예제 #1
   * Set the switch state for a dual switch. A 'TRUE' state is where the PIO pin is conductive to
   * ground and a 'FALSE' state is where the PIO is floating.
   * @param channelAState state for channel A to set
   * @param channelBState state for channel B to set
   * @throws OneWireIOException
   * @throws iButtonException
  public void setSwitchState(boolean channelAState, boolean channelBState)
      throws OneWireIOException, iButtonException {
    // select the device
    if (adapter.select(address)) {
      // create a block to set the switch state
      // read memory and counter command
      int crc16;

      // write status command
      buffer[0] = WRITE_STATUS_COMMAND;
      crc16 = CRC16.compute(WRITE_STATUS_COMMAND);

      // address of switch state in status
      buffer[1] = 0x07;
      crc16 = CRC16.compute(0x07, crc16);
      buffer[2] = 0x00;
      crc16 = CRC16.compute(0x00, crc16);

      // create state byte to write
      int ffstate = 0x13;
      if (!channelAState) ffstate |= 0x20;
      if (!channelBState) ffstate |= 0x40;

      // write state
      buffer[3] = (byte) ffstate;
      crc16 = CRC16.compute((byte) ffstate, crc16);

      // read CRC16
      buffer[4] = (byte) 0xFF;
      buffer[5] = (byte) 0xFF;

      // send the block
      adapter.dataBlock(buffer, 0, 6);

      // calculate the CRC16 on the result and check if correct
      if (CRC16.compute(buffer, 4, 2, crc16) == 0xB001) return;

    // device must not have been present
    throw new iButtonException("iButtonContainer12-device not present");
예제 #2
   * Set the switch state for a dual switch. A 'TRUE' state is where the PIO pin is conductive to
   * ground and a 'FALSE' state is where the PIO is floating.
   * @param clearActivity <code>true</code> if the activity flags are cleared when the stat is read
   * @throws OneWireIOException
   * @throws iButtonException
  public int readSwitchState(boolean clearActivity) throws OneWireIOException, iButtonException {
    // select the device
    if (adapter.select(address)) {
      int crc16;

      // channel access command
      buffer[0] = CHANNEL_ACCESS_COMMAND;
      crc16 = CRC16.compute(CHANNEL_ACCESS_COMMAND & 0x0FF);

      // send the control bytes
      if (clearActivity) {
        buffer[1] = (byte) 0xD5;
        crc16 = CRC16.compute((byte) 0xD5, crc16);
      } else {
        buffer[1] = (byte) 0x55;
        crc16 = CRC16.compute((byte) 0x55, crc16);
      buffer[2] = (byte) 0xFF;
      crc16 = CRC16.compute((byte) 0xFF, crc16);

      // read the info, dummy and CRC16
      for (int i = 3; i < 7; i++) buffer[i] = (byte) 0xFF;

      // send the block
      adapter.dataBlock(buffer, 0, 7);

      // calculate the CRC16 on the result and check if correct
      if (CRC16.compute(buffer, 3, 4, crc16) == 0xB001) {
        statusHasBeenRead = true;
        currentRawStatus = buffer[3];
        return currentRawStatus;

    // device must not have been present
    throw new OneWireIOException("iButtonContainer12-device not present");
예제 #3
   * This function does the actual work of any reads from memory.
   * @param COMMAND the 1-wire protocol command to send
   * @param target_address the byte address to read from. only matters on page reads. this is turned
   *     into two bytes in the protocol
   * @param length the number of bytes to read. 8,32,or 128.
   * @param doCRC whether or not to perform a CRC calculation
   *     <p>NOTE: This function should not be called just by any method. It assumes that calling
   *     functions know what they are doing (as far as parameters).
  private byte[] read(byte COMMAND, int target_address, int length, boolean doCRC)
      throws iButtonException, OneWireIOException {
    boolean extended = (COMMAND == EXTENDED_READ_MEMORY_COMMAND);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[3 + length + 2];
    int i;
    int redirect_count = 0;
    int crc = 0;
    boolean done_reading = false;
    buffer[0] = COMMAND; // read status memory command
    buffer[1] = (byte) target_address; // there are only 4 pages (128 bytes), i had left the
    //     address alone but this breaks the crc calculation
    buffer[2] = 0; // only 128 bytes, so address will fit in first byte
    for (i = 3; i < buffer.length; i++) buffer[i] = (byte) 0x0ff; // blank out the rest to do a read

    if (doCRC) {
      crc = CRC16.compute(COMMAND);
      crc = CRC16.compute((byte) target_address, crc);
      crc = CRC16.compute(0x00, crc);

