@Override public void bridgeEstablished() { /* Only rebuild launchers if the updater is not waiting for the bridge to come back, * as the GUI will be restarted shortly */ if (updateScene == null || (!updateScene.isAwaitingBridgeEstablish() && !updateScene.isAwaitingGUIRestart())) { log.info(String.format("Bridge established, rebuilding all launchers")); rebuildAllLaunchers(); if (context.getBridge().isServiceUpdating()) { setMode(Mode.UPDATE); } else { final StringProperty prop = Configuration.getDefault().temporaryOnStartConnectionProperty(); String tmp = prop.get(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tmp)) { try { Connection c = context.getBridge().getConnectionService().getConnection(Long.parseLong(tmp)); if (c == null) throw new Exception("No connection with id of " + tmp); log.info( String.format( "Using temporary 'on start' connection %d (%s)", c.getId(), c.getHostname())); context.getBridge().connect(c); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to start temporary 'on start' connection.", e); } prop.set(""); } } } }
@Override public void disconnected(Connection connection, Exception e) { log.info(String.format("Connection disconnected (%s)", connection.toString())); rebuildAllLaunchers(); }
@Override public void finishedConnecting(Connection connection, Exception e) { log.info(String.format("New connection finished connected (%s)", connection.toString())); Platform.runLater(() -> setAvailable()); }