Text getHeader(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._headerFontStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._headerFontStyle); } return text; }
Text getCategoryText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._catFontStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._catFontStyle); } return text; }
Text getTeaserText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._teaserFontStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._teaserFontStyle); } // text.setHorizontalAlignment(Paragraph.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_JUSTIFY); return text; }
public Table getSearchTable(IWContext iwc) { // *** Search Table *** START - the uppermost table Table table = new Table(); table.setBorder(0); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); int col = 1; int row = 1; Image space1 = (Image) this.transGIF.clone(); space1.setWidth(6); // *** HEADING Search pupil *** table.add(space1, col, row); Text pupilTxt = new Text(localize(KEY_SEARCH_PUPIL_HEADING, "Search pupil")); pupilTxt.setFontStyle(STYLE_UNDERLINED_SMALL_HEADER); table.add(pupilTxt, col++, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "40"); table.setRowVerticalAlignment(row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); col = 1; row++; // User search module - configure and add SearchUserModule searchMod = getSearchUserModule(); table.add(searchMod, col++, row); // Get pupil if only one found try { searchMod.process(iwc); User oneChild = searchMod.getUser(); if (oneChild != null) { this.pupil = oneChild; } } catch (Exception e) { } return table; }
private Text getText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); text.setFontStyle( "font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:8pt;font-weight:bold;color:#000000;"); return text; }
private Text getTitleText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); text.setFontStyle( "font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;font-weight:bold;color:#FFFFFF;"); return text; }
private Table getPlacementTable(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table table = new Table(); // table.setColor("#DDDDDD"); table.setBorder(0); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setCellpadding(1); table.setCellspacing(2); int col = 1; int row = 1; // *** HEADING Placements *** Text pupilTxt = new Text(localize(KEY_PLACEMENTS_HEADING, "Placements")); pupilTxt.setFontStyle(STYLE_UNDERLINED_SMALL_HEADER); table.add(pupilTxt, col++, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "40"); table.setRowVerticalAlignment(row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); col = 1; row++; // empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "10"); col = 1; row++; // *** Column headings *** table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_NUMBER, "No."), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_SCHOOL_TYPE, "School type"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_PROVIDER, "Provider"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_SCHOOL_YEAR, "School year"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_STUDY_PATH, "Study path"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_SCHOOL_GROUP, "School group"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_START_DATE, "Start date"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_END_DATE, "End date"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_REGISTRATOR, "Registrator"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_REGISTRATION_CREATED_DATE, "Created date"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_PLACEMENT_PARAGRAPH_SHORT, "Par"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_NOTES, "Notes"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); table.setRowHeight(row, "18"); row++; // Loop placements Collection placements = null; try { if (this.pupil != null) { placements = getSchoolBusiness(iwc) .getSchoolClassMemberHome() .findAllOrderedByRegisterDate(this.pupil); } } catch (FinderException e) { } if (placements != null && placements.size() > 0) { int zebra = 0; int rowNum = 0; table.add(new HiddenInput(PARAM_REMOVE_PLACEMENT, "-1"), 1, 1); for (Iterator iter = placements.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { rowNum++; SchoolClassMember plc = (SchoolClassMember) iter.next(); col = 1; // Row number table.add(getSmallText(String.valueOf(rowNum)), col++, row); // School type try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolType().getName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Provider try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolClass().getSchool().getName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // School year try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolYear().getName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Study path try { if (plc.getStudyPathId() != -1) { SchoolStudyPathHome home = (SchoolStudyPathHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolStudyPath.class); SchoolStudyPath sp = home.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(plc.getStudyPathId())); table.add(getSmallText(sp.getCode()), col, row); } } catch (Exception e) { } col++; // School type try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolClass().getSchoolClassName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Start date try { String dateStr = getCentralPlacementBusiness(iwc).getDateString(plc.getRegisterDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); table.add(getSmallText(dateStr), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // End date try { String dateStr = getCentralPlacementBusiness(iwc).getDateString(plc.getRemovedDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); table.add(getSmallText(dateStr), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Registrator try { int registratorID = plc.getRegistratorId(); User registrator = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUser(registratorID); if (registrator != null) { Name name = new Name( registrator.getFirstName(), registrator.getMiddleName(), registrator.getLastName()); table.add( getSmallText(name.getName(iwc.getApplicationSettings().getDefaultLocale(), false)), col++, row); } } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Created date try { String dateStr = getCentralPlacementBusiness(iwc) .getDateString(plc.getRegistrationCreatedDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); table.add(getSmallText(dateStr), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Placement paragraph try { if (plc.getPlacementParagraph() != null) { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getPlacementParagraph()), col++, row); } else { col++; } } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Notes try { if (plc.getNotes() != null) { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getNotes()), col++, row); } else { col++; } } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Pupil overview button try { // Get Pupil overview button String plcId = ((Integer) plc.getPrimaryKey()).toString(); String schClassId = String.valueOf(plc.getSchoolClassId()); Link editButt = new Link(this.getEditIcon(localize(KEY_TOOLTIP_PUPIL_OVERVIEW, "Pupil overview"))); editButt.setWindowToOpen(PlacementHistoryEditPlacement.class); editButt.setParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_METHOD, String.valueOf(SchoolAdminOverview.METHOD_OVERVIEW)); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_METHOD, String.valueOf(SchoolAdminOverview.METHOD_OVERVIEW)); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SHOW_ONLY_OVERVIEW, "true"); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SHOW_NO_CHOICES, "true"); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_PAGE_ID, getParentPage().getPageID()); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_USER_ID, String.valueOf(plc.getClassMemberId())); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_CLASS_ID, schClassId); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_CLASS_MEMBER_ID, plcId); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_RESOURCE_PERMISSION, SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_RESOURCE_PERM_VALUE_CENTRAL_ADMIN); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_FROM_CENTRAL_PLACEMENT_EDITOR, "true"); if (plc.getRemovedDate() != null) { editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_CLASS_MEMBER_REMOVED_DATE, plc.getRemovedDate().toString()); } table.add(editButt, col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Remove button try { // Get remove button Image delImg = getDeleteIcon(localize(KEY_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_PLC, "Delete placement")); int plcID = ((Integer) plc.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); SubmitButton delButt = new SubmitButton(delImg); delButt.setValueOnClick(PARAM_REMOVE_PLACEMENT, String.valueOf(plcID)); delButt.setSubmitConfirm( localize( KEY_CONFIRM_REMOVE_PLC_MSG, "Do you really want to erase this school placement and its resource placements?")); delButt.setToolTip(localize(KEY_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_PLC, "Delete school placement")); table.add(delButt, col, row); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); } catch (Exception e) { } String zebraColor = zebra % 2 == 0 ? getZebraColor2() : getZebraColor1(); table.setRowColor(row, zebraColor); col = 2; row++; // Resources String rscStr = getResourceBusiness(iwc).getResourcesStringXtraInfo(plc); if (!("".equals(rscStr))) { table.add( getSmallText("<i>" + localize(KEY_RESOURCES, "Resources") + ":</i> "), col, row); table.add(getSmallText("<i>" + rscStr + "</i>"), col, row); table.setRowColor(row, zebraColor); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); row++; } zebra++; } } col = 1; // empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "20"); return table; }
public Table getPupilTable(IWContext iwc, User pupil) { // *** Search Table *** START - the uppermost table Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setBorder(0); table.setCellpadding(2); table.setCellspacing(0); this.transGIF.setHeight("1"); this.transGIF.setWidth("1"); int row = 1; int col = 1; // add empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); // Set COLUMN WIDTH for column 1 to 5 table.setWidth(1, row, "100"); // table.setWidth(2, row, "70"); // table.setWidth(3, row, "70"); // table.setWidth(4, row, "70"); // table.setWidth(5, row, "104"); row++; col = 1; // *** HEADING Pupil *** Text pupilTxt = new Text(localize(KEY_PUPIL_HEADING, "Pupil")); pupilTxt.setFontStyle(STYLE_UNDERLINED_SMALL_HEADER); table.add(pupilTxt, col++, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "20"); table.setRowVerticalAlignment(row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); row++; col = 1; // empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "5"); col = 1; row++; // Personal Id Number table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_PERSONAL_ID_LABEL, "Personal id: ")), col++, row); if (pupil != null) { table.add(getSmallText(pupil.getPersonalID()), col++, row); } row++; col = 1; // Last Name table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_LAST_NAME_LABEL, "Last name: ")), col++, row); Table nameTable = new Table(); col = 1; nameTable.setCellpadding(0); nameTable.setCellspacing(0); if (pupil != null) { nameTable.add(getSmallText(pupil.getLastName()), col++, 1); } // First Name nameTable.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_FIRST_NAME_LABEL, "First name: ")), col++, 1); if (pupil != null) { nameTable.add(getSmallText(pupil.getFirstName()), col++, 1); } nameTable.setWidth(1, 1, "100"); nameTable.setWidth(2, 1, "100"); nameTable.setWidth(3, 1, "100"); table.add(nameTable, 2, row); table.mergeCells(2, row, 5, row); row++; col = 1; // Address and Phone table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_ADDRESS_LABEL, "Address: ")), col++, row); row++; col = 1; table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_PHONE_LABEL, "Phone: ")), col++, row); if (pupil != null) { try { // pupil address Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(pupil); StringBuffer aBuf = new StringBuffer(address.getStreetAddress()); aBuf.append(", "); aBuf.append(address.getPostalCode().getPostalAddress()); row--; table.add(getSmallText(aBuf.toString()), col, row); row++; // Get pupil phones Collection phones = pupil.getPhones(); int i = 0; int phonesSize = phones.size(); StringBuffer pBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator iter = phones.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { Phone phone = (Phone) iter.next(); pBuf.append(phone.getNumber()); if (i < phonesSize - 1) { pBuf.append(", "); } } pBuf.append(" "); table.add(getSmallText(pBuf.toString()), col, row); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } row++; col = 1; return table; }
private Text getSmallText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); text.setFontStyle(IWConstants.BUILDER_FONT_STYLE_SMALL); return text; }
private Text getTitleText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); text.setFontStyle(IWConstants.BUILDER_FONT_STYLE_TITLE); return text; }