    /*The 2407 has bytes for page redirecting since it has EPROM and not RAM.  This way a page
     can be 'overridden' by redirecting its page address.  For this reason we have to watch for this
     redirection on an EXTENDED_READ_MEMORY_COMMAND
    while (!done_reading) {
      if (!extended) {
        adapter.dataBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
        done_reading = true;
        adapter.dataBlock(buffer, 0, 6); // send enough to get the redirect byte and the CRC

        /* CRC CHECK HERE */
        for (i = 3; i < 6; i++) crc = CRC16.compute(buffer[i], crc);

        if (crc != 0xB001) throw new OneWireIOException("Invalid CRC: Device may be missing.");

        if (buffer[3] != (byte) 0xff) // NOT 0x0ff means we are redirected, so read again
          buffer[0] = EXTENDED_READ_MEMORY_COMMAND; // reset the beginning of the buffer
          buffer[1] = (byte) ((~buffer[3]) << 5);
          buffer[2] = 0;
          buffer[3] = buffer[4] = buffer[5] = (byte) 0xff;
          crc = CRC16.compute(EXTENDED_READ_MEMORY_COMMAND);
          crc = CRC16.compute(buffer[1], crc);
          crc = CRC16.compute(0x00, crc);
          if (redirect_count == 4) return null; // guard against infinite looping pages
        } else {
          // want the page data to start at byte 3, so clean up first
          buffer[3] = buffer[4] = buffer[5] = (byte) 0xff;
          adapter.dataBlock(buffer, 3, buffer.length - 3);
          done_reading = true;
          // in extended read page, the crc is cleared before the page data begins
          crc = 0;

    if (doCRC) {
      for (i = 3; i < buffer.length; i++) crc = CRC16.compute((byte) buffer[i], crc);

    if ((crc == 0xB001) || (!doCRC)) // magic crc number
      byte[] buf = new byte[length];
      System.arraycopy(buffer, 3, buf, 0, length);
      return buf;

    throw new OneWireIOException("Invalid CRC: Device may be missing.");
예제 #4
   * Used to access the PIO channels to sense the logical status of the output node. This method
   * supports all the modes of communication with the part as described in the datasheet for the
   * DS2406/2407.
   * @param inbuffer The input buffer. Depending on the other options chosen to this method, this
   *     will contain data to be written to the channels or it will have no interesting data in the
   *     case of a read-only channel access.
   * @param toggleRW By selecting toggleRW to be true, the part will alternately read and write
   *     bytes from and to this channel. Setting toggleRW to false means that only one operation
   *     will occur, whichever operation is selected by readInitially.
   * @param readInitially If readInitially is true, the first operation to occur will be a read,
   *     else it will be a write. If toggleRW is false, the operation chosen by this flag is the
   *     only operation that will occur. If toggleRW is true, this operation is the one that will
   *     occur first, then the other will occur. For example, if toggleRW is true and readInitially
   *     is false (and you only have one channel communication), 8 bits will be written to channel A
   *     and then 8 bits will be read from channel A.
   * @param CRCMode The 2406/7 supports 4 CRC generation modes for error detection when performing
   *     channel access. This argument should have one of the following values: CRC_DISABLE Never
   *     generate a CRC CRC_EVERY_BYTE Generate a CRC after every byte transmission.
   *     CRC_EVERY_8_BYTES Generate a CRC after every 8 bytes. CRC_EVERY_32_BYTES Generate a CRC
   *     after every 32 bytes. Invalid values will be masked to valid values. The CRC is 16 bits,
   *     and does not get passed back with the output. The function returns null on a CRC failure.
   * @param channelMode The 2406/7 supports 3 modes of channel communication. This argument should
   *     take one of the following values: CHANNEL_A_ONLY Only communicate with PIO A CHANNEL_B_ONLY
   *     Only communicate with PIO B CHANNEL_BOTH Communicate with both PIO's If CHANNEL_BOTH is
   *     selected, data is written and read alternatingly from the input buffer to the two channels.
   *     See the datasheet for a description of operation in this mode. If communicating with both
   *     channels, it is up to the caller to format the data correctly in the input buffer so the
   *     correct channel gets the correct data. Similarly, any return data must be parsed by the
   *     user.
   * @param clearActivity True to reset the activity latch.
   * @param interleave The value for the Interleave Control bit. If true, operates in synchronous
   *     mode. False operates in asynchronous mode. See the datasheet for a discussion of
   *     asynchronous and synchronous mode. This argument only matters if communicating with both
   *     channels.
   * @return If any bytes were read, this returns a byte array of data read from the channel access.
   *     If no bytes were read, it will return the input buffer that was to be written. If an error
   *     occurs (such as an invalid CRC), the method returns null.
   * @exception com.ibutton.iButtonException
   * @exception OneWireIOException
  public byte[] channelAccess(
      byte[] inbuffer,
      boolean toggleRW,
      boolean readInitially,
      int CRCMode,
      int channelMode,
      boolean clearActivity,
      boolean interleave)
      throws iButtonException, OneWireIOException {
    channelMode = channelMode & 0x0c; // MASK THIS TO ACCEPTABLE VALUE
    if (channelMode == 0) channelMode = 0x04; // CHANNELMODE CANNOT BE 0
    if (interleave && (channelMode != CHANNEL_BOTH)) // CANNOT INTERLEAVE WITH ONLY 1 CHANNEL
    interleave = false;
    if (adapter.select(address)) {
      int crc16;
      int i;

