@Override public final NodeValue exec(List<NodeValue> args) { if (args == null) // The contract on the function interface is that this should not happen. throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Function '" + Utils.className(this) + " Null args list"); if (args.size() != 0) throw new ExprEvalException( "Function '" + Utils.className(this) + " Wanted 0, got " + args.size()); return exec(); }
public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception { System.out.println("ARQ Example: " + Utils.classShortName(ExLucene3.class)); System.out.println("ARQ: " + ARQ.VERSION); System.out.println(); Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); IndexLARQ index = buildTitleIndex(model, "src/test/resources/LARQ/data-1.ttl"); // Search for string String searchString = "+document"; // This time, find documents with a matching DC title. String queryString = StrUtils.strjoin( "\n", "PREFIX pf: <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/ARQ/property#>", "PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>", "PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>", "PREFIX : <http://example/>", "SELECT ?title {", " ?title pf:textMatch '" + searchString + "'.", "}"); // Two of three documents should match. ExLucene1.performQuery(model, index, queryString); index.close(); }
@Override protected void details(IndentedWriter out, SerializationContext sCxt) { out.println(Utils.className(this)); out.incIndent(); op.output(out, sCxt); out.decIndent(); }
public boolean equiv(BasicPattern other, NodeIsomorphismMap isoMap) { if (this.triples.size() != other.triples.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < this.triples.size(); i++) { Triple t1 = get(i); Triple t2 = other.get(i); if (!Utils.tripleIso(t1, t2, isoMap)) return false; } return true; }
public boolean equiv(PathBlock other, NodeIsomorphismMap isoMap) { if (this.triplePaths.size() != other.triplePaths.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < this.triplePaths.size(); i++) { TriplePath tp1 = get(i); TriplePath tp2 = other.get(i); if (!Utils.triplePathIso(tp1, tp2, isoMap)) return false; } return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (!(other instanceof SortCondition)) return false; SortCondition sc = (SortCondition) other; if (sc.getDirection() != this.getDirection()) return false; if (!Utils.equal(this.getExpression(), sc.getExpression())) return false; // if ( ! Utils.eq(this.getVariable(), sc.getVariable()) ) // return false ; return true; }
// Do better @Override public void output(IndentedWriter out, SerializationContext sCxt) { out.println(Utils.className(this)); out.incIndent(); out.print(Plan.startMarker); out.incIndent(); getLeft().output(out, sCxt); out.decIndent(); // out.ensureStartOfLine() ; out.println(Plan.finishMarker); out.print(Plan.startMarker); out.incIndent(); getRight().output(out, sCxt); out.decIndent(); // out.ensureStartOfLine() ; out.println(Plan.finishMarker); out.decIndent(); }
@Override protected String getCommandName() { return Utils.className(this); }
@Override public void checkBuild(String uri, ExprList args) { if (args.size() != 0) throw new QueryBuildException("Function '" + Utils.className(this) + "' takes no arguments"); }
protected void details(IndentedWriter out, SerializationContext sCxt) { out.println(Utils.className(this)); }
@Override public boolean equalTo(Path path2, NodeIsomorphismMap isoMap) { if (!(path2 instanceof P_ReverseLink)) return false; P_ReverseLink other = (P_ReverseLink) path2; return Utils.nodeIso(node, other.node, isoMap); }
@Override protected String getCommandName() { return Utils.classShortName(riot.class); }