) { UUID uuid = entry.getValue(); StringWrapper name = entry.getKey(); if ((uuid == null) || (name == null)) { continue; } BiMap<UUID, StringWrapper> inverse = uuidMap.inverse(); if (inverse.containsKey(uuid)) { if (uuidMap.containsKey(name)) { continue; } rename(uuid, name); continue; } uuidMap.put(name, uuid); } PS.debug(C.PREFIX.s() + "&6Cached a total of: " + uuidMap.size() + " UUIDs"); }
@Subscribe public void onBlockMove(BlockMoveEvent event) { org.spongepowered.api.world.Location block = event.getLocations().get(0); Extent extent = block.getExtent(); if (extent instanceof World) { World world = (World) extent; final String worldname = world.getName(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(worldname)) { return; } event.filterLocations( new Predicate<org.spongepowered.api.world.Location<World>>() { @Override public boolean apply(org.spongepowered.api.world.Location loc) { if (MainUtil.isPlotRoad(SpongeUtil.getLocation(worldname, loc))) { return false; } return true; } }); } }