      // now figure out how many bytes my output buffer needs to be
      int inlength = inbuffer.length;
      if (toggleRW) inlength = (inlength << 1); // = inlength * 2
      switch (CRCMode) {
        case CRC_EVERY_BYTE: // we need to allow for 2 CRC bytes for every byte of the length
          inlength = inlength * 3; // length + 2*length
        case CRC_EVERY_8_BYTES: // we need to allow for 2 CRC bytes for every 8 bytes of length
          inlength = inlength + ((inlength >> 3) << 1); // (length DIV 8) * 2
        case CRC_EVERY_32_BYTES: // we need to allow for 2 CRC bytes for every 32 bytes of length
          inlength = inlength + ((inlength >> 5) << 1); // (length DIV 32) * 2

      byte[] outputbuffer = new byte[inlength + 3 + 1]; // 3 control bytes + 1 information byte
      outputbuffer[0] = CHANNEL_ACCESS_COMMAND;

      crc16 = CRC16.compute(CHANNEL_ACCESS_COMMAND & 0x0FF);

      // send the control bytes

      outputbuffer[1] =
                  | channelMode
                  | (clearActivity ? 0x80 : 0x00)
                  | (interleave ? 0x10 : 0x00)
                  | (toggleRW ? 0x20 : 0x00)
                  | (readInitially ? 0x40 : 0x00));

      outputbuffer[2] = (byte) 0xFF;
      crc16 = CRC16.compute(outputbuffer, 1, 2, crc16);
      for (i = 3; i < outputbuffer.length; i++) outputbuffer[i] = (byte) 0xff;

      // now for the hard part: putting the right outputbuffer into the array
      // first lets see if we can skip this stage, ie on just a read

            At this point we have 16 options:
            Initial  Toggle  CRC   Description
         0   write    off     0    Only write these bytes, CRC disabled
         1   write    off     1    Write these bytes, CRC for every byte
         2   write    off     8    Write these bytes, CRC for every 8 bytes
         3   write    off     32   Write these bytes, CRC for every 32 bytes
         4   write    on      0    Write a byte, read a byte, no CRC
         5   write    on      1    Write a byte, CRC, read a byte, CRC
         6   write    on      8    Write a byte, read a byte X 4 then a CRC
         7   write    on      32   Write a byte, read a byte X 16 then a CRC
         8   read     off     0    Read this many bytes, CRC disabled
         9   read     off     1    Read this many bytes, CRC for every byte
         a   read     off     8    Read this many bytes, CRC for every 8 bytes
         b   read     off     32   Read this many bytes, CRC for every 32 bytes
         c   read     on      0    Read a byte, write a byte, no CRC
         d   read     on      1    Read a byte, CRC, write a byte, CRC
         e   read     on      8    Read a byte, write a byte X 4 then a CRC
         f   read     on      32   Read a byte, write a byte X 16 then a CRC

