예제 #1
  * If rating categories are enabled, get the average rating by category.<br>
  * - The index corresponds to the index of the category in the config
  * @param plot
  * @return
 public static double[] getAverageRatings(Plot plot) {
   HashMap<UUID, Integer> rating;
   if (plot.getSettings().ratings != null) {
     rating = plot.getSettings().ratings;
   } else if (Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE) {
     rating = new HashMap<>();
   } else {
     rating = DBFunc.getRatings(plot);
   int size = 1;
   if (!Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.isEmpty()) {
     size = Math.max(1, Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.size());
   double[] ratings = new double[size];
   if (rating == null || rating.isEmpty()) {
     return ratings;
   for (Map.Entry<UUID, Integer> entry : rating.entrySet()) {
     int current = entry.getValue();
     if (Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.isEmpty()) {
       ratings[0] += current;
     } else {
       for (int i = 0; i < Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.size(); i++) {
         ratings[i] += current % 10 - 1;
         current /= 10;
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     ratings[i] /= rating.size();
   return ratings;
예제 #2
 public boolean onCommand(PlotPlayer player, String... args) {
   if (args.length == 1) {
     if ("next".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) {
       ArrayList<Plot> plots = new ArrayList<>(PS.get().getBasePlots());
           (p1, p2) -> {
             double v1 = 0;
             if (!p1.getRatings().isEmpty()) {
               for (Map.Entry<UUID, Rating> entry : p1.getRatings().entrySet()) {
                 v1 -= 11 - entry.getValue().getAverageRating();
             double v2 = 0;
             if (!p2.getRatings().isEmpty()) {
               for (Map.Entry<UUID, Rating> entry : p2.getRatings().entrySet()) {
                 v2 -= 11 - entry.getValue().getAverageRating();
             if (v1 == v2) {
               return -0;
             return v2 > v1 ? 1 : -1;
       UUID uuid = player.getUUID();
       for (Plot p : plots) {
         if ((!Settings.Done.REQUIRED_FOR_RATINGS || p.hasFlag(Flags.DONE))
             && p.isBasePlot()
             && (p.hasRatings() || !p.getRatings().containsKey(uuid))
             && !p.isAdded(uuid)) {
           MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.RATE_THIS);
           return true;
       MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.FOUND_NO_PLOTS);
       return false;
   Plot plot = player.getCurrentPlot();
   if (plot == null) {
     return !this.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_IN_PLOT);
   if (!plot.hasOwner()) {
     this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_OWNED);
     return false;
   if (plot.isOwner(player.getUUID())) {
     this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_YOUR_OWN);
     return false;
   if (Settings.Done.REQUIRED_FOR_RATINGS && !plot.hasFlag(Flags.DONE)) {
     this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_DONE);
     return false;
   if (Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES != null && !Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.isEmpty()) {
     Runnable run =
         new Runnable() {
           public void run() {
             if (plot.getRatings().containsKey(player.getUUID())) {
               Rate.this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_ALREADY_EXISTS, plot.getId().toString());
             MutableInt index = new MutableInt(0);
             MutableInt rating = new MutableInt(0);
             String title = Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.get(0);
             PlotInventory inventory =
                 new PlotInventory(player, 1, title) {
                   public boolean onClick(int i) {
                     rating.add((i + 1) * Math.pow(10, index.getValue()));
                     if (index.getValue() >= Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.size()) {
                       int rV = rating.getValue();
                       Rating result =
                           EventUtil.manager.callRating(this.player, plot, new Rating(rV));
                       plot.addRating(this.player.getUUID(), result);
                           this.player, C.RATING_APPLIED, plot.getId().toString());
                       if (Permissions.hasPermission(this.player, "plots.comment")) {
                         Command command = MainCommand.getInstance().getCommand(Comment.class);
                         if (command != null) {
                           MainUtil.sendMessage(this.player, C.COMMENT_THIS, command.getUsage());
                       return false;
                     return true;
             inventory.setItem(0, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 12, 0, "0/8"));
             inventory.setItem(1, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 14, 1, "1/8"));
             inventory.setItem(2, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 1, 2, "2/8"));
             inventory.setItem(3, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 4, 3, "3/8"));
             inventory.setItem(4, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 5, 4, "4/8"));
             inventory.setItem(5, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 9, 5, "5/8"));
             inventory.setItem(6, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 11, 6, "6/8"));
             inventory.setItem(7, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 10, 7, "7/8"));
             inventory.setItem(8, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 2, 8, "8/8"));
     if (plot.getSettings().ratings == null) {
       if (!Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE) {
             () -> {
               plot.getSettings().ratings = DBFunc.getRatings(plot);
         return true;
       plot.getSettings().ratings = new HashMap<>();
     return true;
   if (args.length < 1) {
     this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID);
     return true;
   String arg = args[0];
   int rating;
   if (MathMan.isInteger(arg) && arg.length() < 3 && !arg.isEmpty()) {
     rating = Integer.parseInt(arg);
     if (rating > 10 || rating < 1) {
       this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID);
       return false;
   } else {
     this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID);
     return false;
   UUID uuid = player.getUUID();
   Runnable run =
       () -> {
         if (plot.getRatings().containsKey(uuid)) {
           this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_ALREADY_EXISTS, plot.getId().toString());
         Rating result = EventUtil.manager.callRating(player, plot, new Rating(rating));
         plot.addRating(uuid, result);
         this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_APPLIED, plot.getId().toString());
   if (plot.getSettings().ratings == null) {
     if (!Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE) {
           () -> {
             plot.getSettings().ratings = DBFunc.getRatings(plot);
       return true;
     plot.getSettings().ratings = new HashMap<>();
   return true;