  public UpdateContainer doIt(VWorkspace vWorkspace) throws CommandException {
    OntologyManager ontMgr = vWorkspace.getWorkspace().getOntologyManager();
    JSONArray classesList = new JSONArray();
    JSONArray classesMap = new JSONArray();
    JSONArray propertiesList = new JSONArray();
    JSONArray propertiesMap = new JSONArray();

    Map<String, String> prefixMap = vWorkspace.getWorkspace().getOntologyManager().getPrefixMap();

    ExtendedIterator<OntClass> iter = ontMgr.getOntModel().listNamedClasses();
    //		ExtendedIterator<DatatypeProperty> propsIter = ontMgr.getOntModel()
    //				.listDatatypeProperties();
    ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> propsIter = ontMgr.getOntModel().listAllOntProperties();
    final JSONObject outputObj = new JSONObject();

    try {
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        OntClass cls = iter.next();

        String pr = prefixMap.get(cls.getNameSpace());
        String classLabel = cls.getLocalName();
        //				if (cls.getLabel(null) != null && !cls.getLabel(null).equals(""))
        //					classLabel = cls.getLabel(null);
        String clsStr = (pr != null && !pr.equals("")) ? pr + ":" + classLabel : classLabel;

        JSONObject classKey = new JSONObject();
        classKey.put(clsStr, cls.getURI());

      while (propsIter.hasNext()) {
        //				DatatypeProperty prop = propsIter.next();
        OntProperty prop = propsIter.next();

        if (prop.isObjectProperty() && !prop.isDatatypeProperty()) continue;

        String pr = prefixMap.get(prop.getNameSpace());
        String propLabel = prop.getLocalName();
        //				if (prop.getLabel(null) != null && !prop.getLabel(null).equals(""))
        //					propLabel = prop.getLabel(null);
        String propStr = (pr != null && !pr.equals("")) ? pr + ":" + propLabel : propLabel;

        JSONObject propKey = new JSONObject();
        propKey.put(propStr, prop.getURI());

      // Populate the JSON object that will hold everything in output
      outputObj.put(JsonKeys.classList.name(), classesList);
      outputObj.put(JsonKeys.classMap.name(), classesMap);
      outputObj.put(JsonKeys.propertyList.name(), propertiesList);
      outputObj.put(JsonKeys.propertyMap.name(), propertiesMap);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      logger.error("Error populating JSON!");

    UpdateContainer upd =
        new UpdateContainer(
            new AbstractUpdate() {
              public void generateJson(String prefix, PrintWriter pw, VWorkspace vWorkspace) {
    return upd;