         Options 0-3 require that we space the input buffer for the CRCs.
         Options 8-b require no extra work, since we have already loaded the buffer with FF's for reads.
         Options 4 and c require that we interleave the write bytes and the read FF's
         Options 5 and d require that we interleace write byte, CRC space, read byte, CRC space
         Other options are really messy

      int j = 4; // outputbuffer 0-2 is command bytes, outputbuffer[3] is return info
      int option = outputbuffer[1] & 0x63; // get the bits out we want for toggle, initial, and CRC
      option = ((option >> 3) | option) & 0x0f; // now lets make it a number 0-15

      /*switch (option)
          case 0    :
          case 1    :
          case 2    :
          case 3    : for (i=0;i<inbuffer.length;i++)
                         outputbuffer[j] = inbuffer[i];
                         j = j + fixJ(i+1,option);
          case 4    :
          case 5    :
          case 6    :
          case 7    : for (i=0;i<inbuffer.length;i++)
                          outputbuffer[j] = inbuffer[i];
                          j = j + fixJ((i*2)+1,option);
                          //then we plug in a read space
                          j = j + fixJ((i*2)+2,option);
          case 8    :
          case 9    :
          case 0x0a :
          case 0x0b :
                      break;  //nothing needs to be done
          case 0x0c :
          case 0x0d :
          case 0x0e :
          case 0x0f : for (i=0;i<inbuffer.length;i++)
                          //first we plug in a read space
                          j = j + fixJ((i*2)+1,option);
                          outputbuffer[j] = inbuffer[i];
                          j = j + fixJ((i*2)+2,option);

      /* this next section of code replaces the previous section to reduce redundant code.
         here we are formatting the output buffer so it has FF's in the right places
         for reading the CRC's and reading the data from the channels.  the previous code
         is left because it makes a little more sense in that form. at least i think so.

      if ((option < 8)
          || (option > 0x0b)) // if this is not a read-only (which we need do nothing for)
        for (i = 0; i < inbuffer.length; i++) {
          if (option > 0x0b) // then we are reading first
          j = j + fixJ((i * 2) + 1, option); //  leave a space for a read, and the CRC if need be
          outputbuffer[j] = inbuffer[i]; // write this data
          if (option < 0x04) // if this is only a write
          j = j + fixJ(i + 1, option); //  leave a space for CRC if needed, else just increment
          else // else we are toggling
            if (option < 0x08) // this is a write-first toggle
            j = j + fixJ((i * 2) + 1, option); //   so leave a space for a read
            j = j + fixJ((i * 2) + 2, option); // now leave a space for the CRC

      // now our output buffer should be set correctly

      // send the block Pinky!
      adapter.dataBlock(outputbuffer, 0, outputbuffer.length);

      // calculate the CRC16 within the resulting buffer for integrity
      // start at offset 3 for the information byte
      crc16 = CRC16.compute(outputbuffer[3], crc16);
      j = 0; // j will be how many bytes we are into the buffer - CRC bytes read
      int k = 0; // index into the return buffer
      boolean fresh = false; // whether or not we need to reinitialize the CRC calculation
      byte[] returnbuffer = new byte[inbuffer.length];
      for (i = 4; i < outputbuffer.length; i++) {
        if (CRCMode != CRC_DISABLE) {
          if (fresh) {
            crc16 = CRC16.compute(outputbuffer[i]);
            fresh = false;
          } else crc16 = CRC16.compute(outputbuffer[i], crc16);
        if ((!toggleRW && readInitially)
            || (toggleRW && readInitially && ((j & 0x01) == 0x00))
            || (toggleRW && !readInitially && ((j & 0x01) == 0x01))) {
          returnbuffer[k] = outputbuffer[i];
        if ((fixJ(j, option) > 1)
            && (CRCMode != CRC_DISABLE)) // means that we should look for a CRC
          crc16 = CRC16.compute(outputbuffer, i + 1, 2, crc16);
          i += 2;
          if (crc16 != 0xb001) return null; // invalid CRC!!!

          fresh = true;
      // now that we got the right bytes out of the array
      return returnbuffer;
    // device must not have been present
    throw new OneWireIOException("iButtonContainer12-device not present");