private static void runComputeModule( final String binDir, final Config cfg, final String outputDir) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, CancelException, PDGFormatException, WalaException { Main.checkOrCreateOutputDir(outputDir); System.out.print("Setting up analysis scope... "); // Fuegt die normale Java Bibliothek zum Scope hinzu AnalysisScope scope = AnalysisScopeReader.makePrimordialScope(null); if (cfg.nativesXML != null) {; } // if use stubs if (cfg.stubs != null) { scope.addToScope(ClassLoaderReference.Primordial, new JarFile(cfg.stubs)); } // Nimmt unnoetige Klassen raus SetOfClasses exclusions = new FileOfClasses(new ByteArrayInputStream(cfg.exclusions.getBytes())); scope.setExclusions(exclusions); ClassLoaderReference loader = scope.getLoader(AnalysisScope.APPLICATION); AnalysisScopeReader.addClassPathToScope(binDir, scope, loader); System.out.println("done."); ClassHierarchy cha = ClassHierarchy.make(scope); System.out.print("Creating MoJo... "); MoJo mojo = MoJo.create(cha); System.out.println("done."); for (IClass cls : cha) { for (IMethod im : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (im.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() || im.isAbstract()) { // skip methods without a body continue; } MethodInfo nfo = cfg.extern.checkForModuleMethod(im); if (nfo != null) { System.out.println("Found " + nfo + " for " + im); final String sig = Dictionary.extractSignature(im); final String outputMethodDir = outputDir + (outputDir.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + "m_" + sig; Main.checkOrCreateOutputDir(outputMethodDir); computeVariants(mojo, im, nfo, outputMethodDir); } } } }
public Set<String> getSetOfLinesRelatedToAddedMethods() { Set<String> lineNumbersOfAddedMethods = new HashSet<String>(); for (IMethod method : getAddedMethods()) { int getLineNumberOfFirstLineOfMethod = 0; try { getLineNumberOfFirstLineOfMethod = method.getLineNumber(1); // getMethodStartLineNumber(method); } catch (Exception e) { } lineNumbersOfAddedMethods.add( getClassName(method.getDeclaringClass()) + "," + getLineNumberOfFirstLineOfMethod); } return lineNumbersOfAddedMethods; }
/** * @param m a method reference * @return a SyntheticMethod corresponding to m; or null if none is available. */ protected SyntheticMethod findOrCreateSyntheticMethod(IMethod m, boolean isStatic) { MethodReference ref = m.getReference(); if (syntheticMethods.containsKey(ref)) { return syntheticMethods.get(ref); } else { MethodSummary summ = null; if (canIgnore(ref)) { summ = generateNoOp(ref, isStatic); } else { summ = findSummary(ref); } if (summ != null) { SummarizedMethod n = new SummarizedMethod(ref, summ, m.getDeclaringClass()); syntheticMethods.put(ref, n); return n; } else { syntheticMethods.put(ref, null); return null; } } }
public LocalCallSSAVisitor(IMethod method, SymbolTable symtab, DefUse du, FlowGraph flowgraph) { super(method, symtab, du); this.flowgraph = flowgraph; this.factory = flowgraph.getVertexFactory(); this.caller = this.factory.makeFuncVertex(method.getDeclaringClass()); }
private static SDGNode convertNode(SDGBuilder sdg, PDGNode node) { Operation op = null; Kind kind = null; int[] allocNodes = null; switch (node.getKind()) { case ACTUAL_IN: op = Operation.ACTUAL_IN; kind = Kind.ACTUAL_IN; break; case ACTUAL_OUT: op = Operation.ACTUAL_OUT; kind = Kind.ACTUAL_OUT; break; case CALL: op = Operation.CALL; kind = Kind.CALL; if (sdg.cfg.computeInterference) { TIntSet allocNodesAsSet = sdg.getAllocationNodes(node); if (allocNodesAsSet != null) { allocNodes = allocNodesAsSet.toArray(); } } break; case ENTRY: op = Operation.ENTRY; kind = Kind.ENTRY; break; case EXIT: op = Operation.EXIT; kind = Kind.EXIT; break; case EXPRESSION: op = Operation.ASSIGN; kind = Kind.EXPRESSION; break; case FOLDED: op = Operation.COMPOUND; kind = Kind.FOLDED; break; case FORMAL_IN: op = Operation.FORMAL_IN; kind = Kind.FORMAL_IN; break; case FORMAL_OUT: op = Operation.FORMAL_OUT; kind = Kind.FORMAL_OUT; break; case HREAD: op = Operation.REFERENCE; kind = Kind.EXPRESSION; break; case HWRITE: op = Operation.MODIFY; kind = Kind.EXPRESSION; break; case JOIN: op = Operation.COMPOUND; kind = Kind.JOIN; break; case NEW: op = Operation.DECLARATION; kind = Kind.NORMAL; break; case NORMAL: op = Operation.COMPOUND; kind = Kind.NORMAL; break; case PHI: op = Operation.ASSIGN; kind = Kind.EXPRESSION; break; case PREDICATE: op = Operation.IF; kind = Kind.PREDICATE; break; case SYNCHRONIZATION: op = Operation.MONITOR; kind = Kind.SYNCHRONIZATION; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown node kind: " + node.getKind().name()); } SourceLocation sloc = node.getSourceLocation(); SDGNode sn = new SecurityNode( node.getId(), op, node.getLabel(), node.getPdgId(), node.getType(), sloc.getSourceFile(), sloc.getStartRow(), sloc.getStartColumn(), sloc.getEndRow(), sloc.getEndColumn(), node.getBytecodeName(), node.getBytecodeIndex()); if (node.getKind() == PDGNode.Kind.ENTRY) { PDG pdg = sdg.getPDGforId(node.getPdgId()); IMethod im = pdg.getMethod(); if (im != null) { IClass cls = im.getDeclaringClass(); if (cls != null) { String clsLoader = cls.getClassLoader().toString(); sn.setClassLoader(clsLoader); } } } if (allocNodes != null) { sn.setAllocationSites(allocNodes); } if (node.getAliasDataSources() != null) { sn.setAliasDataSources(node.getAliasDataSources()); } assert sn.getKind() == kind; return sn; }
/** @param method An arbitrary method declared on a template class annotated with `@Capsule`. */ public static boolean isProcedure(IMethod method) { assert isCapsuleTemplate(method.getDeclaringClass()); return method.isPublic() == true // Only a capsule's public methods are procedures. && isSpecialCapsuleDecl(method) == false; // Don't count special decls as procedures. }
/** @param method An arbitrary method on a template class annotated with `@Capsule`. */ public static boolean isSpecialCapsuleDecl(IMethod method) { assert isCapsuleTemplate(method.getDeclaringClass()); return isNamed(method, "init") || isNamed(method, "design") || isNamed(method, "run"); }
public static boolean isRemoteProcedure(IMethod method) { return isCapsuleInterface(method.getDeclaringClass()); }